• Published 18th Jul 2018
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JTHW: Journey To Hearth's Warming - Lighttone GryphonStar

Trapped by a spell Twilight and Starlight must live through the events of Hearth's Warming. Only the events aren't playing out exactly like the history books. All while a mysterious wendigo makes a move that might changes the future they once knew.

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S2 Episode 16: Four Crucible Towers

The giant crystal hand shined down over the city of Gelum Voce Pia and despite the destruction that had been described by the others Celestia couldn't help but admire the beauty in its form.

Maroon was always one of the colored she was told to fear the most, yet seeing so much in one struck a different cord. She had been in this city for two days now and even after studying it so closely did she now truly took a moment to admire its majesty and grace. The sun's light shined through the crystal, veiling the land in a rainbow of many reds of differing hues. From cherry to brick, then a bold crimson before reaching a reddish-purple and ending in maroon.

She walked closer and lifted her horn to her tent and puffed it away so the shine could be that much brighter. The hues answered her assumptions with a greater glow. However, something was still off, a dip that didn't seem to fade.

She looked around to consider the possibilities. First were the rocks, she had been told; they lifted when the barrier of space was much further away and now only the stabilization of their current form was holding them; the barrier had moved quite a measure since the crystal formed and even while she was here, roughly around one/third a meter a day, twelve days meant the starting point must have been at least four-meters in diameter.

She waved her hands over the tore ground and her magic smashed the pieces back into place, allowing more light to shine. However, there was still a dampening of colors. She raised her hands higher and moved the bones of the dead animals away and still little to no improvement. She closed her eyes, concentrating on a distinct form of magic. The glow of her horn turned from yellow to a very faint indigo blue. She whispered a spell, "Light magic, Spell number 2, purest scan."

Blue light shined from her horn and slowly covered every part of the area. It traced over every pebble and grain of dirt to the smallest chips in the ground before going deeper. Celestia's eyes shot open and stop her magic at something she didn't expect to find.

Tears tipped her eyes as she fell to the ground at the sight of thousands of bodies just a mere three meters below the surface. She expected none of this. However, the most shocking and confusing part was they were all wendigoes.

"You see them, don't you?" An old, familiar voice echoed.

Celestia turned around at that voice but was stopped dead in her tracks by a stone and a rageful roar from another voice altogether. She caught the stone but stepped back at the sight of several of the town folk now surrounding her.

"Leave now!" One pony screamed.

"Get away from there!" A griffin followed.

Each pony, griffin, and siren showed her such hatred and filled her with such confusion.

"Do you see what she saw?" The old familiar voice returned.

"What do you mean?" She scanned around for its source but only saw the rage of the others. Their rage pushed her to the center as she attempted not to fight them.

"Get out now, monster!"

"Yes, you damn alicorn!"

Celestia was at an utter loss for words. They knew she was an alicorn and yet they showed her such rage. She wanted to question if this had anything to do with the war her uncle was having, but they threw more stones. She stopped them easily with her magic, but more flew by.

"They are afraid of you, just like they were afraid of her." The familiar words made no sense.

The friends told her that Twilight was a good pony, the greatest representation of kindness, laughter, honesty, loyalty, generosity, and friendship. "Why?" She questioned, "Why would these creatures hate her so much?"

"No, no, they are afraid of her?"

"Afraid..." She shook as more stones hit her barriers to and over. Thoughts and possibilities crossed her mind as trying to figure out what the voice meant until her sight came upon the ground. "The wendigoes..." She fell to the ground and looked at the crystal hand; finding herself right at the edge of the space bending barrier

The towering monolith stood in the center of everything; right below it, the remains of an altar... made with a special intention. She faced the spacial distortion. She knew even with her alicorn durability she could only survive entering such twisted space for only a few minutes.

"It's the only way." She took a deep breath and stood up. She placed her hand on the distortion and it shook to her touch. She pushed forward and was instantly met with incredible pain and pressure, pushing down over every millimeter of her hand. She gritted her teeth and moved inside the barrier.

Her knees slammed down with a loud bang; her whole body wanted to twist and rip apart with just mere moments inside.

"You're almost there. See the truth, they refused."

"Yes," she answered the voice with her mind's words alone. "The lies that have consumed this town for so long must end." She channeled darker indigo blue magic into her hand and yellow magic from her horn. Stepping closer, she pulsed the yellow magic upward, reaching the highest point in the barrier before spreading it outward over the town.

Getting back up, she moved closer, aiming her hand to touch the very surface of the crystal. As she moved closer and closer, the more light magic, she had to pour out. She wasn't a master of this form, not even a fully realized alicorn could muster the right amount needed to fight this without a second ascension. She couldn't risk transformation like that in such a dangerous area, especially if she was right.

Any ascension would bring forth something... far more monstrous. And yet indigo blue smoke fought its hardest to break free from her eyes. The smoke was light magic in its purest form and if that were to leave her eyes even for a moment, she would be forced into the transformation. She had to rely on her other senses. She couldn't even speak now or risk the worse.

She knew now more than ever, this happened in Twilight. This was what that wendigo wanted. For her to feel the pain of this town, a truth only she could know.

Finally, she stopped once she felt the coldness of the maroon crystal. Her indigo magic went inside the crystal and considering the opposite form, it was no surprise that dark and light magic both pulsed outward from the crystal in loud anger at what she was attempting.

She couldn't stop though, even as it burned her hand and sent endless agony through her whole body. Keeping her mouth and eyes closed, she fought it as long as she could until she found what she was looking for.

Deep in her mind, she spoke forth a spell. "Light Magic, Finale Spell..." She stopped as she was pushed to her knees and blood seeped from her mouth. "Eternal Memories!!"

The barrier of twisted space stopped, and the dark magic flow ended. The maroon glow intensified to its greatest amount and was only damped by the yellow magic now linking the minds of all the town folks.

In a moment, all the memories and truths unveiled about the altar and why it brought about such a dark transformation from Twilight.

For thousands of years, the altar had been used to execute wendigo after wendigo. Millions of their corpses were buried within this land. But further back in time, the more shocking truth was this was once a home created by Indigo Frost...

The true Indigo Frost forged it for someone, and she never got the chance to see it. Instead, Indigo Frost's rival burned the original city and replaced with it a pin of butchery and agony for all wendigoes. A place to breed their hatred and fear rather than bring peace and grace.

After so many years, this hatred seeped into the ground and would curse any creature to show their fear through a false hatred alone. Even the slightest fear would bring out this twisted, and it was the attack twelve days ago that brought its strongest form.

Celestia fell to the ground as the message was delivered. She knew now that Twilight had seen the same thing all those days ago. However, Twilight could not break the curse of the land. Instead, this altar of blood and agony had changed her, cursed her, and her dark magic. Tears flowed as she finally let her eyes open, knowing it was safe now.

The stones stopped. The truth was in the open, and now the plague of fear could finally end. It wasn't Twilight's fault; it wasn't the alicorns' fault, and it wasn't the town folks' fault as much as their own shame led them to believe.

"A single creature was to blame, the one who hated the true Indigo Frost with all his might, but why?" Celestia dropped the mind meld and looked over the crystal. "Why did he hate the wendigoes so much? Why did he hate Indigo Frost so much? And is this the reason this fake Indigo Frost started his war here?"

Celestia turned her attention to the townsfolk and softly told them. "It's time you change this monument to mean something else entirely."

Though they were in a bit of a daze from the mind meld, they nodded to her request and left to do just that.

"Good... Good." Her voice grew weak, and she fell. Blood flowed from her mouth like a fountain, her throat giving little to no fight at all. She attempted to catch herself, but luckily she was caught by a pair of pink hands.

She looked up to see Golden Williams holding her. Seeing her pain, he placed his horn to her horn and absorb the excess light magic causing this. The blood stopped flowing with a few coughs and she smiled at him.

"That was idiotic. What would Starswirl say about such a stunt?"

"I had to, he told me to."

"Who? The same voice that called on me?"

"Yes," she still did not know who the voice was, but it helped her and showed what she needed to do, so she thanked it before falling asleep in the alicorn's arms. Golden Williams didn't argue and took to the sky, flying back to the alicorn citadel.

As they left, a lion watched them. He stood just beyond their sight, yet could see them perfectly. He laughed at Celestia's victory. "Well done. I did not know you had such a strong granddaughter, Heavonos. Ending a curse that lived in this town for five thousand years. Though she didn't find the full truth, it was enough. Even if I helped, just a little. I can see why Twilight admires her so much. She truly is the best of your kind."


Back in Princess Platinum's garden arena, guards gathered around the princess before lifting her in a magical grasp. They did their best to close her wounds before removing her from the arena. Her most loyal naga watched from a distance silently until she held up her hand.

Without a word, he rushed over to her. Despite the need to get her to heal, she reached to him and pulled at his armor. She stared at him with rage but also contempt. She didn't utter a single word and kept the stare for a full minute before he answered instead. "It will be done, my princess."

She let go and allowed the guards to take her away. The naga turned to the group. “Once Twilight wakes, she may go up there to Princess Platinum's place. She may do as she wishes. Please know, I never wanted this.” The way he worded that last part clarified that while the princess was allowing Twilight to go, he was still firmly against it and this war.

Starlight took the words to heart and turned back to Twilight. Her wounds were healed, but faint scars remained. Cold Blue had done his work and left. He couldn't do the same for Princess Platinum, since she was not suffering from a dark ascension.

Dark Ascension, that was what they called it. The one known as the Pale Mare was supposedly a piece of Twilight not guarded by emotions or limits. According to Rex, it was an embracement of the power, but there was no way Starlight could ever believe such a thing. To her, that creature was not Twilight at all and it needed to stay gone. There was no help, kindness, or hope in those eyes. It was utterly terrifying and could never be the real Twilight. That monster could never be her teacher.

She picked up her teacher's hand, moved it over the stomach, taking this chance to check the breathing. Cold Blue had told them she would be fine, but Starlight wasn't sure. She didn't know who that siren was or who he was to Rex, but she couldn't trust him at all.

Though he was gone now, his face was still fresh inside her head. Cold dead eyes void of any emotions at all; an unending rage tinted by the greatest of calm waves; a warrior with no sign of motivation. And yet, he saved her teacher. Again, why? This was the second time she met him and both times his face never changed toward her and her teacher and yet he saved her without a single hesitation, why? "Why?" She questioned aloud.

"Cold Blue was always a mystery to me and Blood Diamond?" Rex answered. "Where I would obey the command, he would follow orders."

"There's a difference?" Starlight's eyes wandered over to the Four Towers of Faith.

"Yes, and until you can understand that, you will never understand the Icy Siren of the Four Seasons."

"He..." Starlight pushed the thought away.


Starlight's eyes jumped to Twilight as her eyes slowly opened. "Teacher? What?"

"Crimson... I'm sorry..."

Starlight stopped. She was in complete shock now. She pulled away and took a full step back. Her teacher's actions before made no sense, battling in a seemingly unwinnable battle, but now her teacher was calling out for Crimson. Why would Twilight apologize to him? Why now?

Twilight's eyes opened, and the faint image of Crimson faded. She sat up and looked at them with confusion. She was perfectly fine, yet they all had fear over their faces.


Deep within the Four Towers of Faith, Blood Diamond sat quietly. He had cleaned nearly every surface in this room and beyond, and his patience was running thin. Princess Platinum would not answer his summons.

From the powerful burst of magic he sensed earlier; he assumed she was about to send an attack on him. He had defenses made, but they proved pointless as nothing came. He was wondering if this work was worth it. He eventually concluded that once Stygian had returned from his surveillance, Blood Diamond would proceed with his classic plan of murdering the entire city. It wouldn't give him his answers, but it would keep any other mortal race in line.

"Are we getting as harsh as our father?" he posed his thoughts aloud. "Genocide so quickly?" He smiled at the thought, but only for a moment before dropping the idea entirely. "No, our father's own possible actions lead us to this choice ."

As if someone else was there to answer his question, he quickly replied, "Yes, killing them all would end the problem instantly, but that wouldn't clear the air of questions."

His observing ears lifted high, as if unquestionably listening to words that seemed to have no source. "You have a point, old friend. They do seem rather too weak for such questioning, even through torture. Unless the action taken was under--" He was stopped by noise from one crystal floating around him.

He pointed at the crystal, and it floated over to his fingers. Twirling it around a single digit, a voice spoke from it. "Lord Blood Diamond, it seems Princess Platinum cannot have a meeting with you."

"Cold Blue?" Blood Diamond answered. "Where have you been?"

"Gathering information. I am sorry for my absence as of late."

"You sound distracted." Blood Diamond noticed the dropping pitch in the siren's voice. It easily revealed stress that was unbecoming of his most loyal warrior.

"Princess Platinum is sending another to her place. A unicorn..." Again Cold Blue paused. He attempted to keep on the subject. However, Blood Diamond knew the siren was holding back on certain details.

The alicorn couldn't gauge why, but the hesitation was clear. He wondered if it had anything to do with the surge of magic; even from here, Blood Diamond could tell that dark magic was used.

Blood Diamond sighed, hoping to calm his soldier. "We will accept this other pony's offer. What is the name of this pony?"

"..." Cold Blue didn't answer at first; this action threw things into question. After a few moments pasted, Blood Diamond nearly questioned his soldier, but he answered before a word could come out. "Her name is Twilight Sparkle."

Blood Diamond frowned at those words, "Hmm, would that be the same unicorn that Rex was forced to take in."

"Yes, the same unicorn I reported to you about after I was done in Gelum Voce Pia," Cold Blue's voice faulted.

Blood Diamond wondered if this unicorn was the reason for his soldier's loss in stride. "Please, retelling everything you have learned about her." he already had all the details he needed but hearing it again now would allow him to better gauge if this Twilight Sparkle was indeed the cause.

Cold Blue's hesitation was so strong at this point that Blood Diamond could almost see the sweat without needing to see his soldier's face. After a full minute, he answered back. "No."

Blood Diamond's eyes widened at this. "Such a shame, but it's expected. Continue to watch her." He waved the crystal away.


After everything was explained to Twilight, she left for the Four Towers of Faith. Her lack of care toward the transformation only intensified Starlight's fears. Her teacher was strong and stubborn, much like her, but this was reckless.

"Dark magic is dangerous," Rex answered Starlight's thoughts before she could say anything. "Her path is dangerous... And I fear she will fall on this path like I..."

Clover turned to him and gripped his hand. "No... She's stupid and even blunt, but she's not you."

"What does she mean?" Starlight finally questioned. "What did you do? How did you fall?" She stepped closer. "How can Twilight escape this? Tell me?!"

Rex turned to her and gave one answer. "I fell by fighting it." With that, he fell into his shadow and left them. Annoyed, Clover jumped in after him.

Starlight was left alone with nothing but Silver Pear and her thoughts. She didn't know where to move next. She had always been told what to do; she had always been taught by Twilight to do what was right, but what was right here? That thing wasn't Twilight, it couldn't be Twilight at all.

"Are you going to standby and do nothing, Lovely?" Silver Pear walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder.

She was taken aback by his action. Normally he would move for her rear, but his words and actions told her this was no time for fun, or to wait and standstill. "You're right. I must help her." She stared out at the Four Towers of Faith, seeing Twilight enter the northern one. She slapped her face with both her hands and ran forward in the same direction.


Starswirl exited from a swirl of chaos magic and landed back on the Titan Airship. he was understandably surprised by the smoke and small fires that littered the hallway he entered. With a wave of his hand, the fires were snuffed out with thick globs of cotton candy.

Once the flames were out, he held his sleeve and funneled the smoke into it. He held out his other sleeve behind him and the smoke continued through to that sleeve and came out as soap bubbles. Now ready, he walked to the hallway cleaning all the surfaces and using his horn magic to fix any dents or holes in the metal.

In a few minutes, he reached the healing bay. He stopped there upon seeing Fredricson on a bed inside, with Lady Cat and Adagio watching over him. Seeing the distress of his friend, he flicked some magic with his horn and summoned a green tornado to complete the duties he was already attending to; sucking in the smoke and raining down soap bubbles. He left it to its job while he walked into the healing bay.

Fredricson quickly noticed him. "Sorry, just a few cuts and bruises." he winced as Lady Cat tightened the bandages.

"I see you had some problems." Starswirl stopped at the bed and saw that Adagio was sad. He puffed a cup of chocolate milk into her hand. She hesitated at first before drinking.

"She got spook more than anypony," Lady Cat commented, "Seeing that it was one of her sisters that broke in."

"One of this siren's little sisters?"

"Yes..." Fredricson couldn't hide his shame. "She was acting as if somepony else was controlling her; Speaking through her."


"No, it wasn't. That beast of a voice made that poor filly wear my nephew's own... pelt!" Lady Cat was still sickened by the idea.

"Strange. Did this voice say where they were here?"

"Yes, to damage the ship's engines," Fredricson answered.

"Shame, how much damage?"

"Far more than simple magic could repair."

"Oh, dear." Starswirl showed a grain of annoyance before stroking his beard. "And my chaos magic doesn't react well to repairs."

"Maybe that unicorn or alicorn could help?" Lady Cat questioned.

"Impossible, I just came from them and their powers might prove just as harmful." Now annoyed too, Fredricson huffed and attempted to sit up. Starswirl waved him down. "Don't worry, for now, heal. I have a distinct feeling we might be here for a while, anyway."

"Yes, but--" Fredricson stopped as Lady Cat pushed him back down.

"Do as the old wizard asked?"

"It's not that." He waved her away. "The sister of Adagio. She is still out there."


"Possibly. She didn't use any powerful spells during the tussle."

"Hmm, that might mean this mind controller can only rely on her magic alone." Starswirl smiled at this and looked at Adagio. "Do you mind helping me find your sister?"

"Only if you free her!"

"Of course." He rubbed her head. "Now hold still." He stopped his hand at her forehead and closed his eyes. His horn glowed brightly for two moments before stopping. "Okay, she is nearby... In the Four Towers of Faith."

"What? Where is that?" She questioned. "What was that spell?"

"Don't worry, I know where it is. As for the spell itself, it was something I made for my former students. It's short range, but it works perfectly for things like this."


The storm clouds echoed thunder as they finally came to a stop in front of the Four Towers of Faith. Dim stopped in front of the west tower, looked up to them, and frowned, "Please don't rain, not today."

Ignoring his words, the rain fell, anyway. He let each drop hit his face as anger grew in his eyes. The words of Mira echoed louder in his head, and he looked over at the soldiers he had brought with him. Nodding to them, they pulled out large star-shaped crystals.

The group spread out once they saw Starlight and Silver Pear enter. Quickly, they surrounded all four towers and waited as their princess ordered.


Twilight continued to climb the stairs until she reached the top. Reaching the halfway point, Starlight's fears toward her returned, pushing her thoughts on the transformation. All their words made sense to her. She had little to no memory once again, yet unbeknownst to them, just like before, the transformation had left joy in her heart, not fear.

It sickened her so much that such power didn't seem to terrify her at all. Euphoria was filling her head, her brain cells were rushing with endorphins. Her body never felt so alive. That was her concern, a worry she couldn't let the others have. She wondered if Rex had felt something similar. She knew from the old stories that he used dark magic, but there was never a mention of a dark transformation.

The only pony on record that had received a transformation similar to her own was King Sombra. However, the recent events had made her doubt her records. Memorization meant nothing if she didn't have all the facts and considering her books never mention a monster named Indigo Frost nor a war with the alicorns, only made things even harder to follow.

She wanted to learn the truth, yet she didn't feel like she needed to. There were so many questions now buzzing through her head, and yet the transformation was again at the bottom of the list. She wanted answers, but felt like she already had them.

She waved her head back and forth to focus her thoughts, but they refused. It was at this moment she eventually realized it. The last room was right in front of her.

She reached out to the door but stopped. Hesitation filled her body and fear finally formed inside her. All other questions fell to the side, for Blood Diamond would be the first alicorn she encountered in this timeline.

Now that she was thinking about it, Celestia and Luna were the only alicorns she knew before going on this journey. While stuck in this timeline, she did as much studying as she could on the subject, but books only covered so much. This would be her first time encountering another alicorn. Truthfully, her curiosity nearly overpowered her fear. She knew the first thing she would have to do was scanning the details of his body, not maybe his magical strength first, or possibly his knowledge.

Fighting the hesitation, she grabbed the doorknob and open it. Inside the room was completely clean and void of dirt. The floors were a clear blue and the ceiling a darker blue. There was a large window on her left. Ahead of her was three tables; two large ones on the sides and a small table at the center.

Sitting upon a crystal throne, a clearly recent addition to the room, was the very alicorn she had been sent to meet. Blood Diamond was a red alicorn with forked ears and a long teal mane finely combed at the top but somewhat shredded near the bottom. He wore dark blue armor that covered nearly every part of his body outside of his arms, which was covered instead by green silk cloth. The armor was detailed, with circles drawn deeply into place at random points in the armor. Despite alicorns having large wings, he could keep his wings well hidden under a turquoise cloak, so perfectly. Could he be hiding them with magic? If so, why?

He was far younger than she expected. Though considering how alicorns aged, he could still be far older than her by several millennia. It was clear he was younger than Celestia and Luna appeared in the present. Could he be younger than them now? Could they be younger than him now? After all, she hadn't seen them yet in this timeline. She did not know how young they would be now, so the comparison was hard to find out.

She waved her head back and forth, trying to get her mind back on to the proper subject at hand. She reached the center of the room and bowed to him. "I am Twilight Sparkle. A unicorn... sent by Princess Platinum to negotiate a treaty to end this war before any bloodshed can happen." She lied through her teeth about her form, hoping he couldn't see through her disguise and realize she, too, was an alicorn.

Blood Diamond stood up from his throne and walked to the table in the center. "Why do you think we want war?"

"The command," her voice raised for only a moment before softening. "It was sent by your father, King Emerald Teal."

"We are not here under our father's orders." Blood Diamond walked around the table and to Twilight. "We came here because we have many unicorns under our employ and wish to know why their princess has tempered them against us."

"She is tempered because of the claim your father made." Her voice echoed through the empty room. Twilight tried her best to not seem demanding to the alicorn in front of her, but sweat quickly caked her face.

"Is that what she told you?" His words made no sense to her at all.

She adjusted her armor and stood stern; she couldn’t show weakness now. “Prince Blood Diamond of the Crystal Empire, please answer my question. I was there when the message was sent. I heard every word that King Emerald Teal made.” She tried correcting her shaky tone before continuing, “Why are you fighting in a war with Princess Platinum?”

“War? Is that what she calls it?” His tone was so calm and easy. It was hard to tell if he was lying, or why he would be lying. Did he even know of his father's proclamation? He had to. There would be no other reason for him being here.

“Yes, war! Now, why? The unicorns have served you all so loyally for many years.” She adjusted her voice one last time.

"Loyally? Is that what she calls it?" His questions again only brought more confusion out of her.

"Yes, loyalty. We all have!!" She stood up finally, speaking more from her experience under Celestia's service. She knew he couldn't see a lie. The truth was all over her face.

"We see." His eyes narrowed on her. "Why would you represent the unicorns in this?"

“I know the hist—world around us can be good if we let it,” she corrected. “We don’t need to fight it.”

“So…” He scratched his chin as he thought, “We don’t need to fight.” Suddenly, his voice fell in tone. “Fine, we have thought of something better.”

Twilight jumped back as he raised his hand upward. Twisting his fingers, a small gem shot out of his sleeve and easily slip through his first two fingers.

Blood Diamond turned to the small table. He smiled and threw the gem at the table. The crystal impaled into the table and formed a crystal game board on the surface. With a snap of his fingers, crystal chess pieces appeared.

He walked over and gestured to Twilight to follow. “We see you want peace. Then let us bring peace with a game. If you win, we will take our armies and leave. If we win, then we will continue this war.”

“How do I know you will keep your word?” Twilight approached slowly and took a seat.

“You don’t.” He frowned at her question, only to lift his finger upward in a swinging motion. “Peace is a game of trust, but it only truly works best for the side that wants it more.”

“Fine…” Twilight looked to the window once more, trying her best to hide her sweat. “Let’s play.”


As the chess pieces moved, Dim watched from below, getting his princess's plan into place, fearing for the worse. Starlight inched closer to Twilight's location, fearing the worse. Rex and Clover watched onward with their fears of the worse. Twilight was in a far more dangerous battle against an opponent that was beyond predicting.

All their fears bubbled around the four towers of faith. Such a monument to love and kindness now being replaced with fear and terror.

Starswirl could sense all the emotion gathering in this single place. His fears now were like no other. There was only one outcome to come from this chaos. And if what he was guessing was right, Adagio's sister, and the alathar were unknowingly right in the center of it all.


Author's Note:

This was always meant to be a building suspense chapter. I've always wanted to write a chapter like this and though this chapter nearly came out a lot shorter I wanted to make sure this chapter covered every detail for the two-part finale of this season.

It was good to see Blood Diamond once again. He has always been one of my favorite characters to write, but this chapter is so important because Twilight is such a strong contrast to him. Where I could argue the fake Indigo Frost is all too similar to Twilight, Blood Diamond is the complete opposite of Twilight.

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