• Member Since 24th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

The saiyan brony

Comments ( 40 )

nice work.:twilightsmile:

i never got around to reading the original so this is essentially new to me so i am excited to see where this goes. in the original you had goku in the picture with Dash but unless this is an extreme AU the fact the main character has his tail and can fly tells me this is not Goku. also the fact that he didn't A. try to make friends with them or B. challenge the strongest among them to a fight.

nice work.

Decide that she had enough of the topic and could easily see that it was making everyone upset Rarity voiced her thoughts. "Well, there's no point wondering about that dreadful creature," Rarity said, fluffing Rainbow’s pillow with manic, and helping her lay back down. "For now darling, you should get some rest until the doctor says it is okay for you to leave," Rarity placed the custom ice pack back on Rainbow's head. The others nodded and left the room so Dash could rest.

everypony in the room starts backing away from the crazy mare punching Dash's pillow. lol

dude, you need to look over your work. it wasn't a bad chapter per se but

The alien tilted its head for a moment before slowly twisting its upper by to the side and one of its arms slipped into what Dash had guessed was its pocket. It fished around until it slowly removed its hand with something between its thumb and index finger and held it up to her. Dash had to squint her eyes to try and see what it was holding, as her eyes slightly adjusted to the darkness she could see that it was. "

As if in response to her question, she saw it turn its head to the side, and saw its arm move down to what she could only imagine was a...pocket? It had pockets? She wondered before seeing that it pulled something out of it. As it raised the object out, so the moonlight from outside shined on it casting it in silvery light and revealing… "A… a bean?" Even in her fear-stricken state, she was caught off by this. To confirm her question, it nodded its head and then brought one of its hand up and made a gesture of putting the bean into it then quickly pointing to her. Rainbow Dash’s eyes widen as she could see a row of incisors and sharp canines in its mouth. She found her voice weakening as she tried to ask her next question "Y-you want me t-to eat t-that?" It nodded once more, "Why?"

pretty big mistake right here.

“Hey wait!” Soarin called out from across the room after he had noticed Spitfire was starting to get a little chummy with his wingmate. “I wanted that promotion! I’ve been here way longer than her, don’t I deserve it?”

“Heh, maybe next time.” Spitfire laughed as he abandoned Fleetfoot mid-sentence

bit of editing needed here

good start, though i noticed you have the word 'fate' when you meant 'faith' 'leap of faith'

any idea when we can expect an update and new chapter?

Yes sorry I will be working on it soon. I'm currently working on the next chapter in my digimon story. Once that chapter is done I'll work on the next two chapter for this one. Thank you for being patient.

Nice Very nice


Nice work looking forward to the next chapter for this and your digimon one:twilightsmile:

nice job can't wait for the next chapter:twilightsmile:

It looks like you changed the character name to gokten it sounds fitting for being Goku son.

Why is spitfire saying crash instead dash?

It's her Wonderbolt nickname.

any idea when we can expect an update and new chapter?

I'm currently working on the next chapter for my Httyd, but after that I will update this story. I'm also looking for a good editor and grammar editor

Damn fine start but DBZ + MLP = WTF :derpyderp1: This is going to be amazing or blow up... Hopefully without Equis... The planet killer/devistating rate in DBZ dont mix well here :fluttercry:

Goku??? Who... ... I well... We find it out soon enougth

Damn Goku... Equis is doomed... When did he ever fight as adult a serious fight without massiv destruction :fluttercry:

Um his name is Goken. Not Goku X3

Goken...Neat! Hes a powerhouse but he didnt have a planet destroyed counter on him like Goku... Next chapter might wannt to explain why Rainbow Dash isnt going to need to eat for the next days. I check for edit needed parts later.

I just noticed :facehoof: Thanks :twilightblush:

Whos the troll disliking literally all comments :facehoof:

This was a awesome and funny start to this fic can't wait to see where it goes.

This was a awesomely chill chapter I'm happy they helped RD .

Damm Goken is a boss out the door.

This was a epic lore chapter.

I can see it now. The shipping of Goken with Twilight and Rainbow Dash.
Chichi: "Whaaaaat, I'm not ready to lose my little Goken yet."

You could use some edits here and there, but not a bad start.

The first chapters unfortunately I didn't have an editor at the time.

Hope you update soon. Been a big fan of the story since chapter 1.

I look Forward to more This is entertaining

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