• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
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Perfect has seven letters and so does meeeeee. Ko-fi|Patreon


If Twilight knows anything, which she does, it's that the perfect date requires the perfect list.

Rarity, however, seems to have a different idea.

Dedicated to lilfunkman, who also drew the cover art :heart:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 46 )

My headcanon is Rarity has a spell that can make her horn start playing smooth jazz. ideally this was to make a mood but unfortunately a unicorn playing jazz out of their horn is ridiculous and absurd and ruins the intended effect.

Twilight has just learned this spell, and has not learned of its consequences.

8896015 Smooth jazz you say?

Oh! Or alternatively

This was exactly the right kind of adoracute to read late at night before bed. I smiled the whole way through.

OK. Had to stop reading for a moment. The idea of Twilight consulting Rarity's romance novels on what to do while dateing Rarity is just perfect.
On a side note is it bad that your stories tend to make me smile and ocasionaly giggle uncontrollably? Eh im sure its nothing serious. Although if I end up kicking the bucket due to having to much joy from over exposure to Glorious RariTwi Im holding you personaly responsible.

Love your work.:heart::twilightsmile::raritywink:
Ok back to reading.

Edit after reading the rest:
Well it was close but there will be no medical bills sent to you today.
Seriously though. That was awesome.

That was a truly heartwarming glimpse into new love and different expectations people put on themselves to deal with it.
Also snuggling. That's some darn fine snuggling. A+ Would mentally picture again.

The dire, dire consequences.

It could be worse, Celestia's version plays Duran Duran.

OHMYGOSH. As soon as I have more time, I am going to read the HECK out of this :heart:

tbh, the picture caught my attention.

This was a delightful bit of fluff to wake up to on a Monday morning after a pair of weekend finals. THanks :>

But, thankfully, she had Rarity there to make things simple.

There's a new sentence.

Five minutes was clearly a serious underestimate.

Showily rolling her eyes, Twilight finally acquiesced and climbed onto the bed, trying her best to fit, which, to be technically accurate, was pretty easy to do without cuddling up to Rarity, but who really wanted to be technically accurate anyway because as it turned out, Rarity was much softer to cuddle than she had anticipated.

It's all the marshmallow.

Bravo. You have made me wistfully smile on a Monday.

That’s nigh impossible.



“Maybe?!” gasped Rarity theatrically, stepping back with a hoof on her chest as though she’d been struck with a dagger. “ Maybe? Darling, dearest, sweetheart, Twilight Sparkle, why must you—” She paused, looking around and frowning. After a moment, she turned to Twilight. “Twilight, sweetheart, do you—” A large sitting pillow appeared before her, plush and waiting.

“Does that work?” Twilight asked, smiling.

“Splendidly! Thank you,” Rarity replied before clearing her throat and throwing herself on the pillow with a wail, a hoof placed on her forehead. “Why must you wound me with your words?!”

Twilight enabling Rarity's drama queen tendencies is so dang cute I could die. As is this whole fic.

Majin Syeekoh

You're the silly pony, Mono.

This was fuzzy and wonderful.

Ah yes, teasing Rarity and anxious yet adorable Twilight.

Some peak Mono-RariTwi stuff right here.
(That's a thing. Mono-RariTwi is different from RariTwi. Don't ask why, it just is. And not exclusive to Mono, weirdly enough.)

This certainly was adora-cute and charmingly awkward. Poor Twilight. Rarity is going to have her work cut out for her keeping Twilight grounded...

Since we are learning new words, may I also recommend the Inuktitut word ᐃᒃᑦᓱᐊᕐᐳᒃ ? (iktsuarpok in Latin script)

It apparently means something like "the feeling of anticipation while waiting for someone to arrive at one’s house and meanwhile intermittently going outside to check for them". Twilight would never do something like that in a sequel where she is waiting to take Rarity to the Festival of Lanterns on a date.


Opened up Fimfiction, saw this on the homepage, read the title, saw the cover art, read the description, thought "This is by Mono, isn't it", and here we are.

Mamihlapinatapai,” Twilight said without a hitch. “It’s Yakghan, from the Land of Fire.”

Rarity blinked. “I won’t even try to pronounce that,”

That's a hard same, Rarity.

Always up for some nice fluff, and this was wonderful.

This is the best headcanon.

That looks like an advanced quantum equation. :P

I honestly liked reading this because it's been a while since a read a nice and relaxing fimfiction that isn't action and adventure, etc. Keep up the good work:pinkiehappy:


That looks like an advanced quantum equation.

That apparently is what Inuktitut alphabet looks like. Latin script this is not!

...And Tiwlight would never do something like that waiting for Rarity...more than one or three times.

Yeah, after the first two times she invents a spell to "find rarity" and then teleports straight to her.


she invents a spell to "find rarity" and then teleports straight to her.

...Which would then bring us the third entry in Mono's vocabulary building Rari-Twi romance series ありがためいわく (arigatameiwaku in Latin script)

From what I can tell it means something like "an act someone does for you that you didn’t want to have them do and tried to avoid having them do, but they went ahead and did it anyway, determined to do you a favour. Then things went wrong and caused you a lot of trouble; yet in the end social convention obliged you to say 'Thank you' ".

(Actually, come to think of it, this pretty much describes the situations Fluttershy finds herself in...)

I rarely (heh) consider that I have some needs for adorable fluff, and then I find a story that just hits the spot anyway and makes me realize exactly that.

Rather than replying with said word, Twilight’s horn flashed once and an open book now levitated before Rarity, the title “Schadenfreude and You: Fascinating Foreign Words”proudly displayed on the cover.

SCHADENFREUDE :twilightoops:

Just asking but... is the authors full name "Schadenfreude von Douchehorse" ? :moustache:

I should just rename my <3 bookcase into my MC shelf

A delightfully fluffy bit of neurotic alicorn wrangling. Thank you for it.

Well that was adorable as heck. A+ cuteness, 10/10 would squee again

Stories like this raise the question of what Rarity sees in Twilight. They rarely bother to answer them, and this one was no exception. At most she offered a condescending "that's adorable."

Ya know I don't know if I've seen a 1:2:1 in a while, happy to have a new one! I think it's an excellent format for fluffy SoL stuff.

And Purple Girlfriends from the Priestess of RariTwi herself is wonderful as usual :raritywink:

If you have come to criticize this ship, you are reading the wrong author right now.

Mono ships these two like Fedex.

On a more serious comment, a partner's eccentricities being cute isn't the worst thing in the world. Despite the way the show often talks about Twilight, as a Princess she has a lot of pressure on her shoulders, as does Rarity. But since their professions are entirely different and their ways of dealing with stress are different, they will rarely be stressed at the same time AND can fill in each others weaknesses.

While this story shows Twilight's listing as adorkable, there are times when Rarity likely appreciates it. The structure will especially help when Rarity is in the zone as Twilight and Rarity both seem like the people who get 'in the zone' and forget to eat. Twilight's lists, her organization and her understanding of that feeling will keep Rarity from pushing herself to far and keep her fed, BUT likewise be willing to put up with Rarity vanishing into her sewing room for a day or two.

Likewise when Twilight is trapped in her neurosis, Rarity's melodrama (both for her own issues and for others) will give Twilight an outlet. She may not be able to rant and cry in public, but Rarity could break through those walls and help her let it out.

Add wine, icecream, spa day and cheesy movies which Twilight would likely do by herself but when stress gets to much will be the perfect distraction, even if she is more going, "Thats completely unrealistic."

They aren't the PERFECT couple, (I am sorry I stated such heresy on your wall Momo.) but their personalities do mesh quite well.

Comment posted by zimmerwald1915 deleted May 1st, 2018

Nothing against the ship, but in this particular work it seems to live on a lot of unstated assumptions found in other works. Hence, I didn't buy it here.

These two..! :rainbowkiss: Beautiful little story, as per usual :raritywink:

I've read several short stories today, and I have to say, this was the most adorable and well written of all of them. Well done.

I also might be Rarity x Twilight trash now

This was adorable.

Good. Great. Amazing. Beautiful. Flawless.

Author Interviewer

This is good and you should feel good. :)

So...not that it really matters, but just where was Spike during all this?

8920105 My bet is hiding in the basement, eating crushed gemstone ice cream and bawling his eyes out.

Well that was cute. Pleasant to read. Perhaps I would have liked a bit less of 'Twilight worries about everything', but it was sweet nontheless.

Why do your ponies have to be so on-model.
While I love your stories they really inhibit my own writing because I know I'll never be anywhere near as good as your sappy ass.

“Oh?” said Rarity from behind the scroll. “And what exactly is on our li—“ A quick pause. “Twilight, did you actually—“ Another pause, enough for Twilight to peek from behind the scroll and find Rarity staring at her. “You know, I shouldn’t be surprised you meant a quite literal list, but yet here I am.”

No one does exasperated like Rarity :pinkiehappy:

Sweet, detailed, snuggly, and all-around good stuff. Would devour again.

I should have read this story forever ago! I honestly could not stop laughing all the way through. It's wonderfully clever, funny, and absolutely adorable. :twilightsmile:

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