• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
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Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.


Unlike the other Rainbooms – and seemingly, the rest of the world – Applejack isn't too excited about Tirek's Revenge. Expensive video games are well outside of her budget, and it’s not like anyone would just give her a copy.

Except, apparently, for Adagio.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 31 )

A rare pair, Introspective AJ, Sirens done well, commentary about video game addiction, and great dialogue? This is quite the treat! Though, your title is under-selling this.

Thank you for writing!

Lots of really nice moments here! I picked up a few typos, though:

Her hand still on the switch, Applejack felt the first peel of thunder rattle the old house.

This should be peal of thunder, as it is at one point later in the chapter.

Adagio had taken place by the stove, helpfully diving the food between two plates.

I think there might be a word missing in the first bit, and that it's dividing rather than diving?

Adagio wasn’t much of a conversationalist

Not sure if this is a deliberate countryism, but the usual word is conversationist.

After Principal Celestia and the undead, I figured you rather hated Adagio. So this story was a very pleasant surprise! I particularly appreciate that while it deals with Adagio adapting to her new situation and adjusting certain things accordingly, it doesn't try to redeem her, and even highlights why she'd resent that. And it's lovely that the central relationship doesn't waste much time doubting itself because of those alignment differences. Revealing that Adagio had been flipping burgers but then not having the story make a big deal of it was a lovely touch, too.

This is the best AppleDagio story I've read. I'd previously thought the ship hadn't a hope of being convincing, that there was pretty much nothing about either character that would appeal to the other, but you sold it really well. I will add this to the uncommon siren ships group, if you don't mind.

Thanks for writing this :twilightsmile:

Never the most attentive student, Applejack smile as she worked, mind drifting to the afternoon.


“We should start planning our roles now.” Twilight adjusted her glasses, eyes closed with a satisfied grin. “I, of course, will be the calculator. Big damage to monsters with prime-number hit points, and they get a spell that fully restores everyone at one-ninth of their health. Easy work for a whiz like me.”

Good choice! CT4 Holy is a thing of beauty.

I'd disagree on that last point; I've never even heard of "conversationist" until now.

8710681 I forget the context now to know which would fit better, but according the the internet they're very similar. I hadn't heard conversationalist until now.

“No peaking.”


helpfully diving the food between two plates.


Replies on separate chapters don't send alerts. They won't see your message unless they come back to this story.

8711210 Given that I was wrong, that appears to have worked out in my interest on this occasion :coolphoto:

An absolutely lovely story, and the first one I've seen to produce a believable Adagio romance that wasn't built on a fundamentally unhealthy understanding of relationships.

8711198 Oh, I did not mean to open this can of worms, sorry :twilightoops:

Not conversionist, but conversationist. As opposed to conversationalist. The latter two are different forms of the same word, but yes, conversationalist, as originally stated in the story, is the preferred term. Which is news to me, so yeah, I was wrong.

Huh. Was hoping I managed to edit out my misreading of it as 'conversionist' before you saw it. Guess not.


I miss Wintendo Power.

Ohohoho you teasing motherbucker...nice job! Adagio and Applejack are cute as fuck. Would love to see you try your hand at Adagio x Rarity or Aria x Fluttershy...that would be something else xD


Fixed, thanks. And thanks for the nice words.:twilightsmile:

An absolutely lovely story, and the first one I've seen to produce a believable Adagio romance that wasn't built on a fundamentally unhealthy understanding of relationships.

*Reads "romance"-tagged story about Adagio being an utterly unrepentant, evil person with zero care for let's be real, it's always Sunset the main character as a human being, but she's a sexy dominatrix so she's completely worth pursuing.*

*Punches random bystander.*

Good work and an interesting pairing, would like to see more of it if possible. XD

Well, this was awesome. A fascinating pair, but you seem to have pulled it off.

I regret putting this off reading this for so long. It was fantastic :twilightsmile:

One of the best fics I've read in a while. Honestly, I've been getting discouraged with what I've been finding lately. This turned that around. This paring is one of my secret favorite obscure pairings, and this story is now my favorite of them. Thank you so much.

Thank you for the nice comment! For what it's worth, there might be more Appledagio on the way... I'm toying with the idea of making an episodic shipfic for them. :)

Loved it.

Before I start, I should say, I’m probably gonna review both “Appledagio” and “Me and My Siren” here.

But to start with the first one, well, simply put, I absolutely LOVED it, like, way more than I dared expect. Not because of any preconception about you, but just, well, it’s rare enough already to find content for such a rare ship, and even rarer to find it and for it to be this good.

It’s always rare, also, to find stuff focusing on Applejack and Adagio like this. Like, I dunno if it’s personal experience or what, but on one side, Applejack is often treated like just “one more” in the fandom (what with the Background Pony jokes) and Adagio often feels eclipsed by Sonata and Aria somehow (which is weird because I thought Aria was the least popular one? Whatever). And yet, here we are.

I don’t even know exactly what that is that made me love the first fic so much. I think it may be the combination of several things? Like, I found myself empathizing a lot with Applejack in the first chapter, having a hard time telling her friends that one little thing. Another thing I really liked were those dreams (or whatever they were) that Applejack was having when she and Adagio were sleeping next to each other, and… I don’t know, I just loved that whole part in general. There was so much tension and good stuff in that one! And then there’s the fact that you played it “hard to get”, like, it really felt for a moment like Applejack and Adagio weren’t going to end up together, so I was SO happy when they actually did. XD

So like, this fic went immediately into my favorites, right away. Only things I could “critique” are basically just nitpicks, one is that the way that Applejack’s and Adagio’s bodies are described seems to contradict how they’re presented in canon (though it’s not like the fandom seems to pay too much attention to that, as they often just see repeated/reused models/templates), and that it kinda bugged me that Applejack is addressed as the only one in her group that’s not straight (I just hate this idea that the one queer couple has to be the exception to the rule), though… I think I caught hints of Sunset possibly also not being as straight as perhaps Applejack assumed? Well, it’s up to you in the end.

Now, about “Me and My Siren”, I’m also loving that one quite a lot, and I think going for just small, stand-alone stories was probably the right path (not to mention, I dunno if it was intentional or not, but the way that the first chapter of “Me and My Siren” is presented works wonderfully for establishing the present situation to even those who didn’t read “Appledagio”, which in turns makes me wonder if that’s also why you didn’t list it as a sequel or what, but eh, details, details), and I’m also loving them.

I think I’ll save my individual comments for each chapter for a review for that fic on itself (especially since I’ve got some inquiries that are probably better voiced) there, but for the time being, I think all I can mention is that I’m a bit concerned as to how very few of the chapters actually explore Adagio and Applejack with each other, and I wish there was a bit more of that. I could recommend maybe like, go check one of those Tumblrs offering “OTP Prompts”? Actually, no, never mind, that’s probably a bad idea. ^^U

Oh well, I’ll probably try to review new chapters of “Me and My Siren” from here on, and for now gonna get to writing the other review giving thoughts on each chapter individually.

I wanna reiterate, though, that I absolutely loved “Appledagio”, and I thank you a ton for writing and sharing this wonderful fic. :D

Yours, “Squeeing when Reading” Alexander, the Godslayer.
See ya in next review!

Thank you for the kind words.:twilightsmile:

I think I’ll save my individual comments for each chapter for a review for that fic on itself (especially since I’ve got some inquiries that are probably better voiced) there, but for the time being, I think all I can mention is that I’m a bit concerned as to how very few of the chapters actually explore Adagio and Applejack with each other, and I wish there was a bit more of that.

I do need more, yes, and there are more coming in the (not next two chapters >_>) pipeline. It's just that their pairing isn't explosive enough to generate easy conflict without adding third parties into the mix, and one can only write so much tender fluffy romance before it all looks the same. >_> But there will be satiation in both comedy and feel-goods between the two, I can comfortably guarantee.

As noted in one of my post-chapter comments, feel free to note me with chapter ideas.:twilightsmile:

Glad to know that! Looking forward to those chapters, and really, any as well, because I've been enjoying them all one way or another.

And oh, so chapter ideas are welcome? Good to know. Mh... I'll see if I come up with something.

So, random fun fact: farmers that hold a relative regional monopoly, or even oligopoly, are rich as fuck.

I live in pecan country, and the largest, most profitable orchards are owned primarily by three families.

They're all loaded.

Now pecans =/= apples, apples practically being a staple food and pecans being a luxury food, but based on clues from the show, it seems the Apples are the only game in town, and not only that but their wares are famous.

I know it's a story, but more than likely the Apples wouldn't be hurting for money.

Thank you! I enjoy this little ship. :)

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