• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 12,083 Views, 530 Comments

The Inn At The End Of Equestria - Nobodyslament

If you travel across Equestria end to end, you can find almost anything. Magical artifacts of unknown power, demons, angels, and gods all wander the world with complete freedom. However, the one place all stand as equals is a lone inn.

  • ...

Dancing Fool

Humdrum days were what I lived for. With all the insanity that seemed to flow from Equestria, I had found an unparalleled sense of enjoyment from a day of basic drudgery. So I was in a great mood as I closed up an empty inn at the end of the day. Pupa had gone on a sabbatical to the nearest town for a few days, deciding to pester whatever merchants and entertainers were in the local area. Of course, that was a few days ago, so she could be back whenever. That meant it was me and Jeffery rolling deep as the bachelor gang. Or it would have been if Jeffery wasn't such a damn gentleman.

"I'm simply stating the facts, sir. If we were to hire such baseless entertainment I would excuse myself for whatever classless cess-pit of a party you were planning and retire for the evening." He was smoking his pipe, flipping through a newspaper while sitting at the bar.

I was sitting in The King's Corner, toying with my fiddle in the stupor of simple boredom a happily useless day brings. "C'mon man, I've been here ages and never seen a pony stripper. I think it's a requirement at this point!"

Jeffery sighed, flicking the paper to a new page. "Sir, if you were required to pay mares to strip it is only because you lack the skill and grace to get them to do so willingly to mutual enjoyment."

I glared at him, plucking the strings to make a menacing tune. "Be careful what you say Jeffery, or else I will try to charm the pants off of whatever female species comes through those doors next," I put my fiddle down, propping my chair back and resting my legs on the table. "And I will do it with more grace and gentleman-ly charm that you can muster on your best day."

Jeffery scoffed. "Of course you will sir. I shudder to think of what cruel pure power would come from your rendition of the pony pokey. I'm sure females of all species would find themselves short of breath at your; oh what do the kids these days say? Ah, your 'moves'."

I let out a grumpy grunt. I could dance. It was one of those things you learn with the burden of free time and a lack of care for your grades. In fact, I worked as a dance instructor for ballroom dance for three years! Of course, if you asked me to club dance I would look foolish, but that's beside the point.

The door opened, and salvation showed its face. Salvation showed its face in the form of a grumpy changeling stomping into the bar with a scowl. I jumped up as soon as I saw her. "Pupa, just the girl I was looking for! C'mere."

She turned her scowl to me, but luckily I didn't care. I just gestured her closer, smiling wide. She began stomping towards me. "WHAT!? I just had a god-awful trip and-"

I cut her off by standing her up. "You know how to dance Pupa?" I grabbed her fetlock, hooking one arm around her waist. "Because Jeffry said I couldn't dance, and I need to prove him wrong."

She stared at me in shock, before a slow nodded seemed to roll from her neck. Jeffrey got up. "Oh, now this I would like to see. One moment sir, I'm quite sure I have a record player upstairs."

I began running through the basic steps, Pupa stumbling along. "You sure you remember how to dance Pupa, I'm not sure if changelings can dance in a bipedal stance." I raised my head slightly, clicking my tongue as I thought. "Probably should have asked that earlier honestly."

Pupa stumbled, before straightening up. She quickly began to match my steps, keeping up as I transitioned from a basic box step to a full tango. "Of course I can dance like a biped! I would hardly be a worthy changeling if I couldn't fit in at a foreign ball!"

I shrugged, speeding up the temp a bit. "Alright, then follow my lead and, y'know, don't fall or anything." I took a quick two-step, shuffling sideways so I could see the stairwell as jeffrey descended. His music player was new by Equestrian standards. I still didn't know whether to be proud of species for the advent of mp3's, or embarresed that ponies were so slow with technology.

Jeffrey set it up quickly, before spinning it up. "Well then old chap. If you can dance to this I shall officially withdraw my mockery of your dance skills."

I smiled. "Drop it, Jeff. I'll show you how my people dance." With a smug grin, he dropped the needle, and I smiled. The number of parallels I had run into from my world and here was frankly astounding, so I was less surprised than one might think as a familiar beat began sliding out of the old speaker.

I would bet money that somewhere there was a pony with the unfortunate name of Flank Sinatra. I started up a simple foxtrot, letting myself take a moment to meld with the beat. I started a zigzag, moving across the open floor with all the grace my ancient memories allowed, doing a cross or two with Pupa to keep myself up to speed. Once I felt comfortable I moved to a basic box step, instantly throwing it into a promenade for some added style.

I had forgotten how much I liked dancing. I could ignore the fact that roughly ninety percent of my background was done with old ladies, and just let the music have its strange and mildly alluring way with me. I know that sounded strangely sexual, and it was intentional. Music was romance, and in my juvenile mind romance was sex, just drawn out and not always as physical. I guess it could just mean love, between friends, or anything else.

I mused on that while switching from my familiar foxtrot to a six-count swing. Was it a perfect fit for the song? Probably not. Did I enjoy it? Yes. As the song dialed down I led Pupa into a spin. On the final beat she stumbled, slipping backward towards the hardwood floor. I caught her, turning her fall into a dip. She looked up at me as I smiled. "Out of practice Pupa?"

Her face turned a little greener, giving me pause. Did changelings get sick? Were they literally color coded if they got nauseous. You would think I would have noticed having almost exclusive changeling employee's for a while, but they were mostly just houseguests at this point, and I don't babysit them. If one of them says they aren't working, whether sick or just tired I didn't really care. I touched at her forehead. "You sick Pupa? You're looking a little green under the gills."

She stumbled over her words. "I-I Y-you..." She let out a breath. "I thought I'd fall."

I stood her back up, making sure she was steady before letting her go. "Silly Pupa, I'd never let you fall. Couldn't stand seeing you hurt. Especially when you helped me shove Jeffry's smug nature up his snout sideways."

She muttered a bit before bolting upstairs. I raised an eyebrow as she left. Jeffry walked up a moment later, his pipe held between his teeth. "Well sir, you did show me. I'm now in the awkward position of having to apologise for both the offenses I laid at your feet."

I nodded, looking at the stairs. "Yeah, suck it Jeff. I'm gonna make sure she's okay." I began walking up the stairs. "And, tell me if you get sick Jeff, I think I know less about Changelings than I thought."

As I ascended to the rooms I heard him chuckle. "Believe me sir, there is much you don't know. Your treatment of Pupa shows that as clearly as that exotic nose on your face."

Author's Note:

Light Fluff for Valentines and only three hours late. Deuces.