• Published 25th Aug 2018
  • 7,146 Views, 1,221 Comments

Sunset Shimmer Hunts the Undead - Rune Soldier Dan

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Epilogue: A Misfit Family Hunts the Undead

Celestia’s house was small, and well-suited to a pair of budget-conscious bachelorettes. Such also formed a ready-made excuse for their shyness – of course they could never have company, there wouldn’t be room for all.

Yet as the city warmed into springtime, Celestia’s oft-flighty ambitions lead her to announce a cookout. Space proved a little tight, but the sunny weather lured many participants to loiter outside with their meals. The Pie family sat at a table on the driveway, primly eating hamburgers with forks and knives. Sunset gave them a casual wave as she passed, earning only a nod from Limestone.

The grill was massive, and didn’t belong to Celestia. The owner stood behind it, ignoring the small line as he loudly regaled Professor Whooves. “But the demon couldn’t handle the power of my raw metal music and exploded, saving the souls of everyone on the mountain. The monks blessed me when I left, and bestowed on me the title of ‘Dragonlord!’”

“All I want is a hot dog,” Whooves said meekly.

“I gotcha,” Celestia stood next to Torch, manning her side of the grill while never breaking hip-contact with the man. She served Whooves, then beamed to Sunset.

“Hi, Mom. Hi, Torch.” Sunset didn’t yet know what to think of of the big lug, but Mom sure smiled a lot with him around. Better still, Twilight’s hacking of his internet history and Wallflower’s search of his house turned up nothing in the way of red flags. No need to mention that.

He was reliable, too. “Thanks for getting your grill. I thought we were out of luck when Redheart sent hers into orbit.”

“My pleasure, kiddo. Burger or Brat?”


“Here, I’ve got one for her.”

Celestia slid the hot meat onto a bun, though Sunset couldn’t help but notice the work was done one-handed. The other held Torch’s arm.

“I think your friends are on the front porch. Although I do hope I can monopolize you for at least a little while this evening. Will you be spending the night?”

Sunset put on a cagey smile at their old in-joke. “I’ll think about it.”

Celestia leaned over the grill to peck her cheek. “Then I’ll make sure your room’s ready.”

Sunset took her plate and wandered to the food trays, collecting veggies and trading greetings with Celestia’s band. They had annexed a table for a poker game, though it was on hold as the soot-faced Redheart espoused details on the boss’ new boyfriend.

Sunset didn’t pay it any mind, knowing the nurse to be more fond of stories than facts. She entered the house, and followed the familiar sounds of video games in the living room.

...And the not-so familiar sound of Wallflower giving a frustrated shriek. “Mage Meadowbrook is broken!”

Luna gave a sly laugh. “You keep playing the slowest character. What did you think would–”

An abrupt grunt ended the taunt. Sunset came into view to find the pair sitting on the couch, with one more grinning as the game announced, “Stygian Wins!”

“You should play more and talk less,” Ember said, and gave the newcomer a friendly wave. “Hey, Sunset. Wanna take fourth?”

Sunset grinned. She wasn’t sure if she liked the idea of having a sister, but as a friend, Ember was cool as heck. “Nah, I’m heading over to my peeps. We still on for Saturday?”

“Yeah. I snagged you a helmet and everything.”

Luna gave a questioning look, and Sunset explained. “She’s gonna teach me how to ride.”

A motorcycle. Tirek’s teeth, Ember was awesome.

Luna pursed her lips. “Does Celestia know?”

“Not if nobody cops to her.”

“Heh.” Luna leaned up and planted a kiss on Sunset’s cheek, opposite where her mother did. “Be safe, alright?”

Sunset made the obligatory promise, and moved on. Brisk spring air hit her as she came to the front porch, the last of her little gang to get food. Twilight perched on the railing with a hot dog in each hand. Applejack leaned back into the porch swing with hat down over her face, apparently sleeping off the meal, while Adagio nestled with her head in the girl’s lap.

A low throb of defensive jealousy hit Sunset’s heart, leaving her a touch disappointed in herself. But she let it pass. Adagio was reading from a red leather tome, and looked up as Sunset touched her arm. “The journal holding up okay?”

Adagio shrugged. “Well enough to leave me frustrated. Sonata just spent three pages telling me how she sneaked six other students into an R-rated movie, then two more complaining about her punishment.”

Another shrug, and a light smile played on Adagio’s face. “Better that than something else, I suppose. I think they’re enjoying the chance to be like kids again.”

“And how are you?”

Sunset asked the question earnestly, but Adagio’s smile grew. “I’m not sadly longing for Equestria, if that’s what you mean. Coddled, protected… boring. Earth is better for someone like me.”

She closed the book, turning her eyes skywards. “I… need to change. Classical performers aren’t really around anymore, and I don’t care to be a trendy little pop-star. I need to work on my sound, my style. How to market without selling my soul to a record company. How to get noticed on the internet, and… oh, a lot more. This isn’t easy.”

She settled down a little deeper into AJ’s lap. “Good thing I have a friend who’s a business major. What about you, Miss Art Student?”

“Pretty simple, really.” Sunset had spent a lot of time thinking about it. “Nursing and pediatrics won’t leave any time for hunting, and I’m in for the long haul. I’ve already done backdrops for Prim Hemline of all people, so I’m pretty sure I can fly as an artist.”

“How’d the folks take it?”

“Luna said, ‘No problem Sunset, we’d love for you to live at home til you’re forty.’” Sunset scratched her elbow, still not sure how much of that had been a joke. “And, well, you know Mom.”

“Wouldn’t mind knowing her better,” Adagio leered.

Sunset sauntered to one of the chairs and set herself down. “Tough luck, sucka. She has a boyfriend.”

“Speaking of which, let’s talk Applejack.” Adagio peered out guiltlessly from her position. “You and me, Sunset, let’s catch her next time she leaves the shower and start making out right in front of her. Show her what she’s missing so she finally–”

“I’m awake,” Applejack grunted from behind her hat.

“Of course you are, you tensed up the second I said your name.”

Applejack unveiled her face, yawning. She idly scratched Adagio’s hair as one would a cat, smiling towards Sunset. “We got anything on deck, leader?”

“The big Rainboom bike-hike is Sunday.”

Applejack grunted. “Monster-wise, I mean.”

Sunset gave a thumbs-up, buying a little time as she worked down a too-large bite of hamburger. “With the graveyards back in order? Zip, zilch, nothing. We await the next disaster.”

“I can wait,” Applejack chuckled, slapping the hat onto her head.

Twilight huffed, hurriedly swallowing her last hot dog. “Speak for yourselves. I have to keep working on ways to prevent mind-control, and that’s just one project on top of a bunch of others.”

“I fixed up the truck!” Wallflower chirped. No one had noticed when she came outside. “And I put together a really good first-aid kit for it. Splints, wolfsbane pills, and everything.”

“Not trying to make this a contest, but...” Applejack shuffled, avoiding their eyes. “I’ve started practicing long-range shooting. It still bugs me that I couldn’t drop that ol’ werewolf, and I hope to the moon I’ll get ‘em next time.”

Adagio purred under Applejack’s scratching. “I’m already perfect.”

“And I just learned how to make silver bullets.” Sunset leaned back in her chair, grinning. “Sounds like the next trouble that comes along is going to have trouble with us.”

Applejack lounged backwards, sipping at her beer. “Then let it takes its sweet time, sugar.”

The wind picked up a little, chilling the early spring air. But it was a pleasant chill, that only brought love for food and fellowship.

Sunset stood, abandoning her empty plate. She meandered to the railing and leaned over it, smiling to the clouds. Good food, good friends, and the comforting weight of a pistol at her chest. Tomorrow she’d do breakfast with Mom and Luna, then the next day she’d go with the others to cheer on Wallflower at a video game tournament. Then art classes, motorcycle lessons…

Yeah, Applejack was right. Let the trouble come late and slow for a while.

Sunset patted the bulge under her jacket, feeling a new smile play out. She turned back to the group, and squeezed onto the swing with Applejack and Adagio.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 71 )

Sunset patted the bulge under her jacket, feeling a new smile play out. She turned back to the group, and squeezed onto the swing with Applejack and Adagio.

Oh boy this is going to be complicated. If there is going to be a sequel, I cannot wait.

Very nice.


Wonderful ending.

Not to sound smart, but if you do a sequel, are you continuing the Sunset-Adagio romantic rivalry into that story?

I know this' actually a good place to end the story, not only this chapter but the series... But I can't stop waiting for more :fluttercry:

But such are stories, sometimes the characters grow and there's not much more to tell without repeating yourself. Sure, I might be spewing bull and the next one is already in the works - and if love it - but I still feel it was an awesome journey. Thank you for it, Dan :yay:


Not to sound smart, but if you do a sequel, are you continuing the Sunset-Adagio romantic rivalry into that story?

If I do a sequel, I think it'll be reader-submitted "episode" (chapter) ideas. So the answer is definitely maybe.

Great writing, always loved it when everything comes together at the end of a story. Hopefully there will be a sequel, but you won't find any complaints from me if you leave the story where it is.

Thanks for writing! Really enjoyed this episode? Novel? Season?, and it’s a good stopping point for these characters.

Ah yes, a very enjoyable story comes to a close. Bold move ending it on the same day My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ended. But fitting as well. Wonderful job.

Thanks for another great story. I’m sad its over but its been a great journey, seeing Sunset and her friends in college (and fighting monsters). I always love happy endings, or rather, the adventure continues. Fighting monsters was crazy (and awesome) but its seeing friends spend time together that is really heartwarming. It’s a nice way to wrap up Sunset’s monster-slaying adventures.

It's a good day for endings, it seems.


Why do I want Adagio and Sunset to tag-team Applejack?


“Hi, Mom. Hi, Torch.” Sunset didn’t yet know what to think of of the big lug, but Mom sure smiled a lot with him around. Better still, Twilight’s hacking of his internet history and Wallflower’s search of his house turned up nothing in the way of red flags. No need to mention that.

Awww that’s nice. For all parties involved xD

The grill was massive, and didn’t belong to Celestia. The owner stood behind it, ignoring the small line as he loudly regaled Professor Whooves. “But the demon couldn’t handle the power of my raw metal music and exploded, saving the souls of everyone on the mountain. The monks blessed me when I left, and bestowed on me the title of ‘Dragonlord!’”

I'd read that story.

“You should play more and talk less,” Ember said, and gave the newcomer a friendly wave. “Hey, Sunset. Wanna take fourth?”

I like her.

Applejack leaned back into the porch swing with hat down over her face, apparently sleeping off the meal, while Adagio nestled with her head in the girl’s lap.

grammar issues. her missing before hat at least.

“I’ve starting practicing long-range shooting. It still bugs me that I couldn’t drop that ol’ werewolf, and I hope to the moon I’ll get ‘em next time.”

tense wrong, started not starting

I don't know if you intentionally planned for this story to end when the series did, or if it just worked out that way, but either way, they both ended on good notes; epic battle that was better than I could've imagined and with way more players than I thought, followed by a satisfying epilogue. Thank you for the fun ride.

...I will say that out of everyone, I kinda expected more to look forward to concerning Wallflower. I suppose it's a bit befitting of her character to be in the background mostly, but it doesn't seem like she has much meaningful to look forward to here. Then again, when you've spent most of your life being ignored, having friends notice your presence even some of the time can be satisfaction enough for a lifetime, I suppose. Still, it'll be hard to ever find a career or advance when nobody notices you or your work. And I'll admit, part of the reason why I was kinda hopin' she would hook up with one of the hunters here (despite your pointing out that her preferences don't swing that way), is that it's very hard to find romance when any potential romantic partner either forgets you exist, or doesn't notice you even if you're on the bed in sexy lingerie right in front of him.

She's kinda doomed to a life without so much as single date or even a lingering gaze of interest, isn't she? That's...kinda sad, in a way. But, like I said, when you have friends that at least partly notice your existence, it can seem like heaven when compared to the alternative of never being noticed at all.

But you did a great job writing her and fleshing out her personality, possibly more than any other writer thus far. You made us feel for her, even in a way that the her movie never intended. For any author to do that for any character is impressive, and most especially for one that's supposed to be ignored. Thanks for that.

“All I want is a hot dog,” Whooves said meekly.

After all the blood and guts you've guys have seen, you'd think a hot dog or ground-beef burger would be the last thing you'd ever want to eat. Then again, maybe you become desensitized over time? After all, what's in that hot dog is probably worse than what that brain-eating zombie was munching on.

Better still, Twilight’s hacking of his internet history and Wallflower’s search of his house turned up nothing in the way of red flags. No need to mention that.

...Actually, thinking on it, how could you tell the difference between a hunter's supply closet and that of a psycopathic serial mass-murderer? He could be both (joking...besides I don't think Ember'd allow it.)

I suppose that could be a future career for Wallflower; expert thief; intelligence gatherer; maybe an investigative reporter...if she could ever get anyone to actually pay attention to her long enough for them to publish her exposes.

But it's been a great ride. Thanks for devoting so much time, energy, thought, humor, and emotion into this great piece of literature. It may only be read, and understood, by members of a fandom, but it made a difference to those members all the same.

Luna gave a questioning look, and Sunset explained. “She’s gonna teach me how to ride.”

Sunset's original outfit contains a leather jacket. I find it difficult to believe she doesn't already ride.


Believe it or not many people who own leather jackets do not ride motorcycles


Thank you for your kind words.:twilightsmile:

...I will say that out of everyone, I kinda expected more to look forward to concerning Wallflower.

Hm, Wallflower (and Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and even Applejack) were minor characters this round compared to Sunset and Adagio. Just the way the story came together.

fwiw for our darling freckled cutie, she did earlier express ambivalence to being "cured," but if she changes her mind she can probably act - she's friends with a magic space pony and mad scientist, after all. She'll figure life out as she goes, same as the rest of them.:twilightsmile:

And if you have any good ideas for Wallflower in this story, by all means, keep them in mind...

...Actually, thinking on it, how could you tell the difference between a hunter's supply closet and that of a psycopathic serial mass-murderer?

Silver bullets.:trollestia:

My sentiments exactly, friend. :twilightsmile:

I just want to give you a big shoutout, Dan. :heart:

I absolutely love reading this series. And in my humble opinion, you've written one of the most genuine characterizations of Adagio I've seen within the fandom as a whole. The other characters are well-written too, but she really stands out to me. Thank you for writing this wonderful, fantastically absurd (at times :rainbowlaugh:) story. I eagerly await the next installment.

Gonna echo the rest of the comment section: I wonder how AJ feels about splitting her attention.
Probably no, right? AJ seems pretty monogamous. Yeah, probably no. But maybe what if: yes?

Luna pursed her lips. “Does Celestia know?”

"You guys set up a motocross event at the Friendship Games. I don't think she's going to care."

In any case, thoroughly heartwarming conclusion to a fantastic story. Thank you for it.

I like how Sunset had her friends check Torch online. Protection goes both ways.

So are Adagio and AJ friends with benefits or what?

Sunset's new choice of majors makes sense - I always thought nursing seemed like sort of an odd direction for her even though there are practical reasons for a monster hunter to learn medical practice.

Anyway, this was a fun story with plenty of excitement, and this chapter was a satisfying ending. :twilightsmile:


So are Adagio and AJ friends with benefits or what?

Just friends at present, but the future is left ambiguous.

That’s ... actually a good point. That whole scene raises so many questions about academic politics.

The grill was massive, and didn’t belong to Celestia. The owner stood behind it, ignoring the small line as he loudly regaled Professor Whooves. “But the demon couldn’t handle the power of my raw metal music and exploded, saving the souls of everyone on the mountain. The monks blessed me when I left, and bestowed on me the title of ‘Dragonlord!’”

Incredible. This one sentence is just a bastardized amalgamation of Doom and Skyrim.

I just realized the hunters are probably the best prepared for the Big Igloo and don't even realize it.

"You're Gonna Carry That Weight..."

What a monster-hunting, fiend-slaying, romantic drama romp it's been. Kudos on the action, drama and comedy you've presented from both "Hunts The Undead" sagas from the balanced characterization amongst the players and Monster-Of-The-Week variety.

Now I wonder how this story would've ended if Adagio did join her Siren sisters...maybe as an "alternate deleted scene" chapter?

Could that also be a DragonForce reference?


It's... just a reference to Torch being a "dragonlord" in both universes.:derpyderp2:

And maybe a little Tenacious D.

Monsters slain (and continue being slain), feelings admitted, friendships formed, lost and rekindled, big bad dealt with, Cthulhu's back in bed, and Celestia found a keeper. Overall, a one-hundred percent, successful run.

I had a lot of fun with the Hunts the Undead saga and I will definitely re-read these things multiple times. The characterizations (some I didn't even come to expect, yet found so likable, even if there is no Sci-Set or Rarijack) were interesting and quite fulfilling, the comedy is excellent and you really do have a knack for writing epic showdowns.

If what you say about fan-inspired one-shots come to pass, I would definitely brainstorm something for my favorite pyromaniac nurse. :pinkiecrazy:

Great end for the story. :) Thank you!

Damn, this was s good story. I kind of hope you make it a trilogy. Only this time you will need all the girls.

...And everything finishes quite neatly. Just another day hunting the undead, I suppose. Nice work!

So I am curious as to how the video game tournament for Wallflower worked out. Also, were her opponents aware they were playing someone else? Or when she is playing games is she actually noticed, cause I just realized I never really caught on to that when they were playing throughout the story (which was absolutely amazing by the way).

I played her sorta like Neverwhere's characters - is perfectly visible once specific notice is called to her, but is quickly forgotten afterwards. She'll play in the tournament, but the other gamers likely won't remember anything about her.

"Yeah, that girl who mained Rockhoof. She was a... um... actually, it might've been a boy? I dunno."

As for the results, Wallflower spent most of her life too shy to game with others, and so was ultimately unready for competitive play. She might be the couch champ, but she got boxed out in the semi-finals. Her and the gang watched the rest of the contest, cheered the winner, and moved on with their lives.:pinkiesmile:

nice work on all chapters:twilightsmile:

We hate to finish the book, but loved to read it! We've greatly enjoyed the pure chaos and randomness that it consisted of, and yet how it still had a cohesive plot. The characters were wonderfully written and left us wanting more. We hope that you keep on writing, and have a wonderful day!

I wrote that before season 9 came out, and after seeing how the season went, I am more convinced its the case!:pinkiehappy:

I would have like to see a werewolf sunset shimmer how she deal with the curse.

This was a great adventure. Thank you for writing it :twilightsmile:

The grand alliance of Celestia, Celestia the descendent of Celestia wielding Celestia, the sister of Celestia, and the adoptive daughter of Celestia the descendent of Celestia!:trollestia:

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