• Member Since 18th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Well, this a fan of MLP who has just started to watch the show. And I like what I see!


This story is a sequel to The Mare from the Moon

Years after the events of The Mare From the Moon, the Doa-verse's final chapter begins when a new enemy steps up to conquer Spliced Genome’s home dimension, unwittingly drawing a trio of junk scavengers into the fight of their lives… and a search for answers to one of the greatest mysteries of their time.

The fifth and final story in the Doa-verse, written by me and Anon.

Tropes page here

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 80 )

And so it begins, with three unsuspecting characters about to embark on a journey none of them ever signed up for... and hopefully meet a certain mare :twilightsmile:

Scratched raised an arm


“Plus, I love the taste of griffon; it’s very addictive.”


“Good,” Scratched said over her shoulder as she picked up her toolbag. “Should net us some more credits so we can work on Excelsior, whatever it is.”

Good name by the way.

“She’s ugly as shit, almost certainly would fail all official regulation examinations and still an in progress construction,” Aerostorm said over the com as Scratched slid her way around the tubes and pipes, angling herself in just the right position to lift the cap and start to slide it back on. “But she’s fast as hell, turns on a ball pin, sturdy like no tomorrow, and she’s ours.” Aerostorm then chuckled.

So, the Millennium Falcon.

“And as her parents have more or less adopted me as their other daughter, that would mean walking in on both of your sisters going at it,” Aerostorm said, draping a wing over Scratched and pulling her closer in.

You are making it worse.

“Always,” Aerostorm said, pulling her in for a kiss and snuggling in close for the long fly back home.


Well this is going to interresting:twilightsmile:
I really want to know who those tree are and how they will connect or if they connect this to the main story:pinkiegasp:
I wish you a nice time writing more of it.:pinkiesmile:



They do make a cute couple, don't they?

Huh, that guy was in a hurry.
Either he's running from something, or he's just plain stupid.
Could see either one, but it takes a special kind of determined stupidity to blast open the doors of the place you're trying to dock at


It's a good question to why.

The alicorn then turned around and gave Scratched a look and she briefly wondered what a real one was like but they only existed in Equuis and were princesses. The ones they got were not immortal beings with unimaginable power, thankfully or they’d be in trouble with Sentence a lot more often.

Well, there should be one exception in your universe and i do hope you run into her :twilightsmile:

Pulling out the towels and passing them to her mom, Scratched waited for Aerostorm to bring back the injector. It didn’t take the griffon long; stumbling as she brought in the med box in and pulled out the proper injector for Steady Aim.

And not i'm curious about what's wrong with him and if he is affected by one of the things Spliced created... it wouldn't be too strange believe that a few people flew under the goverment's radar back then :moustache:

That last part wasn’t exactly part of Clear Vision’s plan but his assistant had convinced him that while these backwater desert hicks were stupid, he might need some extra firepower if things got messy so they gave him that nice ship and this nice toy these inbred yokels somehow forgot to take off of him when they arrested him. Ray gave the stock of his new gun a look and smiled… he couldn’t wait to use the device.

Strange, how did they miss the gun... suspicious :trixieshiftleft:

This is no chapter this is a cliffhanger :pinkiegasp:
But I'll take what I can get :pinkiecrazy:

This is a pretty good teaser for the next chapter btw.:ajsmug:


This is a pretty good teaser for the next chapter btw.:ajsmug:

Oh you have no idea.

“Nothing,” Steady replied with a sigh. “There’s something bothering me about this guy, but for the life of me I cannot figure out what.”

Interesting :trixieshiftright:

With everyone stunned by this sudden act of violence, the shooter then turned and began to use his smuggled in blaster to kill all of her fellow security officers with sickening ease as for some reason their aim seemed to slide off the shooter.

Very interesting :trixieshiftleft:

Also, something is very off about this guy, besides the obvious i mean.
It's like he expects everything to go his way, and it mostly has, which is very concerning :applejackunsure:

Well ... they dead.
That was something. Wonder how this is gonna progress

Spinning around, her heart lurched as she saw the same face that had been haunting her in her nightmares, the face of the stallion who killed her parents and in his magic aura, he was holding a gun aimed right at her.

And this is why you don't split the party :moustache:

‘-ttack … Hesturland… -th phase then will commen …’

The hell?

The decomposing body went with it, because having it around was just… disturbing to them.

Yeah, that's fair.

“You are clear to land, Excelsior,” the person said, her voice noticeably softer now. “While this place is meant for those who come after us, there is nothing that prevents ordinary people from using it. We can talk more when you land; sending you the landing coordinates now.”

That went well.

“You can call me Cleo,” she said before terminating the link. With that, it was a short travel from orbit to the planet, Aerostorm easily piloting around the frigates to reach the surface.

OK, so we have a name, interesting.

They shared concerned looks at the inclusion of the robot but as they were about to land, they couldn’t just leave as it would give Cleo the idea that something was wrong and then things could get out of control quickly.

Being smart is useful.

“No…” Cleo said slowly before shaking her head and regaining some confidence. “We have security measures installed in case of an incident, and I am sure that you two have proper carry permits for them, correct?” she said as she pointed a finger at Aerostorm and Zaat.

I should hope so.

“Still,” she said nervously. “We have means to handle any issue that could arise and there shouldn’t be any need to do so as everyone that lands is scanned before they are allowed entry.”

If I were to take a guess, I'd say she's new at the job.

All these books were about a famous mare who had revolutionized the medical field and more or less cured every known disease out there.

I have a feeling I know who that is.

Spinning around, her heart lurched as she saw the same face that had been haunting her in her nightmares, the face of the stallion who killed her parents and in his magic aura, he was holding a gun aimed right at her.

You know, I'd make a joke about splitting the party but Asolem2 beat me to the punch.

“I really don’t care,” he spat, shifting his gun closer to her head. “You have that data storage and you will give it to me.”

You're a crazy pony. And not in the fun Pinkie Pie kind of way.

She stared at him, her mouth trying to form words before he cracked a grin on his face. “She’s okay,” he said. “Took me a while, but I was able to stop the bleeding and get it locked down… but I don’t know how she’s going to cope without that wing.”


Leaning into the kiss, Scratched slowly broke it off after a minute and stared in amazement at Aerostorm. “How can you be this calm about everything?”

Shock. And a hell of a lot more composure than I'd have in this situation.

“Doa’s Bar.” Zaat gave a faint smile at the startled looks they gave. “Place has a reputation for being kind of chaotic, and it attracts a lot of… shall we say, unsavory traffic. I’ve heard some say it’s a smaller version of some place called Klugetown, though I’m not sure where that was. But they also have a no-tolerance policy when it comes to violence. Jukern VI had its security measures, but this place is even stricter. And they’re not affiliated with any planetary or galactic government - in fact, I think that place even served as a temporary neutral ground to end some war a few hundred years ago… which also broke out there.” Zaat said with a chuckle, rolling his eyes.

Sounds like a regular ol' hive of scum and villainy.

Snorting at her, Scratched felt herself smile for the first time in a while and was hopeful that things would start going their way.

Wouldn't place any bets on it.

Zaat nodded. “Nobody’s quite sure how it happened, but according to the records I’ve found, something made those stars go nuts and start putting out all kinds of flares about five thousand years ago - wiped out everything else in the system.

I think I see some foreshadowing :coolphoto:

“Doa’s Bar.” Zaat gave a faint smile at the startled looks they gave.

... don't know why but I find the fact that little miss Dead on Arrival started a bar to be hilarious :pinkiecrazy:

“Doa’s Bar.”

Where have I heard that name before ?
Thats right it's the name Spliced gave herself when she had no idea who she was.
She was Dead On Arrival.(First Story here :Link)

I think I may be onto something. It could be a coincidence but I don't belive in coincidents :trixieshiftright:

I actually surprised myself as I saw that. I have read many stroies since I read the first one of this series but unique characters I enjoyed in a good story tend to stick to me. :twilightsheepish:

This also mean the next chapters are gonna get interesting .:trixieshiftleft:

“If you think it is the basics of a biographic prosthetic for your wing, then it is,” Scratched said, looking off to the side. “It’s not much but it is a start.” Scratched shook her head. “It’s hard to do with what little we have and I have been pouring over all the medical books I can so I could make it as effective as possible but I’m so far away from being even remotely confident about attaching it to your nervous system, let alone having the framework finished…”

If only there was a highly skilled doctor at the bar you're going to... :coolphoto:

“That’s…” he stared at the flashing results, almost not believing his eyes. He had to be sure before he told her. If that mare was not some sort of biological creation, then everything was going to change. If she was , then all hell would break loose as she would be beyond furious.

Oh now this is interesting :pinkiecrazy:

Hello Doa, we missed you :trollestia:

Also: I am getting really curious about what was helping that guy to such a ridiculous degree :moustache:

You have wonderful eyes in this story.


I see that you are trying.

I kinda figured she was there from the name of the bar, but, glad to see her back regardless.


I'm glad that you're glad that I'm glad.

I'm not glad, I'm sick.

Well well this chapter was interesting. I wonder what will happen now that their follower is gone :pinkiecrazy:

Big OOooF right there

Your not heroic your not invincible, your not even invisible. Your your own weakness SUPER FAIL bua buaw bwwaaaa.

We're having a deep meaningfull conversation

A short and spicy chapter. Good one

I just hoped it would be longer:twilightsheepish:


This chapter may be short but it is very important to those who are paying attention.

Like those noticing a certain name that was Clearlly mentioned in the last chapter.:trixieshiftright:

Or how about the fact that these guys have a lot of firepower as well as a great deal of trust from the galactic community that they, quite clearly, should not have :trixieshiftright:


You see a few things but your eyes are still clouded.

I know that this was important and that is why I said it was still good. Bescause it progesses the plot and gives a few hints.
I have my own theories why things are as they are but there are still a lot of holes :facehoof:
You have done a great job so far in telling a story yet seemingly telling nothing:twilightsheepish:

“INCOMING!” he shouted, diving backwards as it exploded and took out more of his men. With a snarl, he leaned back into the room and managed to fire off a shot.

There's that improbable accuracy again :trixieshiftleft:

“As I said, I fixed her wing and her lung cancer, nothing more.” Spliced Genome said with her coat bristling.

Ahhh Spliced... your bedside manners still suck :trollestia:


Ahhh Spliced... your bedside manners still suck :trollestia:


“You’ll tell me exactly what trouble you brought to my place in the next five seconds or I will kill you too,” she said as she walked over to where Scratched was hiding and Scratched was under no illusion she was bluffing. “Five. Fou-”

She's probably not.

“Take care of her, please,” the dragon said. “This will be very hard for her and she will need someone to help her.”

Oh you gon' die.

Within minutes, Spliced had completely restored the wing. She seemed like she was about to pull back when a frown flashed across her face and she leaned closer to the griffon. Before Scratched could even ask what was going on, Spliced had sent what looked like a magical pulse into her girlfriend’s chest and pulled it out. The ball was filled with something but the alicorn crushed it into nothingness before Scratched could get a good look at it.

You're damn good at what you do.

With a gasp, Scratched stared at the griffon she was on.

“You knew.”

Oh boy.

The other mare tensed up for a long moment before she seemed to melt and returned the hug, nuzzling the top of her head with her chin and rubbing Scratched’s back with her wing. “You are welcome, child,” she said softly. Scratched looked up to see a sad smile-like visage on her face before it faded away to the normal flat look.

Good to see that she is capable of smiling again :twilightsmile:

“Exactly the issue,” Spliced said in what seemed to be approval in her voice.

Spliced seems to like Scratched for some reason :trixieshiftleft:

“You had cancer for almost a year‽” Scratched snapped, staring furiously at the griffon. “When the fuck were you going to tell me you, you damn selfish bitch, when you died‽

She didn't want to hurt you.

“Fine!” Scratched hopped off her. “I’ll be in my room!” She stormed out of the room, and had the doors been capable of it, she would have slammed them shut behind her.

Well. That went poorly.

“Honey, you had every right to yell at me,” Aerostorm said as she placed her talon on her shoulder. “I mean, I only kept the fact that I was dying from everyone I loved, all because I was too selfish.”

I, see.

“Things kept pushing it back and back and… well, I just couldn’t tell you after a month had passed, could I?”


“Of course I do, you silly smol birb,” Aerostorm teased back, pulling Scratched in close, holding her back to her chest as she ran her beak along Scratched’s ears.


“Exactly,” she said, flashing him an annoyed glare. “Whoever is after you will be monitoring those closely. That one is a much older and very unknown jump gate. It was what I used to get here years ago and it should still be functional.”

Ooh? Now this is interesting.

with those two going at it with all of their allies, then the entire galaxy would be engulfed in war.”

That's bad.

“It’s time for me to go home.”

Oh. Now that's going to be VERY interesting.

“Too many to count; most of what you see today are shells of larger empires that fell apart from even larger ones,” Spliced said. “Empires wax and wane all the time but it’s never good when something like war forces it.”

No kidding.

“When you spend several thousand years on your own, you either find new ways to keep yourself busy or you go completely out of your mind with boredom,” Spliced said. “And I prefer to keep my wits about me, thank you very much.”

That, is fair.

“I don’t know; I cannot recall exactly the reason for the closure of this one,” Spliced said as her horn began to glow and cut an entrance for them to use. “Though I doubt we will see any corpses.”

That's, somewhat reassuring.

Much shorter than we usually do but we want to show we are back.

Quality over quantity, I don't mind.

“Part of my condition; I can adapt to what kills me. Not immediately, but over time. I’m well used to breathing in nothing by now,” she replied, stepping forwards towards the door of the station and pulling it open.

Like Doomsday, except less Chaotic Evil.

“Hesterland space, Terakian space, Lhat’kan… this is all over the galaxy,” Zaat said as he continued to pry further into the computer before his face paled. “These personal logs mention something called ‘Final Order’… by the gods, this is some sort of hidden military organization.”

Oh joyous day,

Clear Vision watched her go, and smirked at the sight - he loved the view of that flank. “And so it begins…”

The greatest shitstorm of our time.

Now we have a little problem. Just a very small and little one. The damm universe is about to go to war:twilightoops:
May the lord help them.

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