• Member Since 7th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Comments ( 129 )

Anon with morals? Shocking!

And has self preservation skills not to be hanged in a semi-medieval society of magical ponies that firmly believe in monarchy and law and order?

ArcCahlon #2 · March 7th · · 181 · Cravings ·

hehe I am sure I could give sweetie what she wants. she can play with my cock all she wants and I will stroke her pussy all night long. henry loves foal and tho that rooster always wakes me up at 5am he is still a good chicken and opal seems like a hell cat but she is a nice little feline I am sure

Seek mental help I beg you

Y1R #4 · March 7th · · · Cravings ·

Aight this fic made me laugh
Keep going... I need moar

Chibalt #5 · March 7th · · 3 · Cravings ·

Dude, there's a time and place for most things.

This is neither the time nor the place for a comment like that, plus it just makes you look like a massive creep, which appeals to basically no-one.

You better starting searching for some screws because a couple of them are missing from that messed-up head of yours.

You need to go to a mental care facility. This comment creeped me out and made me feel disgusted and uncomfortable. :pinkiesick:

Plot twist: Anon knows exactly what Sweetie Belle is after and asking for, but is deliberately playing ignorant.

Edit at 5-24-24: Does someone want to answer that phone?

Because I called it!

11843676 11843734 11843759 11843762

Dude's been around for over a decade, with nary a story nor blog entry to his account's name. Smells like a troll account to me.

Bro flexing his normality hard with this one. Very amusing ^^

*Puffs a cigar, nodding approvingly at the screen*


"Not a pedophile" nothing, if Sweetie Belle isn't making headway he must be --


-- afraid of turning into that guy

Blud's comment got down voted to hell for a good reason

It should be downvoted a million times. But I like how no one hasn't put a like on it. Which is a good thing. At least we still have a lot of sane people on this site.

That is the most devious comment I think I've ever seen on here. Blud is a D1 MENACE for this. Downvote.

the actual story was good though, so i'm droppin a like.

*me sees all the dislikes*
*also me does a tf2 reference*


My God, what kind of monster has possessed Sweetie Bell?

This is really fun, I've liked the idea so far, a sex-crazed little demon and Anon as an innocent soul who thwarts all of her plans. This promises

I give three stars to the first chapter ⭐⭐⭐

Very entertaining, I hope to read more soon

Shouldn't have read the comments, now I wish there was an "UNREAD" button.

Clearly, people can't read past the first, admittedly creepy, sentence.

Comment posted by AvoidingFever17 deleted March 8th


You're trolling huh?

Unfortunately, a big part of comedy is timing. That's usually not an issue in text, but congratulations on finding a way to make it happen.

I can’t understand what are you saying, could be that my English isn’t so good as I was led to believe, or is that my brain is blocking the thing you wrote.

We have a real master-baiter over here.

69 dislikes, n i c e

Finally, a protag with some damn tegridy

This is honestly impressive You have more dislikes than there are people who like the story.

But if I had to guess it's probably going to be like the grilled cheese situation

Bro you traumatized everyone

Will Sweetie Belle be doused with cold water in every chapter? Because it seems pretty effective

Wow, you go all out with the descriptions eh?

I give at the second chapter three stars ⭐⭐⭐

An entertaining chapter

There are so many good ways for this story to eventually end.
None of them involve Sweetie getting what she wants, of course.

Gotta commit to the bit. Part of me wants to prove that I have the chops to write actual clop, even if I choose to write sexual comedy instead.

Although I'm not entirely sure if that's true. I went into Sibling Supremacy Sword Fight trying to write an actual clop fic for a contest, but somewhere along the way I got distracted by a silly idea and it just derailed into sexual comedy instead. It's not my fault that most porn is inherently ridiculous.

People are downvoting based on the title alone without even reading the story. This is funny as hell, maybe a little out of character for Sweetie Belle but I believe that's half the point.


maybe a little out of character for Sweetie Belle but I believe that's half the point.

Oh, definitely. This takes place in a satirical version of the universe where these kind of "fillies banging their human foalsitters" stories occur. It's absolutely the wrong place to be looking for ponies to be "in character".

💀💀💀💀💀💀 5 people liked this comment what the FUCK

Though I also missed it the first time around and downvoted, I did later see the joke they were trying to make. It's just that the sentence structure and spacing is a little messy which makes it hard to spot. It just comes off as a bit confusing and incoherent. Like maybe an English as second language problem? Could do with a paragraph break between the setup and the payoff. It's also sadly undercut by the fact that Opal is Rarity's cat, not Sweetie's.

Gonna leave the downvote in place though, cause it's just generally kind of a mess.

This story is far more downvoted than any of the fics it parodies. I think it's the foalcon types who are primarily downvoting. In my experience arguing with lolicons, people get really offended when you even imply they're pedophiles, especially when it's true.

>people get really offended when you even imply they're pedophiles
Yeah, that uh...that tends to happen

I take it most people stopped reading after the first sentence. That or the difficult to read English made the joke fall flat. Maybe some combination of the two.

It's generally not a good idea to imply people are criminals simply because they have differing tastes.

Imply to a brony that they're actually just a filthy zoophile who wants to go and rape animals because they like MLP, and you'd probably get a similar reaction.

This is most downvoted comment, that have the most replies, that I have ever seen.

And it is shitpost using double meaning of cat and rooster.

I'm not even mad

Idk, I like foalcon/lolicon stuff and think this is a pretty funny parody lol

And yeah, it’s always annoying when someone conflates fiction with actual crimes (or disorder? depends on how you’re using the term, really); nothing new there o.O

Not anymore or less frustrating then the whole “violent video games” thing

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