• Published 27th Apr 2018
  • 937 Views, 13 Comments

Unnoticed Threats - smirker

Dr. Whooves becomes a therapist and learns about other threats Twilight and her friends have missed.

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Gladiatorial Games (Males)

Doctor Whooves was counting his bits and saw he will soon have enough money to pay his house bills for the rest of his life, he put them away and locked them in a chest under his table. He waited a little and Red Baron came back in and sat,

"Is Night Witch alright?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"Yes, she's laying down and enjoying this town's scenery." Red Baron replied,

"Good, go ahead and tell your side of events now." Doctor Whooves spoke, and Red Baron began to tell his tale.

Red Baron was in his and Night Witch's mansion and cleaning and examining pieces of ancient Cloudsdale architectural structures, he examined them closely and estimated when they were built based off of architectural style and the previous findings he found, he heard walking and a Pegasus colt came in, he had a blue coat, a short light blue mane and tail, dark blue eyes, and his cutie mark was a blue bird with yellow lightning around it, he was Blue Thunder, Red Baron's personal servant,

"Here's the new delivery, master." Blue Thunder reported,

"Thank you, Blue Thunder, it's getting a bit late, you should head on home." Red Baron stated,

"No training or talking about your Wonderbolts days today?" Blue Thunder asked,

"Sorry, but Night Witch got a lot of work today and I have to help her or she'll get overwhelmed." Red Baron responded,

"Oh, it's unusual for you two to have more work than the other." Blue Thunder commented,

"It is, but this is one of those days, go on home now, Blue Thunder, I'll give you your next assignments tomorrow morning." Red Baron said,

"Okay, goodbye, Red Baron." Blue Thunder spoke, and he flew out. Red Baron saw Blue Thunder and Airmail leave and then went to go help Night Witch with her work, they finished them together and then trained and slept at the end of the day.

"Next part is basically the same as Night Witch's, I woke up, called out for Blue Thunder, got no response, flew out, looked for him a bit, didn't find him, reunited with Night Witch, revealed to one another Blue Thunder and Airmail are both missing, then flew to his home." Red Baron reported,

"Go ahead and continue from there." Doctor Whooves responded, and he did.

Red Baron arrived at Blue Thunder's house while not seeing any signs of a fight or struggle while on the way there, he knocked on the door and there was no answer,

"Blue Thunder, you there?" Red Baron called out, there was no answer, he flew around and looked into the windows, Blue Thunder was not home, he flew around and did not see anything broken, hoof prints, or fur from ponies' manes or tails lying around,

"Hmm?" Red Baron asked while looking for any clues, he flew from his home to Blue Thunder's home and stopped when he saw adult hoof prints on the grass, he flew around and found more hoof prints and a layout of Pegasus foal's body nearby, he looked at the layout's snout's shape and saw it was a colt, he then flew up higher and looked for them.

"Night Witch already went over the next part, we regrouped, reported seeing signs that our servants were attacked, looked for clues, I then spotted the foals fighting, we went over and saw adult ponies forcing them to fight, we tried to break it up, fourteen more ponies came and overpowered us, we got captured, met the leaders, then got divided by gender and separated." Red Baron stated,

"Okay, we're now at where your stories separate from one another, explain everything down to the littlest detail." Doctor Whooves replied, and Red Baron continued his tale.

Red Baron and the others appeared in an area filled with vegetation and a mountain far back, the stallion that commanded the others took his armor off,

"And you are?" Red Baron inquired,

"Hercules, an earth pony warrior, these eight are my helpers, these two Pegasi here are Blunt Wings and Sharp Wings, my personal bodyguards, these two unicorns are Shadow Controller and Fog Maker, they act as my group's stealth members and scout for new colts to train, those two earth ponies there are Staff Master and Sword Master, extra muscle when me, Blunt Wings, and Sharp Wings aren't enough, and those two Pegasi there are Persuader and Convincer, our speakers when we are questioned by law enforcement." the earth pony stallion explained, Red Baron looked at them carefully. Hercules had a blue coat, short white mane and tail, blue eyes, and his cutie mark was two yellow muscular arms flexing. Blunt Wings had a dark pink coat, short dark red mane and tail, dark purple eyes, and his cutie mark was a hammer. Sharp Wings had a light purple coat, slightly long bright blue mane and tail, light orange eyes, and his cutie mark was a dagger. Shadow Controller had a black coat, was bald, had no tail, black eyes, and his cutie mark was a dark blue ninja hood. Fog Maker had a light gray coat, long white mane and tail, dark gray eyes, and his cutie mark was a gray cloud. Staff Master had a dark brown coat, short black mane and tail, blue eyes, and his cutie mark was a three-section staff connected with chains. Sword Master had a bright gray coat, short black mane and tail, red eyes, and his cutie mark a double-edged sword. Persuader had a bright green coat, short bright red mane and tail, black eyes, and his cutie mark was a white speech bubble. Convincer had a bright yellow coat, slightly long bright purple mane and tail, blue eyes, and his cutie mark was a pair of pink lips that were open.

Red Baron looked at the colts and saw Blue Thunder among them, he was panting and laying on the ground with injured legs, he saw Shadow Controller and Fog Maker cast spells with Shadow Controller having a black aura on his horn and Fog Maker having a gray aura on his horn, the colts got healed,

"Alright, boys, obstacle course time, let's see if you all can climb those rocks over there and swim while running the whole thing." Hercules stated, the colts looked and saw sharp and jagged rocks and a river stream with a strong tide, the colts quivered,

"Stop being scared, you won't achieve anything if you stay like that, and even if you're scared, you still gotta try or you won't learn anything or grow." Persuader spoke,

"Do we have to?" Blue Thunder asked,

"Yes, you do, you'll become faster, stronger, more durable, and more agile doing this." Convincer answered,

"Get to it now, it'll make you stronger later." Staff Master said,

"Um, can we have partners?" one colt requested,

"Nope, this must be done individually." Sword Master answered,

"Come on now, we don't have all day." Blunt Wings remarked,

"He's right, let's start." Sharp Wings added, the colts looked on in fear,

"Well, I guess we don't have a choice." Shadow Controller said,

"Yeah, might as well." Fog Maker responded, and he and Shadow Controller teleported them into the air and above the obstacle course, they fell and screamed. The colts fell onto the ground and they screamed in pain from landing on the rocks and hard surfaces, they heard running and saw cougars coming, the colts screamed and the unicorns and earth ponies sprinted while the Pegasi flew, Shadow Controller and Fog Maker cast spells to bind them to the ground, they ran as fast as they could while the cougars continued running after them. The colts panted very heavily and came to the obstacle course, they began jumping over rocks and vines with thorns, climbing rocks, crawling under tight spaces, and avoiding the wild animals, mind controlled hawks flew down and attacked the colts and they exclaimed while trying to swat them away. Red Baron flew as fast as he could and fought the cougars and hawks off while the colts watched,

"Master?" Blue Thunder asked, the other colts looked at him with surprise, Red Baron punched, kicked, bucked, and swatted the animals away and the colts watched,

"Come on, let's go." one colt ordered while patting another one's shoulder, they nodded at one another and ran forward. They did the obstacle course and arrived at the river stream, they began swimming but struggled against the strong tides, mind controlled piranhas began swimming to them and biting them and the colts screamed. Red Baron heard them and quickly flew into the water and swam, he grabbed and pulled the piranhas off of the colts and swatted them away with his wings, he moved much slower due to being submerged under water, the colts swam and some of them panted while Red Baron flew up into the sky and rolled around to get the piranhas off. The colts ran while panting and sweating and began traversing through sharp rocks, they screamed in pain while trying to go forward and got cuts on their hoofs, they went uphill and panted heavily, Red Baron flew as fast as he could and carried the colts to the end.

Hercules, Blunt Wings, Sharp Wings, Shadow Controller, Fog Maker, Staff Master, Sword Master, Convincer, and Persuader walked to Red Baron and the colts,

"What do you think you're doing?" Persuader inquired,

"This is too hard for beginner training, they would do better in a safer environment like indoors and having soft floors and mats." Red Baron explained,

"You saying those colts are too weak and soft to train in nature?" Staff Master asked,

"No, they're just not experienced enough, after some proper training and experience, they can do a course like this." Red Baron answered,

"What do you know about training to get stronger?" Blunt Wings questioned,

"I'm a former Wonderbolt, I also study and learn my pony kind's warrior history and practice them at home, so I'm trained in using the weapons of my ancestors as well." Red Baron responded, everybody except Blue Thunder looked at him with surprise,

"Well, that's interesting to know, what is your name?" Hercules asked,

"Red Baron." Red Baron replied,

"Red Baron, you say, I think I've seen your name somewhere before." Hercules remarked,

"Fastest male Wonderbolt ever, third fastest now behind my sister and Rainbow Dash." Red Baron answered,

"Oh, I recall now, I saw a picture of you and your name in a record book once." Hercules recalled,

"Fourth fastest if we count Lightning Dust." Sword Master spoke,

"I never saw that name in the Wonderbolts." Red Baron replied,

"Didn't think so, she was stripped of her position early into the Wonderbolts and left before she can really achieve anything." Sword Master stated,

"Tell you what, since you claim to be properly trained, I'll let you try to train the colts, I expect results, no improvement, and it's off with your head." Hercules warned,

"Training and improvement takes months, not an hour or two." Red Baron remarked,

"Regardless, I expect results, we'll be back in about an hour." Hercules stated, and he and the other eight stallions left.

Red Baron instructed the colts in a calm and commanding tone and they showed him what they have already learned and been trained to do, they showed him basic punches, kicks, grabs, grapples, joint locks, and swung sticks around like swords and used rocks as makeshift shields,

"That's it?" Red Baron asked, the colts nodded,

"Come on, I'll have you all do traditional beginner Pegasus warrior training from ancient times." Red Baron said, and he taught them in a calm and gentle manner, the colts were taught basic ways to block, dodge, and counter attacks and Red Baron taught them one colt at a time, they began to have fun and smile,

"Alright, that's good for first day, go ahead and play, guys." Red Baron said, the colts cheered and began play fighting. The colts had fun while Red Baron supervised them and corrected their postures and techniques when they messed up, Blue Thunder had trouble keeping up with the others while Red Baron held him up since he still had trouble due to his injuries, the colts play fought with him and he had fun with them while Red Baron smiled, the colts began to learn and memorize the techniques but stopped when they heard running, they saw Hercules and his eight stallions coming and they faced them,

"What is going on?" Hercules inquired,

"I'm letting them play and have fun so they can learn and remember the moves better later." Red Baron answered,

"Play? Have fun? That is not why they are trained, it is action and pain that is supposed to teach them!" Hercules fumed,

"Pain is not a good teacher from what I've seen in the past." Red Baron remarked,

"How is it not?" Sword Master inquired,

"I've seen ponies in the Wonderbolts make mistakes and get injured, the memories haunted them and the pain they felt at that moment was felt again when they remembered it." Red Baron responded,

"They sound weak and pathetic to me." Blunt Wings said,

"It can happen to anypony." Red Baron spoke,

"It hasn't happened to us." Convincer said,

"Have any of you actually been through painful training or got hit in a fight?" Red Baron questioned,

"Yes, we have." Sharp Wings replied,

"Well, you guys don't seem to have had any permanent or really painful injuries like how they have, those who experience trauma and still feel pain often have crippling and life changing injuries." Red Baron stated,

"Enough talk, we see the results of your training now." Hercules spoke,

"But one session isn't enough to make one improve." Red Baron snapped,

"No excuses, we see the results now, come on, kids." Persuader stated, the colts quivered,

"What's wrong, guys?" Blue Thunder inquired,

"We're gonna have to fight for real now." one colt answered,

"You mean like standing up to bullies in school?" Blue Thunder asked,

"No, like ancient warriors, with real weapons and can kill you if you get hit." another colt responded, Red Baron's eyes widened while Blue Thunder had a shocked expression,

"Hey, let's go!" Shadow Controller called out, Fog Maker teleported them closer to himself and the other eight stallions.

Red Baron and the colts appeared in an area that had flat ground and green grass everywhere, Shadow Controller and Fog Maker cast spells to put magic chains on them, Staff Master and Sword Master grabbed two colts and they begged while they got picked up and thrown forward, Blunt Wings and Sharp Wings then threw weapons to them. The colts picked up the swords and began hitting each other's blades while their hoofs got hurt, they panted and soon dropped their front legs from the pain,

"Use your hoofs." Persuader ordered, and they began punching and kicking each other slowly and softly,

"No, like this." Sharp Wings remarked while he and Blunt Wings walked to them, they punched and kicked them hard and they colts screamed from the pain, they laid on the ground and cried, Shadow Controller and Fog Maker moved them around with their telekinesis. The two colts began punching, kicking, tackling, and bucking one another while Red Baron watched uncomfortably and Blue Thunder had a shocked expression,

"Stop this! This isn't the way!" Red Baron begged, Shadow Controller and Fog Maker continued making them fight one another and one colt fell over and panted heavily and could not move,

"Kill him." Hercules ordered, Blue Thunder looked on with horror while Red Baron's eyes widened and his jaw dropped a little,

"No!" the colt begged while Shadow Controller moved him closer to the injured colt and he tried to resist. Red Baron flew as fast as he could and got through Fog Maker's telekinesis, he got between the two colts and he got attacked instead, Fog Maker teleported him away but Red Baron quickly moved back and protected the colt from getting attacked,

"Stop, it's hopeless, he's just going to keep coming back." Hercules said, and Fog Maker let him go,

"I see you're going to protect them and get in the way of us weeding out weak colts, it's really a shame, I was hoping you could be another addition to my group." Hercules spoke,

"If your actions is kidnapping random kids and forcing them to kill one another, then I will not support, this isn't weeding out weak ponies, this is forcing them to harm one another and traumatizing them." Red Baron retorted,

"It has to be done, if they can't endure pain and stomach making hard choices, then they are weak, we will be hunted by the dragons and changelings in the future if we don't toughen up now." Hercules spoke,

"We have won them over with love and friendship, so that seems unlikely, I think those foals have parents and families who miss them." Red Baron stated, the colts began to tear up,

"Crying over missing mommy and daddy, pathetic." Staff Master said,

"It is natural for kids as young as them to miss their parents." Red Baron retorted,

"I suggest you leave and pretend you never saw this." Hercules remarked,

"I am not going anywhere." Red Baron declared,

"Very well, since you refuse to leave, you must fight all nine of us in one-on-one battles to the death, if you win, you can take your servant pony with you, if you lose, you die." Hercules announced,

"No, if I win, I take all the colts with me." Red Baron declared,

"Fine, let's set the arrangements." Hercules stated, and Shadow Controller and Fog Maker teleported themselves and the other seven stallions elsewhere. Red Baron began stretching and Blue Thunder walked to him,

"Where's Night Witch and Airmail, master?" Blue Thunder asked,

"Elsewhere, turns out Airmail got captured by Hercules' sister and her group of mares, Night Witch has went to go free her." Red Baron answered,

"So they got her, too, I hope they're okay." Blue Thunder spoke,

"Me too, if one of us manage to take out the group we're fighting, we'll go look for each other, and that's if we do, there's no guarantee I'll win or survive this situation." Red Baron said,

"Aren't you scared, master?" Blue Thunder questioned,

"I am, but Wonderbolts training taught me how to stay calm and in control of my emotions in stressful situations, so yes, I do feel fear, but I can't let it control me and cloud my judgement and thinking and act on impulse." Red Baron answered,

"Oh." Blue Thunder said, the nine stallions reappeared,

"It's ready, let's begin." Hercules said, and Shadow Controller and Fog Maker teleported themselves and everybody else elsewhere.

Everybody arrived at a flat environment with a lot of grass and dirt everywhere, Blunt Wings, Sharp Wings, Staff Master, and Sword Master threw various weapons at Red Baron's front legs,

"You will fight us nine to the death, one at a time, we will be healed between every battle, too, you have a choice, you can either fight with weapons, or use hoof-to-hoof combat." Hercules announced,

"What about you guys?" Red Baron asked, Hercules held a sword in his front right hoof and a shield on his front left hoof, Blunt Wings held small rods in his front hoofs and had rings on his feathers' joints, Sharp Wings had knives in his front hoofs and spikes on his feathers, Shadow Controller had a spear in his front hoofs and more floating around him, Fog Maker had a big double-bladed axe in his front hoofs, Staff Master had a staff divided into three sections and connected with chains in his front right hoof, Sword Master had two swords and held them with his front hoofs, Persuader had wraps on his front hoofs that had three sharp bladed claws on them, and Convincer had a set of cards in his front hoofs, Red Baron picked up two shields with his front hoofs and held two swords with his wings,

"Very well, let's begin, Convincer will be your first opponent." Hercules said, and he walked forward.

Convincer bent the cards and moved them between his front hoofs and got ready, he threw them and Red Baron ducked, Convincer began flying around and throwing his cards while Red Baron strafed to his right while hiding behind his shields and Convincer's cards scratched them. Red Baron looked for an opening while Convincer flew around and went above him, he threw cards at his back and Red Baron cut them with his swords, he looked and saw the cards have put small cuts in the blades, he rolled a little and blocked the cards with his shields. Red Baron noticed they were getting a little wobbly, so he cut the cards with his swords and quickly flew when he saw more cards coming, he grunted under his breath when one card went past him and cut his cheek, Convincer saw an opening and threw cards with his wings as fast as he could, Red Baron strafed and rolled around and cut the cards that were near him while they cut the blades. Convincer saw Red Baron coming to him and he quickly flew back while his eyes widened and threw more cards at him faster than before, Red Baron blocked them with his shields while charging to him and Convincer panted while Red Baron caught up to him and then used a sword to cut his cards, his jaw dropped while he looked at his destroyed cards and Red Baron slashed his throat with a sword and he fell to the ground while the colts looked away, Red Baron landed and Fog Maker healed his wounds,

"You're up, Persuader." Hercules stated, and he walked forward.

Persuader ran forward and tried to slash Red Baron with his claws, he scratched the shields while Red Baron used his swords to block some of his attacks, his claws eventually got caught on the sword blades and they entered a deadlock, Persuader flew up and tried to kick Red Baron in his face with his hind legs but Red Baron laid on his back and kicked him away and over himself with his hind legs and Persuader grunted when he fell and slid on the ground. Persuader shook his head and exhaled sharply, Red Baron flew up a little and spun and threw his shields at him, Persuader flew up and dodged them and then charged forward, he tried to slash Red Baron with his claws but he hit them with his swords each time and the blades clanged, they slashed at one another but hit each other's blades each time. Red Baron watched carefully and looked for an opening, he saw Persuader about to do a downwards slash with his claws and he tried to slash his abdomen but Persuader quickly blocked the sword with his claws, he tried to slash Persuader's throat with his other sword and he quickly blocked it with his front right hoof's claws. Persuader tried to slash Red Baron's several times but he swayed side-to-side while flying backwards and dodged his attacks easily, he readied his swords and flew above Persuader and behind him, he did a downwards slash onto Persuader's six claws and broke them off, he looked on with bewilderment and then tried to punch Red Baron and stab the broken parts into him, he flew back quickly and threw the sword in his right wing at him and into Persuader's head, the colts looked away while cringing and Shadow Controller healed Red Baron's wounds, he then picked his weapons back up,

"Okay, next, Fog Maker." Hercules announced, and he walked forward.

Fog Maker cast a spell and made fog appear everywhere while Red Baron watched carefully, he ran around while Red Baron heard rustling and listened carefully, the rustling get louder behind him and he quickly put up his shields and blocked Fog Maker's axe, he then teleported and hid in the fog. Red Baron closed his eyes and listened carefully, he heard more rustling and listened to Fog Maker's footsteps, he arrived at Red Baron's right blind spot and tried to cut his neck but Red Baron blocked his axe with a sword and shield, he then bashed Fog Maker's face with the shield and disoriented him, he tried to slash his forehead with a sword and Fog Maker quickly teleported. Red Baron looked for Fog Maker but did not see him anywhere, he soon saw a black silhouette of his axe floating around in the thick fog and realized he has changed himself into fog, he watched the silhouette and it did not get any closer, he grunted loudly when he felt something cut into his back, he fell onto his knees and quickly blocked his back with his swords, he heard a clang and looked back and saw another axe, the other axe then began flying to him quickly and he blocked it with his shields, he tried to slash around the fog and nothing happened, he realized Fog Maker was currently invincible. Red Baron focused on the two axes while flying back and panting, he stumbled a bit and had trouble focusing, the two axes flew to him and tried to cut him, he threw his swords and shields away and Fog Maker held them up with his telekinesis, Red Baron grabbed one axe with his front hoofs and then moved it down onto his front right knee and broke the handle in half, they floated up into the air and tried to attack Red Baron, he then grabbed and broke the other axe, Fog Maker then threw the swords and shields at Red Baron but he grabbed them and rearmed himself, Fog Maker turned back to his unicorn form and tried to punch Red Baron but he stabbed him in his heart with a sword and he fell over, Shadow Controller then healed him while sweating,

"Shadow Controller, you're up." Hercules stated, and he walked forward.

Shadow Controller aimed his spears carefully and threw them at Red Baron, he blocked them with his shields and Shadow Controller then began trying to stab and slash him with the one in his front hoofs, Red Baron blocked it with his shields and hit it away with his swords. Shadow Controller cast a spell and made more spears float around him, he shot them forward with his magic and Red Baron flew around to dodge them but they flew and homed on him, Shadow Controller then used his magic to take his spears out of Red Baron's shields and made them fly and home on him, they flew to Red Baron's blind spots and he flew up higher and rolled around while the spears closed in on him and he blocked them with his shields, Shadow Controller jumped high into the sky and dived down while aiming the spear downwards, Red Baron pointed his swords upwards diagonally and stabbed Shadow Controller in his chest and the colts looked away, he turned pitch black like a shadow and disappeared. The spears continued flying after Red Baron and he blocked them with his shields and they flew out, he looked for Shadow Controller until his own shadow suddenly grabbed him and pulled him down, it tried to attack him with its swords and shields and Red Baron blocked them, the spears flew after him again and he hit their handles with his swords and broke them in half, they continued flying around and tried to attack him and Red Baron flew back while his shadow chased him and tried to stab its swords into his abdomen, he slashed its head and Shadow Controller jumped out, and went into one of the spears' shadows, Red Baron got an idea and flew to him, Shadow Controller jumped out of one shadow and into another a few times until Red Baron threw a sword into the shadow he was in and he exclaimed loudly and Red Baron's shadow returned to normal. It suddenly became pitch black and Red Baron's shadow began attacking him again, it punched and kicked his shields while more spears appeared in the air and flew around Red Baron, he flew up to dodge them when they came to him in all directions and their blades broke, he looked for Shadow Controller and did not see him anywhere, he saw his own shadow come to him and Red Baron stabbed his swords into it, Shadow Controller jumped out and began multiplying, they turned pitch black like shadows and began shooting spears at him with their magic, Red Baron flew at high speeds while holding his swords above and in front of himself, he slashed every Shadow Controller and they disappeared except for one, he tried to jump into a shadow but Red Baron slashed his neck with one sword and he changed back to normal while screaming, Red Baron then slashed his throat with his other sword and he fell over while everything changed back to normal, Hercules then threw a drink to him,

"What's this?" Red Baron asked while he saw Blunt Wings, Sharp Wings, Staff Master, and Sword Master looking on with disbelief,

"Healing potion, now drink up." Hercules replied, and he did and became fully healed,

"Staff Master, your turn." Hercules stated, and he walked forward.

Staff Master reeled up on his hind legs and spun his three-section staff around, Red Baron watched carefully since it was a weapon he was not familiar with, Staff Master spun it around and held the three-section staff above his head, Red Baron blocked the staff ends with his shields and Staff Master then spun around while bending his knees and tried to hit Red Baron's legs, he saw the staff ends and quickly flew up. Staff Master stood up while spinning his staff around and began making the staff ends bounce off of his own body and hit Red Baron's shields, they clanged loudly and hurt his front legs, they went around Red Baron's shields and hit the sides of his body, he grunted a little from the pain and tried to slash the staff but left scratches on it. Staff Master let the ends of his staff move around and Red Baron blocked each hit with his shields but the staff began denting them, he ducked under one attack and tried to slash Staff Master across his chest but he extended his staff out and spun around, the staff wrapped around the sword and got tangled, Red Baron tried to cut the chain with his other sword and Staff Master quickly bucked him and he grunted while his sword slid out from the staff's chain, he then began spinning it around again while moving the staff above his own shoulder or in front of himself. Red Baron watched carefully while Staff Master's staff moved very quickly and he did not see an opening, he swayed around and ducked to dodge each attack while watching Staff Master closely, he saw the staff get closer to him and noticed an opening, he flew up and Staff Master tried to hit him with the his staff's ends but they got blocked by Red Baron's shields, he blocked the staff from all sides and slashed Staff Master's back with both of his swords, Staff Master exclaimed loudly and glared and scowled at Red Baron and jumped back.

Red Baron flew around and Staff Master tried to hit him with his staff but Red Baron flew out of range and tried to pin the staff to the ground with his swords and shields, Staff Master quickly changed the direction he moved his staff and tried to hit Red Baron on his other side instead and Red Baron rolled a little on his sides and dodged it. Staff Master began running forward while spinning his staff and tried to hit Red Baron as quickly and as much as he could, he saw the staff was about to break through his shields and he bashed Staff Master's face, he grunted while reeling back, Red Baron tried to slash his throat but he quickly recovered and blocked it with his staff. Red Baron flew over Staff Master and tried to bash his back with his shields but he rolled to his right and dodged them, he held one end of his staff and swung it forward, the chains extended it a little and Red Baron saw the free end was about to hit his cheek, he blocked it with a shield and tried to cut the nearby chain with the sword in his right wing but Staff Master quickly moved his staff away, he then spun around and tried to hit Red Baron's left cheek with his staff's free end and he quickly flew down and dodged it while Staff Master held both ends of his staff and got ready. Staff Master began spinning his staff around quickly and in all directions, Red Baron blocked it with his shields and he noticed they were cracking and Staff Master's staff was about to break through them, Staff Master then jumped and got ready to hit Red Baron on his head, he quickly flew to his left and dodged Staff Master's attack, he flew away while Staff Master looked for him, he saw Red Baron close by and flying to him quickly, he held up his staff and held the ends out to hold Red Baron back, he flew into the staff and then cut its chains with his swords and the two ends fell, Staff Master looked on in shock while Red Baron quickly stabbed a sword's tip into his forehead and he fell over while the colts looked away, Hercules then threw another healing potion to him and Red Baron drank it while the other three stallions looked on in shock,

"Sword Master, you're up." Hercules stated, and he walked forward.

Sword Master held his two swords up while Red Baron held his two swords up with his wings and put his two shields in front of himself, Sword Master swung his swords around and then jumped and spun around, he headed downwards and spun his swords around, Red Baron blocked him with his swords and Sword Master's swords spun against them and sparks flew out everywhere, Red Baron pressed against Sword Master's swords to stop him and then jumped back. Sword Master jumped back and landed on his hoofs, he ran forward and did diagonal slashes with his swords while Red Baron blocked them, he separated his shields from one another and then pressed them together to catch Sword Master's swords between them, he then jumped and wrapped his hind legs around Red Baron's neck, he held his breath and exhaled sharply and then jumped back and landed on his back while Sword Master grunted when his face hit the ground. Red Baron jumped up while Sword Master spun a hundred eighty degrees and tried to slash Red Baron's hind legs, he heard him moving and jumped over his swords, Sword Master stood up and tried to stab his swords into Red Baron's hind legs but he flew up and Sword Master jumped in the air and spun around, he held his swords out and they left a red trail behind and around him while he cut anything his swords touched, Red Baron held his shields up while flying around and avoiding him, he noticed Sword Master's sides were not protected and he flew to his right blind spot and held a sword out, he cut Sword Master's side while flying by him and he fell while screaming. Sword Master stood up while exhaling sharply and shaking his head, he jumped and aimed his swords downwards at Red Baron's neck, he came down and Red Baron flew back while Sword Master's swords got stuck in the ground, Red Baron flew to him and Sword Master grabbed his swords' handles and tried to kick Red Baron with his hind legs or wrap them around his neck, he got his swords out of the ground and did a back flip and tried to cut Red Baron but he blocked the attack, Sword Master ran and slid under Red Baron and tried to slash his abdomen but he swung his body up and dodged him, he grunted under his breath when Sword Master's swords scratched his back, Sword Master then jumped back and tried to stab his swords into Red Baron's spine but he quickly turned around and bashed him with a shield as hard as he could, Sword Master grunted loudly as he fell onto his side and slid on the ground.

Sword Master got back up while scowling and Red Baron watched him with a stoic expression and focused, Sword Master ran forward and jumped and tried to cut Red Baron's wings off, he blocked Sword Master's swords with his swords and then bashed him in his face with a shield and disoriented him, Sword Master recovered in seconds and tried to kick Red Baron's shields up, he held them firmly in place and Sword Master exclaimed in pain. Red Baron tried to slash Sword Master's forehead but he ducked and a small part of his mane got cut, Sword Master tried to jump over Red Baron but he pressed his other shield on his abdomen and threw him over himself, Sword Master landed on his hoofs and then quickly turned around and jumped while doing diagonal slashes, Red Baron blocked the two slashes with his swords but got pushed back, Sword Master saw an opening and ran, he tried to stab one sword into Red Baron's forehead and his other sword into his heart, Red Baron blocked them with his shields and held them back with his swords and jumped back, he stumbled but stood on his hoofs. Sword Master ran and jumped, he spun his swords around with a red trail appearing behind them and going in a diagonal direction, Red Baron looked for an opening and noticed Sword Master did not stay in the air for long, Sword Master did the same move again and tried to send grass and dirt flying at Red Baron, he flew up and dodged them while noticing Sword Master was unprotected above and below himself, he came forward and Red Baron flew up and tried to slash and stab Sword Master in the back of his head, back of his neck, and spine, he felt a small cut on his back and he grunted loudly and fell over, he got up and charged towards Red Baron while having an enraged expression, he tried to slash Red Baron but hit the shields instead, he hit them as hard as he could while Red Baron blocked them. Red Baron front legs began to ache from how hard Sword Master was hitting his shields, he felt them vibrate while watching the swords carefully, he spread his front legs out and then quickly moved them away from one another and quickly pressed his shields together and caught Sword Master's swords between them, he tried to pull his swords but could not, Red Baron turned his front legs sideways and broke the swords, Sword Master jumped back while having a shocked face and Red Baron threw one of his swords at him and into his heart, the colts looked away while Red Baron took his sword back and Hercules gave him another potion while Blunt Wings and Sharp Wings had shocked expressions,

"Blunt Wings, your turn." Hercules said while Red Baron drank the potion and healed himself, and he walked forward.

Blunt Wings flew forward and tried to hit Red Baron in his joints and pressure points with his small rods but he swayed around and dodged them with ease and moved his shields around to block the rods, he saw Blunt Wings try to punch him with the rings on his feathers' joints and noticed they had small hammer-like heads protruding from them, he flew under Blunt Wings while he punched the ground and his rings put holes in it. Red Baron flew to Blunt Wings and tried to slash him from behind but Blunt Wings quickly unfolded his wings and covered himself and his rings blocked the swords, he turned around and tried to press his rods on the sides of Red Baron's neck but he held up his shields and blocked them while the rods put holes in them, Blunt Wings then tried to punch Red Baron with his rings and he moved his head around to dodge him, the rings hit him a few times and he had a pained expression since it felt like the rings cracked his bones. Blunt Wings continued punching Red Baron with his rings and he tried blocking them with his swords but the blades got damaged and shards fell off of them, Red Baron flew up and kicked him in his face with his hind legs and Blunt Wings grunted while the kick made him look away, Red Baron then tried to stab his neck but Blunt Wings held his wings out in front of him and blocked the sword with his rings, he then flew forward and tried to ram Red Baron but he flew over him and tried to slash Blunt Wings' back but he flew down lower and dodged it, he turned around and Red Baron bashed him with a shield while Blunt Wings held a rod out and it left an indent in it, Red Baron then bashed the back of Blunt Wings' neck with the bottom of his other shield and he grunted while falling onto the ground. Blunt Wings got back up and tried to hit Red Baron with his rods and he flew around to avoid him and Blunt Wings chased him, he could not catch up to Red Baron and he then rolled to be upside-down and kicked Blunt Wings over himself with his hind legs and held his swords up, they scratched his wings and he screamed while falling onto the ground.

Red Baron got ready to attack Blunt Wings but he jumped in the air and did a back flip, he tried to kick Red Baron in the back of his neck with his hind legs but he reeled up on his hind legs and flew back and dodged him, Blunt Wings flew to him and tried to punch Red Baron, he ducked and swayed back to dodge every punch. Red Baron looked for an opening and noticed Blunt Wings' sides were vulnerable, he flew to his right blind spot and tried to cut the side of Blunt Wings' neck but scratched him, he screamed and quickly turned to face him, he tried to punch Red Baron with his rings and he flew back and then over him, he slashed the rings from behind and they fell onto the ground. Blunt Wings had a shocked expression and then scowled at Red Baron, he tried hitting him with his rods but Red Baron blocked them with his shields, he noticed rings on Blunt Wings' front hoofs that sometimes made the rods spin around, he continued trying to hit Red Baron in the sides of his neck, shoulder blades, knees, and sternum while he blocked and dodged each attack, he saw Blunt Wings about to do another attack with his rods and he blocked them with his swords, they entered a deadlock and Red Baron pushed Blunt Wings back and he staggered a little, he tried to slash Blunt Wings' throat but he moved his head back and screamed when the sword's tip scratched him. Blunt Wings panted and he flew as fast as he could and tried to jab his rods into Red Baron's eyes, he looked down and Blunt Wings then hit the base of Red Baron's neck, he fell onto the ground and Blunt Wings flew down to him, Red Baron laid on his back and held his shields up and blocked Blunt Wings' rods, he flew up and went behind Blunt Wings and slashed the rings on his front hoofs, he gripped the rods more tightly and tried to attack Red Baron with them, he slashed his front legs' knees and he screamed while dropping them, he then did two horizontal slashes across Blunt Wings' chest with his swords and he fell onto the ground, Hercules gave him another potion and Red Baron drank it while Sharp Wings looked on with shock,

"Sharp Wings, it's up to you." Hercules spoke, and he walked forward.

Sharp Wings flew around and tried to stab his knives into Red Baron's forehead and he ducked and dodged them, he tried to slash Sharp Wings' head and he moved his head back and dodged it, he then tried to slash Red Baron's sternum and he blocked them while Sharp Wings put a hole in both of the shields, he then lifted his front left leg up and tried to stab his knife over the shields and into Red Baron's head, he tried to cut his leg but Sharp Wings unfolded his left wing and blocked the attack with the spikes on his feathers, Red Baron grunted a little and moved his right wing back, he looked and saw the spikes cut him and put cuts in his shields. Sharp Wings flew around and tried to attack Red Baron with his knives and he blocked and dodged all of his attacks while Sharp Wings unfolded his wings and tried to cut him whenever he got out of range of his knives, the spikes cut the shields several times, he watched Sharp Wings carefully while he flew around, he flew above and around Red Baron and the spikes on his wings cut him, he watched him carefully and saw Sharp Wings flying above him again, he got above Red Baron and he quickly laid on his back and held his swords up, the tips cut Sharp Wings' chest and abdomen as he flew by and he stumbled and screamed. Sharp Wings continued flying and turned around, he flew to Red Baron and tried to slash him with his knives while Red Baron blocked them with his swords and Sharp Wings tried to go around them and Red Baron blocked them with his shields, he flew and pressed Sharp Wings back while he held the shields back, he flew up and spun around, the spikes on his feathers cut the shields several times and Red Baron quickly flew back while Sharp Wings flew to him and tried to cut him with his spikes, he blocked them with his swords and they got long scratches on the blades, he rolled a little and flew upside-down and kicked Sharp Wings in his liver and he grunted while stumbling and fell. Red Baron flew to him and got ready to slash him but Sharp Wings quickly unfolded his wings and Red Baron heard a tinging sound, he flew back while Sharp Wings folded his feathers and there were cuts on his shields, Sharp Wings flew up and spun around while trying to cut Red Baron but he was out of range, he flew to him and tried to cut his body with his spikes while Red Baron leaned back and watched him carefully, he saw an opening and tried to cleave Sharp Wings' head but he blocked the sword with a knife, Red Baron then tried to stab his other sword into his heart but he blocked it with his other knife, they entered a deadlock and Red Baron threw Sharp Wings over himself and he fell onto the ground.

Sharp Wings flew to him and began spinning around with his wings unfolded and moved like a circular saw blade, Red Baron flew to his left and held a sword out, the tip cut Sharp Wings and he screamed and stopped spinning, he growled a little while Red Baron watched him stoically. Sharp Wings ran to him and jumped and tried to kick him with his hind hoofs, Red Baron held his shields up and Sharp Wings kicked them, Red Baron then lifted his front legs up while rolling to fly upside-down and threw Sharp Wings over himself, he saw Sharp Wings has unfolded his wings and pointed the feathers downward, they cut his shoulders and he grunted loudly, Sharp Wings landed on his hoofs and then flew to Red Baron and tried to stab a knife into his head but he flew up and dodged him, Sharp Wings then flew below Red Baron and tried to slash his abdomen but Red Baron kicked him with his hind hoofs and he grunted while falling onto the ground and put a crater in it. Red Baron flew down and aimed his swords at Sharp Wings' head and heart but he flew away and went above Red Baron, he tried to stab his knives into the base of his neck but Red Baron blocked it with his swords, he then did a back flip and kicked Sharp Wings with his hind hoofs and made him go in front of him, Sharp Wings landed on his hoofs and then flew to Red Baron and tried to slash him with his spikes but he held up his shields and noticed the spikes were now cutting through them, he kicked Sharp Wings in his abdomen with his hind right hoof and he grunted while falling and he quickly flew back up, he tried to cross his wings and place them to the sides of Red Baron's neck, he closed them and tried to cut his head off but Red Baron held his wings back with his front legs and shields, he headbutted Sharp Wings in his forehead and he grunted while becoming disoriented and Red Baron flew backwards. Sharp Wings scowled at him and flew to him as fast as he could, he tried to stab his knives into his face but Red Baron held his shields up and the knives stabbed through them and got stuck, Red Baron then turned his shields and front legs sideways and broke the blades, Sharp Wings then tried to fly by him and cut him with his spikes and he flew downwards and dodged him, he did upward slashes and cut the joints closest to Sharp Wings' body, he screamed and fell and got back up, he faced Red Baron and ran to him but Red Baron swung a sword down and into the center of Sharp Wings' forehead, the colts looked away while Sharp Wings fell over backwards, Hercules looked on with disbelief while Red Baron flew to the nearest potion and took it, he flew back and drank it and was fully healed,

"Your turn, Hercules." Red Baron said, and he composed himself and walked forward.

Hercules raised his sword and shield while Red Baron watched him carefully, he ran very fast and tried to slash Red Baron with his sword, he blocked it with his shields but they got knocked around with each hit and his front legs began to get tired, he saw Hercules' sword coming and he blocked it with his swords, his wings got pushed back and he entered a deadlock with him, Hercules began to overpower him easily and Red Baron began to fall over, he quickly kicked Hercules in his chin and he grunted and stumbled, his sword went down and Red Baron flew away. Red Baron stood back up and Hercules tried to slash his throat and he blocked it with his shields and then tried to slash Hercules' forehead with his swords but he blocked them with his shield, he then bashed Red Baron in his face with his shield and he grunted and fell onto the ground while becoming disoriented and his head became numb, he grunted while getting up and jumped back when he saw Hercules in front of him and about to stab his sword into his forehead, he hit the sword with a shield and swatted it away and then tried to cleave Hercules' forehead but he blocked it with his shield and Red Baron's blade shook and vibrated while his wing hurt. Hercules jumped and tried to stab his sword into his Red Baron's spine and he quickly covered his back with his shields, Hercules stabbed a hole in one shield and then wrapped his front left hoof around Red Baron's throat and began to strangle him, he gasped for breath while Hercules tried to move his leg and break Red Baron's neck, he did a somersault and landed on his back and pressed Hercules onto the ground, he grunted and struggled to breathe and he kicked Red Baron into the air with his hind legs and he flew and stopped himself. Hercules sprang himself into the air and jumped and landed on his hoofs, Red Baron flew to behind him and tried to slash Hercules' spine but he blocked his swords with his shield and then bashed Red Baron's face with it, he grunted but focused while Hercules jumped and spun in midair, he held his sword out and tried to cut Red Baron's throat but he blocked his attack with his swords and they clanged while Hercules' sword went past them, he bashed Hercules' face with a shield and he grunted while falling onto the ground, he tried to stab a sword into Hercules' heart but he rolled backward and stood back up.

Red Baron got his swords and shields ready while Hercules held his sword and shield up and watched him carefully, he jumped and Red Baron saw him coming down, he flew back but Hercules rolled in the air and opened his body, he kicked Red Baron's swords and shields with his hind legs and almost broke them while pushing Red Baron back, he ran and did diagonal slashes with his sword and tried to hit the back of Red Baron's neck with the bottom of his shield, Red Baron punched him in his jaw with his wing and pushed him back a little. Hercules jumped over Red Baron while doing a somersault and cut Red Baron's spine a little, he grunted a little under his breath and got ready to stab his sword into the base of his neck, he quickly laid on the ground and dodged the blade while Hercules went past him and landed, they quickly turned around and faced one another, Hercules began swinging his sword around a few times and Red Baron blocked each attack with his swords, he pressed his shields together and squeezed Hercules' neck between them, he gasped for air and then did a back flip and took Red Baron into the air, he flew and prevented Hercules from falling, he kicked Red Baron in his abdomen with his hind knee and he grunted while losing his grip and Hercules freed himself and landed on his hoofs while taking a deep breath. Hercules jumped and spun around with his sword held out and he tried to slash Red Baron, he held his shields up and Hercules began cutting through them like a saw, Red Baron stabbed Hercules in his sides with his swords and he screamed while falling down, he jumped and kicked his hind legs around and Red Baron jumped back, Hercules then landed on his hoofs and lunged forward towards Red Baron, he held his shield in front of himself and tried to tackle Red Baron, he flew over him and dodged him, he landed and then turned around and jumped, he got ready to stab his sword into Red Baron but he bashed him with a shield and he grunted while falling. Red Baron flew to him and tried to slash Hercules but he blocked one sword with his shield and held the other back with his sword, he moved his front legs up as hard as he could and broke Red Baron's sword blades and got back up while Red Baron threw the sword handles away.

Hercules got back up and tried to slash Red Baron with his sword but he blocked him with his heavily damaged shields and they began to fall apart, Hercules bashed them with his shield and dented them, he saw an opening and Red Baron flew up and wrapped his hind legs around Hercules' neck and choked him, he gasped for air while trying to get him off but Red Baron stayed on him, Hercules fell onto the ground and then rolled around and Red Baron's body hit the ground a few times, Hercules bashed Red Baron's back and he grunted while loosening his grip and Hercules stood up, he tried to slash Red Baron but he held up the shield on his front left hoof and blocked it, the attack broke the shield into pieces and Red Baron took the straps off. Red Baron held his remaining shield in front of himself while Hercules readied himself while smiling, he tried to slash and stab Red Baron's defenseless side and Red Baron flew around and moved the shield around to block his attacks, he bashed Hercules' face a few times but it only stunned him for a second, Hercules bashed him in his face and Red Baron grunted, he saw Hercules' sword coming and blocked it, he continued doing horizontal, vertical, and diagonal slashes and Red Baron held his shield up while small pieces of it broke off, he bashed Hercules' face again and he grunted while the shield cracked and more pieces fell off, Hercules smiled and began attacking more, the shield cracked more and then bashed it with his shield, Red Baron saw it was about to break and flew back while taking the shield's straps off of his front right leg, he threw it and hit Hercules in his jaw, he grunted loudly and fell while the shield broke into pieces on impact. Red Baron lifted his front legs up and saw Hercules stand up, he ran to him and tried to slash, stab, and bash him, Red Baron flew and dodged each attack while remaining calm but sweating profusely, he saw Hercules about to try to slash him again and he punched him in his jaw, he grunted and got staggered a little, he looked at Red Baron and he got punched in his face again, he bashed Red Baron's face and stunned him and then tried to stab him but Red Baron recovered and moved back, he saw another slash coming and he ducked but his back got scratched, Red Baron grabbed Hercules' shield and reached for the straps with his wings, Hercules tried to stab him in his abdomen but Red Baron kicked his front right leg away with his hind left hoof and knocked the sword out of his hoof and away, he then undid the straps and took the shield off and flew away, he pulled on the sides and dropped the shield on his hind right knee and broke it in half. Hercules raised his front legs and he and Red Baron ran to one another and began punching each other, Red Baron kicked Hercules in his liver with his hind knee and he grunted a little, Hercules spun and did a kick with his hind left leg and kicked Red Baron in his sternum, he grunted loudly and he flew back a few inches and slid on the ground, Hercules lunged to him and got on top of him, he began to strangle Red Baron and tried to headbutt him but Red Baron jabbed his front hoofs into his eyes and he exclaimed while moving off of him, he got up and looked for Hercules' sword and saw it, he flew to it but Hercules tackled him and they began punching one another, Red Baron eventually locked Hercules' front legs' knee joints and twisted them and he grunted loudly, Hercules began kicking Red Baron in his abdomen with his hind knees and he grunted, they began strangling one another and rolled around on the ground, Red Baron saw Hercules' sword to his right and he punched him in his throat with his wing, Hercules screamed and got off of him while Red Baron grabbed Hercules' sword with his front right hoof, he saw Hercules recover and about to attack him again but Red Baron flew and went above him and stabbed the sword into the top and center of Hercules' head while he had a shocked expression, Red Baron landed in front of him and faced away while the colts had dropped jaws,

"You lose, Hercules." Red Baron said, and Hercules fell over backwards.

The colts cheered while Red Baron fell to his knees and Blue Thunder stumbled to him,

"I can't believe you did it, master, you actually took out all nine of them." Blue Thunder stated,

"It wasn't easy, and I'd like to rest for now, I'm tired, I'll look around and see where we're at and try to get you all home after I recover." Red Baron replied,

"Anymore of those healing potions there?" Blue Thunder asked,

"Nope, that was the last one." a colt answered,

"I'll take a break now, you all go ahead and have fun, you all are free now." Red Baron spoke,

"Thank you so much, we can finally go back home to mommy and daddy." another colt stated, Red Baron smiled and the colts played around. Red Baron rested for about three hours and then flew up to see where they were and went back down,

"I'll go ahead and take you all to the nearest town and report you all to the police station, Blue Thunder will be coming with me afterwards so we can look for my sister and her servant." Red Baron spoke, and he carried four colts at a time to the nearest town and dropped them off to the police station, all of them said bye to him and wished him and Blue Thunder good luck on finding his sister and her servant, Red Baron then flew back and put Blue Thunder on his back,

"They all wished us good luck, Blue Thunder." Red Baron said,

"That's nice of them, I hope they can reunite with their families." Blue Thunder stated,

"Me too, well, let's go look for Night Witch and Airmail now." Red Baron stated, and he flew away.

Red Baron was sitting across from Doctor Whooves,

"Blue Thunder and I found Night Witch, Airmail, and the fillies in the desert after about maybe an hour of flying, we took them to the nearest town too and they reported to law enforcement on what happened." Red Baron reported,

"Well, that was rather quick, it seems you didn't have much interaction with your opponents like how your sister did with hers." Doctor Whooves remarked,

"Well, Amazon did give Night Witch several chances, Hercules found out quickly I wasn't going to support or approve of what he was doing, I guess he wanted to get rid of me immediately." Red Baron deduced,

"I guess, you don't sound traumatized by your experiences, though." Doctor Whooves said,

"I'm not, if anything, I regret what I did, I know it was a life or death situation, but I'm still not happy on how it turned out, same with Night Witch, that's why we came here, to get it off of our chests." Red Baron replied,

"Well, if you wish, I could use skilled and experienced ponies like you and Night Witch, there's a powerful creature named Claudius in this world wreaking havoc, I've been gathering ponies throughout Equestria to help us take him down." Doctor Whooves spoke,

"Sure, I'll go ahead and meet the others." Red Baron answered, and he walked out and brought Night Witch back in,

"I'll help after I recover." Night Witch stated,

"Great, let's take you two to meet the others." Doctor Whooves spoke, and he led them to the back of his house and used a device to open a portal and they entered and met the others,

"Alright, I think this is enough, Doctor Whooves." Demonicus said,

"Alright, you'll have time to heal, Night Witch, I got two more patients to see, and I'll be done being a therapist and we can go after Claudius together." Doctor Whooves stated, Night Witch smiled while Doctor Whooves went through the portal and back into his house, Red Baron and Night Witch soon came out and Red Baron paid him twenty bits, they went home and Doctor Whooves rested for the rest of the day.