• Member Since 21st Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Not really in the fandom anymore. Unapologetic shipper.


King Sombra is on the verge of enslaving the Crystal Empire; the guards are under his control, the royal baby is in his grasp, and the royal couple are at his mercy! So why is a baby laughing at him?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 44 )

Is this a comment on the fact Sombra has a new voie actor?

The Dawn of War games, which incidentally star several members of the MLP cast, have had similar issues with characters having new VAs.

Eh, I just don't like the new voice actor. It sounds like a Blueblood type jerk rather than a lord of darkness king, just my opinion, feel free to disagree.

I completely agree. If you type 'Araghast the Pillager' into Youtube, and click either the third or fourth link, that was the sort of voice I was expecting.

9630774 9630781

To be perfectly honest, I prefer DWK's interpretation of Sombra's voice. Both of them.

Just Jim Miller back would be enough for me, but not that pompous jerk voice they ruined a villain with.

That voice is so spot on good!!

Comment posted by Nothingofall deleted May 19th, 2019

Hi Kalum, what did you say in the deleted comment?

I understand this is a "coping mechanism" of sorts, but I've just never been a big fan of stories that are little more than thinly-veiled excuses for the author to complain.

That's on me, not you. Sorry.

Well, it was more my attempt at a comedic story, and I would have thought the "coping mechanism" was a clear frivolous remark (your fault again, not mine) but if you didn't find it funny I guess there's not much I can do.

Thanks for reading anyway though.

By the way, sarcasm doesn't actually count as a method of constructive criticism. It just lets me know that you're a massive prick.

Nothing is perfect ;)

I couldn't agree more. I was almost expecting him to start complaining about a chipped hoof or getting his coat dirty. He went from sounding like dark lord tyrant to a pompous douche. Kinda hard to sound threatening after that.

Yep, pretty ridiculous wasn't it. Glad you agree, and I hope you enjoyed the fic.

That's one way to Giggle At The Ghostly™...:pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

Similar to my reaction to live action Jafar. New guy has nothing on Freeman.

How's this for an alternate voice for the Lord of Darkness?

The mighty Fred Tatasciore (whom you'll probably know best as Megatron).

I just had to read this as soon as I saw it in the feed. With so many people HATING King Sombra's new voice, it's a very creative way to channel our collective, sharp disappointment into a story. I have to admit that when I saw the word count I couldn't imagine how such a one-off joke could be extended beyond the minimum 1,000 word count, but this pulled it off beautifully. Cadence's unexpected anger at Shining Armor was hilarious!

Also, I love the physical description of Sombra, very nice touches here and there.

Keep up the good work and remember to always

Hail King Sombra!


How's this for an alternate voice for the Lord of Darkness?

Eh, a bit over-modulated. I am still a big fan of how Zedrin voiced him in their Silly Filly Studios MLP Fan Animation Fall of the Crystal Empire.

I posted on my blog that he sounded like a bad Scar impression.

Yep, awful choice from the team.

It is seriously fun to make jokes about XD

This was just amazing; I liked Sombra's confusion in particular

Thank you very much! I hope you had fun with it!

Cadance gave him a passive look, “Nothing. It’s the grown stallion dressing up like a fairy that’s the problem.”

“It’s not a fairy!” Shining said with a blush, “I’ve told you a thousand times, it’s the noble high elf, Hedwig Learke.”

It’s the reason I cut off your allowance is what it is.”

hahaaaaaa :rainbowlaugh:

Amazing fanfic so hilarious and embarrassing for Sombra to br mocked cauze of his voice :rainbowlaugh:

Jermy Irons would have been awesome. Or Christopher Lee.

“Maybe it’s his fur.” Shining blurted out, ignoring Sombra’s words while looking him over again. “Has Flurry ever seen a black furred pony before?” The captain turned back to his wife to debate this, but her icy gaze made his blood run cold. Cadance held a hard stare on her husband, her jaw slack as the appalled ire burned into Shining’s skin.

Dud shining armor implied flurry heart is racist

'I wonder what's the least painful way to remove a tongue...'

No you want to cut your own vocal cords removing the tongue with just make someone sound even funnier

Steve Blum in my opinion would’ve been perfect for King Sombra! That’s all

I'm not even in the MLP fandom anymore, but I gotta admit, whenever I actually come back to this site out of morbid curiosity and remember "oh yeah, I did write those two pony stories once", and then I see such a boring, joyless comment on what was an essentially random humour fic, I actually get a good laugh.

Like man, you take things way too seriously to be normal.

Still can't believe you took that "coping mechanism" comment seriously. Don't ever watch South Park dude, you'll be thinking the creators are calling gay men crab people and that they think Lorde is actually a transexual geologist.

Thanks dude, your attitude is way funnier than I'll ever be.

Jesus Christ, I actually wrote that soapbox BS? Wow, I'd kinda forgotten just how much of an overzealous asshole my 2019 self could be when he got on a roll. I'm genuinely embarrassed. Sorry about that racket; at least you've gotten some laughs out of it over the years. Take care! :)

(Seriously, no idea what crawled up my ass and died that day. If I had to guess, probably paranoia over fandom cynicism, but the comment's pointlessly crass either way.)

I won't lie, I was genuinely surprised to see this reaction! It's a real pleasant change of pace!

Thanks for being big enough to look back and see the issues with your comment. Honestly, it wasn't that you disliked the story, it was just there was a lack of constructive criticism within it. Thanks for being a good sport about my rebuttal, dude. But yeah, it has given me some laughs over the years, so thanks for that as well!

All the best man!

Glad to hear it! For what it's worth, I just reread the story for the first time since I left that comment, and I definitely enjoyed it a lot more than my past self did. The prose was well-constructed even in spots where it very easily could've been overlooked, and a sizable chunk of the jokes definitely earned a good chuckle. If you're still interested in "constructive criticism" from me of all people, some of the banter might've dragged on for slightly longer than it should've, and the Mane Six's closing dialogue struck me as somewhat labored (I'm assuming it's where 2019-me got the "thinly veiled" screed from, but that's probably giving him too much credit), but by no means take either of those points as gospel. All in all, nicely done! Consider my ill-advised dislike rescinded. Here's hoping this review closes the circle and compensates for the shittiness of my first go at it. :P

All the best to you as well!

Well thanks for giving it a fair shake!

Yeah, I can accept that. The ending is definitely the most forced part of the fic (though I do still like my Fluttershy line :yay:)

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