• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 4,762 Views, 68 Comments

Tiaras, Spoons, and Feathers - Wanderer D

Tragedy can change a pony's life for better or worse.

  • ...

Chapter 1

There are lonely cemeteries,

graves filled with silent bones,

the heart going through a tunnel

dark, dark, dark,

like a shipwreck, we die inwards,

like drowning inside the heart,

like falling from the skin and into the soul.

~Pablo Neruda

* * *

“I think it only fair that I start the account of what brought us here with the moment where everything changed.

“Back when the first seeds were planted for what would become the unseen drama of our lives and the highlights of what finally came to pass.

“The day everything changed... was pretty stupid in the grand scheme of things.”

* * *

“Don’t worry, Silver Spoon; Diamond Tiara will be here soon,” Silver Platter said, looking down at her daughter, who was shuffling a bit nervously and shivering slightly in the damp air. Next to her, she had carefully laid down a purple box tied shut with a silver cord in one of the few dry patches where there was no mud. “And be careful not to step on Diamond Tiara’s present!”

Silver Spoon stopped cold and looked down at the box. “Do you think she’ll like it?” she asked her mother, looking up. “I mean, I’m not that good yet, and I know Silver Spork has been teaching me, but–”

“Silver Spoon,” her mother chuckled. “I’m sure she will. She’ll know her best friend made it for her and that will be the most important thing.”

Silver Spoon took a calming breath and tried to relax. “I just wish we hadn’t arrived so early!” she said after a moment. “I’ve only seen a couple of other ponies get here.”

“It’s always good to be a bit early,” Silver Platter said. “It gives a good impression and also gives you time to be prepared.”

“I guess...” Silver Spoon sighed. “But it doesn’t seem to matter much to Diamond Tiara.”

“Tiara will be here,” Silver Platter repeated, then smiled as she looked towards downtown.

“Silver Platter!” Filthy Rich exclaimed with a grin as he and Diamond Tiara walked up to them. “A pleasure to see you, dear! How is business going?”

“It’s going great, Rich,” Silver Platter replied, returning the smile. “I had a couple of new orders come from Fillydelphia just yesterday. You wouldn’t have anything to do with it, would you?”

“Me?” Filthy’s smile grew. “Nonsense, dear, I might’ve shown off my cuff links a little and I might have mentioned that they were hoof-crafted by the most versatile silversmiths in Equestria, but other than that, I’m afraid I didn’t do much!”

Silver Spoon smiled at Diamond Tiara. “Good morning, Tiara!”

“Hello, Silver Spoon!” Diamond Tiara smiled back and nodded. “Are you, ready for school?”

Silver Spoon made a face. “Not really, but Mom says it’s important.”

Diamond Tiara nodded. “My daddy said the same thing! He said he wouldn’t be where he is now if he hadn’t come to school.”

Both fillies looked at the pair of adults. The business talk was something they were used to.

“Oh!” Silver Spoon blinked. “I just remembered! I got you a first-day-of-school present!” She picked up the purple box and gave it to Diamond Tiara. “I hope you like it!”

“A present!” Diamond Tiara squeaked, giving Silver Spoon a hug. “And guess what? I also got you one!”

Silver Spoon’s eyes widened. “Really? Oh, but- you shouldn’t have bothered, I–”

Diamond Tiara giggled, pushing a small red box towards her. “Like, you didn’t expect me to come empty-hoofed, right?”

Silver Spoon chuckled. “I guess not.”

Both fillies opened their boxes. Diamond Tiara had gotten Silver Spoon a pearl necklace. She took it out and clasped it around her neck.

Diamond Tiara opened the purple box and her eyes went wide. Inside was silver tiara with a simple but elegant design. It looked so regal. And inside was a small scribble: ‘SP+DT BFFs’.

“Oh, Silver, this is beautiful!” she said as she took it out and tried it on. It fit perfectly. “How–”

“I made it,” Silver Spoon said, smiling shyly. “It took me two months to get it right and Silver Hammer had to help me a lot but... I made it for you.”

“It’s amazing!” Diamond Tiara giggled, hugging her friend. “Thank you so much! I’m, like, sorry I could only get you a necklace! I’m not good at making things like you are!”

“Oh, no, Tiara, I love it!” Silver Spoon said, showing it to her friend. “I think it fits my coat nicely!”

“Okay, everypony!” Cheerilee called from the entrance to the school. “It’s time for class to start! Please say goodbye to your parents and come in!”

“Well, isn’t that a beautiful tiara?” Filthy Rich teased as Diamond Tiara cantered up to him for a hug before class.

“Daddy!” Diamond Tiara giggled. “Silver Spoon made it for me!”

“She did, did she?” Filthy Rich smiled at the other filly. “You are every bit as talented as your mother and big brother,” he said, making Silver Spoon smile with pride. “Keep up the good work, Silver!”

“I will, Mr. Rich!” Silver Spoon said.

“Now, off you go, you two,” Silver Platter said. “We don’t want you to be late for class!”

“Bye, Mom! Bye, Mr. Rich!” Silver Spoon called as she turned around and trotted towards the school.

“Bye, Daddy! Bye, Mrs. Platter!” Diamond Tiara called back.

The pair cantered into class, where all of the colts and fillies were trying to decide where to sit. Quickly spotting a place, Diamond Tiara led Silver Spoon to the side of the room, where they took their seats.

The class eventually calmed down enough for introductions to be made, but neither filly paid much attention until the class really started.

The next couple of hours were pretty much a blur up until recess. While most of the colts and fillies played, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had sat down next to a tree. The grass around it was drier than most of the playground, and the pair settled down for a nice talk.

“This is fun!” Silver Spoon confessed. “I never thought that school could be so enjoyable!”

Diamond Tiara nodded.

“Watch out!” a voice suddenly shouted, and somepony crashed into Diamond Tiara, sending both rolling into the mud.

“Tiara!” Silver Spoon shouted, quickly jumping to her friend’s aid as several colts and fillies galloped up to them.

“I caught it!” the other mud-covered filly shouted, showing off the ball she had in her hoof.

“But look at what you did!” Diamond Tiara spat mud as she stood up, covered from tip to tail in mud and glaring at the other filly. “Now I’m, like, covered in mud!” She ran a hoof through her coat, trying to clean it off.

“Aw,” the other filly chuckled. “It’s just mud! All we need is a rinse and we’ll be fine!”

“Clearly,” Diamond Tiara growled, slightly less angry, until she touched her mane and her eyes went wide. “Wait, where is it!?”

“Where’s what?” the other muddied filly asked.

“My tiara! Where is it? I can’t lose it!”

“Oh,” the filly started looking around, then when she noticed the others were approaching, she raised a hoof. “Wait up, we need to find a tiara! Don’t get in the mud, but let us know if you see it, okay?”

The pair looked around until, finally, Diamond Tiara cried out in victory and pulled her tiara out of the mud. The cry died in her throat as she stared at it. Silver Spoon felt her stomach go cold and sat down on the floor, staring. She sniffed.

“Welp,” the other filly started to walk out of the mud. “Glad you found it and all! I think I’ll get back to playing now.”

“You ruined it!” Diamond Tiara cried out, showing her the remains of her once elegant tiara. “You ruined it!”

The muddied filly took a couple of steps back. “H-hey, calm down, it’s only a tiara! Look, I’m sorry I trashed it! I’m sure I can buy you another one!”

“You couldn’t get me another tiara like this!” Diamond Tiara snapped. Then she caught sight of Silver Spoon, who looked like she was about to burst into tears and her anger increased. How could this obnoxious pegasus not understand?!

The other filly frowned. “What? Are you saying I can’t afford it? It doesn’t look that expensive.”

“No!” Diamond Tiara shouted, turning back to her, hurt and anger throwing manners to the wind. “You could never replace something like this! It’s the only one in the world!”

“Well, I’m sorry I’m not a petty rich filly who gets gifts from Daddy!” the other filly retorted, stepping up to Diamond Tiara and pressing into Tiara's face with her own. “I bet he just gets you whatever you want, no matter how much of a brat you are!”

“What do you know?!” Silver Spoon jumped in, knowing that attacking Diamond Tiara’s dad was nothing short of Taboo. “Just because you didn’t get anything doesn’t mean that Tiara didn’t deserve it!”

“Oh, come on! Are you really siding with her? After she starts getting on my case over a stupid hair accessory? What are you, her crony?”

There were some grumbles of agreement from the surrounding colts and fillies and Silver Spoon was about to respond when Miss Cheerilee stepped in.

“Okay, you three, calm down!” Their teacher glared at the two muddied fillies. “Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo, I want both of you cleaned up and in your seats in five minutes. We'll be talking after school today. Everypony else, it's time for class.”

“But–” Diamond Tiara sighed as everypony else walked away.

“It’s okay, Tiara. I’ll fix it,” Silver Spoon whispered. “I’ll make it better... maybe even add a couple of diamonds so it fits your name.”

“I hate her,” Diamond Tiara sniffed as she made her way out of the mud.

Silver Spoon was silent as she followed her friend to the garden spigot so she could clean herself up with a hose.

She watched as Diamond Tiara carefully cleaned the mangled tiara before putting it at a safe distance and starting to clean herself, all the time muttering and grumbling angrily, promising pain and suffering to the pegasus that had offended her so. She didn’t get it. She did feel sad and hurt from the damage the tiara she had made had suffered, but Diamond Tiara was royally pissed off. “Tiara... what does it mean to you?”

“I don’t know,” Diamond Tiara whispered after a moment of silence. “But it hurt to have it destroyed like that. I really loved it.”

* * *

“That was the start of it. The very first hint in my life as to how far my blindness went beyond my need for glasses and sitting in the first row to be able to read the blackboard.

“I took everypony’s words at face value back then. That was my mistake.. one that I would repeat until it was too late to take it all back.

“From that day onwards it was two groups in class: Them and us. Diamond Tiara didn’t really care nor want for more. Other than her Dad and me. The two of us became the pillars of her world and worse, her moral compass.

“A father that doted on his daughter and very seldom, if ever, punished her, and a friend too meek to speak her own mind about what was right and wrong...

“Pillars like those never stood the test of time.”

* * *

Filthy Rich smiled as his daughter trotted towards him. However, his smile quickly turned to a frown as Diamond stuck her muzzle up in contempt for the worker, unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies alike, that labored in the sweltering heat.

“Ugh, do we really need to be here, daddy?” Diamond Tiara asked. “This place smells! And who cares about smelly orphans?” she huffed. “We already have an orphanage. Why do we need another one?”

Filthy Rich sighed. “Granny Smith’s story about the rainbow apples reminded me of something very important, Tiara,” he said, looking down at her. “Most of my life, I have pushed to get what I want. My deals have seldom been equally beneficial for both sides.” Filthy Rich looked down at the construction site. “And, although I have few regrets... I do feel I can give, at least once, without expecting back.”

Diamond Tiara shrugged. “I don’t see what for. It’s not like they can even appreciate it.”

Filthy Rich frowned. “Tiara, why would you think that? The old orphanage is in pretty bad shape and kept together with the taxes we all pay. That old building has very little safety features. There’s no emergency exit, and its so old that a fire would burn the whole thing down in minutes!” He looked towards the building in progress. “A new, orphanage is going to save everypony money and make a lot of colts and fillies happy and safe.”

Diamond Tiara looked away. “It feels like we’re giving a present to her,” she said venomously.


“The stupid, blank-flanked pegasus!”

“Diamond Tiara!” Filthy Rich scowled at his daughter. “That’s a horrible thing to say!”

“I’m sorry, Daddy...” Diamond Tiara whimpered. “I promise I’ll be good!”

Filthy Rich shook his head and started heading down the hill. “Come on, Tiara, we should go.”

Smiling beatifically, Diamond Tiara cantered next to her father, knowing all was forgiven. “Daddy... can we get ice cream? It’s too warm!”

“It is,” Filthy Rich agreed with a chuckle.

* * *

“I remember the day we found out.

“It would be really hard to forget. I guess it was the first real shock of my fillyhood. It was completely unexpected; something that we would have never even believed possible in Ponyville... despite everything we had gone through: Discord, ursa minors, dragons... Nightmare Moon... we had never lost a single pony.

“There had always been somepony to help. The Elements of Harmony were there for most every threat... and Mare-do-Well was even around for a brief time as protector of Ponyville. Every major calamity seemed to be inevitably quelled without deviation.

“How do you hear news like that and not lose your fragile grasp on how things are supposed to be?

“I don’t know how I would have taken such news back then if it had been me receiving them.”

* * *

Cheerilee looked at the colts and fillies in her class, just missing Diamond Tiara passing a note to Silver Spoon.

Silver Spoon carefully opened the note and looked down at it as their teacher talked about Earth Pony nomadic traditions.

Got glue for the hick and the other blank-flanks. After class. Barn.

Taking a sharp breath, she forced a faint smile and nodded before looking back up towards the blackboard.

“And now, here’s a map of–”

Cheerilee was interrupted as the door the classroom swung open and policestallion walked in. She quickly turned to face him and talk to him away from the ears of the children, who started whispering animatedly amongst themselves.

Whatever she heard made Cheerilee’s eyes snap open in alarm and turn to give Diamond Tiara a very strange look.

There was something about it that made Diamond Tiara’s stomach grow cold and all the others quiet down immediately.

“Children...” Cheerilee took in a shaky breath. “Children... please go out to the yard. Except you, Diamond Tiara...” her voice softened as she looked down. “Please stay.”

Diamond Tiara sat stock-still in her chair as slowly all the other colts and fillies walked out of the room. Nopony even spoke. The way their teacher had talked and the solemn look of the police-stallion didn’t invite any merriment. They did not want to be there.

As Silver Spoon finally stood up to leave, Diamond Tiara spoke up.

“M-miss Cheerilee?” Diamond Tiara stammered. “Can- can Silver Spoon stay?” She was trembling, eyes wide and teared.

Cheerilee hesitated.

“I don’t think–” the policestallion started to object, but was cut off by Silver Spoon’s hoof on his foreleg.

“Please,” she said, not looking up at him. “I don’t know what she did or what happened but... please let me stay.”

The police-stallion and Cheerilee shared a look, but eventually the teacher nodded.

“If the both of you are sure...” Cheerilee trailed off and sighed. She visibly composed herself before nodding. “Diamond Tiara, something happened at the construction site today.”

Diamond Tiara looked up at her teacher, a small lump forming in her throat.

“One of the beams collapsed,” the police-stallion spoke up. “It pinned one of the construction workers. A few ponies stayed behind to help him out.” He hesitated, then sighed. “They freed him, but the structure was unstable... one of them didn’t make it.”

Diamond Tiara took a step back. “O-oh... I’m sure m-my dad will... he’ll help the s-stallion’s f-family and–” she choked as she realized she had backed up to her desk. “W-who was it?”

“Your father,” Cheerilee whispered. “With your mother being away on business, I’ll be taking you home.”

“I’m so–” the officer started to say, only to be interrupted by a soundless cry from Diamond Tiara, who ran out of the classroom.

“Diamond Tiara!” Cheerilee called.

“I’ll take her home!” Silver Spoon shouted, racing after her friend.

She followed her friend out of the school ground, through Ponyville and finally up a small hill overlooking the construction site.

Diamond Tiara was sitting on her haunches, staring at the closed-down area. It had been cordoned off and crews of ponies labored to clear the collapsed wall.

“Tiara,” Silver Spoon called softly as she made her way to her friend. “We should go home... everypony will be worried.”

Diamond Tiara did not reply. She merely stared at the half-built orphanage in silence.

Slowly, Silver Spoon walked up to her. Diamond Tiara just looked blankly at the building.

Silver Spoon sat down next to her friend and leaned her head on Diamond Tiara’s shoulder. She didn’t say anything, but it didn’t take long for Diamond Tiara’s tears to start trickling down her cheeks.

Eventually, Diamond Tiara collapsed onto Silver Spoon, hugging her hard and bawling her eyes out.

* * *

“Tiara?” Silver Spoon called as she followed her friend back home, later that day. They had heard the bells announcing the end of class in the distance a few hours ago. “What are you going to do?”

Diamond Tiara did not look back. “I don’t know,” she whispered, barely audible to the filly following her. “I have to-” she whimpered. “I have to see Mom... Mommy will know what to do...”

Silver Spoon gritted her teeth and took a calming breath. “Tiara...”

“I mean, like, I know Mommy doesn’t hang around, but she’s my mommy, right?” Diamond Tiara said quickly. “She loves me, right? She wouldn’t have married and stayed with d- with us if she didn’t, right?”

Silver Spoon bit her lip.

“She’ll leave her apartment in Manehattan and come live with me, right?” Diamond Tiara nodded, as if she were answering her own question. “My mommy will come over and it’ll be okay, she’ll be sad but we’ll be together and, and she’ll be here soon, right? Like, she wouldn’t stay away?”

Silver Spoon sighed and followed her friend, shaking her head slightly. From what she knew of Pearl Necklace, it was unlikely that she would do Diamond Tiara any favors.

They had crossed halfway through Ponyville before Silver Spoon realized that it was too quiet. She looked around. Everypony was staring with pity at Diamond Tiara as she rambled on about her mother coming over that same night and how things would work out once she was here.

Once or twice an adult would try to approach Diamond Tiara, but a quick shake of the head from Silver Spoon, and in some cases a glare, would make them hesitate and prevent them from talking to her. They all knew by now. It was not surprising that the news had gone around town by now. Any type of death would be the center of gossip for all ponies, especially in a town where such accidents were rare.

As they walked, Diamond Tiara’s ramblings slowly died and her head drooped. They were getting closer to her home.

Here and there, Silver Spoon would spot one of their classmates. They seemed to have heard the news as well but were thankfully keeping their distance.

Finally, they arrived at the gates of the Filthy Rich Estate, where Miss Cheerilee was waiting beside the officer from earlier.

“Your mother is here, Diamond Tiara,” Cheerilee informed the filly. “She arrived a few minutes ago.”

Diamond Tiara didn’t respond, simply looking down at the grass.

“Come on,” Cheerilee said gently, nudging the filly. “She probably wants to see you.”

Silver Spoon took a step forward, but a hoof on her shoulder stopped her. She turned around and looked up at her mother’s eyes.

“Silver Spoon, let’s go home,” Silver Platter whispered, smiling sadly at her daughter. “You’ve done what you could do for your friend...” They turned to see Cheerilee and the officer escort Diamond Tiara into her home. “I’m proud of you for standing by her side when she needed you so much, but right now she needs to be with her family.”

“But Mom,” Silver Spoon’s eyes reflected her worry. “Diamond’s mother is–”

“Hush,” Silver Platter whispered. “We can’t do anything right now, just... be ready to help her through this.”

Silver Spoon smiled. “Of course, she’s my friend!”

“That’s my filly,” Silver Platter said, leading the youngster away.

* * *

That night, as she lay on her bed, Silver Spoon thought about Filthy Rich. How he would dote on Diamond Tiara and how he would be so respectful to Granny Smith. How he would buy them ice cream or cupcakes.

He had always seemed larger-than-life... just like her own dad.

That last thought was enough to break through the bottled up feelings. Silver Spoon grabbed her pillow and buried her face into it as she sobbed and cried. Her mind, unbidden, comparing little things that her dad and Mr. Rich had had in common.

Little things that Diamond Tiara was now deprived of.

* * *

“I heard how it happened later that night. My mom knew one of the workers who had been part of the rescue team. He had come over that night to talk to my parents. He had this haunted look on his face and his voice trembled when he talked, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. He could barely hold his cup up to drink from it.

“He kept apologizing. They kept telling him it was okay.

“To be completely honest, the whole thing scared me to death.

“It wasn’t gruesome or anything like that; Filthy Rich had been supervising the construction when one of the pulleys moving an incredibly heavy pallet of steel beams had broken over of a section which was being worked on.

“The structure was strong enough not to be completely crushed in one go, but the stallions working inside it had suffered serious injuries and the whole thing was in danger of collapsing. I’m not sure what exactly spurred Mr. Rich into jumping in there himself.

“He had never struck me as the heroic type until then. I heard that he personally burrowed under several pieces of concrete and steel bars to reach the last stallion trapped in there and help them reach the rescue team.

“And then, just like that, the structure gave up on him, as if it had been waiting for that single, injured stallion to emerge before collapsing.

“It just happened. It seemed to be holding and Mr. Rich was making a joke about spending some extra cash on magically stronger cables as he pushed himself towards freedom when... the whole thing was suddenly down and had crushed him.

‘I think I might have choked when I heard that. I don’t remember exactly how they found out I was awake and listening in. I wasn’t punished though.

“My mom just took me to my room, let me place my head on her lap, and held me for the longest time.”

* * *

That night, Diamond Tiara sat in the parlor, watching her mother pace in front of her.

“I simply don’t know what to do, Diamond Tiara,” Pearl Necklace confessed, giving her distraught daughter a glance. “You father left more than enough for both of us, but I simply can’t just come back and take care of you.”

“Maybe I can go with you?” Diamond Tiara asked hopefully. “I’ve always wanted to see your apartment in Manehattan! I kept asking daddy to–” The words had left her mouth before she realized what she had said. The blood in her veins ran cold. “...to let me see you...” she trailed off.

“Hmm?” Pearl Necklace hadn’t seemed to notice Diamond Tiara’s hopeful tone. Her eyes strayed from the painting she had been looking at back to Diamond Tiara. “Visit? Yes, maybe... I’m sure you could visit me sometime, Diamond Tiara, but not right now.” Diamond Tiara looked down at the rug as her mother began to rant. “Rich’s side of the family is all but gone, mine... ugh, I don’t want to even think about them. And they’re all too far away anyway. No, it would have to be here.” Pearl Necklace shook her head in annoyance. “I cannot believe your father didn’t think of this! What did he expect me to do if he was gone?”


“Not now, dear, I’m thinking,” Pearl Necklace interrupted. “If your father hadn’t gone and... well, built that thing...” She stopped. “Hmm. I think I have a solution, dear. I’ll be giving Shifty Deal a call.”

Diamond Tiara blinked. “Your lawyer?”

Pearl Necklace nodded, a small smile adorning her face. “Yes, I’m sure he can deal with the details from today and meet with your father’s lawyer to figure out what goes where.”

“But...” Diamond Tiara gulped. “What about d-daddy?”

“Oh,” Pearl Necklace shrugged. “Like I said, Shifty and whatshername–”

“Fine Print,” Diamond Tiara murmured.

“Yes,” Pearl Necklace nodded, grimacing. “You know all the lawyer’s names?”

“Only about five of them...” Diamond Tiara whispered. “I only know Shifty from your side, he’s the one that always comes around.”

Pearl Necklace nodded and turned, walking slowly out of the room. “I’ll get them both then, and let them deal with this. I must make sure my acquaintances know I’ll be back soon.”

The door slammed behind her, leaving Diamond Tiara in the parlor. She kept her eyes on the rug. “But... what about daddy?”

* * *

“I always figured that there was more to Fine Print than met the eye. That lawyer of Tiara’s... she’s always tried to go above and beyond for both her, and I hear, Mr. Rich.

“Did Tiara know there was something more going on there? Could she have imagined?

“Sometimes she was particularly oblivious to how things actually were, in contrast to how she expected or wanted them to be.

“Tiara could have done a lot worse in her final choice of lawyer.”

* * *

The hallway to Fine Print’s office had never seemed so long. Or so lonely.

She took a step forward, remembering the last time she had been here, a month or two ago.

“Daddy, where are we?”

“Were going to Fine Print’s office, Tiara.”

“Fine Print?” Diamond Tiara blinked. “Didn’t she just visit you last week? She’s the unicorn one with the scroll and magnifying glass cutie mark, right?”

“That’s her,” Filthy Rich said. “But remember, only you and I know she visited, okay?”

“Yes, daddy!”

“That’s a good girl.” Filthy nodded to her before opening the door to the office. After a quick greeting, they were all sitting down.

“She’s a lovely filly, Rich,” Fine Print said, watching as Diamond Tiara flipped through fashion magazines. “And I can see why you want to do this, but... I don’t think Pearl will like it.”

Filthy scoffed. “She’s already arranged for an apartment in Manehattan with her own money,” he said, shaking his head and glancing at his daughter. “She doesn’t care what happens to–” He cleared his throat. “Fine Print... I know we had a bit of a fallout after what has happened but... you’re the only one I trust with making sure everything goes to the right ponies.”

Fine Print closed her eyes and sighed. “What happened between us was terribly unprofessional,” she said.

“I know,” Filthy Rich nodded, looking away. “And I’m sorry we found ourselves in... that situation.”

“It’s never happening again,” she stated. “But...” She looked at Diamond Tiara before returning her attention to Filthy Rich. “...I can’t really say no to you when it comes to legal situations. Even more so with others involved. I’ll organize everything and–”

“Thank you!” Filthy Rich smiled, “I knew I could count on you!”

Fine Print raised a hoof. “Pearl will get her fair share; I’m not messing around with that.” She sighed. “Especially after last week.”

Filthy nodded. “Print... I- I’m sorry about last week... you know I have been trying to change the way I do business and how stressful that has been; how many ponies I have had to help up after I trampled over them and laughed when they didn’t notice... how awful I felt about it when they thanked me for this ‘sudden offer to help’... I just... I just wish sometimes I could have been another pony, and perhaps met another mare...” He glanced at Diamond Tiara. “Except for her. She’s the only reason I would do everything again exactly as I did... and she’s the reason I’m changing. When we chatted last time, well, I was a bit sensitive about the whole thing and I-”

“Rich,” Fine Print interrupted. “You’re babbling. I know what happened. We both wanted it. It was a poor choice of judgment. Let’s leave it at that.”

Diamond Tiara reached the door and knocked.

“Come in!” Fine Print’s voice beckoned.

Taking a deep breath, Diamond Tiara walked into the office. Not much had changed from her last visit, except that joining Fine Print was another, sleek-maned, smug-looking pony. His coat was also carefully groomed, and yet looked oily and his cutie mark, a pair of sunglasses and a roll of money seemed somehow... dirty.

“Shifty Deal,” Fine Print said, “this is Diamond Tiara, Mr. Rich’s daughter.”

“A pleasure to meet you, no doubt,” he replied immediately, his grin growing.

Diamond Tiara bit her lower lip and sat on the same chair her dad had sat at a couple of months ago.

“Is there anything I can get you, Tiara?” Fine Print asked. “A glass of water? Something to eat?”

The filly simply shook her head, but jumped when the door opened behind her, allowing her mother in.

“Oh, good, everypony is here!” Pearl Necklace said cheerfully as she sat next to Shifty Deal. She gave Diamond Tiara a wan smile, before her eyes turned serious and focused on Fine Print. “Dear, tell me everything is in order?”

Diamond Tiara sunk into her chair, forgotten for the moment, and feeling that everything there was completely out of her control.

Fine Print sighed. “For the most part, yes, Ms. Necklace. Mr. Rich asked me to arrange for this eventuality. I have been going over my work with Mr. Deal and he agrees that it all is fair.”

“Do I!” Shifty Deal chuckled. She's gone out of her way to make sure you would have a very fair share! I didn’t even have to haggle!”

Why is he laughing? Why is mom happy? Daddy is gone... Diamond Tiara thought furiously, keeping her eyes on the floor.

Fine Print didn’t show any change in her expression. “I did as Mr. Rich instructed... given the... recently signed documents.” She hesitated, glancing at Diamond Tiara. The filly seemed to be lost in dark thoughts and the lawyer didn’t want to provoke a scene.

Pearl Necklace followed her gaze and her eyes softened a bit. “What were his intentions for Diamond Tiara?”

At the sound of her name, Diamond Tiara slowly looked up.

Fine Print suddenly found her mouth dry. But slowly spoke. “He wished for you to take care of her...”

Pearl Necklace locked eyes with her daughter. “That’s not possible,” she said evenly. She blinked and quickly looked away as her daughter's eyes teared up, full of a deep hurt. “I- I can’t... We had agreed in the divorce papers that–”

“You divorced Daddy?” Diamond Tiara gasped, tears trickling down her cheeks. “But... why? Daddy loved you!” She sniffed as she looked from one adult to the other. Fine Print looked down and away. Shifty Deal had an unusually serious look of disapproval on his face as he concentrated instead on Pearl Necklace, whom had chosen to pick through the papers on the table.

“There were... complications, Tiara,” Pearl Necklace said. “And I made my life away from here. It was nothing personal,” her tone was monotone, rehearsed. She had practiced. “...but I can’t take care of you. There is no place for you there with me. We would both be miserable an–”

“So I get to be miserable all alone?!” Diamond Tiara cried, jumping to her hooves. “You get to live on your own and away after divorcing daddy and you just leave me

“O-of course I care, Tiara, I–”

“Like, don’t call me ‘Tiara’! Only ponies that care about me are allowed to do that!” Diamond Tiara snapped. “I loved you, and daddy loved you, and I bet you never cared!”

“N-no, Tiara, I–”

“Oh, just tell it to her straight,” Shifty Deal growled. “Own up to it and tell her how you decided to be on your own when she was born. Tell her about–”

“Shut up, Shifty, or I’ll find myself another lawyer!”

Shifty Deal shook his head, but remained quiet.

“I think I’ve had quite enough,” Pearl Necklace said in a tight voice. “I’m sorry, Tiara, I do love you, honestly I do, but I simply can’t take care of you. I’m certain Fine Print has instructions on what to do?”

Diamond Tiara gritted her teeth and stomped over to the side of the office, choosing to vent her anger by glaring at the books. Maybe they would catch fire.

Fine Print sighed. “Maybe we should put this on hold until Diamond Tiara calms down...”

“No,” Pearl Necklace stated. “Tell us now.”

Fine Print hesitated and looked from one pony to the other before slumping down. “Mr. Rich had hoped you would reconsider. Diamond Tiara is too young to live on her own, even with me as steward of her estate.”

Pearl Necklace rolled her eyes. “Well, it’s clear that what we need is somepony to adopt her then,” she said.

“Mrs. Necklace,” Shifty Deal cleared his throat. “Are you sure we shouldn’t discuss this someplace else?” He motioned towards Diamond Tiara, who had turned around and was looking at her in petrified shock.

“I’m sure Tiara understands that we have to decide what’s best for her,” Pearl Necklace stated. “It’s in her best interest, after all!”

“But... but... the only place for her to be right now would be the orphanage!” Fine Print protested. “And the adoption paperwork could take months!”

Pearl Necklace shrugged, checking the clock on the wall. “Maybe, but I’m sure Tiara will be fine, she goes to school with some of the foals at the orphanage, does she not? She’ll be with her friends!”

* * *

“The day we laid Mr. Rich’s body to rest was horrible in many ways. I cannot, with my simple words, even remotely express the feelings that made that day such a grueling experience.



“Caring... and not caring.

“The absence of friends, lovers... family. It was an experience I wished I would never have to face again.”

* * *

Diamond Tiara stared straight at the coffin where her father’s body lay.

All around her, hundreds of ponies had gathered together to say their final farewells.

Next to her, Pearl Necklace chatted and laughed with a stallion that had arrived early that morning.

Diamond Tiara didn't know him.

She watched, in silence, as one by one citizens of Ponyville stepped up to speak about what a wonderful and considerate pony her dad had been. How he would surprise them with a random act of kindness or recommendation.

Applejack, from the Apple clan, highlighted a whole life of knowing Filthy Rich and doing business with him.

The Mayor had a eulogy written for her by her secretary, pointing out how, throughout his life, Mr. Rich had brought so much opportunity to Ponyville and how much the town had grown thanks to his business.

"Filthy was always a caring pony," Pearl Necklace said to the gathered ponies. "And he was always worried about the welfare of others. He doted on his daughter, and gave me whatever I wanted. I couldn't have asked for more."

The crowd shifted uncomfortably.

"He hated that."

Pearl Necklace blinked, then looked down at Diamond Tiara. "I'm sorry, Tiara, what was that?"

"Don't call me Tiara, Pearl Necklace," Diamond Tiara retorted, drawing gasps from some of the guests, but not lifting her eyes from the coffin. "He hated it when anypony called him 'Filthy.' Everypony else. Everypony he met or did business with that spoke so far before you even got up, called him 'Mr. Rich' and you- you didn't even care to do the same." Diamond Tiara looked up at her mother. "What are you even doing up there?"

"Diamond Tiara!" Pearl Necklace snapped. "Don't talk to me like that! I'm your mother!"

"You're not my mom!" Diamond Tiara shouted, jumping to her hooves. "A real mother wouldn't send her daughter to an orphanage!"

The back of her mother’s hoof sent the filly rolling in the grass, Applejack and Fine Print immediately jumped in front of Diamond Tiara and blocked Pearl Necklace from getting closer to her. Behind them, Silver Spoon helped Diamond Tiara stand up.

"Ah reckon y'all done enough," Applejack growled. "Ah dislike gettin' into another pony family's business, but Ah can tell y’all that a mother does not strike her daughter the way y’all did. Diamon Tiara’s right, you are not her mother."

"I think you should leave, Miss Necklace," Fine Print gritted her teeth.

"She's my daughter and I am going to teach her some manners!" Pearl Necklace shouted.

Shifty Deal put a hoof on her shoulder. "As your lawyer, it is my duty to stop you right there, Pearl Necklace," he stated, a look of revulsion and exasperation on his face. "The Mayor has already signed the document transferring guardianship to the orphanage. You have no claim over her now."

Pearl Necklace grit her teeth, but stepped back. With a shake of her head, she motioned for the stallion that had arrived with her to come and they both left.

Fine Print quickly helped Diamond Tiara up as the Mayor walked up to Shifty Deal.

"I don't remember signing any paperwork yet..." she whispered.

Shifty Deal raised an eyebrow. "You didn't? Oh well, my bad. I guess I must have misread that report."

The Mayor smiled and nodded.

After a moment, order was restored. Diamond Tiara sat and sobbed while Silver Spoon stroked her hair.

"I had the chance to meet Mr. Rich, not only as a business pony, but also as a family stallion," Silver Platter said to the assembled ponies. "He was so much more than all of you have so kindly pointed out. He was a loving father and a loyal friend. His death is a tragedy that will always weigh on our hearts with the loss of a pony who was in the process of showing all of Equestria who he truly was. His legacy lives on, and we are all part of it. We should all learn a little bit from him and take care to relish and adore those whom we love most."

Diamond Tiara never said a word after her mother left. But, by late afternoon, only she and Fine Print remained, keeping vigil over the silent grave.

* * *

“Certainly one of the most damaging blows to Diamond Tiara’s ego was the orphanage. But it was not her ego that truly worried me.

“How can you deal with a parent that simply doesn’t care? A parent that sees you suffering and yet won’t even try to comfort you? Who lives away? Who has the capacity and time to be with you, yet chooses not to? A parent that decides that rather than having you with them... you belong in an orphanage so you can become somepony else’s problem?

“I cannot fathom now, and I certainly couldn’t then, how somepony like that can exist. It is an alien concept to me, even when I saw it happen to Tiara.

“My parents would never, ever do something like that. I would never do something like that.

“But I have to be fair:

“The best thing that Pearl Necklace ever did for Diamond Tiara was to leave. As harsh as it may sound, I dread the thought of what she would have done to Diamond Tiara had she stayed around.

“The orphanage sounds harsh, but honestly? I think, even with what happened in there, it hurt Tiara less than living with her mother would have.”

* * *

Fine Print looked down at Diamond Tiara, who stood by her, staring in horror at the ramshackle building in front of them.

“The orphanage is... it’s not so bad, Tiara, I promise.” Fine Print sighed. “I’ll try to get you out as soon as I can. I’ll make sure that, when you are adopted, you go with a nice family that will love you an–”

“I don’t want a new family!” Diamond Tiara snapped. “I don’t want to be here! I don’t want to live here! I want to go back home! This place is horrible! I hate it!”

Fine Print sighed, horn glowing as she levitated Tiara’s bags. “As I said, it’s only temporary, Tiara.” She pressed a button on the side of the door and they could both hear the buzzer announcing their presence outside. “We’ll get you out as quickly as possible.”

“Why couldn’t my mom take care of me?” Diamond Tiara asked.

Fine Print was silent until they heard some steps coming towards them from behind the door. “Tiara... I’ll never understand why she is doing it... but one day, you two will have to figure it out.”

The two looked up as the door opened, revealing an elderly, brow-coated mare with a basket for a cutie mark.

“And who do we have here?” The kindly pony asked.

“Wicker Basket, this is Diamond Tiara,” Fine Print said, motioning to the filly, who was looking at Wicker Basket with horrified fascination.

“Welcome to the Ponyville Orphanage, Diamond Tiara,” Wicker Basket said, smiling at her. “We’ll be happy to have you for as long as you need us.”

“Hopefully, it won’t be too long.” Fine Print sighed. “Not that I don’t appreciate you taking her in, Basket, but I did promise her father to do my best to ensure she would be taken care of.”

Still smiling, Wicker Basket nodded. “Don’t worry, Fine Print, I know what you mean. I’ll have her bunk with a filly her age for now.”

“Wait!” Diamond Tiara spoke up. “I have to bunk with somepony? Don’t I get my own room?” she peered behind the two mares and stared in horror at the sheer quantity of ponies milling about.

Wicker Basket shook her head. “I’m afraid not. The orphanage simply isn’t big enough for that. But it will be okay. Don’t worry too much, Diamond Tiara, you’ll be fine.” She looked over her shoulder. “Scootaloo, could you please come over?”

Diamond Tiara felt her stomach grow cold.

Scootaloo was here? Since when? She really did not want to deal with the orange pegasus right now. Blank flanks tended to pack together like mules to annoy her.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Scootaloo called back as she made her way to the door. Diamond Tiara could see that her schoolmate was well versed in dodging the smaller colts and fillies in the orphanage.

I never knew. Diamond Tiara shook her head.

“What can I do for y–” Scootaloo started to ask when she saw Diamond Tiara. She immediately went quiet.

“Scootaloo,” Wicker Basket smiled at the pegasus. “Please take Diamond Tiara with you, she’ll be sharing your room.”

“What?!” both fillies cried out in unison.

“You can’t be serious!” Diamond Tiara cried. “I can’t share a room with- with her!

“Basket, this is some sort of sick joke, right?” Scootaloo pleaded. “We are not really taking her kind in, are we?”

The two adults looked at each other worriedly.

My kind?!” Diamond Tiara growled. “Can't handle ponies with refined tastes and reputation?”

“I mean prissy little princess-wannabes that are too full of themselves!” Scootaloo snapped back.

“Girls!” Wicker Basket snapped. “Calm down! You are both sharing a room, so you’d best make peace and get going!”

Diamond Tiara shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Whatever! I won’t be spending much time here anyways!”

Scootaloo growled and turned around. “Follow me,” she ordered.

Fine Print looked at Wicker Basket with a little worry. “Those two don’t seem to get along very well, Basket... are you sure this is a good idea?”

Wicker Basket shrugged. “It can go either way...” she admitted after a moment. “But... the truth is, Fine Print, we don’t have the space to put her anywhere else.”

Fine Print sighed and looked at the two-story house with its many mismatched additions and old paint. “I hope Diamond Tiara can deal with it for now. Had Mr. Rich not...” she trailed off, looking down at the grass.

Wicker Basket watched in silence as the lawyer trembled with bottled up feelings. Finally, she patted Fine Print on the shoulder. “You loved him, didn’t you?”

Fine Print sniffed and nodded.

“Did you ever tell anypony? Did you tell him?” Wicker Basket asked the other mare.

Hesitating a little, she shook her head.

“Poor thing,” Wicker Basket whispered, pulling Fine Print in for a hug. “I’m still here, just like I was ten years ago, Print. You can still talk to me.”

Fine Print nodded, tightening her hold. “For now... I think I just want a hug.”

Wicker Basket simply nodded, letting the other mare hold her for as long as she needed her.