• Published 19th Jul 2012
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The Best of All Possible Worlds - McPoodle

The philosopher Voltaire finds himself in the most-frustrating place imaginable: Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 44

The Best of All Possible Worlds

Chapter 44

The statue garden located behind Canterlot Palace, 95 Summer EY 6764

The journey back to Canterlot from Stalliongrad had been mostly uneventful, which left Blue Belle plenty of time to mull over her suspicions.

Something’s wrong, she kept telling herself, and the Princess and the human know what it is.

The two of them effortlessly dodged all of her attempts to figure out what precisely had happened to them right before that last Council meeting in Stalliongrad. And to everypony else, perhaps, they managed to pull off their illusion that nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

But the knowing looks they would get in their eyes, the way that they seemed so sure about minor aspects of the immediate future, and the way they would laugh at nothing in particular made it abundantly obvious to the new Minister of Unicorn Affairs that there was a secret to be uncovered. She silently vowed that as soon as she had reunited with her father, the two of them would get some kind of answers out of the pair.

The thought of meeting her father again caused Blue Belle to softly gasp, as if at one time there was a question of whether she was ever going to see him again. This sharpened her suspicions even further.

“Why are we out here again?” she asked her two companions, as they followed a nearly-invisible path deeper and deeper into the Royal Gardens.

“Well, that portal to Earth has got be fixed sooner or later,” Princess Celestia said lightly, “and I figured there was no better time for Voltaire to see Discord’s statue. You did want to see it as well, didn’t you?”

“Of course,” Blue Belle said impatiently. “I just didn’t think that it would be this inaccessible.”

“Yes,” the Princess said with a frown, “I probably should relocate Him again. He tends to have a...bad effect on the vegetation.”

“You say that like He’s still alive in there,” the unicorn said nervously.

“That’s because He still is,” Princess Celestia replied.

The unicorn broke out into a cold sweat. “Is there any chance that He could break out?” she asked.

The alicorn closed her eyes for a moment. “No, He’s secure,” she said finally. “Speaking of which, we’re here.”

~ ~ ~

On a marble pedestal stood a mixed-up bipedal creature, one arm outstretched in a dramatic gesture, with His eyes closed and His single-fanged mouth open wide, like He was singing an aria from an opera.

Voltaire chuckled. “Is this actually what it appears to be?” he asked. “Did the Princesses of Sun and Moon defeat the Draconequus god by staging a singing competition?”

“Yes,” Celestia said with a broad grin. “And He ‘won’, through rampant use of a laryngitis spell on all of the actual contestants.”

“We had a Roman emperor like that,” Voltaire said with a shake of his head. “It’s said that he let Rome burn to the ground one day so as to provide better accompaniment for his latest fiddle composition.”

“Excuse me, but ‘Draconequus’?” Blue Belle interrupted.

“That’s, err, His species,” Voltaire replied.

“His species...you mean there’s more than one of Him?” Blue Belle started hyperventilating.

“Ah...” Voltaire hedged.

Celestia glanced up at her Sun. “Would you look at the time!” she exclaimed.

Voltaire thoughtlessly did just that. “I’m blind!” he exclaimed.

“We need to be in the audience chamber, right now!” the Princess exclaimed.

Still inside that same cell at Charité, June 23, AD 1751


Genevieve was now stuck here in the human’s world, forever.

Well, forever...or until she picked up that magic pencil over there and repaired the portal to Equestria. She didn’t know how she knew that the pencil was magic, or the fact that it operated for anybody just by drawing, with no incantations or other special instructions. She just knew. (Thankfully, she was not aware of everything else she could have done with that pencil if she had a mind to.)

And this was a prison, wasn’t it? The creature in Equestria was an escapee from a prison, and nobody knew but her! She had to go back, even if the Princess wanted to punish her. Although...

Genevieve’s memory flashed back to the moment when she had glimpsed the Princess’s face during her journey between worlds. She realized that what she saw was a look of compassion, the look of a pony who was honestly pained to be losing her.

She decided then and there that she would not be motivated by fear of what her ruler might do to her. She would face her just punishment, whatever it might be.

Also there was the matter of the footsteps generated by multiple creatures approaching the door, but Genevieve assured herself that fear of the monstrous, almost-certainly deranged fellow prisoners/monsters that were coming for her soul had absolutely nothing to do with her selfless decision. She pushed the papers back into a large square, stood in the middle with her hooves holding the papers in place, and picking up the pencil with her lips, quickly drew a circle around herself.

Of course she fell through instantly.

The Audience Chamber of Canterlot Palace, 95 Summer, EY 6764

That’s it!” exclaimed Caloric in a towering rage.

Too bad that towering rages look utterly ridiculous when you’re wearing mage’s robes.

“I have had enough of this recalcitrant portal! May Princess Luna take it to Tartarus for all I care!”

As the other two mages gasped in horror at the utterance of the Forbidden Name, Caloric bucked a random pillar.

At that precise second, Genevieve tumbled out of the just-opened portal on the other side of that pillar and cracked her head against the floor.

Genius!” proclaimed Aether and Phlogiston, reaching out to shake his hoof.

All three raced forward, not to assist the fallen donkey, but to stabilize the portal. That job was reserved for Gordon, who seemed to have materialized nearly as fast as his daughter.

“Genevieve! Genevieve!” he cried, cradling her form in his forelegs. “Speak to me!”

“Uhhhh...am I in trouble?” she added weakly.

The jester could do no more than to hug the jenny tightly to himself, wetting her coat with his tears of joy.

~ ~ ~

At that moment the doors to the audience chamber burst open.

“We’re home!” exclaimed Voltaire. “Did we miss anything?”

Princess Celestia merely rolled her eyes as she followed the human into the room.

“Genevieve!” Blue Belle exclaimed, racing around the other two to reach the prone figure.

“I’m sorry, Lady Belle,” Genevieve said, her head bowed, “I failed even at my exile. Give me the worst the Equestrian Justice system has for me.”

“Are you nuts?!” the white unicorn exclaimed. “This whole time, I was manipulating you for my sick gratification, but no more! I’ve become a new pony, and you’ve become one of my new role models!”

“Me?” the bewildered donkey asked.

“Yes, you!” Blue Belle replied, poking Genevieve in the chest.

“Do you have any idea how long you’ve been gone?” Princess Celestia asked as she knelt down beside her.

A shocked Genevieve bowed her head down to the ground. “No, Your Highness!” She then bowed her head even further to add, “I am not worthy, Your Highness!”

“Genevieve,” the Princess said gently but firmly, resting one hoof on her shoulder, “you are a subject of Equestria, and for that alone you are worthy of my attention and love. I am your protector, but I am not so high above you as you might think. In any case, you have been gone for fifty days, and a lot has changed while you were gone.”

“F...fif...fifty days!” Genevieve exclaimed. “But I was only gone for a few seconds!”

“A few seconds on my planet,” Voltaire explained, “but time does not move the same in our two worlds.”

On hearing this, Blue Belle’s brow furrowed in suspicion, and she grabbed one of the mages to ask him some questions.

Genevieve looked up at Voltaire, her eyes blinking rapidly. “You are a human!” she exclaimed.

“And not a prisoner,” he added with a bow. “Merely the victim of a rather cruel practical joke.”

Genevieve looked behind her at the still-open portal. “Then I guess you better be returning, then?” she asked cautiously.

“Yes,” Voltaire said with a sigh. “It is time for me to finally make my leave.” He gestured to the Sparkle Sisters, who were waiting curiously outside the door of the audience chamber. “Thank you two for everything,” he told them, before extracting the gray cap from under his periwig and handing it off to Eveningstar. “Now have excuse for short goodbye,” he joked in bad Equine.

“Goodbye,” he said to the distracted Blue Belle, tapping her on the head with a finger. “You now new ‘Voltige’. Have fun annoying Princess!”

Celestia and Blue Belle simultaneously face-hooved.

“Goodbye,” he said to Gordon. “You jester—laugh more!”

“Goodbye,” he said to a confused Prince Blueblood, who was only just then entering the audience chamber. “Having still the fun at being the sore loser.” The prince figured out enough of that last sentence to nod in agreement.

“Goodbye,” he said to Genevieve. “Be nopony.” She looked at him strangely for this.

Finally he turned to Princess Celestia. He opened his mouth...and found absolutely nothing to say. He wanted to thank her for showing him that it was possible for a stubbornly deluded populace to change, because that gave him hope that his native France might yet avoid the pains of revolution that he knew were coming. He wanted to assure her that when the time came to face her cursed sister that she would be able to help her. He selfishly wanted to congratulate himself that he had managed to become memorable to an immortal, and therefore was now an immortal of sorts himself. But without his cap he could say none of these to his satisfaction. Finally he grinned as he thought of the perfect way to say goodbye.

Ribbit!” Voltaire croaked.

Nopony said anything, all of them looking to their Princess to see her reaction.

Although her eyes glistened, Princess Celestia said nothing for several seconds, until suddenly...

Brr-deep!” she croaked back at him.

In the language of Voltaire’s fictional frogs, she had just hailed him as a god.

Voltaire chuckled, and then he laughed, and then the laughs built into gut-busting guffaws. Once he started, he found himself completely unable to stop. Wiping his eyes several times, he waved feebly, then stumbled towards the portal and tumbled through.

And so it was that Voltaire, the greatest champion of human liberties of the French Enlightenment, left the magical land of Equestria, not through exile or fleeing from a vengeful mob, but by laughing his ass off.

The cell at Charité, June 23, AD 1751

When Voltaire arrived back on Earth, he heard Blue Belle exclaim from the other side of the portal. Eagerly, he leaned forward and listened in.

Wait just one second!” the unicorn exclaimed. “The timing of this is unbelievable! How did you know the portal would open at that precise moment? And the time gradient between worlds is completely impossible! Phlogiston here tells me that it would require even more magic than an alicorn possesses to make time pass so slowly on Earth compared to Equestria.

The mage pony muttered something about making that statement under duress.

And that means...I knew it!” Blue Belle crowed. “That can only mean the covered-up existence of a g—

She was never allowed to finish that sentence, as a shocked Princess teleported the two of them out of sight.

Well! Voltaire thought to himself. It looks like the Princess will be forced to restore Blue Belle’s memories after all! I do hope that Celestia is able to cut out the worst parts. Better for the filly to think she blacked out from the pain after removing that necklace than to go through what actually happened.

~ ~ ~

Voltaire! Voltaire, are you in there?

The voice was that of King Friedrich, and it was accompanied by the rattling of Jordan nervously flipping through his key ring to find the key for this door.

Voltaire only had a few moments to spare. With a kick of his foot, he scattered the pages forming the portal. He then picked up the magic pencil that was located at his feet, and dropped it through a circle of light that had just then appeared at his side.

Death from above!” he exclaimed with a smirk.

The circle winked out of existence just as the door opened.

“My dear Voltaire!” the King exclaimed as the door was opened. “Are you...groveling?”

Voltaire jumped to his feet. “Of course not!” he exclaimed roughly. “Would Friedrich the Great have asked the legendary Voltaire to join his entourage for no other reason than to see him grovel?”

The three men standing behind Friedrich looked on in shock, certain that they were about to see the idiot in the prisoner’s cell get the punishment he had just wriggled out of.

For a few seconds, Friedrich said nothing, his eyes growing bigger and bigger and bigger. And then he slapped his knee and uttered an explosive guffaw.

“Don’t ever change, Voltaire!” he laughed.

The other men, relieved, turned and made their way out to the belated birthday party for Jenny.

Seeing that they were alone, the King pulled his Court Philosopher aside. “And if you ever deign to use that tone towards me when a commoner like Jordan is present, I will have your head. Understood?”

Yup!” Voltaire squeaked, before meekly following in his monarch’s footsteps.

But of course by this point, he had already decided that serving King Friedrich was no longer worth the trouble.

After all, if you’ve served the Alicorn Princess of Equestria, any other ruler is merely second-rate.

~ T H E ~ E N D ~

Author's Note:

Well, that's all, folks!

In the next week or two, I'll add a postscript telling the fates of the main characters, followed by the voluminous credits and acknowledgements I always tack onto my stories.

Also, I am planning a very short follow-up story to "The Best of All Possible Worlds", set in the present day. Expect it in a month or so.