• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.


This story is a sequel to Why Me?

Months now. That's how long I've been serving penance. Cleaning hallways, doing chores, running errands. All for my actions in siding with Tirek.

But I've been good. I've been on my best behavior. I've said my apologies. And now, I'm almost free.

Just one, last, little job left.

Canon with The Dusk Guard series, but standalone.

Could probably use an entry on The Dusk Guard Saga TV Tropes Page

I know, there's no cover art. I couldn't find anything that fit, and there wasn't a budget for commissioning anything. Ah well.

Thanks to Bugsydor and Siers for Alpha and Beta Reading!

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 74 )

This certainly has an auspicious start, and the bathroom scene was quite downhill, haha.

And so was the mighty soap tamed to not scour the primordial chaos everywhere.

Hehe, though an unusual bit out of things with luna and discord.

Ought to be interesting!

That was an excellent ending to the chapter. Poor Discord!

By the way...

Royal Sister’s seal

Does the castle only date to Celestia's solo reign, or is that a typo?

I know, there's no cover art. I couldn't find anything that fit, and there wasn't a budget for commissioning anything. Ah well.

Art for Fanfiction

p.s. Ask for a REQUEST

Oh, would you look who I'm sharing the box with. ^.^ I'd hoped I would see you there when I saw your story notification.

“Oh, thank you, Celly,” he said, cutting her off with a smile. “I think you’ve just given me what I need to make it through the next two days!” He winked. “And now, if you don’t mind, I think I hear my bath calling. Goodnight!”

He shut the door before she could respond, a grin etched across his face.

This made my day!

I so want the orphans to start interacting with him.

 than a blue whale much too large for the room that for some reason missed the sensation of falling, and then a very surprised and panicked looking pink griffon before becoming, with a mental sigh of relief, a bowl of petunias once more.

Thats a hitchhiker quote, i know that is. *Madly giggles*

And yes, the poor manager, whom is so frightened she cant even look at you, rather than the chipped short stack, who is likely blowing a gasket at him following 'the rules.'

Still, I'm loving this

The anagramized chapter titles amuse me.

Oh, there are so many, many references hidden throughout this fic. Good luck catching all of them!

Technically, it's not her being scared, it's just a neurological disorder mixed with a flight or flight response. Not uncommon, actually. I had a roommate who had something like it. He was great at horror flicks.

I'm glad you like them! It was a special surprise I cooked up that fits the thematic arc of the story fairly well.

I know ive missed a ton, but i'm enjoying the look into the beyond all the same, because its great experience in discord.


I really like the way you write Discord. He's a tricky one to make feel right even from the outside, and you have gone beyond that to explore the inside of his head and still nailed it. That really makes the entire story come to life, especially when you combine it with your usual excellent character work with the others.

Also, Luna didn't say no in chapter 2. Time to break out the shipping goggles. :rainbowlaugh:

Post-"Discordant Harmony" plothole:

If Discord's realm gets too orderly, his body fades away.


Then again, maybe it only counts when he's the one who rearranges it (you know, "willpower" and all).

I like this story so far. I just hope it'll finish strong like I suspect. I also like how we the audience can immediately guess their intention, especially based on the few antics he's had so far, as to where this story goes (then again, I find the direction a bit predictable but still a good one). Although I also like the Discord/Luna shipping, even as a joke. ;) I always liked the few stories that did that paring.

I am starting to REALY hate primrose here


Yeah, the moment the fainting went away and she could properly show her attitude she went from a joke and minor antagonist to a total bitch. I was hoping Discord would have the sense to teleport her to Celestia to deal with the problem in a more controlled manner, but given the shit he's taken already it's really not surprising he tried to deal with it himself and things blew up like this.

Also, it's a real shame we almost certainly won't get to see the eventual conversation between Prim Rose and Varya about this because Varya's anger at Prim driving Discord off and ending the show she was enjoying should be a nice reality check for Prim.

So good, why do I have to wait for more! :P I really like this story and can't wait for it to continue. Hope you can keep up the daily updates.

Re-reading this, this morning, and the chapter after, huh. Old memories.

Still, I think luna here is perhaps something of a very well portrayed one here. In trying to actually do something nice, with the right reasons for it. So often you see the old pair not really adjusting as much to how he is. Well done.

Still, i need to look over this more, as I really think ive missed more than I should have.


Well, guess the story's over. Discord's certainly never going back there again. What was Luna trying to accomplish, exactly?

Oh, the story's definitely not over. What do you think the chances are that Prim Rose won't go before the courts to complain about his behaviour, and demand that he be replaced? How well do you suppose her complaint will be received?

“Kill me …” came a faintly accented voice from inside the safe.

“Don’t need to,” Discord replied. “You’re a meme. All it takes is time! Aha!” He pulled out a set of vinyl records, examining each one before finding the one he was looking for. “The Breakfast Club? No one’s listening to thatanytime soon. I’ll just tuck you in here, and …” 

Hehehehe, oh three solid ones in such a span, Bravo!

And huh, fun little moment of history and just how old he really is.


Replaced in what setting? That was his last day. He already didn't need to go there anymore


Either way, it looks as if whatever Luna was hoping would happen didn't and probably never will

Good job, there, Rosy Posy stick in her rump! Now Discord's angry, so his mood's in a slump!

“And I appreciate you not following the prior standard and sending it after my tail. Always a joker, that one, he thought.

Missing quotation mark.

Good to see prim got told off by the princess she was starting to get on my nerves, granted she's still there but at least shes not a jerk any more

It's nice to see she can change her mind!

(Hey, I'm first~! Neato!)

I'm very happy that this is not over. I don't want it to end.


classy dame with a lot of leg, that one—” Princess Luna let out an indignant snort.

*shipping intensifies* :trollestia:

A better resolution to Prim's involvement than what the black little goo of a heart of mine had come up with! Then again, I'm evil like that.

Although... A tiny bit of me kind of hoped that Luna would refer to Discord as being perhaps the eldest orphan around. Or something sufficiently profound to strike at the heart of the matron.

The thing with Prim is you can't really say she's done anything worthy of punishment. Not in any country or sovereign state that values the freedom of expression. She has the right to her opinions—incorrect and prejudiced as they may be—just as anyone else does provided she's not violating others' inalienable rights. Anyone has the right to refuse donated help on private prejudice because what's the alternative? Forcing someone against their will? That can be dangerous ground.

And that's where this story gets tricky. Because outside of Prim, Stacks, and just about most other ponies' attitudes around Discord ... they're not bad individuals. Prim, Stacks, all the others ... there's plenty to like about them unless you're on the other end of that prejudice they have against Discord, which is something none of them have every really questioned. Worse, Discord has by his own admission effectively lived up to the exact reputation they fear for a long, long time, which means his slate isn't clean either. He's straight up amplified and given reason for those fears to exist, even if in a context of "Well, if that's what you call me, that's what I'll be!"

That's one reason I like this story so much—both sides have grievances, and both sides have legitimate reasons for their behavior. But with the story in Discord's perspective, where the honesty behind his motives is clear, it's easy to side with him.

Make no mistake: Prim Rose is wrong to treat him the way she does, but she's also blind to her own prejudices, and were the story written from her point of view throughout, most readers would probably agree with her and be siding against Discord, because all they'd get would be her perspective, biased as it is.

There's a lot of little things anyone could take away from this, but Prim's own stubbornness definitely shows the faults of not trying to see all sides of the picture and not giving the benefit of a doubt. Instead, she leaps ahead based on her own assumptions, and, well ... boom.

While Prim was wrong, though, that doesn't make her evil at all ... no more than someone speaking out against a church-run camp for being religious, or against someone simply for being a member of a rival political organization (the two convo-killers summoned at once!) evil. It may just be completely blind, misguided judgement.

Indeed it is not. What's left and when will you see it? Well ... we'll see.

I love writing Discord's antics, but his "Can I be Frank with you?" scene was completely spur of the moment, and one that had me laughing even as I wrote it. There are some things only Discord can get away with, like meta references (or maybe Pinkie), and this was one of them.

That, and Luna's chair.

EDIT: And to all so far, I'm glad you're enjoying the story! If you're new, definitely check out my other stuff and page!


Yeah, that scene was great, and was very much a scene only Discord could get away with. Also, it's funny you mentioned that scene, because before you launched into it I saw the line "can I be frank with you?" and thought "Ok Frank." to myself. :rainbowlaugh:

As for the first part, I definitely got that, although I think it might have come through more strongly if you had alternated between their viewpoints.

While Prim was wrong, though, that doesn't make her evil at all ... no more than someone speaking out against a church-run camp for being religious, or against someone simply for being a member of a rival political organization (the two convo-killers summoned at once!) evil. It may just be completely blind, misguided judgement.

I don't know, with the way American politics have gotten lately there's a definite argument to be made to the contrary these days (and note that I deliberately didn't specify a party). :facehoof:

I didn't want to alternate between the two though, as I wanted the story to be Discord's perspective, save for that one scene where the difference comes across. It could have worked, but I think it's stronger when it's not so explicitly said, since that encourages more critical analysis.


Fair enough. There are lots of ways to approach something like this, and the choice really comes down to what you want to convey in the story. Alternating would have really highlighted the different viewpoints on the same situation, but sticking mostly with Discord like this helps to focus in on him and highlight his personal frustrations with his situation in general which makes sense given that this story is really intended to follow his character arc more than anything else.

P.S. Any chance you'll do something with those ship teases I've been joking about? I don't care if a romance happens or not, but I think it would be hilarious if someone else in the cast decided to tease Luna about it as well. Celestia's the obvious choice, but it could also be a good way to show the Dusk Guard's growing personal familiarity with Luna if someone like Hunter did it.

D'awwwwwwwwwwww, tiny little cracks are erupting in the crevices of my blackened heart!

Which means I'm going to have to think up something truly NASTY, and VILE, and LOATHING, and CONTEMPTIBLE, maybe even MEAN to say so I can return to my normal operations.

:yay: "Hurrah!"

Nonono, that can't be it... Ah-ha! I got it!

Sweet cheesecakes that fic was delicious! Thank you!

There! REVEL IN MY HATE OF THIS FIC! REV- waaaaaaaaaaaait a minute... :pinkiehappy:

I enjoyed this story on its own merits. I know I've read some of your other work but I honestly don't remember them off hand. This is one I really enjoyed and it deserves its spot on my favorites bookshelf. I also love the clock, even if it did essentially commit suicide because it could t ring the gong. :P (Poor clock, I almost feel sad for it. Almost.)


That was excellent. I want to say more, but you already hit all the actual substance in your author's note there so I'll just settle for saying the ending was adorable and that scene between Discord and Luna at the end was very sweet (and no, I don't actually care that it sank the crackship, that was mostly a joke anyways).

The clock, im sorry, while everything else is adorable, or heartmelting. The clock, is just golden. And I laughed so very much. It was amazing.

This was just a fun read from start to end, everything made me smile, grin, and laugh. The good kind of smile you just grin widely at.

A superbly well done discord. I wish more wrote him this way.

Aww, thanks! :pinkiehappy: I'm glad you liked—I mean hated—it so much.

You don't remember them? :pinkiegasp: What are you waiting for!? Now that you know what they may hide, you must recall them! Go! Go!

And as far as the clock goes, it wasn't so much "Commit suicide" as it was "tearing it's own hair out" until it exploded.

I'm glad you liked that final scene. You weren't the only one who started halfway (or all the way) rooting for a ship between Discord and Luna there, trust me. Which made the reveal all the sweeter, personally. Being able to flesh out the relationships between the immortals just a little bit more was very satisfying on my end. Also, I got a kick out of reading your comments, since you were rooting for it a bit, and I knew what was coming.

On a side note, there's a lot of backstory hinted at between this story, Why Me?, Beyond, and the other Dusk Guard stories. Crud, even though Tirek is Doomed wasn't canonical with the rest, I still got a kick out of letting Discord reference some of the personality features and history that would be super relevant here ...

Anyway ...

Thank you for the high praise! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm glad you got so many laughs and good feelings out of it. I strive to deliver as much as I can.

Oh, and in pure truth, a few of the moments with the clock made me laugh out loud as I wrote them. One of my favorite lines from thi story was the bit with the 'laughter that sounded as if it would be punctuated by the phrase "It's alive! It's alive!"'

Thanks! I'm glad to hear that. Most can write a story that entertains for a minute or two. It takes skill to write a story that truly touches the heart, and I strive to work on that with everything I write.

Its a slow joke, it builds so well, and when you realize just what happens, it goes from laugh out loud funny to tear meltingly sweet. And you love it, even if that poor clock has more than a few loose screws by the end of it. I still chuckle thinking about it.


The clock actually wrote itself. It originally began with "How to start this story ... how about with Discord's alarm clock? That won't be normal." It was never intended to appear again. But like all great characters, it quickly began running away with its own story, and I was more than happy to let it. It's a perfect sideplot to the rest of the work, especially once it all comes together at the very end and you find out the significance of that gong, and why Discord was so determined not to let it get walloped.

Also, the noodle incident of imagining him trying to explain this all to Fluttershy ...

It would take new meaning to "Waking up at the (thunder)crack of dawn." :raritywink:

Ah, someone who truly gets Discord and can write him particularly well to boot.

8284583 And so, Discord died. The End! :fluttershbad:


Heh, I'm glad you got a kick out of my tongue-in-cheek comments about the shipping. While I won't deny that I wouldn't have minded if it turned out to be true, it was really mostly a joke and this ending definitely works better both on the emotional level and especially on the world building level as you mentioned.

That said, there's no reason someone else in-universe can't tease them about it. :trollestia:

Since the Creator didn’t bother leaving me with an answer like the rest of you got, he thought.

I most certainly DID leave him instructions! It's not my fault he turned the stone tablets into crackers and ate them with a slice of moon cheese before reading them!

He was SUPPOSED to be trolling millennials! :trollestia:

She couldn’t sense the innate wrongness that permeated Discord’s magic.

I feel I must make a little note of logical analysis with regard to the show in this area:

Discord's magic, though chaotic, BELONGS to their world. After all, Tirek WAS able to absorb it instantly and add it to his reservoir without any difficulty or side-effect whatsoever. And though I do think that was a terrible mistake in the writing as it SHOULD have caused Tirek some problems, it's still the canon, as feeble as it may be.

His magic was also nullified by the changeling anti-magic throne as instantly and as thoroughly as all the ponies' was. Again, this signifies that his magic is a natural part of their world.

But... what does that say about CHANGELING magic, eh? The only magic NOT touched by the stone? The only magic capable of powering itself through stolen emotions? Are the changelings really part of Equestria at all, if we consider this evidence? :raritywink:

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