• Member Since 9th Mar, 2012
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This is a site about Ponies..... Why is it so awesome?

Comments ( 465 )

its soo good for you to be back again :)

Oh, please have Spike and Rarity do the Draco/Bowen bit from Dragonheart!
:raritydespair:"Ugh, did you eat him? Not that I cared for the self-absorbed lout..."
:moustache:"Good heavens, no! I only chewed in self-defense, never swallowed."

Lock the treasury... wait. “Huh!?” Rarity gasped. “Wait! Hold on a minute!” she ran to the door, trying to open it. It wouldn’t budge. “Hey! I’m still in here! Help me! I’m a princess and I am in distress!”

Not gonna lie, I laughed for quite a while when I read that.

I say! I say indeed! Tis travesty! Heresy! Outright balderdashery! I must proclaim loudly from atop a soap box and make a most vigorous objection!!!

A collection of treasure is a Hoard! Not a horde! Unless the treasure bits got up of their own accord, got some adorably tiny shields and spears and maybe went raiding of their own accord. It's like that whole rouge rogue nonsense.

...Also I got some decent chuckles out of this, thanks for writing!

Wonder how long it will take Spike to realize he is guilty of kidnapping in addition to the robbery.

This is great I love seeing a new original story with Spike and Rarity and this just made my day. I really can't wait to see where this is going. I wonder if Spike can control his size. I mean for him to be able to get in and out like that I would think he got in while normal size then grew while in the castle to get the treasure and leave as quickly as possible.

Thought of this after reading the synopsis.

After reading the synopsis i think this deserves a random tag but that’s just me

I love anything about this story! Awesome start. Love Rarity's reactions to everything in this chapter!

Welcome back, FlimFlamBros!:moustache:

Her heart was pounding heavily, almost violently as she took a quick step towards the gold, then another and finally jumped arms wide into the pile, grabbing two heavy fistful of valuable coins and tossing them up into the air and letting them rain down on her bare body.

“Oh goddess it’s been too long~!” The pony squealed, rubbing her body against the precious metals. “A girl should never have to go this long without indulging herself.”

"That's my pony!"

This was brilliant, didn't stop laughing the whole way through

“Save me, honey!” She hopped into the largest pile of treasure and burrowed into it like a fox.


Aw, yeah! Great to see this fic has finally gotten here. Can't wait for more. :raritywink:

Somehow that kind of setting reminds me of the opening of Final Fantasy IX. Gonna read soon.

:trollestia: kill the dragon!
:raritywink: But He's a gold dragon, I want to marry him!
:unsuresweetie: That will surely kill him!
:raritystarry: Sweetie Belle!

After all, that cloak had been her only clothing and now the pony stood there naked before the many piles of treasure.

Reminds me a bit of Fujiko Mine.

“Oh goddess it’s been too long~!” The pony squealed, rubbing her body against the precious metals. “A girl should never have to go this long without indulging herself.”

She has a treasure fetish?

This was Princess Rarity of the Platinum Family... And she loved treasure on a sexual level.

I can tell.

When she was fourteen, a rather handsome and exotic amethyst-emerald-like crystal stole her first kiss, and when she was nineteen, she had deflowered herself with a solid gold scepter with pearl rigids within this very treasure hall.

Oh this story is going places.

“It’s only natural that you two would want to fool around a little,” the queen giggled to herself a little. “Although you two really couldn’t wait just one more day.”

Oh how wrong you are.

“Yes, which is why I’m here,” her mother said, walking to her daughter’s wardrobe. “Your father and the groom to be are waiting for you down in the throne room. We need pick out a nice dress for you and get you down there as soon as possible.”

I honestly hope Blueblood isn't a terrible pony in this, there's too many damn stories of it, it's the easy option. The BORING option.

Most girls your age are on their fourth or fifth child and I don’t have a single grandchild to spoil!”

Considering that this is in an era where arranged marriages are a thing, that's not entirely incorrect.

He was snide, arrogant, and wouldn’t ever shut up about himself.

*sigh* What is it with people and making Blueblood a one dimension asshole or worse? Why is it that it's so rare for him to have redeeming qualities? I hope he is shown to be more than this, but, considering the premise, I don't have high hopes.

Rarity curled up even more into the gold coins. “I want to go away.” She closed her eyes and wished with all her might. “I just wish someone would rescue me.”

That's the scary thing about wishes. Sometimes, they come true.

“Save me, honey!” She hopped into the largest pile of treasure and burrowed into it like a fox.

I would give her shit, but what else CAN she do?

A dragon. A big, fire breathing dragon.

Oh dear.

“Oh good heavens...” Rarity muttered before her eyes fluttered shut and she passed out from the shock.

That's about right.

The guards had done an assessment of the amount taken, and what it would cost to rebuild what had been lost, which was a lot less than they had expected from a dragon attack. It seemed like the beast knew exactly what it wanted. There weren’t even any casualties. In a weird way, this dragon was a pro.

Hey, just because dragons like treasure a lot doesn't mean they have to burn down the whole kingdom for it. Leaving them alive makes things easier, less willing to try and go kill said dragon.

“Hmm,” The king said. “How noble of you. I like it. Save my daughter and I will be forever in your debt, Prince Blueblood.”

I don't think it's out of nobility as much as I HOPE it is.

“Consider it done,” he said, unbowing and leaving the throne room, a huge and wicked smile on his face. Once the doors behind him had closed and he was sure he was out of earshot, he began chuckling to himself a little. “Heh, foolish old geezer, like I’d risk my life for anything. This is why we have knights and soldiers, to die for me while their betterens reap the rewards. I wonder just how much gold his daughter’s life is worth, not to mention what I’ll be able to steal after killing that dragon. Hell, he might even give me his other daughter in marriage!”

DAMMIT! WHY is it so hard to find Blueblood as anything other than a prick?! His offenses were minor compared to say, Discord or Sombra, and yet there are so many fics where those two are portrayed as Draco In Leather Pants while Blueblood is Ron The Death Eater!

Sorry about that. I needed to get that out of my system. That said, I am curious to see where this goes.

“You know what? You’ve just lost your head privileges.” He snapped his fingers, summoning two guards. “You two, off with his head.”


It's been a long time since I've been on this site, but this was a good enough reason to come back. Eeee I'm excited.

I'd imagine Blueblood's characterization is partly because he's evil in such a mundane, everyday manner. He's evil, but only average everyday stuck-up entitled asshole-brand evil.


Doesn't mean making him one dimensional is any less boring,

I suspect Spike is not going to like his house guest, she is going to mess up all his treasure piles

Lock the treasury... wait. “Huh!?” Rarity gasped. “Wait! Hold on a minute!” she ran to the door, trying to open it. It wouldn’t budge. “Hey! I’m still in here! Help me! I’m a princess and I am in distress!”

Yes yes, calm down your knight is in his way :trollestia:

The thing is, an everyday villain doesn't look quite so appealing.

'Evil is sexy' (Not the trope, rather the concept. True evil is exotic), so people can look at Sombra or Queen C or the like and go, "I want more of that character. I want to know what made them become like that. I want to understand."

So you get sympathetic fics, sex related fics, history fics, alt universe fics, basically anything that looks at the character from another perspective.

Blueblood wasn't written to be that. Blueblood was written to be the annoying boss, the bad boyfriend, the kinda character we hate....not for any evil actions, but as a society we just hate people like that. You see it in Gaston amoung others.

You don't care that the women who is a bitch in the checkout possibly has a tragic past....she made your day more painful then it needed to be.

Now, this doesn't mean that people CAN'T write a good Blueblood. We have certainly seen it done (most famously in The Best Night Ever) but since their initial reaction to the character is revulsion that is far more real then what you generate from exotic total evil, its harder to overcome this feeling.

Their is a reason Umbridge is considered by Steven King to be one of the best Villains ever written....its because she manages to, while just being racist and needlessly cruel, be a character that no one writes sympathetically, and no one cares when she is carried into the woods by Centaurs to who knows what fate. And she is the perfect example of what I am talking about.

As compared to Death Eaters, she is far less vile. But she is an evil we can comprehend and will never draw from us anything but anger. Blueblood isn't as good....as we see basically nothing of him, so it could have been just a bad night. But people's instant reaction is, "What a dick."

The entire time I was reading this I just kept hearing in the back of my head:

"For you see Mr. Powers.... I love Goooooooollllddddd."

I'm following this story, but I must say, what I've seen of Blueblood so far in this makes me not want to care about it. Blueblood, here, is just an arrogant greedy bastard. He's a flat, mostly one-dimensional villain. I don't like it when he's portrayed as such, even in stories where he isn't the main villain, but the thing is, here he is the primary antagonist. Sure, I guess this is a bit of a subversion on the regular dragon kidnapping a princess stories, in that the dragon doesn't want to take the princess, the knight is an antagonist, and the princess hates the knight and is, herself, greedy, but still, this is way to flat of a characterization. I would have preferred it if this:

“Consider it done,” he said, unbowing and leaving the throne room, a huge and wicked smile on his face. Once the doors behind him had closed and he was sure he was out of earshot, he began chuckling to himself a little. “Heh, foolish old geezer, like I’d risk my life for anything. This is why we have knights and soldiers, to die for me while their betterens reap the rewards. I wonder just how much gold his daughter’s life is worth, not to mention what I’ll be able to steal after killing that dragon. Hell, he might even give me his other daughter in marriage!”

Was replaced with him actually wanting to rescue her for a reason aside from greed. Perhaps he knows that Rarity thinks he's an arrogant asshole, so he wants to change her mind by rescuing her and pretending to be gallant since it would be bad for his future kingdom if his future wife disliked him. After all, one in that high place, hating the ruler? She may conspire to sabotage his plans and assassinate him if she continues to have this hatred, potentially even using his treasury to do it. With her hatred for him, she may kill him to take all the gold and power for herself, and thus he sees this and decides to try to win her over so that he won't have a potential risk to his kingdom.

This way, he's still villainous, and is ultimately doing this for a selfish reason, but isn't just a one-dimensional gold-lover.

:unsuresweetie: Sis, What are you doing here?.
:duck: diamonds are a girls best friend but gold's a lover!
:moustache: What do I do now It's guys night and I cant get her out of the keep!
:eeyup: She can go on the cider runs...
:moustache: That's Blueys job
:raritystarry: You know Blueblood?
:moustache: Well yea, Equestrias most rotten card player. A complete loser.
:unsuresweetie: Not like Pop, Why do you think Spike had to collect his winnings yesterday.
:raritywink: cider runs? Deal me in boys!
:moustache: You know how to play?
:unsuresweetie: She invented the game

Oh, the money fetish is strong in this one.

You misspelled "opportunity" in the short description.

I feel like this premise was inspired by Disenchanted.

This is one of the more original takes on Rarity that I've seen. I want to see where this is going.

I have to say, I do like the idea for this story.
It's interesting.

But it was too late. Rarity felt it before she saw it. Something large and soft like a sausage tapping on her cheek. She stopped sobbing for a moment to see what this could be and was greeted by Spike's penis.

Well, she stopped crying at least.

Well. Her face, HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

So, are the characters in this story ponies or anthropomorphic? The cover image and first chapter suggest anthro, but this chapter makes it seem like they're ponies half the time.

Don't male dragons have dual dragonhoods?

Oh no... Now come the procession of brave knights out to rescue the Princess from Despair most Distressing! Or worse yet, a group of rag-tag misfits who met at a tavern where they are given a quest by a mysterious old colt in a robe in the dark corner of the shady room, by the fireplace! Or better yet... *Dreamy harp sequence*

Brave brave Sir Button,
Bravely trot the way,
To something something... Line!

They ran through like the tag says it's just that Blue Bloods kind of a dick okay a total dick and I'm thinking he strapped them like he would slaves

They are anthros, but chariots are still pulled by them, and they knights are just those who have learned to be faster and so forth.. Essentially take all the ideas of the show and how the medieval style vehicles in their work, and then make all the ponies anthro.

That depends on the writer, seeing as we don't have any real life examples to draw from.

The solution here is simple: Have Spike marry Rarity. The massive wealth and ownership of a castle (even if in ruins) and large plot of land means he is technically nobility.

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