• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 3,956 Views, 68 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Path of Two Suns - Ze1a7in

During the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset heads to the CHS gym because of a text from Rainbow Dash, only to be ambushed by Gilda and her cronies. No one was expecting Heartless to crash the party. (an AaM & KH crossover)

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Prologue: An Ambushed Ambush

Author's Note:

Hello all! With how many Anon-a-miss fics I have read, and how big of a fan I am of the genre in general, I knew it would only be a matter of time before I threw my hat into the ring. I just didn't know what type of story I was going to write.

Then, somewhere on this world wide web, someone pointed out a list of series that Anon-a-miss fics hadn't had crossovers with. Turns out that Kingdom Hearts was on that list. As a self-proclaimed fanboy of that series, I thought to myself 'Why not combine the two?' That eventually lead to this.

As pointed out in the long description, there will be no traveling by Sunset or anyone at CHS to other worlds, there will be Boss fights, and I aim to get the Anon-a-miss portion of this story done with in a timely manner.

"speech" (most of the time)

Enjoy! or don't, your preference.

Kingdom Hearts: Path of Two Suns


An Ambushed Ambush

The moon shone down upon the city of Canterlot, providing adequate illumination for any that might be walking the streets that Friday night, including a young woman who seemed to be at the same time in a hurry and trying to take as long as possible to reach her destination. Sunset Shimmer, former student of Princess Celestia and ex-bully of CHS, was conflicted as she walked the empty streets. Earlier that day, she had received a text from her frie- former friend Rainbow Dash, asking Sunset to meet with the Rainbooms at the school’s gym that night to talk. The object of that talk being the most recent disaster to find its way to CHS, Anon-a-Miss.

Anon-a-miss was a MyStable account that appeared at the beginning of the week, and had been causing nothing but trouble since. Its sole purpose seemed to be to spread the dirty, embarrassing, and harmful secrets of the students, starting with Applejack’s old nickname “Piggly Wiggly” and pictures of Rarity’s closet of failed outfit ideas. To make matters worse, the account image was of her silhouette against a background of her hair colors, so that made her an easy blame. It didn’t help that Applejack’s nickname was revealed to her the night before Anon-a-Miss’ first post, or that the pictures were the same ones that Sunset took on her phone. The result of those two posts left her disowned by the Rainbooms, sobbing on her knees in one of CHS’ halls. They hadn’t let Sunset explain her side, but if the text she had received earlier was true, that might have changed.

‘Still, I’m not getting my hopes up too much. I overheard some mutterings from the other students when I was leaving today. Something about “making Anon-a-Miss pay”. I could be walking into a trap, and Rainbow’s text was the bait. Won’t know till I get there, I suppose.’

Sunset was so caught up in her thoughts while checking her surroundings, that she failed to notice two solid, yellow orbs staring at her from the shadows of an alley.

As CHS came into sight, Sunset slowed her pace, keeping a wary eye out for any signs of an ambush. Seeing none, she walked up to the horse statue that contained the portal to Sunset’s home world, Equestria. Upon reaching the base where the portal should have been, she placed her hand against it, hoping that this time would be different than the multiple other times she tried this past week.

Sadly, her hand met smooth stone, devoid of the magical ripple that signified the portal being open. Sunset’s brow furrowed in worry, as the portal had now been closed for almost four days. Sunset realised it had closed on Tuesday, as when she was reaching for her journal to read Princess Twilight’s response to Sunset’s explanation of Anon-a-miss, the magical book had stopped vibrating and glowing, and when Sunset opened it, all of the pages had been blank. In concern, Sunset had hurried to the portal, wanting to make sure it was open.

It was not.

‘I hope Princess Twilight figures out what has happened to the portal, or at least told Princess Celestia about it suddenly closing.’

With that thought, Sunset turned around and steeled her nerves before walking into the closed high school.

As the door to the building closed behind Sunset, the same pair of yellow orbs stared after her from the statue’s shadow, only it was now accompanied by ten slightly smaller pairs.

‘Oh, buck my life! Of course it was a trap. Why did I ever think it wasn’t!’ “I guess just letting me walk out of here without violence is out of the question?” Sunset nervously asked to the group of CHS students that had ambushed her soon after she entered the gym.

“Sorry, Anon-a-Miss, but someone needs to teach you to stop spilling those secrets, and we volunteered for the job!”

This comment only increased the frustration Sunset was feeling, as it came from the leader of the 15+ students that were present, a rough and violent girl named Gilda. In addition to being one of those few students at CHS who think with their fists before their heads, she was also an old friend of Rainbow’s. She also seemed to have never forgiven Sunset for what she had done before the Fall Formal.

‘I swear to Faust, Rainbow, if I get out of this, I’m going to send you to the hospital!’ Sunset thought angrily to herself. Even though the instructors of the martial arts classes she had attended in her first years in this world said that the techniques should only be used in self-defense, she was seriously considering breaking that rule. Unfortunately, Sunset didn’t get any more time to think, as Gilda had just commanded everyone to get her. Sunset adopted a defensive stance as the students charged towards her.

The two sides never met, as from out of one of the shadows between them a humanoid shape emerged. Its color was an inky-black, and it stood roughly the same height as Sunset, with lean muscles along its slender arms and legs. Its feet were reminiscent of pointed boots, and lacked toes, while its large hands each ended in five clawed fingers. Two antennae sprouted from the top of its head, going back a short bit before turning downwards, trailing down its back in a crooked pattern. Several veins of blue could be faintly seen along its upper legs and shoulders, and also above its eyes. Two solid, pupiless orbs of yellow were positioned where its eyes would be, and as those orbs swept across the stunned students, they couldn’t help but feel scared. Its gaze eventually landed on Sunset, upon which it cocked its head to the side, before taking slow, ominous steps towards the young unicorn turned human.

‘What in Tartarus is THAT?! I’ve never seen anything like it in this world, or even in Equestria for that matter! And why is it so focused on me? Can it sense that I am not really a human? WHY IS EVERYTHING OUT TO GET ME TODAY?!’

As Sunset backed away from the creature, she noticed that ten other, smaller shapes where appearing where the first one did. They were smaller, and looked almost like underdeveloped versions of the one stalking towards her, and they were apparently more interested in the other students. Unfortunately, it seemed that Sunset’s would-have-been attackers were too focused on her to notice the danger they were in.

‘Buck my life.’ Sunset thought before yelling to Gilda and co. “RUN!!” And to their credit, not one of them was trampled as the group stampeded out of the gym. Unfortunately, the groups of Shadows, as Sunset couldn’t think of anything better to call them, proceeded to give chase to the fleeing students.

Sunset made to follow, but the Neoshadow melted into shadows on the ground and emerged ahead of her. ‘Of course you wouldn't make it easy.’ Sunset thought as she rolled to avoid the Neoshadow’s claws, and coming out of the roll in a sprint for the gym doors. She managed to get through them and begin running down the hallway towards the front of the school, keeping an eye out and ears open for the sounds of pursuit. She then noticed a supply closet that was open slightly, and she quickly ran into it, making sure to leave the door as open as she saw it.

“Sunset, what are you doing in here?” asked a voice that sounded familiar to the red-head. Turning around, she saw Snips and Snails had also chosen to hide in the closet. The boys’ eyes were wide with fear, but Sunset could admit they had good reason to be.

“I saw the door to the closet was open, your work I presume? Doesn’t matter, just keep quiet or that thing may hear us.” Sunset replied, she then proceeded to take stock of what was in the closet, her eyes finally coming to rest on a familiar yellow and black sledgehammer. She quickly grabbed it, then turned back to Snips and Snails.

“You two, stay here, don’t make any noise, and wait until five minutes after I leave to come out, got it?” The two boys nodded their head, and Sunset turned back to the door. She opened it enough that she could peer out into the hall, and after checking that the coast was clear, left the closet, making sure to close the door almost all the way behind her. She then proceeded to make her way to the front entrance of the school, still keeping a wary eye out while rushing as fast as she could, eventually reaching the exit. Upon reaching the doors, Sunset looked outside towards the statue, only to gasp in horror and burst into the courtyard.

“NO!” Sunset screamed as she rushed outside. She felt a spark ignite inside her, and a pull in her gut as she tapped into her magic, instinctively raising a semi-circular wall of fire between the fleeing students and the Shadows chasing them, barely preventing the lead Shadow from swiping its claws across the back of the slowest student, which happened to be Gilda after she had helped a student that had fell. Most of the students kept running, but Gilda turned around in surprise upon feeling the heat from the flames. She could only stare in a mix of shock and awe as she saw Sunset staring down the Shadows with what Gilda could only describe as fury.

‘Buck me, buck me, BUCK ME! Why am I playing the hero?! I mean I used magic, so that’s good, but now I have ALL THEIR ATTENTION! THAT’S BAD!’ Sunset thought to herself in absolute terror. It was taking all her willpower not to collapse to her knees, and what little she had was running out fast. Her silent panic was cut short as one of the Shadows lunged for her. Sunset swung the sledgehammer, subconsciously reinforcing it with magic to make the hit stronger and reduce the impact on the weapon. The head of the hammer connected with the Shadow, knocking it to the side, dazed, but not killed. Another of the Shadows swiped at her, and Sunset jumped back.

Unfortunately for her, the Shadow managed to slice off the head of the sledgehammer, leaving Sunset with little more than a stick to defend herself. ‘These things aren’t giving me any time to think of a plan!’ A thought that was proven right as not a second later yet another Shadow lunged for her, forcing Sunset to raise the sledgehammer handle in what she knew was a futile attempt to block the creature’s claws. Sunset closed her eyes, waiting for the feeling of the claws scratching her. Except she didn’t feel anything, no scratches, no pain. ‘Wait, why didn’t it hit me? I shouldn’t have been able to stop its attack with just a wooden handle. So… what’s going on?’

Deciding that she wouldn’t get answers with her eyes closed, Sunset opened them to see what had happened. After doing so, she could only stare dumbly at what she was now holding. For gripped in her right hand, instead of the handle, was something she could only describe as a giant, two-toned key.