• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 5,583 Views, 315 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony - Banshee531

Centuries ago, ten Elements were lost. Now a new threat has come to our world and it's up to five young heroes to become our protectors, to become Power Rangers Guardians.

  • ...

The Thundering Hero


The city of Cloudsdale is well known for its many attractions, Buffalo Labs being one of them, but another was Cloudsdale High, a school which boasted some of the best young athletes in the country.

Today a team of those athletes, the Wonderbolt Soccer Team, was facing one of its minor rivals. Canterlot High's Wondercolts.

There was only one minute left on the clock and the score was tied two all and the ball was in the Wondercolt's possession. "It's over," Rainbow said as she dribbled the ball, "straight to the goal." She ran as fast as she could towards it, but the the Wonderbolt's defensive players stood in her way.

Among them was a teenage boy, with light blue skin and dark blue hair. His name was Soarin Skies and he intended to get the ball away from her. "You're not getting passed me," he said as he blocked her off keeping in perfect step with her and preventing her from advancing.

"Heath!" she called out passing the ball to one of her teammates.

"I got it," Heath Burns said ready to receive it, only for the Wonderbolt's captain Spitfire to intercept and take it.

It was over in a flash, Spitfire raced across the field and scored the winning goal just as the whistle blew.

A little later, Rainbow was saying goodbye to her teammates. "Sorry again Rainbow," Heath said.

"It's cool," Rainbow said, "we'll get them next time."

"Right!" They all agreed before going their separate ways.

As Rainbow turned the corner she felt herself bump into somebody. "Hey," she said looking up, only to see it was Soarin, "oh it's you."

"Hey," he said, "you did pretty great out there."

"Thanks," Rainbow said, "I guess you did okay too."

"Thanks," Soarin said, "I'll see you Saturday."

"Yeap," she replied, "and get ready to lose."

They went their separate ways and headed off, Rainbow heading to a bus stop that would take her back to CHS. The sun was setting as she walked through the streets of Cloudsdale, but Rainbow wasn't scared. However as she turned onto the street the bus stop was suppose to be, she found herself in front of a group of punks.

"Hey there sweetheart," the leader, a guy with a mohawk, said to her, "you looking for a good time?"

Rainbow wasn't scared. She could easily beat these creeps and even if she couldn't, her super speed would get her to safety. As she tried to push through the group the mohawk head grabbed her arm.

"I asked you a question," he said.

"Get lost," she said pulling her arm away, only to get shoved into the wall.

"Don't make me do something rash," Mohawk said as he pulled out a knife while his friends surrounded her.

Okay, Rainbow was getting scared now, but they didn't know she wasn't just some girl. Raising her hand she reached for the jewel around her neck to activate her speed, only for her heart to skip when she found she didn't have it. Further panic ensued, when she remembered she'd taken it off for the game and hadn't put it back on.

"So what's it gonna be missy, you gonna play nice?"

"Maybe you should learn a new game!" A voice from above spoke, catching their attention as a sudden bolt of blue lightning struck the ground between Rainbow and the punks.

The punks all looked up at one of the nearby buildings and screamed, seeing someone on the roof. "It's the Thundering Hero," one screamed.

"Let's get out of here," another said as they began to run.

"Get back here cowards," Mohawk said, "it's only one guy."

"That's just enough to beat you," the figure on the roof yelled as a blinding flash of light appeared, causing both Rainbow and Mohawk to flinch and close their eyes.

Second passed for Rainbow as the light continued to burn, while the sounds of fighting caught her ears. Eventually the light died down and Rainbow opened her eyes, though still had blurry vision, and saw Mohawk on the ground with the figure standing over him. Though she couldn't make out much, Rainbow recognised the form standing in front of her and gasp. Finally managing to blink her eyes back to normal she looked around, but by now the figure was gone.

"No way," she said, "was I just saved by a Power Ranger?"

"Your sure it was a Ranger?" Flash asked.

It was Saturday morning and Rainbow had just retold the story of what had happened two nights ago at Cloudsdale.

"I'm telling you," Rainbow said, "I know what I saw."

"It is the most likely explanation," Micro said, "who else could do the things Rainbow described."

"But which Ranger is it?" Lyra asked, "the orange Ranger?"

"Or it could have been whoever was piloting the Thunderbird Zord," Sweetie said.

"For all we know it could be one of the other Elements," Twilight said, "we just can't be sure."

"One thing's for sure," Flash said, "we'll be heading to Cloudsdale to look for some clues."

"I wish I could have told you all yesterday," Rainbow said, "but with my match on Thursday and the match today my dad wouldn't even let me leave the house or have my phone."

"Your dad's extreme," Sandal said.

"He just doesn't want me being to tired for my match," Rainbow said.

"Well good luck with the match today," Celestia said.

Suddenly the holotable activated, showing a hologram of Vice-Principle Luna. "Twilight," she said, "you need to get up here."

"What is it sister?" Celestia asked.

"Is something wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Your brother is here," Luna replied.


Up in space Darklight, Doom Raizer and Heart Breaker were on the bridge of the ship, watching footage of all the Ranger's battles while trying to come up with a way to defeat them.

"There has to be a way," Darklight said.

"The problem is there's to many of them," Doom said, "one's strong enough to defeat a horde of Shades and we can't risk allowing more then one or two monsters free. The five of them together will be impossible to beat."

"So we need to find a way to split them up," Heart said.

"But the question how do we do that?" Doom asked.

Suddenly the main screen burst into life and showed Cogs. "Master."

"What is it Cogs?" Darklight asked.

"I have something incredible to show you," Cogs said, "meet me in the main lab."

The three of them headed down into the lab, where they found Cogs working at the computer of some kind of machine which was a tub like chamber with a tinted glass like door.

"What is this?" Darklight asked.

"My newest creation," Cogs said, "the reanimator."

"And what pray tell," Heart asked, "does the reanimator do."

"With it we can return the monsters the Ranger's destroyed," Cogs said, "I've inputted the data of every monster we have. Not only that but we can improve them in any way we want."

"Is that so?" Doom said, "then prove it."

"Indeed," Darklight said, "revive a monster."

"With pleasure," Cogs said, "and I know the perfect one and how to improve him." He typed away at the computer before the machine burst into life, sparking and beeping as the chamber filled it smoke.

Finally the machine came to a stop and slowly the door opened and released the smoke, before something stepped out. It was a familiar white machine monster, with a computer screen for a head and on one of his arms was an looking contraption.

"Gigabyte," Heart screamed looking at the revived monster, "this piece of scrap metal is your idea of a perfect monster to revive?"

"Yes," Cogs said, "because now I've upgraded his systems to match that of the latest super computer."

"I guess we could try the Digitiser plan again," Doom said.

"Unfortunately," Cogs said, "he didn't have his Digitiser when he was destroyed."

"Then what's the point?" Doom asked.

"I've uploaded him with all the data on the Ranger's battle style," Cogs said, "plus their Zord and Megazord information. There's nothing the Rangers will do that's surprise him."

"He's right," Gigabyte said, "I've already come up with three hundred and sixty two ways of defeating the Power Rangers. I swear I'll get you those Elements in no time master."

"I've also reprogrammed him to be unconditionally loyal to you master Darklight."

"Impressive," Darklight said, "you and Doom head down to earth and bring me an Element."

The group had all rushed upstairs, where they found Luna, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie in the cafeteria. Next to them stood a man of about twenty years old, with white skin and blue hair. He wore a long white overcoat.

"Shining Armor," Twilight said, "what are you doing here?"

"Can't a brother come see his little sister?" Shining asked her.

"I know but we're kind of busy," Twilight said, "especially with the match on."

"We finished most of that yesterday," Sweetie told her, "enjoy yourselves."

"Besides," Shining said, "I'm also here on business." Shining Armor was a detective for the Canterlot Police Department.

"What business?" Twilight said in confusion.

Shining's face turned from a happy smile to a dark frown. "Well you see I've been put on the Baltimare Towers case."

Everyone went completely still hearing this.

"You've all heard about it haven't you?" Shining said.

"Who hasn't," Rainbow said with a nervous laugh.

"Yeah," Applejack said, "good thing the Power Rangers showed up when they did."

"That's right," Shining said, "I watch the whole thing on the security system and something quite interesting caught my eye." He took out his phone and began swiping at it, until he showed it to everyone. It was a picture, or more like a still image, of Twilight and Flash during the battle between the Rangers and Blizzard.

"Oh," Twilight said seeing it.

"You wanna explain this sis," Shining said.

"I'm sure that's not her," Flash said, "how would she get into a big important party like that."

Shining turned to Flash and then took a second look, before glancing down at his phone and then back at him. "This is you."

Flash gave a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Alright punk," Shining said getting to close for comfort, "what's the deal with you and my sister at the most important party of the city?"

"Um," Flash said.

"Shining Armor," Twilight said getting between them, "leave him alone."

"Twilight I love you," Shining said, "but even though your my sister I have no choice but to take both you and this punk down to the station for questioning if I don't get some good answers."

"Okay," Twilight said, "I'll tell you everything you want to know, but only after the game. I promised my friends I'd help them." She gave him her best puppy dog eyes.

Shining Armour sighed before saying, "okay. But I'm sticking around to keep an eye on you," he then turned to Flash, "and you!"

Flash just gulped.

A little while later the Rangers and there friends were finishing the field's setup. while Rainbow and her team were getting changed for the game.

Shining Armor was sitting on the bleachers watching everyone, glaring at Flash whenever he got to close to Twilight.

"You're not really going to tell him are you?" Sweetie asked Twilight.

"No," Twilight replied, "but hopefully this match will be long enough for me to come up with an excuse."

"Let's hope," Lyra said.

It was then that a bus pulled up outside the school, with the Cloudsdale Wonderbolts stepping out.

"It that them?" Micro asked.

"Yeah that's them," they turned to see Rainbow step out of the changing room.

"They look really serious," Sandal said.

"They are," Rainbow replied, "that's because they've got a reputation to uphold. They've won the intercity championships five years in a row, so there's a lot of expectation for them to win."

"Sounds harsh," Flash said, "that guy doesn't look to serious though." He pointed at the one teen who was smiling.

"That's Soarin," Rainbow said, "he may not look it but he's the most serious player on the team."

"What position does he play?" Fluttershy asked.

"Defence," Rainbow said, "he's one of the best spotters. He's also a wide receiver and safety for their football team and is third base for the baseball."

"Not very exciting positions," Rarity said.

"Maybe," Rainbow said, "but he does them to the best of his skill."

"Impressive," Twilight said.

Several minutes passed and the Wonderbolts exited the changing room, kitted out and ready for the game. There was several minutes of stretching, while spectators took their seat on the bleachers.

Flash had the unfortunate luck of having Shining Armor sit next to him, while Twilight was on her brothers other side. The two had hoped to talk and get their story straight, but it looked like that wasn't happening.

Once the players were warmed up and in position, the ref blew his whistle and the game was on. Rainbow hadn't been kidding when she said that Cloudsdale was skilled, as the entire team worked like a well oiled machine with each player being right where they needed to be.

Rainbow was working over time, as she was the only on on the Wondercolts whose skill matched that of the opposition. However Soarin seemed to live up to Rainbow's praise, as he managed to keep Rainbow in check and prevent her from really pulling ahead. With her severely blocked, the rest of the team didn't stand a chance and just before the end of the first set they managed to score.

"You weren't kidding when you said they were good," Rarity said as she passed Rainbow her water bottle.

"Told yeah," Rainbow replied.

"That Soarin fella was on you like a fly on a cow's rear," Applejack said.

"He might not be playing the staring role," Micro said, "but he's doing exactly what his team needs him to do."

"Exactly," Rainbow said.

Meanwhile Flash had gone into the equipment shed to find the spare ball, as the ref had checked the current one which had become a little under inflated. "Where is it?" Flash said looking around.

"Looking for something?" he turned to see Shining Armor had entered the shed.

"What do you want?" Flash asked.

"Figured we can finally talk," Shining said, "without my sister in the way."

"Well like she said you can wait until after the game."

"I don't have to wait," Shining told him, "I'm doing so because she asked me. I could bring you in right now if I wanted to."

"On what charges?"

"Interfering with a police investigation, wasting police time."

"Like you'd dare do anything like that," Flash said as he grabbed the ball.

"You think you're tough?" Shining asked, "I've dealt with punks like you before."

"Trust me," Flash said, "I'm not like anyone you've ever dealt with."

"Is that a threat?"

"It's a warning."

The two stared at each other for several moments, neither daring to blink. It felt like an internal struggle of wills which could have lasted forever, except.

"AAAARRRR!" they looked around hearing the scream, before they both bolted out the shed and back to the field.

The soccer field was in chaos, as Shades ran all over attacking the innocent.

The Rangers had rushed onto the scene as soon as they'd realised what was happening and were fighting to the best of their abilities, but being unmorphed against this many was proving difficult. Twilight and her friends were helping evacuate the field.

"Everybody get inside the school," Twilight yelled.

"Go to the Cafeteria," Rarity continued, "you'll be safe there."

"Careful guys," Lyra said as she roundhoused a Shade, "we gotta keep these things at bay until everyone's safe."

"But there's so many of them," Sweetie said.

"Don't give up," Micro told her, "we just need to hold out a little longer."

"Shades aren't that tough," Sandal said, though he had to admit they weren't as weak when he didn't have his Spirit Sabre.

Suddenly however the Shades pulled back and away from the Rangers, confusing them some what. "What's happening?" Lyra asked.

"Not sure," Micro said.

Suddenly the four of them found themselves being attacked by a powerful lightning bolt, which struck the ground around them causing an explosion which sent them all flying with a scream of pain and surprise.

"Greetings Rangers," they heard as they tried to pick themselves up off the ground. Looking up they saw two all to familiar monsters.

"Doom," Lyra growled as they stood up, only to recognise the other monster. "Gigabyte?"

"Nice to see you all again," Gigabyte said with a sinister chuckle.

"I thought we crashed this computer?" Sandal asked.

"We did," Micro said.

"Then how is he here right now?" Sweetie asked.

"You may have beaten me once," Gigabyte said, "but I'm back and better then ever. Say hello to Gigabyte two point oh."

"They can revive monsters we've defeated?" Micro asked.

"So much for my hopes that they'd one day run out of monsters," Lyra said.

"What's it matter," Sandal said, "we've beaten that pile of junk before."

"And we can do it again," Sweetie agreed.

"The place is clear," Micro told them as he looked around to see if their were any stragglers.

"Then let's do this," Lyra said as she stepped forwards, "it's Morphin Time. Magi-Chargers," she pulled out her gear and clicked its button.

"Ready," the four said doing the same.

The blasters appeared in the teen's hands, which they loaded the chargers in and locked the slot shut.





"Energise!" They yelled spinning the barrel before pointing the blasters at the sky, "Unleash the Power!" They all pulled the triggers and their four Zord heads flew out and bit down on them, decking them out in matching outfits.

The Rangers took up a battle stance as the Shades grouped around Doom and Gigabyte. "Attack!" Doom ordered, causing the monsters to charger forward.

"Magitech," the Rangers called upon their weapons and met the Shades head on, all the while unaware that they were being watched.

Inside the cafeteria the citizens were hiding from the monsters.

"You should be okay," Fluttershy said while she bandaged up a boy who'd hurt his ankle while fleeing in terror.

"Here," Sunset said as she handed to ice to Spitfire.

"Thanks," Spitfire said taking it, "is it always like this around here?"

"You get used to it," Sunset replied.

"I just hope the Power Rangers show up soon," Misty Fly said.

"Oh I'm sure they're on their way," Sunset said before turning to leave. She noticed Twilight looking worried as she looked around, "you okay?"

"Shining Armor's not here," Twilight said, "I'm worried he might have got caught up in the fighting."

"I'm sure he's fine," Sunset said, "the Rangers aren't gonna let anything happen to him."

"I'm sorry," Twilight said, "but I've gotta make sure." With that she rushed out of the Canteen.

"Twilight!" Sunset called out.

"Don't worry," She turned to see Rainbow behind her, "I'll keep an eye on her. If things get to hairy I'll speed us back here." With that she rushed after Twilight.

Back outside the Rangers were continuing to battle the Shades.

"This is more like it," Sandal said while slashing away at the cloaked monsters.

"So much easier when you can just blast them," Micro agreed as he shot down the Shades in rapid succession.

"Don't get cocky guys," Lyra told them.

"We still have the windows reject to deal with," Sweetie said.

Meanwhile Flash and Shining had just arrived at the field to see the battle.

"The Rangers," Shining said.

"Maybe we should leave them to deal with the monsters and get to safety," Flash said.

"Coward," Shining said, "I'm not gonna let others fight for me. I'm apart of the police and we do what we have to to protect the people." With that he charged forwards, getting the attention of some Shades. "Take this ya freaks," Shining said as he preformed some pretty impressive martial arts moves on a few, knocking them down.

"He's nuts," Flash said before running to help him. Unlike Shining, Flash didn't have any special training fighting style and kept to his usual street fighter style to knock the Shades down.

"Stay out of this," Shining said, "I don't need some punk getting in my way."

"I'm trying to help you," Flash said.

The Rangers meanwhile had finished off the rest of the Shades and were now planning to take on Gigabyte.

"Let's end this," Lyra said as the charged forwards.

"Analysing," Gigabyte said, his screen showing images of the Rangers before he started moving out of the way of the Ranger's attacks. Lyra tried to grab him with her staff, but he spun to the left and made her miss, while Sweetie and Sandal charged forwards and swung their Spirit Sabres and Fenrir Fang. Gigabyte seemed to see this coming and side stepped the slashed, before doing a full ninety degree back bend to dodge Micro's blaster flurry.

"How'd he do that?" Sweetie asked once they pulled back.

"Somehow he saw all of our attacks coming," Lyre replied.

"He wasn't kidding when he said he was new and improved," Micro said.

"I have the data on every battle you Rangers have ever thought," Gigabyte said, "with my new super computer brain I can predict what you'r gonna do before you do it."

"That's impossible," Sandal said.

"Not impossible," Micro said, "just highly unlikely."

All the while Shining and Flash were fighting off the Shades, but with no actual weapons all the two could do was stun the monsters for a few seconds. "Don't you have a gun or something?" Flash asked as he body checked a Shade.

"This isn't the movies kid," Shining said as he did some cool looking kung fu move on one.

"Great," Flash said.

"Shining!" they both turned around to see Twilight rush onto the field, followed by Rainbow.

"What's she doing here?" Shining asked.

"It doesn't matter," they turned and saw Doom rushing towards them, "because you will all be destroyed."

"I don't know what you are," Shining said, "but you won't touch my sister." He rushed towards Doom and the two started fighting, Shining trying his kung fu, but Doom was far stronger and shoved the man away before pulling out his sword and firing a lightning bolt at him.

The bolt struck Shining and sent him flying back, crashing into the ground.

"SHINING!" Twilight screamed as she and Rainbow reached her downed brother and held him, "are you alright."

"If he is," Doom said, "I'll soon change that." He raised his sword again, but before he could strike he found himself in a flurry of lazer fire.

They looked around and saw Flash pointing his blaster at Doom. "This ends now," he said as he took out his Magi-Charger and activated it before placing it in the blaster.


Flash ran forwards while firing at Doom.

"Try me Ranger," Doom said swinging his sword around to deflect the blasts before trying to strike Flash.

The teen used his blaster to block the attack, before forcing the sword down to the ground and scrapping the barrel down it. "Energise," he called out before jumping back and pointing the gun at Doom, "Unleash the Power!" He pulled the trigger and the Dragon Zord's head appeared and flew at Doom, knocking him down before it circled around Flash and biting down to suit him up.

Shining Armor couldn't believe what he had just seen. That punk kid was the red Ranger.

"Dragon Breaker," Flash called out his weapon and charged towards Doom, who raised his sword in response.

The two fought head to head, seemingly even matched.

"Enough," Doom said pushing the Ranger back, "I'll leave Gigabyte to deal with you." With that the telebolt warped him away.

"Flash," Twilight said, "the others need your help."

"Got it," Flash said before he looked down at the still frozen Shining Armor, "you'd better get him to safety."

"Right," Twilight said as she and Rainbow picked him up.

"What's going on?" Shining asked.

"I'll explain later," Twilight told him as they dragged him away.

The Rangers were having a tough time. Everything they tried to do, Gigabyte seemed to predict and defend perfectly against it.

"This is exhausting," Micro said, "we haven't even landed a hit on him."

"We have to keep trying," Lyra said.

"Guys," they turned to see Flash running to them, "sorry I'm late."

"Your here now," Sweetie said, "that's what counts."

"Then let's finish this," Flash said as he pulled out a Magi-Charger and clicked. "Guardian Buster, activate." He threw the Charger in the air before it transformed into the super weapon, which he caught and activated.

Magi-Chargers," everyone said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded."


"Analysing," Gigabyte said as images of the Guardian Buster appeared on his screen.

As the weapon charged, the Ranger took their positions. "Guardian Buster, Dragon Blast...FIRE!" Flash pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Dragon Zord's head.

The head flew towards Gigabyte, but he wasn't scared. "Power Cord," his metal cable shot out and literally grabbed the blast.

"WHAT!" The Rangers screamed seeing this. They watched as Gigabyte spun around and released the Dragon Blast, sending it back at the Rangers.

"Look out!" Sandal yelled but it was to late.


The Rangers were blasted by their own attack and sent flying, demorphing as they hit the ground.

"I did it," Gigabyte yelled, "I beat the Rangers." He stepped closer, ready to finish them off, when he was suddenly bombarded by soccer balls. "What!"

"Back off," everyone turned to see Twilight, Rainbow, and Shining rushing towards them, Twilight throwing the balls at the monster with her magic.

"I told you guys to get to safety," Flash said as Shining helped him up.

"We couldn't just leave you," Twilight said.

"You think a few balls will stop me?" Gigabyte said, "Shades!" a legion of Shades appeared to surround the eight of them.

"This is bad," Rainbow said.

"We can't fight them all off in our condition," Micro said.

"What'll we do?" Sweetie asked.

The answer came in the form of blue lightning, striking a load of Shades and knocking them down.

"What was that?" Twilight asked.

"Who cares," Flash said "it's given us an escape route."

They all rushed out of the circle and back towards the school.

"That lightning," Rainbow said, "I know I've seen it before." It was then that the distracted Rainbow tripped over a rock, falling on her face.

"Rainbow," Twilight yelled as the others rushed back to help her.

"My ankle," Rainbow said grabbing her left foot.

Suddenly a Shade was above her, dagger at the ready, about to strike.

"RAINBOW!" Twilight yelled.

And then it happened.

From out of no where someone leaped at the Shade and delivered a powerful kick, sending it flying back towards the group. The figure landed infront of Rainbow, allowing the others to see who it was and they were shocked.

"Soarin?" Rainbow said seeing the boy standing above her.

Soarin Skies looked back at the girl and smiled. "You looked like you could use a hand."

"You gotta get out of there," Flash said, "It's not safe."

"I ain't running," Soarin said, "not while people need my help."

Suddenly all the Rangers felt something and pulled out their Elements, which were glowing.

"What's going on?" Lyra asked.

"They're reacting to something," Micro said.

"But what?" Sandal said until they turned to look at Soarin.

"Out of my way human," Gigabyte said, "I don't have time to waste on a weakling like you."

Soarin just smirked, "who said I'm a weakling." He went into his bag and pulled something out, which glowed navy blue.

"Is that?" Flash asked, but his suspicions were confirmed when Soarin opened his hand to reveal a dark blue crystal hexagon.

"An Element!" Gigabyte screamed.

Soarin just smiled and tossed the Element into the air. "Thunder Morpher!" Electricity surged around his left arm and took the form some kind of device which was dark blue with red trim, with a slot on the top and the front shaped like a bird head. The Element landed inside the slot which Soarin closed before grabbing a rip cord lick trigger which he pulled.

"Unleash the Power!" A blast of dark blue energy shot out of the bird mouth, which flew upwards as it took the form of a metal bird head that circled Soarin and then bit down on him before exploding into light.

The light faded and standing in Soarin's place was a Power Ranger, in a navy blue suit with red in place of the usual white. His visor was shaped like a V and on his back were a pair of red lightning bolt shaped flaps.

"No...way," Rainbow said.

The others were just as dumb founded.

"Another one," Darklight yelled seeing the new Ranger.

"Where'd he come from?" Heart asked.

"This doesn't bode well," Cogs said.

The new Ranger took up a battle stance. "Hope you're ready," he said, "because your about to face the wrath of the Thundering Hero."

"Shades attack!" Gigabyte said, making his minions charge forwards.

"Blitz Bolts," Soarin aimed his Morpher at the first wave and pulled the rip cord, unleashing a flurry of electric darts that struck them down. "Who's next?" He asked as he charged forward and attack the Shades with punches and kicks, which proved effective.

"He's good," Sweetie said.

"Just as good as us," Lyra said, "maybe even better."

"Now try this," Soarin said as the flaps on his back stretched out like a pair of wings allowing him to take flight and soar forwards, cutting down the Shades.

"He can fly," Sandal said in amazement.

"Fascinating," Micro said.

"You've worn out your welcome," Gigabyte said as he charged forward.

"You want some?" Soarin asked as he leaped forward and dealt a kick to the monster, sending him backwards. As Gigabyte tried to get his bearings, Soarin held his hands to the sky. "Summon Thunder Sabre!" A bolt of lightning struck his hand, which took the form of a sword with a dark blue handle and yellow crossguard in the shape of a lightning bolt. Soarin took his Element and placed it in a slot in the swords handle, which he then closed.


Electricity surged up the blade as Soarin swung it around.

Gigabyte stood tall and saw Soarin's move. "What's going on," he asked as his screen flashed several images of the Rangers, "I have no data on this."

"Well I'm sure this'll be an electrifying experience," Soarin said as he raised the lightning sword up above his head in both hands. "Thunder...Sabre...STRIKE!" He swung the sword downwards a fired a massive bolt of lightning at Gigabyte, which struck him and electrocuted him.

"Your frying my circuits," he screamed before been thrown back in an explosion.

Up in space, Darklight wasn't to happy. "So much for your perfect monster Cogs."

"We've never seen this Ranger before," Cogs said.

"It matters not," Darklight said, "you said Gigabyte had info on the Ranger's Megazords?"


"Then that's how we'll beat them," Darklight said before turning to a Shade, "fire the Gigatisor!"

The Shade nodded and ran over to the button and hit it, releasing the growing machine which fired.

Back at the school Soarin was preparing to finish off Gigabyte, when suddenly the Gigatisor's beam struck him and caused an explosion. when it cleared the sight of a giant Gigabyte met them.

"Now this is what I call a major upgrade," the monster said.

"So you want to go big do you?" Soarin asked as he pulled out the Element and raised it high, "Thunderbird arise!" The Element glowed and fired a blue lightning bolt into the sky, which formed a black thundercloud. Seconds later a familiar squawk could be heard and out of it shot a Zord the Rangers all recognised.

"No way," Lyra said.

"That's the Zord that saved us at the Gala," Sweetie said.

"Then that means he was the one who saved us," Micro said.

Soarin leaped into the air and disappeared.

Inside the Thunderbird Zord Soarin reappeared and took out his Thunder Sabre, which he placed in the podium to his right. "Thunderbird Zord, ready!" he said as he took a surfing stance.

The Thunderbird flew at Gigabyte and unleashed a lightning bolt from its beak, firing at Gigabyte.

"Not this time," Gigabyte said as he dodged the attacks, "I do have data on this thing."

"I that so?" Soarin said from within the cockpit, "then I'll just have to switch it up a bit." He pulled his sabre from the podium and held it up. "Activate Thunder-Charge Megazord!"


The twin cannons on the Thunderbird's back detached and reshaped into a pair of legs, as its head folded into its stomach and the talons locked in around its head. The legs connected to the bottom, with the tail shaping into a skirt like ascetic. The ends of the wings detached revealing a pair of arms which folded down as the wings reshaped into sword like devices that the Megazord caught. A warrior head folded out of the Zord's back, completing the new Megazord.


"He's got a Megazord too," Sandal asked.

"Who is this guy?" Lyra asked.

"And how have we never seen him before?" Sweetie asked.

Gigabyte and the Thunder-Charge Megazord squared off, with the Megazord charging forward

"Game on," Soarin yelled as his Megazord used its two sword to slash away at the monster.

"Power Cord," Gigabyte unleashed his metal cable, which wrapped around the swords.

"Nice intercept," Soarin said, "now let me show you mine." Electricity surged around the blades, travelling up the wires and electrifying the monsters.

"Hey," Gigabyte yelled as he let go and tried to recover from the shock.

"Wing Blade Slash," Soarin and his Megazord moved in perfect sync, slashing away at the monster who was unable to fight back for fear of being electrocuted.

"Try this," Gigabyte unleashed his cable and wrapped it around the Megazord's leg before pulling it. This caused the Megazord to trip up and fall on its back. "Now you're mine."

"I don't think so," Soarin said as the Thunderbird mouth opened, "Beak Bolt!" A lighting bolt shot out of the beak, striking Gigabyte and sending him backwards and allowing the Megazord to stand up. "Time to end this," Soarin said as he pulled his Thunder Sabre out of the podium, "Thunder-Charge Megazord, Final Strike!"

The Megazord leaped into the air and raised its two blades, which both began to surge with electrical energy. "Twin Sword Cleave!" The Megazord brought the blades down in an X formation, unleashing and and X shaped lightning bolt which flew towards Gigabyte and struck him.

Gigabyte screamed in agony as the electricity surged through his body.

"This was a shock," were his last words before he was consumed by an explosion.

"Back of the net," Soarin cheered seeing the monster be destroyed, before the Megazord transformed back into the Thunderbird Zord and flew off.

"RRRAAARRR!" Darklight screamed, terrifying his minions.

"Now calm down bro," Heart said trying to prevent her brother from doing something he'd regret.

"What will it take to finally end these Power Rangers?" Darklight asked.

In was at this moment that Doom Raizer entered the bridge.

"YOU!" he yelled rushing over to the spiky monsters, "you fled instead of destroying the red Ranger. What use are you if you can't even defeat one?"

"I thought Gigabyte could defeat them," Doom replied, "I won't make that mistake again."

"You'd better not," Darklight said, "or I'll destroy you myself and have Cogs reanimate you as a brain dead simpleton. Now get out of here and don't come back until you've gotten me an Element."

"Yes master Darklight," Doom said before turning to leave the bridge."

It had taken awhile but everything had been put back to normal after the fight.

The Rangers and the mane seven were working on repairing the field. "Soarin?" Applejack said, "that fella from Cloudsdale."

"He's a Power Ranger," Flash said, "the one who saved us from Blizzard at the gala."

"I can barley believe it," Rainbow said, "I've played against that guy a ton of times but I never would have guessed this."

"That's because I keep it well hidden," they turned to see Soarin walking up to the, with a smile on his face, "like any good superhero should."

"Could have sworn you high tallied it," Flash said.

"Well you would have found me anyway," Soarin said, "so I thought I'd just save us all some time and come back and explain myself."

"Good," they turned once again and this time saw Shining standing a ways off, "then you can explain it to me as well."

"Oh boy," Lyra said.

"So much for our secret identity," Sweetie said.

"Shining," Twilight said, "please you can't tell anyone about what you saw today."

"I won't," Shining said, "as long as I get some answers."

The Rangers all shared a glance and then nodded, before pulling out their Elements.

"Those look just like my Thunder Stone," Soarin said.

"Your Thunder Stone," Flash told him, "is actually a Guardian Element."

The Rangers went on to explain everything about the Equestria, about the Elements and about how Darklight wanted to get his hands on them.

"And we've been helping them," Twilight said, "but we couldn't tell anyone." She turned to Shining, "that's why I've been working at the school over the summer and it's why Flash and I were at the gala. We thought an Element would be there."

Shining's face was one of concern as he took the information in.

"Your sister's been a big help to us," Flash told him, "we'd be dead without her."

"Please Shining," Twilight said, "don't tell anyone."

Shining remained still for a moment, before sighing. "Very well," he said, "I will keep what I learned here today a secret. But I want to be kept in the loop from now on, so I can help."

"Really?" Sunset asked.

"I can't leave saving the world to a group of kids," Shining said before turning to leave. "Good luck, and Flash."


"I was wrong, your no punk." And with that he was gone.

"Well that was something," Sandal said.

"Glad we're not getting arrested," Micro said.

"Now the only question," Lyra pointed to Soarin, "what do we do with him?"

The Rangers had just reach a new pinnacle of their lives as heroes. How will a new Ranger change things?"

Author's Note:

FOOLED YEAH! I thought everyone would figured out who the sixth Ranger was from his suit colour, but I guess I was wrong. How will Soarin fit into the team?