

As much as things are back to normal, Twilight still feels guilty about stealing the pearl back at the throne room in Seaquestria. Queen Novo won't accept Twilight's apology unless Twilight throws a party that can impress her. It's up to the Mane 7 to impress Queen Novo to make up the mistake Twilight did.

Thanks to MoJoK20X for editing this.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )
Comment posted by Ellington deleted Nov 9th, 2018

“They not strangers!”

I think you meant to add "are not".
And I sure did like the story.

A little rushed with the apology party but something to read to pass the time.

Comment posted by SilverDiamond deleted Jul 31st, 2019

Let me remind your this is a to a story I did last year and the fact your opinions are FAR too harsh even for you. The original title of this story was called Princess Skystar and Queen Novo’s Welcome Home Party. And the elements of the movie that I can not stand is Twilight’s character. As for your opinions, if it’s because you hate the ideas they did for Queen Novo and the fact that the situation was serious then you shouldn’t bother to read this in the first place.

I like QueenNovo and Seaquestria and this story was made after the movie came out. And if you think that this story is terrible all because of ideas they did in the movie then as far as I’m concern, your opinion is invalid.

Comment posted by SilverDiamond deleted Jul 31st, 2019
Comment posted by SilverDiamond deleted Jul 31st, 2019

You were being HARSH!!! Look, I can try to respect your opinion and I want Twilight to listen to her friends but your making an argument over a fanfic. Can you just please tone down the hate? If your doing this just because you despise of what the MLP movie’s story is while insulting my fanfic, I’ll might as well block you. I dislike your comments because it was over the top and unnecessary.

Comment posted by SilverDiamond deleted Jul 31st, 2019
Comment posted by SilverDiamond deleted Jul 31st, 2019

She was in a lot of pressure and she didn’t how to handle the situation she’s in. Enough with the ruthless comments and leave it at that, otherwise I’ll block you and delete your comments.

Comment posted by SilverDiamond deleted Jul 31st, 2019
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