• Published 17th Apr 2018
  • 2,456 Views, 142 Comments

War Games - Darkstarling

Twilight has loved playing General since she was a filly. Tempest wants to protect Equestria from someone else like her. Together, the two have such good intentions...

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3 - The Beginning

My Dearest Twilight,

I was quite amused to receive your suggestion of a national strategic assessment, as it arrived minutes before sending you an invitation to participate in the same. Luna and I had already begun preparations, and believe your talent for unconventional thinking will be invaluable. I was also quite pleased to see that Fizzlepop has taken an interest in protecting her new home. Once again you have demonstrated the compassion and judgement I have come to expect of you in turning enemies into allies. I look forward to her unique perspective as well, and I expect your partnership to be extremely productive.

Princess Celestia

From HM Luna, Princess of the Night, Guardian of the Dreamlands, Matron of the Arts, etc

To HM Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, Bearer of Magic, Savior of Equestria, PHD

My friend, I was pleased to receive your missive. As always, your insight cuts to the heart of the matter. My sister has no doubt invited you to participate in our plans to reform Equestria’s defenses, and not a moment too soon. While I am loath to allow Discord even supervised access to the Dreaming, I admit that the possibilities are too great to dismiss out of hoof. And it certainly would do him good to exercise his creativity productively. I well know the harm repression does to the soul. I will add, on a personal note, that I look forward to matching wits with you on the field of battle. And say not that we have already done so: Nightmare Moon hardly counts. If you would, do extend the same sentiment to Tempest. Her invasion was masterfully executed, and I am eagerly anticipating our rematch.

Hey Twily! I should have known this day would come ever since you got the castle. Let me know if Spike needs a helmet: I tracked down the pony who made that antique crystal dragon armor you were so interested in last year. He nearly fainted when I showed him that his work had made it into the National History Museum in Canterlot. And now you’re a Princess, I think a certain Number One Aide de Camp will be demanding an upgrade in regalia. Also, since I know you’ve already thought of it, I’m going to preemptively insist we keep Flurry Heart out of the war games. Tactical deployment of alicorn foals is well outside of the rules of engagement.

I’m glad we’re working on this together little sis. I have to say, I’ve really been kicking myself. We’d done all the invasion and defense drills for the Crystal Empire, but we had no plans at all for a counter-invasion to rescue the princesses. It’s that kind of weakness we’ll need to expose. Thanks again for saving our flanks there, we were another week from being ready. Looking forward to seeing what you shake out of our hidebound military brains.



PS: Ask Tempest how she got past the Soothsayer Corps. We’ve got a pool going.

Twilight, don’t tell anypony I told you, but I think we may be on the same side for this one. Celestia floated making the Crystal Empire the aggressors, and I am SO looking forward to being the one who does the kidnapping for a change. There will be kidnapping, right? And, while he continues to deny it, I know Shining is just itching to give Tornado Kicker his own tail in a gift box. This would never have happened when Shining was Captain of the Guard. Get your best evil laugh ready Twily, because between the three of us they won’t know what hit them.


Twilight looked around the bustling war room happily, Spike at her side, checking off items on her list with satisfying mental *dings*. It had been a week of work, but all the soldiers and civilians involved in the exercise had been informed (ding!) and received the moonstone amulets that would let them participate (ding!) Despite her initial fears, Luna and Discord had not in fact killed each other while collaborating (ding!) Indeed, after a brief spat about “creative differences” and a friendship lesson about collaborative vision administered by Pinkie Pie, they were almost on cordial terms (ding ding ding!)

The swirling globe of stars and rainbow chaotic energy at end of the room, mounted between arches of rune scribed dragon horn, was a testament to their efforts. Personally Twilight had thought the use of the horns was disrespectful, but both Discord and Luna had agreed it was essential to the magic that the arcane device be ‘completely metal’. Which had made even less sense, since the horns were clearly ivory, but she was hardly one to argue with results. And it wasn’t as if the former Dragonlord had NEEDED all those hibernation sheddings he had cashed away. Starlight and Trixie had done an excellent job.

She wondered if she’d be able recruit them for her (she suppressed a giggle) evil schemes next time. But perhaps that would make it unfair. In any case, this time they were taking a vacation with Maud in Rainbow Falls “to get the smoke out of their manes” and had politely but firmly refused to be involved.

She trotted over to the iridescent artifact, where her friends were assembled. She could tell that, whatever their initial misgivings, they were all excited. Tempest was standing fully at attention in her armor and Pinkie was pronking excitedly in place, while Rainbow was practically quivering in anticipation. Rarity appeared completely composed, but her outfit betrayed her enthusiasm: a black and red dress with a dark lace veil that, far from leaving nothing to the imagination, actively egged it on into wild flights of fancy. The kind of black widow that would make you want to be caught… Twilight shook her head to clear her thoughts at that. Maybe she had read of few too many cheap novels over the past week, since it was it was clearly affecting her mind and descriptive style. Still...it was villain research. It couldn’t have been that bad. Probably. A little more would hardly hurt anyway.

Twilight moved on to Applejack, the only one who seemed completely nonchalant. She was leaning against the wall with her hooves behind her head, seeming completely indifferent. Yet even she had made concessions to the occasion, with a solid black hat and matching silver studded saddle bags. Twilight was impressed: she hadn’t known Applejack even owned another hat. And that just left…

“Say, where’s Fluttershy?” Twilight’s question was immediately answered by a flash from behind her, as Discord appeared coiled loosely in the air around the yellow pegasus. Or...Twilight blinked. Rainbow plomped from the air in surprise, while Pinkie froze mid air with a gasp. Fluttershy was a thestral, from her fuzz covered bat wings to her pointed ears and the enormous pupils of her eyes.

“Um...hi” she said with a shy smile, waving a hoof. When she spoke, you could see the sharp front fangs.

“Oh. My. Gosh. You are so CUTE!” There was a pink blur, and Pinkie was cuddling Fluttershy.

"Indeed darling" said Rarity. "I must say, that is quite a striking and elegant look."

"Nice way to express yerself sugarcube" said Applejack with a grin. "Just stay clear of my apples now ya hear?"

"Thank you" said Fluttershy. "I thought it would, um, help me get into character. For when we're being the villains. And the fangs make me feel fierce. Rawr!" She let out the smallest roar that had ever been heard outside of a mouse. Twilight struggled not to faint from what she was sure was diabetic shock.

“That was such a good idea! I wish I’d thought of it!" Pinkie burst out. "Ooh, I could have been a shapeshifting blob creature that thought it was a pink fuzzy pony but that let me do all sorts of crazy things as long as I didn’t notice. Hey, maybe I AM a shapeshifting blob creature that thinks it’s a pony! Say, Discord, does Tekil li li mean anything to you?”

Twilight looked at Discord worriedly. That was ridiculous. And yet it made such made an alarming amount of sense the more she thought about it. She had read certain books, ancient books, that…

“Not at all” his voice cut across her increasingly panicked line of thought. Well, that was a relief. “I don’t even speak Shintrilaki.” Or not…

“Oh. Okay then!” Pinkie let go of Fluttershy and pronked over to the orb. “So can we get started now? Huh? Can we? Can we? Can we?”

“Indeed!” Discord swirled through the air to loop around the dream vortex, beaming a snaggletoothed grin at them. "Now that you all are here, you can prepare to enter… The Danger Zone!”

“The danger zone? We’re really calling it that?” Twilight couldn’t restrain herself. Such an artifact should have a more descriptive moniker. Personally she leaned towards the anachronous oneiric combat simulator. For some reason nopony seemed to realize how catchy it was.

“Twilight, you’re saying it wrong!” Dash cut in. “You can’t say it like the boring old danger zone. It’s … The Danger Zone!”

“That’s what I said.” The disappointed look on Dash’s face indicated that she had once more cemented herself in the ranks of the Uncool. Ah well. That meant she was clearly hot instead. That was logic.

“Hmmph. Well at least SOMEone here understands” Discord pouted. He and Dash shared a hoofbump? Clawbump? Twilight was sure Discord had chosen his shape just to cause trouble. Well she wouldn’t be defeated! Discord and Dash had a congratulatory bump. There! Done! Twilight tried to ignore the spoing of a strand of her mane escaping. Curse Celestia for making her study Shakesmare. It was a perfectly good factual description. And...Oh no. She’d just cursed Celestia! It wasn’t just an act! She WAS evil! There was another spoing as more of her mane made a bid for freedom.

“Aw, it looks like our little Alicorn mad conqueror is already getting into character” Discord smirked. “Oh I’m so proud of you all!” He flowed through the air, wrapping about Fluttershy again. “Especially you” he added, nuzzling the blushing bat pony. “Now remember, when you’re out sowing chaos in a temporally asynchronous dream dimension, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Fluttershy blushed and smiled fondly, and bopped Discord gently with her hoof. “Discord, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do.”

“Well, don’t do anything I wouldn’t like then” he said with a grin. And with that he vanished in a flash, reappearing to stand by the vortex in a professor’s outfit. On the the ceiling, Twilight noted, but it definitely counted as standing. “Now before we begin I have to explain the” he made a disgusted face “rules. This is a stable, self sustaining dreamworld that replicates Equestria to the best of the knowledge of all the participants. Plus me and Luna, and oh will there be some hidden gems because of that. Let me just say, Frogs. Who knew?” Twilight noticed that Fluttershy was blushing beet red, and Pinkie Pie was shuddering. Or possibly having an attack of Pinkie Sense. Well, that was yet another alarming development for the day.

“Anypony with a specially enchanted moonstone can join join...blah blah blah...anyone else is just a dream formed by your idea of them so don’t take it personally...blah blah Kreuger...blah...okay now here’s the neat part. Luna and I worked it out so that however long the dream takes you’ll wake up after just one night. Lovely bit of mental time compression. And even better, when the dream starts it creates a plausible alternate reality scenario that you’ll be a part of, just like a normal dream. I don’t mean to brag,” Twilight rolled her eyes “but between Luna and I we came up with something quite exceptional. The scenario will adapt itself and improve to remain consistent even if you push the boundaries of the narrative. Wonderful verisimilitude.”

“BOORing…” Dash interrupted. “Can you just say it quickly in Equish?”

“Sigh…” he actually said ‘sigh’ noted Twilight, forcibly combing her mane down. “Very well...it’s like a giant dream, it learns and changes to make itself more realistic, you have all the time you want, and the only real ponies are the ones with magic rocks. Happy?”

“Sure, why didn’t you say so the first time?”

“Now that we’ve had the epic spellcraft reduced to a magic kindergarten level” said Tempest, mirroring Twilight’s private opinion on the matter, “can we please just go?”

“Ooh, somepony’s eager to have a second go at world conquest. Was the first time not enough for you?” Discord was suddenly in Tempest’s face with a smirk. “And here I thought all the monsters here were reformed.”

Tempest shrugged past him, toward the vortex. “I am. I’m Twilight’s monster now.” Twilight frowned at that. What? “Now come on. We’re all eager for some chaos. Are you done or not?”

Discord growled to himself for a moment and clenched his paw. “...Oh fine. Yes, yes we’re done. Luna and I will be watching to make sure everything stays safe. Just put a hoof on a moonstone, close your eyes, and count to ten.”

Everypony picked up a moonstone from the small bowl on the table and lay down on the pile of cushions in the corner. As they did, Twilight came up beside Tempest.

“Are you okay Tempest? Is there anything you’d like to talk about?”

“Later” was the only reply. Twilight nodded, but embraced her with a wing. Tempest stiffened, but relaxed into it after a moment. “You’re such a softy, Princess.” She leaned into the hug and nestled close for a moment. “We’ll see how you handle me when things get tough.”

Twilight blushed. “Well, I’ll have you at my side this time around. That will make all the difference.” Holding Tempest was nice. “Come on,” she said, with a moment of boldness. “Let’s take over the world together.” Before she could think about what she’d just said too much, she closed her eyes, and touched the stone. There was a bright light, and rushing feeling of flying. Flying right into...The Danger Zone.

Empress Twilight of the Crystal Empire stood on the balcony of the Celestial Palace, surveying her city, an oasis of life in the deathly chill. The glorious jewel of the Frozen North, beating heart of life and love in the world. And above, the aurora shone in it’s splendor. She smiled with pride at her Empire and her people. It was time. Too long had Equestria ignored and shunned them. Too long had their glory been suppressed by the faded wielders of the Sun and Moon. The elder generation had failed, defeated again and again by new threats that would bring the world to its knees. It was time for a new age to begin. And with her friends, her faithful general, and her wife and husband beside her, they could never fail.

She turned and went in to the throne room. And there they were, the loves of her life. One more reason to conquer Equestria, and end those who decried their union as unnatural and corrupt. At least her friends, those who truly cared for her, understood. She trotted past them, assembled for the grand announcement, and greeted Shining and Cadence with a passionate kiss. They were of the Crystal Empire. Love was their strength and power. And because their three hearts beat as one, they were invincible. She turned to address the others.

There was a quiet tingling noise, and a soft light shone over her and her friend’s hearts. And in a moment, a tiny moonstone was growing painlessly under their fur. Twilight blinked, as awareness and true memory returned to her. And then she shook her head, and disorientation gave way to mortification and fury. “DISCORD!!!!!”