• Member Since 8th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago


I like MLP, Undertale, anime, Kingdom Hearts, and other stuff! I hope to be friends with people here!



Formerly known as "The Cyborg of Canterlot High"

After losing his home, his family, and his friends, young Dew Drop finds himself in Canterlot City. He decides to use this as an opportunity to restart his life. But sightings of an evil group of cyborgs known as the "Cyber Force" make things hard for the lad. Even worse, a radical group of humans known as the "Anti-Cyborg Group" are hunting down any cyborgs they can find in order to exterminate them.

Luckily, Dew Drop has a way to deal with these two groups: He is secretly the former hero of Metal City! His hero name is Android, the Hero of Courage! Armed with a powerful beam sword, a strong robotic arm, and some tough armor, Android is ready to defend Canterlot City at any cost!

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 60 )

A definite change from the original. It will be interesting to see where this goes, do keep going.

Thanks! I just really want this to be a lot better than what I wrote in the first place.

Could you clarify for me why he's not considered a cyborg?

Okay, so the only robotic part about him is his right arm. Since cyborgs tend to either be half or mostly robot, I don't think he counts as a cyborg. In Metal City, there are so many humans and cyborgs that consider those with only one or two robotic parts to be abominations. Those are called "halflings."

Hm ok, because from what I know, a cyborg could be anyone with any kind of implant, like say someone with a pacemaker. So with a robot arm, he would still be considered a cyborg.

11051364 Well, unfortunately for Dew Drop, that's not how everyone viewed him in Metal City. I tried to make this an interesting concept. Did I do well or poorly?

I guess maybe your version of cyborg needs to be explained better, since he's technically still a cyborg.

Hey, a new chapter! Good stuff.
I do have a question, though: Why is the Cyber Force attracted to chaos and negativity? Are they like Windigoes?

Sort of. They're powered by a black core that gets strong with negative energy.

Think of it like the red core from the Astro Boy movie.

I see! That sounds like a rather dangerous design choice. Were these cyborgs designed to use such a core from the beginning, or was it a later modification?

They were supposed to be a peace group. Until one cyborg told them peace was impossible. The black core came by and was used as a power source, which corrupted them.

Luckily, Android has a white core that's more positive and has no way to harm life.

That sounds like a problem that Dew Drop will have to solve. I look forward to learning about these cores and how they came to be. Keep on writing!

Are any of the main OCs female?

Well, you are going to be seeing a few female members of the Cyber Force, if that's what you're asking.

I'm with the wolf face guy, he seems like the kind of guy who can get things done. Why does it look like Android values volume over reason? :trixieshiftleft:

I suppose you could say that he doesn't have the stomach to kill someone. Despite being the Cyborg of Courage, he's scared of killing. He's afraid that if he kills, he'll be a monster.

You'll see a little more of why he believes that killing the Cyber Force isn't right in the future.

I do agree that sometimes, it's the best way. Putting someone in jail repeatedly, only for them to break out and kill more people is more ineffective than just taking out the bad guy once and for all. I don't think he's demonstrated courage much just yet. I guess we'll probably see more of that later on? By the way, there also seems to be a lot of stuff that happened before this story. Is that ever gonna get covered?
And is he a cyborg now? You mentioned in this chapter he's a cyborg, and before, there was that whole halfling thing.

I'm gonna try to cover that part soon. Also, I've gone back to cyborg.

I promise to cover as much info about Dew Drop/Android as possible in the next chapter. You'll see his origin, how the Cyber Force came to exist, why humans and cyborgs hate each other, and why he won't kill a villain.

Oh ok, I must've missed that part where it transitioned from halfling to cyborg.
And ok I look forward to seeing more of the backstory, because I have no idea why anything is the way it is. :derpytongue2:

Backstory on Android/Dew Drop, this I like.
I'm still with the wolf guy though.

A hero is supposed to protect people who can’t protect themselves.

Sometimes being a hero and protecting people means having to make tough decisions and removing threats from hurting people who can't protect themselves. And if jail doesn't work, destroying them permanently may be the only practical option. Like Rude said in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, people who aren't bad may have to do subjectively bad things.

Looking forward to seeing what comes next. :twilightsmile:

Well, after killing a cyborg who turned out to be a teenager who was forced to be evil, can you really blame Android for not wanting to kill? It's like Sans says in Undertale: "The more you kill, the more you distance yourself from others... The more you kill, the more you can bring yourself to hurt others... The less you will hurt."

But there really wasn't a choice, nor did Android mean to kill the Cyber Knight guy. He was defending himself from a person who was actively trying to end his life. That's why there's a difference between killing someone and murdering them. There was absolutely no indication that Cyber Knight was being forced to do anything; on the contrary, he asked for the battle to happen. Also, if Android's sword can't damage organic matter, then how was Cyber Knight's blood spilled at the end of the fight?

If a member of the Cyber Force gets their Black Core piece destroyed, they die with it. So, unless Android can purify them, they're doomed to die.

I've got to agree, he should just kill them, and killing doesn't mean you're not a hero. Now that we know they can come back to life, why doesn't he just kill all of them and then resurrect them as good guys?
And like I've said before, you use waaaaay too many exclamation marks when you don't need them. Something needs to be done about that.:pinkiesmile:

Hold on.
Wait a second.
If Android has the ability to raise dead cyborgs as non-evil people, then what does it matter if the wolf guy kills them or not? If anything, it makes a bigger case for why the Cyber Force guys should be killed. It stops them from hurting anyone or breaking out of jail or whatever, and Android can just make them come back as non-villainous people. If they're dead, then they can't struggle or escape when Android uses his White Core power to 'purify' them, and the public can rest assured that they're no longer a threat. Not killing them and/or sending them to jail appears to be more dangerous for everyone involved.
At least, that's what it seems like to me.

To be fair, Android was completely unaware of his resurrection power.


I don't even know what I'm writing anymore. I can't seem to make Android likeable or interesting at all. Maybe I should start all over and have the Cyber Force be a rogue force of robots with high intelligence that way we don't need to dive deep into the whole killing thing.

Hey now, nobody’s telling you to start over. The very fact that this story generates discussions about whether something is right or wrong is proof that it's interesting! A good story should leave its readers with something to think about, and you've done just that.
As for making Android likable, just keep going the way you were going. It's impossible to please everyone, but I don’t think you've made Android unlikable, it's just that so far, Android hasn't had much of a chance to show some strong heroic traits. He has shown that he cares about his friends and the people who took him in, which are positive traits.
Even if you were to start from the beginning again, which is not something I think you should do, it would still be impossible to make everybody 100% like Android.
Just keep going and finish the story, then the readers can come to their own conclusions about things. I for one will keep reading and posting my thoughts here in the comments.

Well, okay then. I'll finish the story soon and see what happens.

This Allister chap seems quite affable. I wonder why he's working with that Ironside character, they don't seem to see eye to eye on things but they're also in on the wolf masked person? Interesting.

I like how the students of CHS have different opinions about Android and the wolf masked man. Although by now the question of whether to kill enemy cyborgs or not is still kind of moot because now Android knows he can just revive dead cyborgs. Might as well do it since death doesn't stick. Looking forward to seeing what's next.

Even so, the idea of killing a cyborg leaves him traumatized. You'll learn a little bit of why in the next chapter.

I have a question. Why all the bland names? Like, Robofist, Cyber Dragon, Metal City, etc. Seems a bit too simple to me.

I'm not very creative with hero names. Flaw of mine

Sort of. I'm just conflicted on uploading the next chapter since I'm not sure if I like it or not.

It's your call, I just want to see where this story ends up.

How's the next chapter of this story coming along? I want to see how the rest of it unfolds. :pinkiehappy:

I needed a break from this story. I'll upload the next chapter soon

I personally like the moral dilemmas that are being brought up in your story. It makes the conflict seem a lot more real to read about. "Injustice" isn't the only series that deals with morality, and I do like the direction that this story is going. I hope you continue it, because this story is definitely something that I want to see the conclusion of. Keep up the good work! :twilightblush:



But keep in mind, when I first started writing my Android stories, I just wanted them to be simple superhero stories. Not some kind of complicated story on morality.

But even basic superhero stories have statements about morality. In fact, it's the driving force behind a lot of popular superheroes. Batman is constantly treading the line between what is acceptable punishment for villains, for example, and how his villains are always tempting him with the easy solution of killing them. Without discussions of morality, there wouldn't be any superhero stories at all, because every superhero is constantly presenting with moral choices that lead to character development, whether for good or for bad. That's one of the reasons why I like this story, because Android is being presented with the same problems that many popular mainstream superheroes are also confronted with. He has to decide how best to follow his own moral code and uphold his ideals in the face of an easier, but (to him) less moral solution, and I find that to be fascinating to read about. I want to see how it all turns out, and I absolutely think you have a good thing going here. Keep it up, and don't be so critical of yourself! You're doing great!

I see. Well, thanks for that. Still wish I could've kept it simple. I guess Android's moral code is inspired by Deku's desire to save people. He wants to save Shigaraki from All For One. I tried to make Android just as noble.

Coming back again to re-read this story so far. I personally really am intrigued by the questions and conflict that Dew Drop is faced with. I hope the next chapter comes out soon. I look forward to seeing what we can learn next! :raritystarry:

I'm consistently intrigued by this story. There's obviously a lot going on behind the scenes with the scientists, and I would love to know more about them. I also like how Android has his friends to help him fight the Cyber Force, though I'm still leaning more into the side of the White Wolf. He just appeals to me and has such a cool design, as far as what I'm picturing in my head. Kudos to you, TriforceAndroid, for coming up with such a neat character. I see you've got a picture of Android on your story's cover, is there any chance you have pictures of other characters too? Love the story, I wish it updated more frequently, haha!

Will this story be a long one?

So many interesting things about this chapter. It's clear that Ironside doesn't think much of Allister and plans to get rid of him in the near future. But I thought Cyber Dragon was the cyborg of greed?

Whoops! I meant for that to be Gluttony!

So I'm reading through this story again because it's pretty fun, but I've noticed something a little bit odd. At the part where Android meets Shining Armor, he says he's never seen a dead cyborg before. Really? With Metal City being a constant battleground for humans and cyborgs he's never seen a dead one? Even if we assume that even with all the fighting he's never seen one, his backstory tells us that he's seen at least one, the cyborg called Cyber Knight. I mean, Android did kill him but it should still count, right?

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