• Member Since 7th Oct, 2011
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Compendium of Steve

The One Who Writes. Intermittently, Without Fail.


This story is a sequel to Death by Dragon

I thought I was done. I honestly did; wouldn't you think so too? Everything had wrapped up so neatly, or about as neat as it could be. Even after all of Discord's meddling; the tragedies that unfolded; the toppling of a dynasty; I managed to save not only myself, but Twilight as well. Things quieted down; we finally had the chance to recover, to rest. To have some semblance of normality after so much suffering...

But sometimes you just have to put in that extra effort to make sure it stays that way.

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 46 )

Great to see a sequel to one of the coolest fics I've read. Will be tracking. :rainbowderp:

Yes a sequel to the first one, looking forward to the next chapter. :moustache:

"Oh boy here he goes killin again"

I like the pacing of this story but at the same time, the suspense is killing me.

Good chapter like Twilight leadership, and Spike keep her from going cold heart again.

FUBAR i know that reference

8080793 Pretty common military slang, from what I know.

This whole entire chapter was comedic gold.

Ya sonuvagun... I'll read it... but I'll be mad! :flutterrage:

I had to agree with the decision to send Spike to the Griffon Kingdom, because he did take down Luna and Celestia if I remember correctly. But it a big risky if he fail, Spike is their power house.
Good chapter.

Alright boys, the legend begins and so does the true hype!

The hype train is leaving the station

Great chapter. Spike Fighting in Tartarus ,sound like good action movie where is my popcorn?

Sorry, I only have enough for myself *munch* :P


Stay determined Spike! Your troubles will be over... eventually.

This should totally be the theme of the story!

Damn. This would have been perfect back in Death by Dragon.

This definitely would fit well in Spike's early days as a killer for the crown.

Criminally underrated.

Also I'm super angry that I've caught up.:raritydespair:

Oh the struggles of being a fast reader; I share the same pains! D:

Fear not the dark my friend! Fire shines brightly within it!

Great chapter and awesome fight

JeZus. You'd think after finding out DISCORD RUINED EVERYONE'S LIFE USING PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION. That Spike and Co. Would've trained to recognize and combat it.

That song was dope and a fitting chapter end. Makes me feel like I'm watching a TV show.

Also, why go down there in the first place? He could just be like "Hecate. Ya met me. Now no more helping the Uber demons out, Peace." And then, pop, goes back home. They're already in Uber daemon prison. Don't shake the hornets nest bro.

Sure, that'd probably be real peachy, if Hecate hadn't already admitted to breaking protocol just to have something new and exciting come to relieve her boredom. These Greek gods can be pretty capricious. Plus Spike is the kind of guy who prefers tearing out the root of a problem than settle for chopping off its thorny limbs. Still a stubborn one in that regard, huhu.

“I’ve had enough fun…”
“Hmmmmm, I highly doubt that. You got many more years ahead of you if you don’t do anything too reckless, and the sky can’t stay overcast forever. And even when it is, the sun will always be there waiting to pop out and say hello. Optimism in a nutshell.” He turns around to face me fully. He taps his head, and tilts it as though… winking? “You just need to keep your chin up, is all. Do that, and it’s all gravy.”

I'm surprised at how much I really needed that. I'm super pessimistic about everything I do, so this fills me with subdued determination.

Also was that a killers reference?

Yes. Yes it was. And I'm glad I could leave a positive impression on you :)

I feel so stupid. of course the big bad was Tirek. I was trying to think of some old God or "thing" or person.

Love how selfish spike is here. Screw giving the world a chance to stop Tirek! I'm going to destroy the world to get to tirek!

A great end to this tale!

This and the first story are some good shit!

It was good to be back in this universe once again, one last time at least. I remember reading the first one a long time ago.

I remember it just blew my mind how one insignificant but oh so terrible thing can cause such a huge amount of despair and violence, apathy, I think the first one had such a huge impact because of that revelation near the end and how the revelation itself actually affected Spike, it made him hesitate to fight until he had to, he held back and it made him not kill even when he had to...

But this one, you can see a change but I kinda felt like Spike didn't actually 'get' it ya know? He seemed like he was actually going back to his old way during the Nyx encounter.

But all in all, it was really good and I just wish the apathy plot had more of a forefront.

To be frank, this was all written as an excuse for the true final battle to happen. Conflict for the sake of conflict, yeah? No real major lessons to be learned in this one, bucko ;P

8163603 Yeah the part I enjoyed the most was that extra chapter on FF.net actually, I enjoy a look into the behind the scenes, a bit of meta never hurt!

For all the comments, there seem to be very few likes... Have one on me! :twilightsmile:

10/10 just enough water

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