• Member Since 16th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


If I could be a horse, I would be a changeling. Then I could be a human. (She/her)

Comments ( 196 )

No, I don't plan on working with other content of any kind. It is just inspired by a light-novel I read some time ago.
Thanks, hope you enjoyed what I have to offer so far!

Aw man, I was hoping this idea of two bodies wasn't used yet, as I wanted to write something with a guy becoming both of the Flim Flam brothers. Great story so far though!

Well, that is a unique idea, too, I would love to see that! If you decide to do so, let me know, I'll give it a look!

Thank you, I'll probably get started on it soon and then spend a month figuring out where to take the story. Heh.

I know how that feels. I already wrote four chapters for this, in case I hit a snag. Editing these myself atm, so that will take time and writing on the fifth chapter now. Already have a general idea of where this will go, so look forward to more! ;)

They/he/she could always use a name that has a male and female form, George and Georgina, etc. Or similar sounding names like Lilly and Larry (Collectively known as Ly or something.)

They'll get their names soon enough, and I hope you'll like them even if they don't sound like twins in that regard. ;)

nice story would like to see how it goes

Im looking forward to more of this story

Wow, this is a really interesting and unique premise to a story. I really want to see this continued and I look forward to when he interacts with other characters I'm sure it'll lead to alot of confusion as they think he's 2 separate people when he really is one person with two bodies.

I'm still debating with myself on which days to update this. Currently, I'm writing the sixth chapter and chapters two through four are edited by only me. Planned are a chapter every month, all of them being 7k+ words long at minimum, but I'm open to suggestions. I, at least, want a backlog of five written chapters for when I hit a time I'm not feeling up to writing.

I'm glad all of you liked what I've to show so far, looking forward to how you think the second chapter will turn out to be. All I'm saying now, it's gonna be a treat to all that love adventure. ;)

If I get it finished, the second chapter will feature another picture!

A chapter every month xD? You cut me deep. I don't know if I can wait that long between chapters. But whatever makes you feel the most comfortable.

Well, if you think that is too long (I don't blame you, I think that too), how about I push myself for every two weeks, as long as I have more chapters for the next couple of weeks. I just fear that I run out of chapters for you guys.

awesome! I've wanted to read a fic that had the mc as two people for years, but i su-nevermind, it's in my name

Great chapter! I look forward to seeing how he deals having half himself in one location while the other half is somewhere else. What if he has to carry on two different conversations at once. that can't be easy.

Thanks, glad it was to your liking. I kinda have a small workaround for that part concerning conversations and such, but you'll have to wait and see.

Nice! I can't wait, This is one of the most interesting stories I've seen recently and it deserves much more attention.

red metall for my female self and blue metall for my male side.

metal does not have 2 of the letter L at the end!

Thanks for pointing that out, kinda feel stupid for that. But what can I do, in German it does have two L's, it's easy to overlook. Thanks!

Sooooooooooo, is a green crab going to be conveniently stuck in the ground?*wink wink nudge nudge*. Great story tho, and even cooler if its based off what I think it is. Can't wait to read more. And for him/her/them to fall to lunacy. But that's always the case with me.:twilightsmile:

Ohmygosh! I remember that crab, that was such a stupid conversation. xD

she gave me an adress to get someone in for more modern facilities in the kitchen and bathroom.

I decided to hit up the mayor the following morning just for that and go to that adress right afterwards

Address has 2 of the letter d, good friend!

What could happen, were I to stay there and ignore tehm

I don’t believe this one needs explanation...
(but just in case it does, the e and h are switched round)

That was all We found this time on first read, others might find more but this is what We saw.

As long as 130 chapters don't pass before the remeeting of the main character, all should be fine(*whispers*maybe only a hundred). I am very interested in seeing where this well written story goes. I can't wait for more.:twilightsmile:

P.S. hail green crabs, for they will bring us unnatural bending techniques.(and are totally not poisonous)


Thanks, I'm feeling quite irritated that such simple things unnoticed by myself, I always feel stupid for such simple mistakes.


Vote the crab for president!

Excellent chapter. It's interesting to see the dynamic of him trying to deal with two bodies that are in two different locations. And how one bodies emotions effect the others. Great!

smell of wood, metall and burned fuses

Remember, metal has 1 L in English...
that was the only mistake that We saw that the brain didn’t automatically fix for it’s own benefit

Great chapter as always, keep up the good work!

I can't believe I missed that again... -.-
I'll fix that as soon as I can.

Another great chapter! Can't wait to see his two halves back together again. I wonder if it's easier for him to control two bodies when one is in bed.

This chapter was good, I liked Sol’s meeting Twilight and I can see a lot of fun moments coming up in the future...
This is your friendly commenter letting you know that in the context of “I would have to do this”, contracting it to “I would’ve to do this” is incorrect grammar and there is a difference between then and than, but can’t put it into words and would recommend a grammar website for getting oneself up to speed or a memory refresh.

Thanks! I'll look into the would have to do this thing, haven't come across that yet, I'm not a native speaker as one can possibly assume, the thing with then and than I have most likely not spotted as I read over it, I'll fix that.

Nice to see you commenting on every chapter, I appreciate that very much :)

you are welcome, and We are always happy to help because making sure Grammar and spelling are correct just enhances the experience and the story is too good for us to let it fall due to something easily remedied.

in the following picture, the contractions present are purposefully incorrect grammar
it unfortunately did not work with the embed image but the link should work

Okay, I hope I did it justice, although it felt like I only deleted most of the misuses. Maybe I should ask someone to help out, but I'm a bit reluctant to rely on other people to help me with this. Thanks, appreciate your help as always, though! :)

There was only one thing on my mind at this poit, and no matter what, I would see it happening.

That is all We could see so far, but as always this was a great chapter, even if the scene with reprimanding Celestia was a little unexpected yet called for for the reasons of sending her sister to the moon for 1000 years (despite not really having much of a choice in the matter) and also their involvement in the making and placing of the weapons now wielded by Sol and Lux.
Question: what would the name be of the single consciousness controlling of Sol and Lux? Sollux? [generic name] (such as Jake)? Anon? The answer given would help greatly.


You know, I haven't put much thought into a single name that much. But if we're going to match up the names, then I would have to say Solus. So from Sol and Lu from Lux plus the S. Makes also for a great Latin meaning there :)

Sounds good, sounds good... but the meaning...
*looks it up on the Internet*
:pinkiegasp:Oh wow that is a good name... fits very nicely! Good choice!

Welcome back to writing, seeing that you updated the story again as well as reading the update has been able to elevate our happiness stat. I hope you are doing well in these trying times of ‘apocalypse bingo’.

We also noticed the new cover art, did you make it yourself or did someone else make it? It is very good.

*Squee* I had hoped you would be the first to greet me back, I quite enjoyed your comments. I guess that I was a bit overwhelmed with school for me to continue this story, so this got left behind in the aftermath of that.

Seeing that I have a lot of free time on my hands, I thought why not continue with this story? I already have the next 50k words written out, so look forward to those! And considering I'm still working on Season 1 territory, I have a feeling I will be quite busy before I get to the point where I want to heavily diverge from canon baseline and shake things up a lot. I have the story already planned out up to Season 5, even though there will be barely anything left of the canon by that point. I'm quite giddy getting to there, it makes me a bit impatient.

On a more personal note, I'm in good health. I hope you are doing well, too? :)

That was me, thanks for the compliment :)

Although, I used a few pics on the internet to help me get there >.>

I am also doing well, and since I am able to work from home I've been able to keep a form of scheduling and not lose my sense of days and time.

I love what I've read so far I remember reading the manga this is Based off of anyway this chapter was great tho the part with the jealousy it feels like it come out of left field and I feel it was a little over the top other then that great chapter anyway can't wait to read more.

I'm glad you liked it so far! Even though I barely remember the light novel that inspired me for this, I hope I'm doing the whole 'one mind - two bodies' thing justice. Might look into the manga, too, should I ever remember what it was called again.

The thing with the jealousy might be a bit much, I admit, but I think it just adds to the character I'm working with. It might become more and more obvious over the next couple of chapters, but Sol and Lux aren't the most morally good characters. They might seem to be upstanding and righteous at first glance, are quite the opposite, though. I like to think of Sol and Lux as a bit too selfish at times, although they can show good qualities, too. Just wait and see, I have much planned out for them. ;)

Fluttershy being a summoner class fits very well, in how she takes care of animals and wouldn’t work well with her own weapon. I do however think that the armour Sol was wearing should have protected him from Luna’s assault down under unless she used her magic to remove the plate(s) that were designed to protect that part or something similar.

Ah... I really don't want to spoiler but what I have planned for poor Fluttershy will make everyone hate me. Just because she has a summon now doesn't mean she needs other means to actually stay on the battlefield. Brightpaw isn't going to be the cute cuddly fox to her and what Luna will impart on her... let's just say it will seem so out of character for Fluttershy that she won't be recognizable by canon standards anymore after I'm done with her.
Regarding the cheap shot from Luna, her mirror images are perfect copies of the original, meaning they also have the Alicorn levels of strength. A little piece of plate won't stop her from inflicting pain if she wants to. ;)

Sounds like someone made a large dent in a perfectly good piece of armour then, meaning it had to be either smithed back into shape or magically bent back into shape.

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