• Member Since 20th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen 21 hours ago


Just a brony looking for good stories. And maybe write a few stories here and there.



Ever since you were born, you and your family have always been through so many hardships in life. Whether it would be people being total jerks, things not going your way, or some other mysterious reason why. Because of this, you've never experienced any other emotion other than sadness. Until you move to a town with people who were actually nice to you. Thatā€™s when you began to attend the local school called Canterlot High. The students there were really nice and you finally felt relief after all this time. You then began to feel something else when you meet a certain girl. A girl who could possibly make your life even better.

Cover image by https://www.deviantart.com/the-butcher-x

"I'd like to introduce you to the very first story that I've ever written on this site. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I was while writing it. I know most people start off with only one chapter when they post a story and my original plan was to post the whole story once Iā€™m done, but I felt like posting the first four to see if you guys would like it.ā€

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 71 )

This looks really promising! I also have my first story on this site in progress right now, but this story looks good! I like the style of writing, but just make sure you donā€™t fall into the trap of making a character too angsty. Not that he seems that way, just that was something I used to do when i was younger and on other sites.
Overall, though, great job!

Thanks! Iā€™ll try my best to not make him too angsty but weā€™ll see where it goes. :pinkiehappy:

Awe!! Iā€™m loving this.


Grammar got proceedingly better with this chapter

AWW ADORABLE ! Loved it lol.

Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020
Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020

This story was really good! I look forward to the next one, whenever it gets released :)

Thanks! Iā€™ll try and work on it when I can! :pinkiehappy:

Are you going to do something like this for all of the humane seven?

I might. Itā€™s just kinda hard to come up with ideas for each of them. Iā€™m just kinda writing down whatever comes to mind and hopefully itā€™ll work. Iā€™m kind of struggling with what to do for Twilights story, I already used to breakup plot for Pinkie so I donā€™t exactly know what to do for Twilight. But for right now Iā€™m focusing on Pinkie for the moment.

Wow, thatā€™s messed up, no wonder anon blocked it out

glad sunset was able to pull him out of his funk before he did something stupid. Looking forward to epilogue

This was a really good story! The simplest reason i can give for why I liked it is because it was so believable. Not just the romance between Anon and Sunset, but also the darker stuff too. Normally Iā€™m the type that doesnā€™t read anything dark, especially when suicide is involved, but because of how well you wrote it I couldnā€™t help but love it anyway.

also the fact that Anon lives at the end helps too šŸ˜

Thank you! Itā€™s always nice to see good feedback! :pinkiehappy:

By the way, I had somewhat of an idea for a hypothetical story that I might do. If you wish to hear it of course.

I must say the story is very good
If I had to qualify it, I would give it a 20 of 10 šŸ‘

This is good. Its well written, Its a nice story and there are no errors that I can see.
Definitely worth reading.

He seems to be getting his hopes rather high very early on doesn't he? Most who go through such a life tend to not expect anything good to happen. Some take a long time and just as much help to get out if such depression, if they ever do. Medication is also likely.

ā€œI heard. To be honest, this is the very first school that Iā€™ve ever been to that was really great. Not just with the campus, but the students as well. Everyone here is really nice.ā€ You said with a smile.

You met one student, seen a handful of others, and have only been on campus during school hours for a few minutes. That's a really big assumption don't you think?

I guess, but I think that at the time when I wrote this story, I didnā€™t want the main character to be too pessimistic or angsty. Now that I think about it, it wouldā€™ve been more realistic but I didnā€™t want to make the main character unlikable either.

Yeah, I probably shouldā€™ve thought about that a little bit more. To be fair though, this was the very first story that I ever wrote on the site so Iā€™m bound to not think of certain things. Thanks for the feedback by the way. :pinkiehappy:

First stories you tend to over look some things. I've thought of writing a few myself but I keep bouncing around ideas of what I'd like to write. From a displaced to transported. From 3rd person to transformation. :twilightsheepish:

So whatā€™s your take on the story? What do you think about it? If you finished reading it that is.

Well it's like I said hes making a huge assumption that it's a great school. Even if everything that happened was good or not bad, no one that's gone through what you said he did, would make such a turn around fast, let alone in just a few hours. Though to be fair its different for everyone. But I don't see it happening in a few hours. Not if what the protagonist has gone through happened over the course of years. I think the pace is way too fast for that. I haven't finished reading this yet.

(Iā€™m just gonna do a little rant here, itā€™s not your story in general).

Okay, what the hell is with protagonists not having any confidence?! Like, at all! Theyā€™re all just sad, mopey kids that bring down the mood! I canā€™t even read it because the charactersā€™ are just so... I canā€™t perfectly describe it but, lighten up! And the depression, why does everyone have fuckinā€™ depression!? Itā€™s a horrible thing, yes, but why does every character in stories like these include that!? Lifeā€™s a bitch, and you gotta learn to get through that dude! I just can't with all of these stories including sad people, it's just pathetic and hard to like! Why can't they have happy lives? Why is there always sadness?! Literally, it's always sadness! What about anger?! Does that just not exist anymore?!

Another thing, what the hell is with the name, ā€Anon, ā€ everywhere?! Are people just so lazy to pick a new and creative name that they just use some random personā€™s name that they see?! Why can't people come up with different names, like Carlos or Elijah?! Caleb or Chelsea?! Eleanor or Paige?! What about names from other countries?! For different races?! Matter a fact, why are the protagonist's A L W A Y S a random simple white boy?! Can't it be different?! What about a black guy?! What about a British guy?! Literally ANY OTHER RACE ON THE PLANET!!

In short, the fanfiction on this website needs to step it up...

Way to lay everything down at once, Shimmy! šŸ˜Ž And quite the exposition dump too!
Be glad he was gullible enough to fulfill your wish for him to believe everything you told him (truth or no) from the get-go! :twilightblush:

I would've said it like "A Sunset with Shimmer". It sounds better to me. ;)

That does sound good. Not that Iā€™m complaining though.

Stargazer is your OC... Talk about sacrificing yourself for your art...
Great Story. I found it in my Read It Later section, and I KNOW I've read it before, I remember Drizzle Drops (adorable name for a Pegasus, by the way), but apparently I never commented!
I'm really sorry about that my good Pone, I usually leave my thoughts...
The story is quite good, you have a few grammer errors, but not many, and we need more Sunset fluff.
There, now my OCD can shut up. Up next, your Pinkie story!

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