• Published 1st Oct 2018
  • 4,471 Views, 123 Comments

Anon-a-Miss - The Blue EM2

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Doorway to Hell (edited 14/11/2018)

There was no way out. Rarity was glaring at Sweetie Belle with a look of intense disapproval. She glanced down at the phone and read out the message. “That’s really mean! You do realise you’re hurting people, right?” She glanced back. “Covering your tracks, are you?”

Sweetie Belle moved back in her chair as far as she could. “Rarity, I can explain-”

“You don’t need to explain, Anon-a-Miss!” Rarity shouted. All stopped, and everybody looked over.

Sweetie Belle simply looked at Button Mash, mouthing the words oh shit at him.

“And for that you’ll get a bar of soap in the mouth!” Rarity continued. “This is the only possible explanation.”

“How?” Button said. “You just storm in here, punch Sweetie Belle in the face, and then barrage her with questions without giving her a chance to answer?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise I was done speaking,” Rarity intoned. In a flash, she had donned a trenchcoat and broad-brimmed hat, which made it very hard to see her face.

“Let us see,” she began. “Consider the crime. A mysterious individual is posting secrets that are embarrassing students within this school. We have already ruled out two potential suspects; Sunset Shimmer, and Apple Bloom.”

“Apple Bloom?!” Sweetie Belle squeaked. “What reason would she have to do something like this?”

“Let us consider motive. You, Sweetie Belle, have a reason to want to make us look foolish. Only last night, you were not permitted to attend a party and seemed more than a little annoyed.”

“Not permitted?” Button interrupted. “Marched out of the door, more like.”

“No doubt,” Rarity continued, completely ignoring the interruption, “you wanted revenge. So, you set up that account to embarrass us.”

“But the account was set up the day before yesterday!” Sweetie Belle protested.

“That is irrelevant. So, you needed dirt in order to make us look stupid. And, being next door to us, you were aware of Sunset filming.”

Sweetie Belle had gone even more pale than she usually did. Rarity was dead-set convinced she was Anon-a-Miss.

“But you needed help. I would have noticed if you had come in; your odour is very distinctive. So, you got your minions to do it for you. Cozy Glow recovered the phone, whilst Button uploaded the pictures and made us all laughing stocks!”

“That’s ridiculous!” Cozy shouted. “After all I’ve done, would you think I’d throw my friends away for the sake of a stupid flame war?”

Suddenly the sound of sobbing started up. It came from Sweetie Belle. “Fine,” she sniffed. “I did it. I’m Anon-a-Miss.”

“What?” exclaimed Button.

“That wasn’t so hard, eh?” Rarity replied. “Now delete the account.”

Sweetie Belle looked up. “Huh?”

“NOW!” Rarity roared, sending the younger girl reeling in fright.

Having had her phone thrown at her, Sweetie Belle flicked over to the login page. She typed in the username and hesitated with the password. “What’s the password?” she asked, trying to stall Rarity a bit longer.

“How long can it take to delete an account?” Rarity asked.

Sweetie Belle resorted to entering passwords at random. It rejected the first two, not entirely surprisingly, so she punched in a third. It, too, was rejected.

Suddenly, there was a loud beeping noise which indicated a MyStable update. “It’s Anon-a-Miss!” shouted Micro Chips.

Rarity looked at her phone. “You’ll have to do better than that to catch me, Sweetie Belle,” she read out. She looked down. “So, you’re not Anon-a-Miss, are you?”

“Ya think?” Sweetie Belle said angrily. “You think I find the idea of having my stuff confiscated and being grounded a fun idea? You think I want to find coal under the Christmas tree? Oh no, Rarity, Sweetie Belle clearly wants a visit from Krampus this year!” She dropped down, and curled up into a ball.

“Who’s Krampus?” asked Button. “Is he a relative of yours?”

Rarity stepped closer. “Sweetie Belle, I’m sorry.

“Go away. I don’t want to talk to you right now,” was the answer she got.

Rarity walked out of the cafeteria with a gaping hole in her heart, whilst Button did his best to comfort his best friend.

At break, Rarity met with the others.

“How’d it go?” asked Applejack.

“Badly,” Rarity replied. “I was convinced she was Anon-a-Miss, but I was wrong.”

“Was that what the update was all about?” Fluttershy asked. “The one about catching me?”

“Did seem a bit weird at the time,” Sunset commented.

“And now she hates me,” Rarity said sadly. She started to whimper, then burst into tears. “I’VE RUINED CHRISTMAS!”

Sunset looked over. “Is she normally this much of a drama queen?” she asked.

The telling nods were all she needed to know.

“Who are our other potential suspects?” Applejack said, trying to keep things on topic.

“We’ve ruled out Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle,” Sunset began, “but we’re only just getting going with regards to hunting down Anon-a-Miss. Everybody in school has a MyStable account, so we are no closer to a plausible suspect.”

“Who has a motive though?” Rainbow asked. “If they are trying to make us look stupid, they must really hate us.”

A loud beep interrupted her thoughts. Laughter down the corridor concerned her further. She flicked open MyStable and took a look. “Maybe I should get rid of this app,” she said. Her eyes widened in shock at the post.

The picture showed her biology paper, which she had messed up on through no fault of her own. The caption read Element of Loyalty? More like Element of Idiocy! Hahaha LOL! But the next sentence particularly disturbed her.

If you’re reading this, Rainbow Dash, this picture was taken by a member of the Junior Soccer Team. Ring a bell?

“No,” she whispered. “Don’t tell me she’s mixed up in all this.”

“Who?” Fluttershy asked.

“The post says that the picture was taken by a Junior Soccer Player. That’s a few people, but it means that one of our potential suspects is-”

Rainbow was suddenly interrupted by a sound.

A sound she had prayed she would never hear.

The sound of a scream.

In a voice she knew very well.

“Oh shit!” she cried, and raced off down the corridor in the direction of the noise.

“Rainbow! Where are you going?” called Sunset.

Rainbow did not reply, but instead cried out, “SCOOTALOO!”

Author's Note:

Another one down. In case you are wondering, the bit about Krampus is a reference to this tale: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/312787/equestria-girls-holiday-special-wrath-of-the-krampus. Well worth a read, but very scary. Seriously. I was checking my door was locked whilst reading it.

The bit about the password was inspired by this story: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/343273/confession.

Next chapters up tomorrow!