• Member Since 12th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Time Agent pony

Time agent is the name, time travel and writing Fimfictions is the game



This story is a sequel to Equestria Girls: Rebirth of Heroes

Set after the events of Forgotten Friendship.

Tired of being beaten by the Justice Force, time and time again, the time traveling villain, Kang the Conquer, enacts his ultimate plan, to wipe out all incarnations of the Justice Force throughout space and time. It's up to The Rainbooms to protect all of history, keep it on track and ensure that there will always be heroes, no matter the time or place.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 69 )

Hello there. Thanks very much for getting this next story in your series started. Again, the action, exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places. And, yeah, Kang might have erased the adult heroes from existence, but made the mistake of underestimating the younger ones. On the other hand, if he didn't make that mistake, he would have already won and we wouldn't have a story.

Anyway, I have an idea for later in the story, for close to the end:

Rainbow: Okay, Kang. Prepare to get your rump kicked back to Dimension X.

Sunset: Dimension X?

Rainbow: Isn't Kang that evil alien brain dude that the Ninja Turtles sometimes fight?

Pinkie: You're thinking of KRANG, Dashie.

Sorry. Couldn't resist for some reason.

At any rate, I will very definitely be looking forward to more of this.

Glad you like this chapter, I might use that exchange somehow:twilightsmile::raritywink:

You are quite welcome. :-D

And I DO appreciate you at least considering the exchange. :-D

But, isn't Kang from Marvel and not DC?

Yes Kang is from Marvel:twilightsmile:, but in this universe I've created both Marvel and DC, along with some other comic characters exist in the Equestria Girls universe side by side:raritywink:

Hey there. Thanks immensely for getting the next chapter up as well as liking my dialogue idea enough to use a modified version of it. Both are really appreciated. Once again, you did an excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. I particularly liked the reasoning behind MOST OF the younger heroes disappearing AND the appearance by the Phantom Stranger at the end of the chapter.

And I have to wonder what time travel expert the Phantom Stranger directed the girls toward (since we know that's probably what the girls need right now).

Now, I have another possible dialogue idea. At an appropriate point, Rainbow can comment "This isn't one of those time machines that we need to get up to 88 miles per hour to make work, is it? I mean, I'm fast enough to EASILY achieve that speed, but not strong enough to pull a vehicle large enough for all of my friends. And Applejack is strong enough to pull a vehicle that size, but not fast enough to run at 88 miles per hour."

Then the individual of your choice could gently chide her for seeing "Back To The Future" a couple too many times.

And I have a possible idea for an epilogue scene: The human universe version of Chrysalis can make an appearance as a renegade scientist who uses some technology left over from Kang's defeat and some stuff discreetly collected from Gotham City involving all the villains to use the name Clayface to grant herself the shape-shifting abilities of her Equestrian counterpart as well as all of the proportionate abilities of several different species of insects and arachnids combined (including, but not limited to, super-strength, flight and super-durability) . This would basically just to serve as a sequel hook.

Similarly, the epilogue can include the human universe version of Sombra can use some technology left over from Kang's scheme to grant himself the ability to turn intangible at will, as well as potent telekinetic abilities and the ability to telepathically induce illusions reflecting his targets' worst fears (making himself sort of a fusion of the Scarecrow and the Gentleman Ghost) as still another sequel hook.

Of course, I WILL completely understand if you do not like any of the ideas.

At any rate, I WILL most assuredly be looking forward to more of this.

As always thanks for the support, and the ideas:twilightsmile::raritywink:

You are quite welcome. :-D

nicely done; also:

One of the figures stepped forward, he looked like Superman, only instead of an S on his chest he had a U.

Ultraman is here? ...meh
:pinkiecrazy: Ex-CUSE me!?
oh, don't get me wrong: I am a LITTLE worried about how the others are going to deal with this, but I somehow doubt this will work in Kang's favor; I mean, after all, wouldn't the appearance of Superman's evil doppelganger jog the temporal memories of the populace, thereby causing a revolt?
:pinkiegasp: Wait WHAT?!
oh, yeah: turns out that people or objects that don't technically exist in a world affected by some sort of time travel/reality warp will occasionally stir some memories and/or emotions in certain people regarding the "original" timeline; for example, Rose remembering her relationship with Jake due to a photograph in "America Dragon"; ...admittedly, it makes more sense with/in context
:pinkiesmile: Huh: well, you know what they say...

I'm glad you like the chapter:twilightsmile::raritywink: also I've never watched a single episode of American Dragon:twilightsheepish: so I'm going to take your word for it

Very little I can say other than great work on this latest chapter. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up were all well done in all the right places.

I particularly liked the slight playful jab at both Doctor Who AND Back to the Future as well as Twi's natural Adorkableness being cranked up to Eleven (possibly even TWELVE) concerning Rip's time machine , the reveal of the collection of other Kangs AND the end introduction to what I guess to be this universe's answer to the Crime Syndicate.

And, yeah, my guess is that Rip and the girls are going to be going back to when the heroes individually got erased and try to prevent the erases. Of course, the Kangs and the Syndicate are NOT going to make that easy, but that's to be expected. :-D

Anyway, I am DEFINITELY going to be eagerly looking forward to more.

Indeedie-do. :-D You're quite welcome.

Again, splendid job on this latest chapter. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places.

I particularly liked the demonstrations of the side effects to time travel as well as the divisions of the teams .

My guess is that each of the next four chapters will be focused on one of the teams and their efforts to protect the heroes' of that era .

I'm also going to guess that at least some of the members of the Justice Force Beyond will include the Terry McGinnis Batman as well as the adult versions of at least a few of the Rainbooms themselves .

I have a possible idea for an epilogue scene for a sequel hook: There could be a brief scene where Thanos is searching the multiverse for the Infinity Gems and finds out one of them is on Earth (where he would logically have to deal with the Justice Force AND the Rainbooms) and another one is in another dimension on a world called Foenum (to set up a possible crossover with "Them's Fightin' Herds") .

Of course, I can completely understand if my guesses are wrong and you already have a better idea and I will still be looking forward to more, regardless.

As always glad you like the chapter and thanks for the ideas:twilightsmile::raritywink:


You are VERY welcome. :-D

And to be fair, only one of them was an actual idea; the other two were just guesses. (sheepish grin)

Perfectly all right. It's an honest mistake.

Anyway, I HAVE thought of more stuff, not for THIS story, but for some possible future stories in this universe:

1. If you DO go for the possible idea of Thanos being the main villain of the next story and having him hunt for the Infinity Gems across the multiverse, you could have still another one of the Infinity Gems end up on Equestria itself, so it would be possible to include the main MLP: FiM universe in the crossover (especially if the two Twilights, Sunset and some of the more tech AND magic savvy heroes working together manage to find a way to get the teams of heroes to the universes they need to get to.

2. If you include the Rainbooms and the Justice Force meeting humanized versions of the Them's Fightin' Herds main characters in a future story, well, Human Arizona could have super-strength on Applejack's level as well as super-speed on Rainbow's level, Human Oleander could have similar abilities to Raven, Human Velvet could have near-flight leaping and ice-generating/controlling powers, Human Tianhuo can fly, possess flame breath and have strength and durability on a par with a human-sized dragon, Human Paprika could have Cartoon Physics inspired abilities (basically like Pinkie, but turned up a bit on that front and WITHOUT the ability to kinetically charge sugar) and Human Pom could have limited gliding abilities and a telepathic link with dogs (admittedly not that impressive-sounding compared to what the others can do, but that could account for her low self-esteem and could lead to Fluttershy and one or more of the other Rainbooms giving her a heart-felt Better Than You Think You Are speech)

3. Well, even if Thanos DOES become the main villain of the next story, there could still be some stuff in the epilogue that sets up the human counterparts of Chrysalis and Sombra becoming villains in further future stories.

and 4. If you DO choose to include epilogue set-ups for Human Chrysalis and Human Sombra, the epilogue of THIS story could have a scene with Human Chrysalis giving herself the combined proportionate abilities of EVERY type of insect and arachnid on Earth (including, but not limited to, super-strength, super-durability, flight, sticking to and walking on walls and ceilings, greatly heightened senses and the ability to shoot out organic spider-webbing that is dozens of times more elastic than nylon and so strong that only somebody at the strength level of Superman or the Hulk can break it) as well as a telepathic link with any insect and arachnid within her immediate area while the epilogue for the NEXT story could include her giving a number of random thugs injections that grant them limited shape-shifting abilities and the combined proportionate abilities of a single different insect AND arachnid each (which would give her control over an army that would basically serve as a fusion of Cobra and the Decepticons [the main villain teams of two of Hasbro's OTHER most popular franchises]).

Of course, I fully respect your right to choose to NOT use ANY of these ideas. I just couldn't resist sharing them. (sheepish grin)

thanks for the ideas, the support and the comments:raritywink::twilightsmile:

You're quite welcome. :-D

not bad; also:

"You think we'll see them again?" Arizona asked.

considering how these kind of usually go, I'd say yes, most likely during the final battle

thanks:twilightsmile: and just wait and see:raritywink:

you're welcome, and fair enough

Sorry I missed this chapter. For some reason, the dog-gone chapter didn't show up on my notifications. Anyway, VERY good job on this chapter. The exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up were ALL well done in all the right places. I JUST LOVED seeing all those western heroes in action alongside Applejack and Gwenpool. And great use of Human Arizona too.

Now, on to the next chapter. And I hope the darn notification will actually work this time. (sheepish grin)

glad you like chapter 5:twilightsmile:, as always thanks for the support:raritywink:

You're quite welcome. Now, I have a possible couple more ideas for the next chapter:

1. Twilight and Sunset could be recognized by a couple of the Justice Force Beyond members, but be initially mistaken for their own daughters (this IS a little over five decades in the future after all).

2. At some point, following Twilight and Sunset's explanation, the following exchange could take place:

Your choice of Justice Force Beyond members: But we WILL be all right, right? I mean, it's pretty clear we already won.

Either Twilight or Sunset (your choice which one): How do you figure that?

Your choice of Justice Force Beyond members (pointing to Twilight and Sunset's future selves as well as their teenaged selves): Because it is clear you two already lived through this as teenagers.

Either Future Twilight or Future Sunset (your choice which one): Flawless logic, except neither one of us recalls ever travelling through time and meeting our future selves.

Your choice of Justice Force Beyond members: Okay. Point taken. But, between all of us, we still have the tech, the power and the experience to handle most things.

Either Twilight or Sunset (your choice which one): Yes, but I would be willing to wager that Kang would probably take that into account by sending somebody who IS powerful enough and experienced enough to give all of you a pretty hard time.

3. At an appropriate point, the following exchange could take place:

Either Twilight or Sunset (your choice which one): For a couple of gals in their mid-to-late-60s, you two are looking good.

Either Future Twilight or Future Sunset (your choice which one): Thanks. It's the combination of modern medicine, a regular combined routine of smart diet and moderate exercise AND the added combination of our geodes' magic and the power of these rings.

Either Future Twilight or Future Sunset (the other one): Yeah. Late-60s are the new late-20s.

and 4. As Present Twilight and Sunset are leaving following the successful completion of their mission, their future selves could be shown feeling something strange as their memories start configuring to include undisclosed future details of this adventure.

Do any of these ideas help? If not, I profusely apologize for wasting your time.

I think those ideas are pretty good:twilightsmile:

Thanks very much. :-D

Hey there. Just thought of another couple of ideas I couldn't resist sharing just in case:

1. If you DO include the stuff about Twilight and Sunset meeting their future selves, it can be mentioned and shown that Future Sunset's telepathy has upgraded to being able to read minds without touching anybody (like in "Overpowered" but she has A LOT more control over it now) as well as being able to control machines within her immediate area and mentally produce ultra-realistic illusions in the mind of up to three opponents at once (assuming she isn't fighting somebody who has willpower equal to or greater than her own). Plus she has ALSO gained the power of empathic power mimicry (meaning she can duplicate the abilities of any one individual at a time as long as it is done with the individual's full knowledge and permission). Future Twilight, meanwhile, not only has greater levels of telekinesis than her present day self, but she has ALSO mastered teleportation and transmuting non-organic matter within her line of sight.

2. Similarly to the Western chapter with Human Arizona, Human Oleander can be shown in the Justice Force Beyond chapter. In this case, the future versions of Twilight and Sunset are acting as her co-mentors.

3. In addition to the Terry McGinnis Batman, the majority of the membership of the "Batman Beyond" era of the Justice League Unlimited and the future versions of a few of the Rainbooms themselves, the group can also include the Miquel O'Hara Spider-Man (who could be a time-traveler himself; having been sent thirty years in what would be to him the past as a result of one of his adventures).

4. In addition to the heroes of 19th century English literature (most if not all of whom are very likely in the public domain now) and the Victorian era versions of your choice of super-heroes, Rarity and Fluttershy could also meet the human versions of Velvet and Pom (both of whom could be travelling/adventuring companions to your choices of English literature heroes).

5. Two of the newest members of the Legion of Super-Heroes could be the human versions of Tianhou and Paprika, who could be distant descendants of Rainbow and Pinkie respectively.

and 6. At some point during the battle in the Legion of Super-Heroes' time, Rainbow can spin her arms around fast enough to create a whirlwind to strike at one of the villains (a trick she learned from the Flashes) and then generate enough static electricity to start pitching lightning bolts at a machine gun rate at ANOTHER one of the villains (ANOTHER trick she learned from the Flashes).

So, do these ideas help at all?

Love your ideas:twilightsmile:, thanks for the thoughts:raritywink:

You are extremely welcome.

Hello there. Just thought of another couple of ideas:

1. In addition to Human Oleander being co-mentored by Future Twilight and Future Sunset, she could also initially mistake present day-Twilight for her younger sister (in other words, Future Twilight is Human Oleander's mother as well as her co-mentor) before Future Sunset uses her telepathy to correct her.

2. In 19th century London, Human Velvet can be Rarity's great-great-grandaunt on her mother's side while Human Pom is Fluttershy's great-great-grandaunt on her father's side.

and 3. In addition to limited gliding abilities and a telepathic control over dogs, Human Pom could have a low-level "bark" power (which hurts enemies JUST enough to disorient them for a couple of seconds) which, while not as impressive as Human Velvet's ice-generation/control, DOES give her an extra trick to last a little longer against certain enemies (i.e. just long enough for help to arrive)

Sorry about that. For some reason, I just couldn't resist the thoughts.

Thanks very much for getting this next chapter up. It took a while, but was definitely well worth the wait. I loved you showing how many future heroes you knew about. And, yeah, the characterizations, exchanges, action and future chapter set-up are all wonderfully done.

I am definitely going to be looking forward to seeing the next chapter (and the chapter after that and, well, you get the idea).

You are very welcome.

not bad; also:

"Well," Iron man 2099 said, after a while, "this is not the strangest thing thats happen to us."
"This day has certainly been strange," Green Lantern agreed.
"I'm surprised we don't have a list of strange things that have happened," Hawkeye 2099 added.

a) I hate to be THAT guy, but it's "that's happened to us"
b) 😁 there are SO many jokes I could make out of this section alone, but here are my top three:
1) so this isn't the first time someone from the past and/or an alternate dimension has tried to take over the world?

2) I'm willing to bet it take harder pressed to list the strange things that HASN'T happened to them...
3) somewhere, somewhen, a certain (former) neurosurgeon worries he might be catching a cold...

glad you like the chapter:twilightsmile: and thank you for the spell check:raritywink:

All I can say is excellent job on this latest chapter. The exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up were all well done in all the right places. The selection of Victorian era heroes was great too. And thanks very much for using my idea concerning Human Velvet . I especially liked the assistance by that mystery figure once the villains started getting wise to Rip's plan and planning around it.

I'll most definitely be looking forward to more of this.

Indeed. :-D And thanks very much once again. :-D

I'm not sure what was more entertaining: seeing THE Legion of Superheroes fighting alongside Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, or seeing Lightning Lad going fanboy over his maybe-ancestor (seriously: it's hard NOT to imagine that some of the people in that room might potentially be descendants of the Main 7)

Glad you liked this chapter:twilightsmile::raritywink:

Excellent work on this latest chapter. I absolutely loved seeing the Legion in action alongside Rainbow and Pinkie. The exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up were all quite well done in all the right places. Well, all four of the missions have been successfully accomplished for the time being (despite Kang and his crew now actively targeting the Rainbooms as well) , so now, I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with to set things up for the final showdown (especially with the possibilities that 1. Kang and his team might try to find and attack the Waverider and the Rainbooms in full force as to "not take any more chances on their interference." and 2. It's possible that the heroes the Rainbooms helped during their time-travelling adventures might return to assist in the final battle) .

Well, until next time, thanks very much for sharing your work.

Once more, you did a great job on the action, exchanges, characterizations and climax set-up in all the right places. I particularly liked the work that went into the Rainbooms' plans, the reveal of one of the two mystery figures that helped out the Rainbooms , the idea to use good versions of some of their world's villains and the set-up for the reveal of the OTHER mystery helper in the next chapter.

Yes, I am DEFINITELY going to be looking forward to more of this.

And Happy Thanksgiving in advance.

glad you like it and thank you:twilightsmile::raritywink:

You are quite welcome.

And hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving:twilightsmile::raritywink:

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