• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Wise Cracker

Just some guy, riding out his time.


Written for the Scootaloo Fiction Contest, but withdrawn from competition as of 30/05/2017 by the author.

Scootaloo has finally gotten off the ground, and she couldn't be more excited.

Unfortunately, life decides to burst her bubble again, and a tragic accident leads her to question the fundamentals of flight, of life, and responsibility.

Also donuts. Because donuts matter.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

“The insurance ponies won’t let me?”


The stuff about her parents is especially hard to read after today's episode.

The one thing that sort of threw me off is the spelling of "newbie". I've just never seen it spelled with double-o's instead of "ew".

Otherwise, this was pretty good.

Haven't seen the episode yet (usually just binge on that stuff when the Season's over, or halfway) but I've heard some remarks thereabouts and... yeah, the way the show's portrayed her over the years, I never got the 'orphan' angle, but there's a lot of creative ways to get absentee parents. It's less cliché, too, I find.

The 'noobie' thing, in hindsight, is indeed an error, and I'm changing the spelling on that, thank you. My default is British English, pretty sure 'noobie' is American in origin.

Glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

This definitely captures the feeling of feeling left behind, or the disappointment of making the team then realizing you're the worst member. It's a good thing there were moments to make me laugh or this would have been a real downer, or too melodramatic.

You think this is borderline downer? You should have seen the initial concept. I was going to make that blubbery overweight unicorn from Canterlot Boutique Scootaloo's mom and have the crisis be about Scootaloo not being able to carry her passed-out mom to safety. Now that would have been depressing. :twilightoops: As it stands, I wanted to explore the notion of kids with (essentially) superpowers and the responsibility they feel because of it. Scootaloo's a good character for that.

But yeah, I wanted to end on at least a hopeful note. Even if it's not a completely happy ending, because the root problem is still a thing, it is at least coping with the problem. It's not my usual 'trying to be an episode' schtick, but hey, let's hope he judges like it, right? :twilightsheepish:

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