• Member Since 28th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen Aug 27th, 2023

Hunter Redflame

Normal is a lie, there is only average... And average is incredibly boring!


So here's a funny story... Hi, my name's John. I am, or at least used to be, a human. Now I'm a bloody Deathclaw. Sound cool? Yeah, I thought so too. Bad news is that I'm a fracking Displaced, which of course means that I'm in Equestria. No, not Fallout: Equestria, that would be easy: kill raiders, knock sense into Trixie, and kick Red-Eye's and the Enclave's asses!

No... This isn't even Modern Equestria! Welcome to the world of Medieval Equestria, where Celestia and Luna are just your stock-standard adventurers with low-level gear and spells! And me? Let's think about this... I'm no normal deathclaw, I'm an Alpha deathclaw. In other words; that thing we do not touch without being about 1000 yards back and a mini-nuke launcher close at hand. My skin can almost certainly stop swords, and somehow I'm Holy-aligned. So... Yeah. Mastery over all things anti-demonic and anti-zombie are mine. No, I'm not sure how in Oblivion it happened either.

In any case, I end up being Doom-Driven Party Memeber Number Three with a beggining Paladin/Cleric Celestia and Rogue/Illusionist Luna. This cannot possibly go wrong, right guys?

Certainly not.

Nothin' to it!

Of course not... You Murphy-calling IDIOT!!!

Oh, right. John forgot to mention us voices in his head. Hello!

So... Yeah. Hopefully it doesn't get too insane on us all...

Oh, who am I kidding? Brace yourself, and beware of gory death by deathclaw. And later shipping, nearly forgot that one.

Ah! Disclaimer: I own nothing except the made-up characters. Everything else belongs to Hasbro, Nintendo, and Bethesda respectively.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 169 )

A Displaced Deathclaw? Aww, what the heck? I'll fave and follow it anyway. Here's a like and a mustache.:moustache:

Johnny Carson! All this and more on Sixty- What's that? Wrong reference!? Gah! This is the second time this week...

8033146 Why thank you sir! Have another in return!:moustache:

8057511 Oh well, I'm certain your luck will get better soon.

Thank you both for reviewing!

Nice start, but you have some grammar and spelling errors near the end.

...I like this guy, he reminds me of someone. (gazes upon a mirror whilst stroking his manly beard)

8110819 Thanks for letting me know. As I'm writing I tend to focus more on the characters and their interactions than minor grammatical/spelling issues.

*snicker* *snort* *gaaasp* ...Nope, not gonna laugh.

8111007 Hah! Glad I could make an enjoyable character!

You called Luna the French word for red, not rogue.

8115527 ...Well buck. Thanks for letting me know, I'll fix that immediately.

EDIT: Should be fixed now.

Comment posted by Hunter Redflame deleted Jun 24th, 2017

I have a bat pony oc I can give you if you want

Sure, that's perfectly fine so long as you have a basic personality and some details to go with them. Feel free to PM me whenever you can so that we don't give anything away in the comments about them.

im so confused as to what i just read

Understandable, seeing as it was from the point of view of someone who knows himself to be insane AND with knowledge of the fourth wall. All the same, if you have any suggestions to make it less... Confusing, I would gladly take them.

Not only did I see an Elder Scrolls saying in the long description but it's an actual freaking deathclaw displaced fit? Sign me right the hell up!!!

You might wanna put something in your description saying if you're available or not for cross-overs.

A intelligent Deathclaw in a stereotypical adventure-fantasy Equestria? Sure, why not!
8419196 If it's not in the Inspired folder, it probably will be open later down the line

kill raiders, knock sense into Trixie, and kick Red-Eye's and the Enclave's asses!

don't know any of the references
what happened to trixie and FoE is used more for Fall of Equestria.

I mean I'm suggesting it so you don't end up with people asking to cross-over when you're not ready.

I believe that it is a fallout's deathclaw combined with a universe that follows Elder Scrolls lore and gods or that is at least what I think is going on right now.

After that, we get goin' quick-like. No sense sticking that close to the caravan; even if they'd won we'd just be swooped up and chained right together again... Not to mention that I'd be down even more lockpicks than I already am!

that sound like nightshade ment "even if we won we'd just be swooped up and chained right together again"

Love it, love it and love it. One hell of a story

There are SOME good Halloween Pranks, this one would be worth getting on tape

...Anyone else just been too busy to check on a story, then come back to find out it's suddenly twice as popular? Yeah. That's me right now. Holy crap, I didn't think it would just explode like that! I mean, there's over double the amount of likes and I'm pretty sure I would have done a spit-take at the number of notifications in my inbox if I'd been drinking something. Thanks guys!

Welcome aboard! We have a variety of sweetrolls and Nuka-Cola for your enjoyment!

I'll be honest, that was kinda my line of thinking when I started this XD.

Red-Eye and the Enclave are major villians from Fallout: Equestria. Trixie was also a major villian, though she was... Different, let's say, than a normal pony.

Hmm... That's not a bad idea... Thanks.

While there certainly will be Elder Scrolls spells and potions, the mythos will not follow the same trail. All the same, good guess.

Meh, she didn't really see any point in thinking of the guards as allies, so I thought she'd refer to them as 'they'.


I completely agree! A shame I do not have an actual deathclaw costume to pull it off though.

Which part? The premise, or the crossover thing?

1) supermutant trixie?
2) I thought she meant that even if we'd won (the we being her and sol) against the guards then we'd just be captured again.

1) I can neither confirm nor deny this statement for the good of those who have not read Fallout: Equestria yet.
2) That is what she meant, sorry for any confusion.

Nice to meet a fellow Aspie.

I'm enjoying what is happening for far, and thus, I shall continue reading.

I like how the timberwolves recognize/see/feel things :twilightsmile:

Thanks, I couldn't help but think that there was always something more to the timberwolves of MLP than the mindless monster stereotype they seem to have become in many stories.

I like the jab you threw at pokémon! Being one myself, I have seen plenty of those problems within the series!! xD

Behind her is figure wearing a heavily damaged black travelling cloak, revealing deep furrows of red on a snow-white coat, as well as white bat-like wings. This other figure is laying on her side, (for she is a mare,) the scratches bleeding heavily as she struggles to breathe. Her midnight blue mane shifts as she looks up at the unicorn with sorrow-filled, blood red eyes. Of course, as she looked up at the unicorn, she caught sight of something just at the edge of her blurring vision. Even as the flock of raiders spread out to surround them, she focused on the figure which looked to be nearly as tall-if not, taller than the trees that circled the clearing.

was a figure
not sure why (for she is a mare,) is there
shifted as she looked up

remember literary past tense

He then tosses the Raider into one of his friends, knocking both clean out. The other two look at each-other and decide that it would be a good idea to cut their losses and run. They fly to ther friends, pick them up, and fly off in a hurry. This leaves the unicorn and John standing and looking at eachother. One with slight concern, the other...

clean out

...Well. I'm embarrased. And clearly in need of an editor who cares about such things as rules of grammar and whatnot than I clearly am.

does any of this fic happen in th modren mlp? if so i have a oc for you.

No, actually. I said it in the (admittedly,) long description that this was set in Medival equestria.

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