• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 136: Plea


Chapter 136: Plea

By Wanderer D

The flight back to the Avenger was mostly uneventful, save for the myriad of looks she was getting from the other passengers. Word had spread not only about what she had done while on site, but also that Twilight was an alien… and that Sunset was too.

They didn't do anything, or speak to her at all, but somehow, she felt slightly isolated. She wasn't any different… she had the exact same skills, skin, hair color… she was exactly the same.

But now she was a stranger of sort, and even though they all knew she was on their side, she wasn't one of them anymore.

And it hurt.

Through her time in XCOM, she had been one of them. Sure, people thought she might be psychic, but never really questioned her humanity, and that made her sort of part of the pack. It was a reassuring thing and she couldn't deny the fear of losing it all because of this.

But what else was she supposed to do? Force Twilight to stay to keep her secret? Abandon Celestia and the others to whatever fate they would suffer under the current attack? It wasn't really an option.

At least not an option she was willing to consider. Despite her original anger—and her still-remaining need to prove herself a capable and dependable leader to her mother and the rest of Equestria—she wasn't going to let her world suffer.

"Hey," Deadwood spoke up.

He and Ember had been among the last to leave, alongside Tygan, the Engineers that had moved the statue and Estella.

Sunset looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Just wanted to say," he continued, shrugging, "that I know it must be hard to not be able to go back to where you belong… to stay and help."

"It's a big thing, Sunset," Ember added, "When we all saw how much you wanted to cross over."

Sunset chuckled. "Was it that obvious?"

"It was." Ember smirked.

"I heard that you were some sort of royalty there," one of Deadwood's team asked. Carol Wood, aka Shogun. "Wouldn't you have rather stayed there instead of getting pummeled, shot or skewered?"

"Nah," another spoke up, Gerry Doyle, aka Security, from Ember's team. "We all know Sunset Bloody Shimmer doesn't just walk away from a fight if she can get injured."

Fabio Giordano, aka Fridge snorted. "I'd rather stand by someone who's willing to take a bullet or a blade for me any day of the week than someone who would just run away to be comfortable."

"Good thing Menace has never been famous for slacking on that," Greg Rose, aka Trojan said next. "Willing to take a bullet. Willing to stick it out."

"We'll miss the nerd princess of awesome," Rainbow Dash shouted back, "But we know where your heart is, Sunny."

Ember placed a hand on her shoulder. "This is home," she said, motioning with her hand at all the people present. Engineers. Scientists and soldiers. "Your home. Your family."

"And we're all glad you stayed."

Sunset looked around. Gone were the calculating looks, and the questioning glances. They all smiled.

So she smiled back. "Thank you."

Lily Shen tweaked ROV-R. Twilight's notes had some interesting concepts related to disrupting the psionic spectrum, and she wanted to test a few out before trying to really implement them into any GREMLIN units.

For one, it was a remodel of the whole thing, and for another, there was always the danger of early implementation not having enough objective testing. With the statue portal on its way to the Avenger, there were way too many fields of interest to study, and too many applications to consider.

Still, her legacy was that of the creator and engineer, and theoretical discourse wasn't enough for her. She needed the elbow grease and the physical results of hard work to feel any level of satisfaction at new projects.

Tygan theorized. She implemented.

She ran a hand through her face and sighed, putting down the tools and returning to her computer, studying the varying lines of code. As much as she wanted to deny it, translating what Twilight proposed into real world… or at least Earth physics was not as easy as turning on a switch.

Chances were she'd have to drag other Engineers into it, and that meant preparing a pitch for the Commander. Resources, manpower and effort were limited in the Avenger, but what mattered in the end were the results, and if she could create a dummy of some sort that presented the idea properly, then she'd be halfway done.

She typed away, frowning when her screen blurred for a second. She blinked and rubbed her eyes, then continued her programming, but it happened again, this time her computer, and all the others were filled with white noise.

"Shen! What the hell is going on?" the radio blared.

"I don't know, Commander!" she replied, looking around as lights flickered. The noise resolved somewhat into the vague shape of a woman, then blurred and distorted until only a red circuit could be seen.

"Shen! He-rrrzzz-lp. Heeeelp me!" a voice crackled through, distorted and extended as the scream cycled, suddenly growing in pitch as the the computers around buzzed displaying lines after lines of familiar-looking code and then suddenly went dead.

"What the fu—" Shen raced to the computers, running scans.,

"Shen?" Bradford asked, running into Engineering. "What was that?"

"I have no idea, Central, but it was using my dad's code." She kept typing desperately, trying to triangulate its origin point before suddenly stopping and shaking her head. "Of course, how could I forget?"

"You know who did that?"

"I can only think of one other who might've used my father's coding. And we know exactly where they are."

That was when a beep came from Bradford's comms. "Central, we have a signal on one of our hidden frequencies. You won't believe who it is."

Lily stopped typing, frowning as she heard the report.

Bradford exchanged a look with her. "Surprise me. I'm in Shen's office right now. Send it over."

"Transferring to Engineering," the comms operator announced, and the large screen on the wall turned on.

The background was surreal. A hut, made of metal parts, inside a cave, where alien plants grew, and in front of the camera was none other than ADVENT's very own announcer: Sweetie Belle.

"I repeat, this is a message for XCOM," the celebrity said. She looked bad. Hair disheveled, eyes puffy, a cut on her cheek and burn marks on her clothes. "New Appaloosa has been taken over. Please. Please help. Only two of us managed to escape. The city is completely quarantined. There's hundreds of civilians in there." She looked on the verge of tears. "Sunset. Jane. Please, if you're there, if you can hear me. We need you."

o.0.o End Chapter 136 o.0.o

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