• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


In the Hall of the Gods, Celestia – a mere unicorn – ascends the sacred steps to confront Indra, Lord of All Horses, whose mismanagement of the pony tribes almost brought ruin to his subjects. Unfortunately, she can't kill a god. And neither of them are wholly convinced she should even try.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

A modified entry salvaged from an old anthology collection, Here Comes the New God was a short fic I checked recently. I thought it warranted a chance to stand on its own, instead of leaving it buried under a load of ancient works.

Therefore, I'm releasing it as its own beast. Not the first time I've done something like this, I'll admit.

This time, there's more focus on Celestia's inner thoughts on the fight, as well as a bit more emphasis on the friendship magic. Otherwise, the scene by and large remains intact.

Wait, so Equestria got destroyed? I’m confused....


:rainbowhuh: Pardon?

The answer is no. Equestria didn't get destroyed: just the Hall of the Gods and the surrounding mountain range. Indra mentions a journey partway through, and the penultimate paragraph describes Celestia as "vanishing from this world". Since her only likely origin and destination is Equestria, that implies this Hall and range is some other realm entirely.

Based on canon alone, I'm wondering how the "Equestria was destroyed" interpretation is even possible.

Okay. That makes a bit more sense.


That's OK. Sorry about the confusion; I've been told before that I sometimes assume things about my stories that aren't actually clear in the stories themselves. After your first comment, I did wonder if this was another case of me assuming too much again. Thank you for the reply.

Same as the old god...

Well, no, actually. Not at all the same as the old god. That's the point. In any case, magnificent stuff here, especially with Celestia both defying Indra's "clash of the titans" narrative and following it to its logical conclusion. If you really are a god, why not respond with truly awe-inspiring force? Especially if it's powered by your opponent's sins.


I was wondering if anyone would get that reference, boss. Also, I've always liked the idea of Celestia using her opponents' strengths against them. Quite apart from the self-defence angle (after all, they shot first), it just seems smarter, more economical, more elegant, and more deliciously ironic. She'd be a nightmare in a martial arts movie. :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for the feedback, by the way. Those rapid downvotes made me wonder what had gone wrong with this one, but with feedback it's easier to gauge what works and what doesn't.

Exciting. (And Tia, humility's nice, but you are clearly a God.)

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