• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 41 minutes ago


My name's PJ. I'm from New York. I write pony fics. I go to parties with bronies. I'm not good at self-introduction.


Equestria is consuming the dying Earth and all humans will be extinct in six years. Faced with this, the Equestrians are engaging in relief efforts to convert humans to ponies. Early in the process, Cheerilee is walking the Earth, finding people to help, when she comes upon the dark underside of what humans are capable of. She seeks help from a more powerful source.

Contains non-descriptive references to child abuse, rape, and incest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Thank you

You're welcome, I guess.

I just read your story, it is wonderful, and I am sorry for taking so long to add it to the Bureau properly. It is now in Bittersweet stories, which I think is appropriate. This is a fantastic story, PJbrony. Just fantastic.

Thank you. If only it could be true.

..considering size of the (human) world, there will be very big number of Lunas ...
also, i think my dog feels abused by me lately, because I tend to explode after too many unslept hours trying to comfort him out of some itchy illness... :/ Why I said this? Because while I understand my own behavior as very wrong I can't behave as required/demanded by my own standards. Still, right now he is sleeping, so must I ....

and .. update on my thoughts ... I looked up 'gun violence' and while figure was not 300 .000 cases in USA alone as I misread initially..it was/is still relatively big number:


But of the approximately 33,000 gun violence deaths that take place each year, only about 500 (or 1.5%) come from mass shootings. Two-thirds of gun violence deaths are from suicide.
What doesn’t this chart show? The more than 70,000 people who are injured by guns each year.

so, assuming specific for of abuse Luna wanted to stop takes ~day of Luna-spirit to resolve, and those cases evenly distrubuted over year ...mmm.. 33000 / 365 = 90 cases/day, so, just 128 Luna 'copies' should be able to do something about this ..in one specific region of the world.

Still, I wanted to include another link, related more closely to 'my' dolphins


The success of my experiment, however, posed a major problem. In Britain, an estimated one person in ten was expected to need some form of psychiatric help during his or her lifetime. Clearly taking even a tiny fraction of these people out into the sea to swim with dolphins was utterly impossible.

Well, replace dolphin with Equestrian pony, and even if each contact with them will transform one human... permanently enough... it will be not a small task, especially if humans started to behave.... like humans.

Still, I found it interesting idea (eh, at ~5 am localtime - but I'm best human at nights, often..most....emphatic..and even romantic and even a bit less troubled by all my powerless state against all current IRL wrongs) to try and imagine what kind of human/pony group might travel safely in such.. amazing country as USA and converting humans one by one ...by literally sleeping with them (nothing fishy, just dreams... this was sub-idea I give additional consideration: if our night sleeping has fast phases with dreams, and those dreams often said influenced by outside noises [because we sleep with closed eyes] ..then may be some ...mind 'hacking' can bedone even without diving way too deep into unfamiliar structures of brain? Like, if father from story above will see slowly changing series of dreams where he stopped to receive any biochemical support of his former actions, and started to love ..different types of relations ..will it be bad? Will ponies in general [not counting their tying by human-specific laws in this specific Conversion Bureau universe] dislike mind altering just as much as most humans fear it now? because..isn't mind a bit like body? We fear to be violated on one or both fronts..Because ponies from Chatoynace-verse fundamentally strongly dislike any kind of violence .. they might come to see some kind of mind correction as form of ..massage? Because left uncorrected it will be shared pain to them? So, growing tensions and violence will be resolved..by environment and individuals where 99.9% of ponies around you will be more geniue concerned about you/them healthy togetherness than about any submissive 'therapy' or human-type justice/revenge .... because they as rule doesn't practicate invasion of somepony from very early - even resistance to such actions will not develop into unhealthy proportions..of course humans most likely will fear any intervention, because ...past experiencies ... but may be there are workarounds for this, exactly for ponies, who are more sensitive and 'trained' (wrong term?) from very early times in much more positive and harmonizing and sensing other interactions ..)

Ah.. if only :(

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