• Member Since 8th Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen Wednesday





Twilight Sparkle discovers that the alternate timelines created by Starlight Glimmer in her misguided attempt at revenge did not, in fact, disappear when the original timeline was restored. Instead, they persisted as separate, parallel universes.

Never one to leave a job unfinished, she decides to employ the magic of friendship to restore those universes to a more harmonious state.

She begins with Nightmare Moon.

This story is the first in a series. The other stories can be found below.

1. For Want of a Horseshoe <-- you are here
2. A Big Brother's Duty
3. Healing

Cover art provided by the excellent Sini.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 118 )

"What do you do when you discover that a mistake you'd thought long fixed is still at large? If you're Twilight Sparkle, you bed time and space to fix it. With friendship, of course."


Oh dear. I'm almost tempted to leave it, but then I'd have to change the rating and rework my outline ;)

Hmm! Color me intrigued! :pinkiesmile:

Definitely up to a good start. Let's see where this goes! :pinkiehappy:

Kind of surprised Twilight didn't go with Flim and Flams timeline first. Kind of build up to the more difficult ones.

This is really interesting. :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, any passers-by who may read this, don't let yourself be fooled - this is not somepony's "first attempt at fanfiction". :raritywink:
(Either that, or they're already pretty good from the get-go. ;-) )

Hmm. Don't think she'll befriend Sombra, more likely reunite the Element Bearers of that timeline, or give the local Celestia the right pointers at least. Discord I could see her befriending, definitely. Or possibly bring Fluttershy along? Or their own Discord? :duck:

Flim Flam timeline... well, we don't know much detail about that, actually. We've seen the Flim Flam brothers tear down the Everfree Forest, for all we know there's a much bigger evil that simply contracted them to do it. Or a timeline that's been dealt several harsh straights, and is now desperate enough to tear down magical forests with no regard for its woodland denizens.

So Twilight would need to find out what's actually going on there first.

The wasteland timeline. Anypony else notice there's still some signs of "civilization" on the Cutie Map? Well. Something that looks like someone might live there, anyway. Twilight could try to find those survivors.



If you're Twilight Sparkle, you bed time and space to fix it.

And both at the same time, no less! :rainbowderp: :twilightblush:

Or... does that work differently when it comes to higher-dimensional romance? :rainbowhuh:

Oh. I just thought of something. Maybe that is the one where the Everfree grew out of control. (From Season 4 premiere). And Flim and Flam were hired to tear up the forest in order to stop it.


Or... does that work differently when it comes to higher-dimensional romance

There are some things mere mortals were not meant to know.


Kind of surprised Twilight didn't go with Flim and Flams timeline first. Kind of build up to the more difficult ones.

The boring meta-reason is that that's not what I wanted to write. The interesting in-universe reason is something I'm not sure the story has space to show, but there is a reason. If I can't sneak it in, I'll throw it in a note somewhere at the end.

Ooooh, that makes sense! :pinkiesmile:

I guess that would definitely mess with the animal wildlife, though, which in turn would have other consequences. Ursa-attacks causing Godzilla-level destruction, timber wolves roaming the streets, town militias being formed to fend off monster attacks, capitalism running rampant (and the Flim Flam brothers possibly trying to ensure they keep getting employed to tear down the ever-regrowing forest over and over again). :derpyderp2:

That is probably the single most plausible theory I've ever heard regarding that timeline.

I am liking this. And I'm just so disappointed it is going to take longer than stated originally. (No I'm not. :pinkiehappy:)

Are you only going to do the Nightmare Moon timeline?


Are you only going to do the Nightmare Moon timeline?

For this story, yes.

Time to talk with your sister, Luna!~

Nightmare scowled and shook her head, stepping back and allowing the other alicorn to stand. The moment of fiery rage at the invasion into her domain had cooled, to be replaced with weary resignation. Being angry at Twilight Sparkle was like being angry at a large bowl of gelatin—unsatisfying, unlikely to have any effect other than dirtying one's coat, and quite ineffective at making any impression on the gelatin. It was clear that Twilight Sparkle was both impossible to intimidate by traditional means and oblivious at any attempts to do so. Nightmare sighed silently, allowing the airless void to swallow the sound, and settled back onto her haunches.

That paragraph had me in stitches. Boy, Nightmare is stubborn and feels guilty. Luna is in there somewhere. Great chapter

This is turning out to be a very interesting story. I look forward to seeing what happens next. I love how you handle Twilight.


That paragraph had me in stitches. Boy, Nightmare is stubborn and feels guilty. Luna is in there somewhere. Great chapter

Thanks! I'm glad that paragraph stuck the landing for you. However, an astute reader pointed out that given what gelatin is made from, it's pretty unlikely to be a dish served in Equestria.

As such, the gelatin has been transmuted to pudding.

We make gelatin, that is to say, commodities generally, from human blood and bone these days, rather than horse.

Well, I just feel like everything written about ponies is translated to the closest English reference. I'm sure their "gelatin" is a proper herbivorous analog. :derpytongue2:

Gelatin made from hoof clippings/shavings purchased from salons and spas. All establishments are held to rigorous cleanliness and safety standards. Clippings and shavings from hooves are to be placed straight into their own designated pales. Anything else ending up in either pale results in the pale needing to be emptied and heavily disinfected. This is how salons and spas stay open while being affordable for everyone. The gelatin market is huge and lucrative.

We don't have manticores here. We don't have talking ponies. Or Alicorns. I'm assuming they have an analog to 'gelatin' that is plant based. You have your head canon, I have mine.

*Nightmare Moon: Uh, Hello everypony, my name is Nightmare Moon and I'm a monster.
Members: Hello Nightmare, Moon!*
The first step to recovery is recognizing or admitting the problem.

So ponies was afraid tell NM that they starve to death?
Cant say that i believe in that.

Terror does things to people after a while. Considering how many examples of people not speaking out due to fear of punishment in real-world history, I can safely say I'm not surprised in the least.

Does it mean anything that when the assassin was described as pathetic, male, and a unicorn, my first thought was "I wonder if it's Sunburst"? Haha.

This has been an interesting story, looking forward to seeing how you end it.

Only Twilight could make an entrance like that. :rainbowlaugh:

"Is... this a bad time?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

In the silence that followed, the castle's moon-raising balcony finally tore free and crashed to the ground.

No, this is comedic relief after an intense scene. Well done.

Well, anyway what thos rebells want?

So I'm guessing the dark pink unicorn is this universe's Starlight Glimmer?

How exactly the nmm timeline equestria functions is always pretty interesting to me.
There's an old line from a mediocre fantasy novel that's always stuck with me: "As long as I rule, the worst you shall have to fear is my wrath."

Edit: I looked it up out of curiosity, and it was wrath, not anger. When you're a twelve foot tall lion-headed physical god, you get to have wrath, not anger. NMM also definitely qualifies.


The NMM timeline is interesting, because of all those alternates that we saw, it was the closest to peaceful, which means it actually works, at least to some extent.

That's been hardest part about this story so far--trying to find a way for everything to make sense in a logically consistent way. But without having NMM be a total hammy Saturday morning villain, or a total doormat.

Sheesh. I just wanted to write some pathos, dammit!

>the most peaceful
I dunno, the wasteland was pretty peaceful, assuming it wasn't like, pony Mad Max off camera.
Jokes aside, I believe you have succeeded. I could also see a more martial and insular Equestria at an even time where various threats were dealt with permanently but with loss of life. Aaand I just realised that's the Lorwyn/Shadowmoor kithkin story.

Hmm; minor plot hole detected.

In the nightmare timeline of The Cutie Re-Mark, the Cutie Map was physically within the Everfree; this means that under Nightmare Moon's rule, the Everfree Forest had been allowed to expand its borders. Given that Twilight's Castle is on the opposite side of Ponyville compared to the Everfree, the forest must have, at minimum, overtaken the entire town to get to the map.

So, how do Ponyville and especially Sweet Apple Acres still exist?


Update plz :applejackconfused:

Working on it! Next chapter has about 2000 words written, and most of it is pretty clearly outlined. No ETA, but I expect it to clock in around 5k-6k words. Lots of moving parts though, so I have to make sure everything gets all neatly tied up.


Hmm; minor plot hole detected.

In the nightmare timeline of The Cutie Re-Mark, the Cutie Map was physically within the Everfree; this means that under Nightmare Moon's rule, the Everfree Forest had been allowed to expand its borders. Given that Twilight's Castle is on the opposite side of Ponyville compared to the Everfree, the forest must have, at minimum, overtaken the entire town to get to the map.

So, how do Ponyville and especially Sweet Apple Acres still exist?

Hm, hadn't thought of that. I'm pretty comfortable handwaving it away by saying that either a) the spell's destination location is a bit random (the Chrysalis timeline has no justification for a larger Everfree, for example, but Spike and Twilight still wind up in the woods) or b) Ponyville's tolerance for weirdness extends to just uprooting and moving the town.

Will agree with others; this has been a heck of a ride. Really can’t wait for the next update!

I... find that I don't hate the pony who shot at Luna; I mean... what the hell did you think was going to happen. Now ponies can fight back. Now they can eliminate a still deadly threat to themselves. And they have the right.

There's a reason Twilight has objections to the plan.

Hmmmm... Yes let's attack the alicorn surely there is no way THIS WILL BACKFIRE.

So, random question; when Twilight interacted with the resistance, how much did she tell them about herself? Did she explain her origins, or is all they know that she's a mysterious alicorn that shares the name with someone Cadance foalsat for?

If Twilight was REALLY smart, she'd have hoped dimensions until she found a weird, disinterested bald monkey wearing a yellow jumpsuit and white cape.

All her problems would be solved in each alternate timeline she visited. With one punch.

9607889 Hence why I erased all fear from my brain and replaced it with wisdom and cunning. No tyrant can survive what I can unleash now.

If she just wanted to kill the villains, this version of her could do it herself (minus super Tirek).

Element of Loyalty, indeed. Unlike the original timeline where Luna was stopped by Twilight and the Elements of Harmony and there was no real damage to Equestria, this world suffered under Queen Nightmare. I understand that there would be anger and resentment. Twilight was right to dissent to this plan. What kept them in line was fear. With Celestia back and safety was assured, the fear was gone replaced by anger and and a thirst for revenge. Mobs are dangerous. Luna is really going to beat herself up now. She may have to take a few centuries off, because even as forgiving as ponies are there are no elements of Harmony or a Princess of Friendship to balance everything. I look forward to the conclusion, but am sad that this fic is ending as well.

A crossbow bolt won't even pierce an alicorn's hierro. They're kinda like arrancars that way. (lol, Bleach)

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