• Member Since 21st Jul, 2013
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Princess Luna is the best princess and Nightmare Moon is the best queen.



This story is a sequel to Election in Ponyville

In the last election, Amethyst Star accomplished what was once thought impossible by becoming the first unicorn mayor. Things have changed since then and despite the good economy, her chances of being re-elected are not guaranteed.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 37 )

Definitely more civil and productive than real life elections and politics. At least HERE policy substance is coming over everything else.


Have you read the prequel to this one?


Yes I have. And it was more civil AND productive than the real election. At least they discussed actual policy substance.


Well none of the serious candidates running in that one lacked substance and I wanted something much better than what was going on in the real life election, especially granted I wrote that in 2016. I figured that a story about a good election involving an executive role would be warranted and despite it just being fan fiction, a nice reprieve from the real deal.


Either way, I'd rather have THIS election than the real life one.


As would I. Yes the traditionalists and the ponies who want reform are on opposite ends of the spectrum, it beats the bickering and non-stop fighting and inefficiency involved in real life.

are you ever going to write more Starlight POV as the Element of Magic? please

Ri2 #9 · Jul 6th, 2018 · · 2 · Prelude ·

Huh. Guess this is proof that unicorns really ARE better at everything, even governance.


This isn't a matter of unicorns being better, this is simply a matter of Amethyst doing what she had to do to get Ponyville out of the mess it was in. This was in no way, shape or form to put forth a message of unicorn supremacy.


I might once I get this one done and a sequel to "Fluttershy's First Date" that shows their relationship budding and becoming something special.

I almost see Amethyst making the comment that a town named Ponyville is supposed to have a pony in charge and not a Minotaur


Some ponies might, like Miss Mare but Amethyst isn't going to say anything to jeopardize her chances of winning. She has done so much and in the next chapter, you will discover how much she has done and what further changes are to come.

While I'm enjoying this story, I did find problem in the plot that needs to be addressed; Amethyst hired a weather mage to control the weather in Ponyville and make warmer winters right? while this might bring more tourist dollars this also screws most of the residents over. any farmer will tell you that certain crops need a cold, snowy winter to kill bugs and rejuvenate the soil. The Apple family (or any other farming family for that matter) shouldn't be making a killing unless they're all growing tropical fruits and veggies now. Also one unicorn is doing the job that employed at least half of the pegasi in Ponyville, unless Amethyst quickly found them new jobs those ponies would be kicking her front door down.

I really am enjoying this story( its alot better then real life politics) I hope I haven't discouraged you:pinkiehappy:


I'm going to let you in on something, I didn't even think about the cold winters killing off bugs. Regarding the pegasi, I didn't even think about that either. Ponyville is growing so plenty of jobs will be available for them.


Well it all depends on whose side you are looking from. Breaking News never liked Amethyst solely because she was a unicorn running in an earth pony community back in 2016. For many, it did wind up turning into a highway to hell but in the eyes of the unicorns, it wound up being a stairway to heaven.

true; one pony's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. I just thought that Amethyst would have at least kept the name Ponyville.


She did throughout a huge majority of her tenure, it was there at the ultimate end that she wanted to drive the stake into the heart of traditionalism, and that was changing the name since it had become, with the exception of Breaking News, all unicorns.....I will admit, I had her put that referendum on the ballot to spite Breaking News since he has never liked her....that and she thinks he is racist against unicorns.....and has thought that ever since the 2016 election.



I wrote the original to mock real world politics and show how much better pony politics are. I was planning on saving this until 2020 but when I heard that G4 is scheduled to end in 2019 I began to wonder about the future of this site so I did it a couple years early.

Right now I am working on my 11th and final TiE story. For now that along with updates on "Unpleasant Correspondence" are at the top of my priority list. After I finish the TiE story, my mind will be more clear and I will do one then.

Well I saw a blog about it and they all said that their well be fans on this site for long time

So much for the 'metropolitan' feel. Wow this was depressing to read.


I take it that Amethyst transforming Ponyville into a big city was not what you had hoped for?

Honestly? The outcome was never in any doubt, was just sad to see Ponyville become another Suburb of Canterlot.

Geez, it's kinda sad that the Unicorns ended up taking over Ponyville completely and turned it into Unicornopolis...... I imagine it becoming a suburb city of Canterlot like others said earlier. Anyhow, Amethyst Star truly became a legend and turned a small town into a city while making it prosperous, it's too bad that all the non-Unicorns left over time, even the Apple family.

I seem to imagine Applelosa becoming the "new Ponyville" for some reason as it seemed to be where large numbers of Ponyville's non-Unicorn residents ended up.

Despite my concerns about Ponyville becoming something completely different, Breaking News's anti-Unicorn rantings are alarming. He wasted the majority of his life being bitter and angry at Amethyst Star for daring to change the quite country town he grew up in into something he didn't like.

As for the election, I was quite surprised that the former Mayor didn't make it to the second round and got trounced decisively. Applejack split the traditionalist vote, she should've backed the former mayor to increase her chances of winning but Applejack was so focused on fully restoring Ponyville's narrow traditions that she failed to realize that you can't turn back the clock and that change is essential to survive in the world.

Iron Will actually performed decently in the election despite losing. He WAS a bit shaky in the debates which is what cost him in the end but given that he was up against the ultra-successful Amethyst Star, he's got nothing to be ashamed of despite being angry that he lost.

I wonder though if the elections formed rifts between the Mane 6 especially between Twilight and Applejack?


Geez, it's kinda sad that the Unicorns ended up taking over Ponyville completely and turned it into Unicornopolis...... I imagine it becoming a suburb city of Canterlot like others said earlier. Anyhow, Amethyst Star truly became a legend and turned a small town into a city while making it prosperous, it's too bad that all the non-Unicorns left over time, even the Apple family.

When it comes to Amethyst, i took a lot of her personality from the "Mare Do Well" episode where she went off on Dash. That is where I got her no-nonsense personality and beliefs from in both stories. In the first one, she simply wanted to expose and stop all the wasteful spending while in the second one, she did want to capitalize on how she transformed the town and used that to her advantage to make sure that she could not only get re-elected but push the town in a way that she wanted.

I seem to imagine Applelosa becoming the "new Ponyville" for some reason as it seemed to be where large numbers of Ponyville's non-Unicorn residents ended up.

That is where a lot of the earth ponies relocated to.....particularly the ones involved in agriculture. With Ponyville transforming into what it did, Appaloosa was where they could continue their livelihoods and still live in a place with small town charm.

Despite my concerns about Ponyville becoming something completely different, Breaking News's anti-Unicorn rantings are alarming. He wasted the majority of his life being bitter and angry at Amethyst Star for daring to change the quite country town he grew up in into something he didn't like.

Regarding Breaking News, I did write him to be a bit racist in the first one but in the second one, I wrote him to be more so because of how Amethyst had began to transform things. That was especially apparent in his argument with Sunny Flames....who I modeled after Megyn Kelly....after that last debate. Regarding Sunny, she wasn't a unicorn supremacist by any means but she does believe that unicorns are going to look out for other unicorns which is why she so heavily favored Amethyst.....and while this probably wouldn't happen in real life, that was why the unicorn population was so drawn to her to begin with....in the first one. In the second one, it was because she had improved the financial situations of the community's unicorns....well them and everypony else for that matter.

As for the election, I was quite surprised that the former Mayor didn't make it to the second round and got trounced decisively. Applejack split the traditionalist vote, she should've backed the former mayor to increase her chances of winning but Applejack was so focused on fully restoring Ponyville's narrow traditions that she failed to realize that you can't turn back the clock and that change is essential to survive in the world.

This is the reason why Mayor Mare lost so bad. The traditionalist vote was split between her and Applejack. Some of the traditionalists simply wanted the small town charm back while Applejack wanted to set things further back, far enough back that the businessponies that moved their businesses to Ponyville because of Amethyst's business friendly policies would skip town in nothing flat. Iron Will also took some of her vote away. He wanted to restore some traditions yet wanted to keep some policies that would allow the community to prosper though. That is why both the earth ponies lost so badly. They stole votes from one another and Iron Will was promising both, tradition and financial stability for the town.

Iron Will actually performed decently in the election despite losing. He WAS a bit shaky in the debates which is what cost him in the end but given that he was up against the ultra-successful Amethyst Star, he's got nothing to be ashamed of despite being angry that he lost.

I gave Iron Will the confidence that he seems to have. Now of course Amethyst capitalized on the whole winter thing and with his business being tied into tourism, it didn't make it hard for her to capitalize on it. I wrote it to where Iron Will's heart was in the right place but he was going up against an experienced opponent who had her success to back a vote for her up.

I wonder though if the elections formed rifts between the Mane 6 especially between Twilight and Applejack?

Regarding the Mane Six. Now Dash, given that Amethyst made her financial situation better, clearly supported her given the better pay for being a mail pony and naturally things being cooler. Once the casino gambling took effect on January 1, Dash found Ponyville even more cool.

Regarding the other Mane Six, outside of AJ, they played a much smaller role in this one and Twilight was completely absent the second time around because she felt like her getting involved the way she did the first time was a conflict of interest, being the princess there and getting involved in the political process. I never really thought about strains between the Mane Six and despite never once mentioning her by name, Rarity did support Amethyst but her being a unicorn had nothing to do with it. Rarity's support was completely based on how her boutique was doing even better and she had less in the way of taxes to pay.

Now regarding it becoming a suburb of Canterlot, Unicornopolis didn't grow that big and also, Canterlot is built into the side of a mountain. While Princess Celestia clearly likes Amethyst, she would definitely butt heads with the Canterlot city government. To her, Canterlot's high taxes would be an abomination. Amethyst is big into privatization and only spending city funds on things that are vital, such as the school, well schools eventually and of course the dam. Things like festivals, even ones to glorify Princess Celestia, should be privately funded in her eyes.


Thanks for replying to my comment on your fanfic, I appreciate it.

I like how you wrote Amethyst Star, I'd gladly have voted for her in both elections and beyond whether or not I was a Unicorn as she knows how to get things done properly and looked towards the future. Breaking News whined about her a lot and pretty much accused her of being a Unicorn supremacist but she didn't seem to be anything of the sort and if non-Unicorns opt to leave Ponyville and move elsewhere, what's she supposed to do? Physically restrain them to keep them from leaving? Breaking News was just being racist against Unicorns but why is he racist against Unicorns? After all, Applejack is a traditionalist Earth Pony but she's got unicorn friends like Twilight and Rarity. While she butts heads with Rarity a lot, it isn't because Rarity's a unicorn, that's never been an issue for her which pleases me. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Breaking News felt that Twilight was in league with Amethyst Star to oust Mayor Mare by using her magic to show the documents that prove that Mayor Mare was overspending but even he wouldn't dare say this in public as Twilight's popular throughout Equestria and everyone would verbally dogpile him if he hurled accusations at Twilight without proof and he'd lose all credibility.

To be honest, Applejack's stubborn insistence on tradition at the expense of everything else rubbed me the wrong way as I'm a big fan of growth and progress. Even Mayor Mare wanted to retain some of Amethyst Star's reforms and in the previous election, agreed that changes had to be made to fix Ponyville's problems. While I like Applejack as a character, her stubborn attitude and slowness to embrace change is annoying even in canon.

As for Iron Will, the odds were against him to be honest. If he'd been up against Mayor Mare or Applejack in the final round, he probably would've won as he would've gotten the support the unicorns and enough pegasi and earth ponies to clinch it since he wanted to have a mixture of tradition AND progress, he was basically a compromise candidate. Sadly for him, Amethyst Star was his opponent and so despite being confident and fairly cunning, he was overwhelmed by her for the reasons I stated earlier. I'm annoyed though that those at his rally walked out in mass numbers before he could even give his concession speech, that was kinda rude of them, no wonder he got angry. He was already miffed that he lost and then his so called supporters ditch him the second he loses......

I'm glad that Ponyville/Unicornopolis didn't become a suburb of Canterlot and that Amethyst Star disagrees in some ways with how things are run in the city of Canterlot. I imagine that Rainbow Dash found living in the new Ponyville to be cool for a long time as was one of the last non-Unicorns to leave it. By then, she was likely old and retired in Cloudsdale but still enjoyed visiting Ponyville/Unicornopolis on occasion.


No kidding. Unicorns are certainly quite effective when it comes to governing. I wonder what their secret to being skilled at ruling is?

I agree, Breaking News IS stuck in the past! Also, Sunny made mincemeat out of Applejack which is realistic as Applejack lacks political know-how and is only in this election to turn Ponyville into the pro-Earth pony community it once was despite its glaring faults.


My guess is that they want to move forward and I based Amethyst in both these stories off of how she was irritated with Dash in the "Mare Do Well" episode. I just thought that is how she would behave and govern.

Here is the thing with Sunny, she has been involved in reporting politics on a national level for decades so she is able to expose weaknesses in candidates that hold views that simply won't work. I had probably stated this in a prior fic but I based her off of Megyn Kelly who used to work for Fox News.....and I wrote AJ the way I did because that is how I think canon AJ would be. She would want to reject any and all kinds of progress, even though said progress aided the Apples big time.


Ok, I know this response to part of your comment is horribly late but here is why Breaking News is so racist when it comes to unicorns. He hates how unicorns tend to want to move away from traditional things like Winter Wrap Up while he thinks doing things the hard way is better but he especially hates Amethyst because she succeeded in modernizing Ponyville and making the lives of everypony easier.

He is intimidated by her because of her popularity on a national level while he is simply a local reporter. He also hates her because she is such a staunch supporter of Amethyst and he truly does believe that Sunny Flames has a marecrush on Amethyst....it isn't just some sorry excuse of a comeback he used.

I can imagine that Mayor Mare and Applejack were in shock that they lost out, I wish you'd shown their reactions to their defeat. Applejack likely went "WHAT?!" and grumbled about it while Mayor Mare was disappointed obviously but likely sucked it up and tried to be a good sport about it like she was 4 years earlier.

Iron Will in some ways reminds me of Donald Trump, like Trump, he's a wealthy businessman who comes across as being abrasive and tough but manages to surprise people with how well he does in an election. Of course, while Trump only appeals to Conservatives, Iron Will tries to appeal to both traditionalists AND reformers so I'd label him a Centrist.

Getting back to Applejack, I knew from the start that she wasn't going to win as her support base is too small, she lacks political smarts, political experience and she's handicapped by the fact that her family's done well thanks to Amethyst Star's time as Mayor so she doesn't look good by wanting to revert Ponyville to the way it was before. I didn't want her to win to be honest, I like her and think she's cool but she needs to stop living in the past and look towards the future.

I WAS surprised though that Mayor Mare wasn't one of the two finalists since she's smart and experienced in politics plus even SHE wished to retain some of Amethyst's reforms having seen well they've worked. Unlike Applejack, she doesn't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater and get rid of ALL reforms.


Sorry for the late response. The reason that Miss Mare didn't win is because of her history of misusing town funds.....as was exposed in the first story. Ponies remembered her using town funds to buy the dye for her mane and tail. Well that was part of it. Others simply had their concerns over bringing back a pony from the past and of course, the unicorns were 100% loyal to Amethyst.....as Sunny Flames said when she was mocking Breaking News, the unicorns stick together and in both these stories, they do.

Honestly, I feel Applejack is OOC here. I get it. She's all for tradition in Ponyville and all. But this is taking that way past normal, even at her most stubborn.

Also doesn't help that with all that has changed about Ponyville in the show, you never once heard her grumble about it. Doesn't mean she did.

But I think even she knows the past should stay in the past.

I do like the series. Just had to say that. Feels like reading 2016's election, with ponies, instead of people.


Well this was written well before that change in Ponyville in the show and even if I had written it afterwards, the final episode would not be taken into account. The change in this Ponyville is because of Amethyst, not Twilight Sparkle. The new creatures that come into Ponyville here are all businesscreatures....they came to escape high taxes, not establish friendships.

I had written a full-page text talking in a good-humored way about how this story had positive and negative points, but when I read the final chapter I just threw it all away and decided that I hate the Amethyst Star and its racist politics! It was better to go bankrupt than that, her opponents were simply incompetent, she was a villain and we only see this in the end.

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