• Published 18th Jun 2019
  • 3,897 Views, 150 Comments

Dearest of Desires - twience

Twilight Sparkle goes to a party, where she unfortunately spots her ex. Quickly, she stupidly decides to pretend to be dating the nearest person she could find. Who fortunately for her, happens to be very attractive. Well, she got her number. Right!?

  • ...

8. Messages

Dearest Of Desires Chapter 8
By, Serenityx

"I wonder how she's doing..." Rarity paced around the room.

"Twilight's a big girl, she'll be fine," Applejack told her.

Fluttershy nodded with Applejack in agreement.

"I know but—"

"No buts, missy. Her and Sunset are probably waltzing this very minute," Applejack joked.

"...Waltzing?" Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "Why would they be dancing at an arcade?"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Ya know what I mean."

I really don't, Fluttershy wanted to say.

Rarity finally stopped her pacing and put a hand on her hip, looking at her two remaining friends. "I don't care about that, Applejack. But what if she starts..." she shivered. "Twilight-ing?"

"...She's a verb now?" Fluttershy asked.

"It felt right," Rarity shrugged.

"Well whatever the hay that's suppose to mean, I'm sure Sunset is keeping Twilight mighty busy," Applejack assured.

Rarity fiddled with her pointer fingers. "If you're so sure, then okay," she said. Rarity took a seat at her desk.

"Do you think they'll kiss again?" Fluttershy asked, and played with a strand of her hair.

Rarity's eyes glistened. "That would be—"

"Terrible," Applejack interrupted.

Rarity just frowned.

"It's too early for the lovey-dovey stuff," Applejack added.

"True love is never too early," Rarity commented.

"True... love..." Fluttershy whispered.

"Twilight only kissed Sunset to prove a point. Not because she liked her," Applejack reminded.

"But she likes her now," Rarity emphasised.

"This is the first time they're meeting up since Vinyl's party. Not intentionally either," Applejack informed. "Sunset voluntarily went to the arcade expecting to meet some stranger. I didn't even tell her what Twilight looked like!"

"It's the coincidence that makes it exciting! It's like destiny," said Rarity.

"If by destiny you mean 'set up', then yeah sure," Applejack lowered her eyelids.

"Sunset doesn't know that," Rarity mentioned.

"We're being selfish," Applejack groaned.

"Selfish! You did not just call me selfish," Rarity retorted and stood up.

Fluttershy pursed her lips.

"What we're doing is not fair to Sunset Shimmer at all," Applejack explained, trying to add more to what she said.

"This isn't about fairness, Applejack. It's about—"

"Setting up our friend with someone she's only met once —at a party, to angry her ex boyfriend— on a date," Applejack finished her sentence.

"It's not—" Fluttershy tried to say.

Not what Rarity was going for but, "Exactly."

"Selfish," Applejack said again.

Rarity fummed. "I'm selfish? I'm selfish!?"

"I didn't say that!" Applejack spoke.


Rarity pointed a finger at Applejack. "I come up with this plan, I stayed up all night searching for Sunset, I support Twilight who almost had multiple mental breakdowns, and you have the nerve. Ugh! You know what? Fluttershy, give me your phone."

Fluttershy didn't move.

Rarity walked over to the bed and took Fluttershy's phone. She shoved it in her face to activate face ID.

Fluttershy blinked.

When unlocked, Rarity scrolled through her contacts list.

"Rarity? What are you doing...?" Applejack asked cautiously, then stood herself up.

"Texting, Sunset Shimmer," Rarity said bluntly.

"What!?" Applejack yelled.

Fluttershy's eyes went wide.

"Why in tarnation— Rarity, give me the phone." Applejack went over to her, then held her hand out.

"No! If you think we're being selfish, then I'll just text Sunset what we've been doing the whole time. That's what you want right?" Rarity raised an eyebrow.

"Rare, I think Applejack meant that even though Twilight's happy, it isn't fair to Sunset to think this is all some wonderful coincidence. When in reality, it was apart of our plan," Fluttershy tried to explain.

"Her plan," Applejack corrected Fluttershy. She then turned her attention back to Rarity. "I know what I said, Rarity. But you don't need to do that. Twilight was nervous enough as it is!"

Rarity was already typing on the keyboard.

Applejack let out a cry of annoyance, then grabbed the phone by force. Rarity didn't let go however, and fought Applejack over it. They were both pulling back and forth, while Fluttershy covered her eyes. They both struggled, until Rarity's hands began to start hurting from Applejack's strength. She let go of the phone which made Applejack fly backwards. The phone slipped out of Applejack's hands and landed on the floor.

Rarity huffed, as she rubbed her palm. Fluttershy uncovered her eyes and frowned at the sight. Applejack sighed, and went to take the phone again. Her eyes then widened.

"Uh... Fluttershy..." Applejack began.

Rarity finished rubbing, then looked down at Applejack.

"What?" Fluttershy wondered, with a tilt of her head.

Applejack stood up and handed Fluttershy back her phone. Applejack gulped as she waited for a response from the girl.


Sunset entered the house exhausted from her big day. She did not expect Twilight to be the girl she was meeting. Yet, you couldn't find her complaining.

She closed the door behind her and sat her helmet on the floor.


Sunset looked up just in time to be caught in a bone-crushing hug.

Sunset patted her friends back. "Hey, Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie pulled away and smiled. "Come on, we're watching The Avengers in Dash's room."

"Which one?"

"Er... I forgot," Pinkie shrugged.

Sunset snickered.

Pinkie sniffed. "Hey... wait a minute..."

Sunset eyed Pinkie confused. "Uh, what is it?"

Pinkie got up close in Sunset's face. Sunset started to feel uncomfortable as Pinkie got closer and closer to her lips. They never touched however, as Pinkie did one big sniff.

Sunset reacted by quickly pushing Pinkie gently away.

"You had cheesecake ice cream!" Pinkie put up a finger. She then narrowed her eyes. "You had ice cream."

"Yes..." Sunset affirmed.

Newer footsteps then started to approach. "What is taking so long, Pinks? I asked for my soda almost ten minutes ago!"

Pinkie didn't answer. Instead, Rainbow saw Sunset Shimmer waving at her with a cheeky smile.

"Oh, welcome back, Shim," Rainbow greeted.

Sunset opened her mouth to speak, but—

"Sunny had ice cream!" Pinkie pointed a finger at Sunset and looked at Rainbow with a serious look on her face.

Rainbow just gasped.

Sunset rolled her eyes. "What is such a big deal about ice cream? We eat it all the time."

Deciding not to answer such a obvious (well, in Rainbow and Pinkie's opinion) question, Rainbow took a seat on the couch. Sunset, not thinking anything of it, followed taking a seat next to her. Pinkie took a seat in the lounge chair.

"Tell us about it," Rainbow commanded.

Sunset looked at Pinkie who was drumming on her knees. She looked back at Rainbow. "Really?"

"Yes! Don't leave out anything," said Rainbow.

Sunset rolled her eyes. "So, do you two remember the situation at Vinyl's party I told y'all about?"

"Ooo! Me!" Pinkie raised her hand and waved it wildly. "How you lied about going to the bathroom—"

"I didn't lie."

"—and then got pulled by this girl—"


"—to pretend to be on a date—"

"To pretend we were a couple."

"So she could make her boyfriend jealous—"

"Ex boyfriend."

"But he wasn't taking it seriously, so Twilight kissed you to prove a point?"

Other than the minor errors, Pinkie was spot on.

Sunset nodded.

"What about it?" Rainbow wanted to move on.

Sunset rubbed the back of her head. "So, yeah. Uhm, it turns out, the person I was meeting today..." Pinkie leaned forward in her seat eager. "The person who's friends' with Applejack and Fluttershy...was Twilight."


Both friends reacted at the same time. Sunset couldn't quite catch it, but she figured it was a mix of 'oh my gosh' and 'what!?'


"One second." Sunset pulled out her phone.

She was met with the most flattering text of her life.

The sound of an unlocking door caught the girls attention. Well, two of the girls per-se.

"I'm back!"

Rarity joted up out of her chair. "Twilight!" she ran out the room.

Applejack started to follow Rarity, but took one last glance at the sweating and worried Fluttershy pacing around the room.

"B-But, Sunset...!"

Applejack chuckled quietly. Poor Fluttershy, freaking out about a few heart emojis. Applejack left the room to find Twilight being squished by Rarity.

"Now Rarity, give Twilight some room to breath," Applejack mentioned.

Rarity suddenly remembered that, and let go of Twilight who gave a few hacking coughs when realised.

"So sorry, darling," Rarity apologized.

One last cough before, "It's kay..." Twilight responded.

"So? How'd the date go?" Rarity asked her eagerly.

"It wasn't a date. But good," Twilight answered. Then bent down to start taking off her shoes. "...Really good."

Rarity's shoulders slumped. "I need details!"

"Rarity. She just got here," Applejack said bluntly.

"I know, but—"

"No buts. Let her get settled first," Applejack told her.

"Oh fine."

Twilight smiled. "Don't worry. I'll tell you all about it."

Twilight walked towards their small kitchen and took a seat at the table. Her friends followed, but there was a bird missing from the flock.

"Where's Shy?" Twilight asked them.

Applejack and Rarity exchanged a look. "Er... she's binge watching Little House On a Prairie," Rarity lied.

"Again?" Twilight didn't seem surprised.

"Yep. Heh..." Rarity confirmed.

"How much of the Ingalls family can she take?" Twilight asked herself. She shook her head. "Oh well. Anyway, the hang-out..."

Rarity leaned forward in her chair, and Applejack just placed her arms on the table.

"I get to E-Quest, and as soon as I'm about to go inside, this motorcycle pulls up. At first I thought it was some biker grandma or something. But the skin color, and the hair. It looked too familiar. The biker took off her helmet and it was Sunset!"

"Sunset rides a motorcycle!?" Applejack asked, shocked.

"Yes! Crazy right?" Twilight had a surprised expression herself.

"Twilight, if you don't date her. I will. And I'm not even lesbian," Rarity brought up.

"Not a chance," Twilight dismissed Rarity's proposition. "Anyways, I acted surprised to see her. She actually seemed quite happy when she found out it was me who she was meeting."

"Well of course! You're cute as a button!"

"We went into the arcade, and Sunset paid for my ticket. She also went around showing me how to play the games."

"That was nice of her," commented Applejack.

Twilight smiled in agreement. "She's actually really friendly."

Twilight continued to talk about her day to her friends. Rarity and Applejack would smirk at how Twilight's expression would lighten up at certain parts. Twilight didn't leave out any details. She told them how they played a few rounds of connect four, the accident with the basketball game, the successful lesson afterwards, the unique ice cream trip, their promise to play video games together, and even the selfie. Oh and the unintentional (or intentional?) flirting Sunset did.

It had been almost a hour before Twilight finished. About fifteen minutes in, Fluttershy joined them downstairs. She didn't say anything, but she took a seat and happily followed along in Twilight's explanation.

"Wow, it sounds like you had a lot of fun, Twilight," Fluttershy said to her.

"Yeah... I did," Twilight replied.

"See?" Rarity spoke a little loudly. "My plan worked. Easy as a dress."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Don't you mean easy as pie?"

"You make pies Applejack, not me," Rarity reminded.

Applejack sighed. She didn't have the strength for another argument.

"How's your marathon going, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy looked at her confused. "What marathon?"

Rarity gulped. "Your Little House On a Prairie one. You were watching it upstairs. Right, Shy?"

Fluttershy looked at Rarity even more confused, but when Rarity gave daggers to her, she quickly caught on. "Oh, it's great! This is, what? My fourth time now..."

Twilight nodded.

The four friends chatted for awhile longer about random stuff before Applejack and Fluttershy eventually left to go back to their dorm. Rarity then said goodnight to Twilight before she helping herself to some white macadamia nut cookies and milk before she left to her bedroom.

Twilight however didn't want any sweets, because of her ice cream earlier. So, she helped herself to a bowl of grapes instead and headed to her room as well.

Though flattered, she was very confused.

Sunset stared at the message on her screen. From Fluttershy, she received about a dozen variety of heart emojis. Friends send each other heart emojis all the time. Yet, Fluttershy and Sunset hardly knew each other. Why would Fluttershy just send them randomly? And so many to add to that?

"Shim?" Rainbow called to her dazed friend.

Sunset looked up. "Huh? Sorry, got a text."

"I bet it's from Tw-i-light," Pinkie sang.

Sunset wasn't listening, and instead, pressed Fluttershy's contact and called her.

"Hey! I thought we were talking about your day!" Rainbow reminded her.

"Fluttershy? Hey," Sunset said to the phone. What came in response to that was some frantic yelling.

"Fluttershy!?" Rainbow and Pinkie Pie shouted at once.

Sunset shot her friends annoyed looks. She then got up off the couch and stepped outside.

Rainbow Dash pouted and crossed her arms. "Just how many new friends does Shimmer have?"

Meanwhile, outside...

"I am so sorry, Sunset! It's not what it looks like! I mean, it wasn't me!"

"Calm down, Fluttershy. I'm not upset. It's just a text," Sunset tried to calm her down.


"It's just a text. Simple mistake," Sunset tried again. She could hear a sigh on the other end.

"O-Okay... thank you..."

"No worries. Happens all the time," said Sunset. "I'm curious though, who was it meant for?"

"No one! No one. Rarity and Applejack were fighting over my phone and they accidentally send you a text."

Sunset didn't know who Rarity was, but she didn't intend to ask. "Why were they fighting over your phone? Is yours a better model or something?" she let out a laugh.

"Uh... you could say that."

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "I was kidding. Seriously though, Fluttershy. If you were texting someone, I'm not going to judge."

"I wasn't! Honest!"

Sunset was still in doubt. "And you just happen to have all hearts as your recent emojis?"

"...Yep!" That in fact, wasn't a lie.

"Okay then. None of my business anyway." Sunset rebutled.

"You don't understand!"

"I believe you," Sunset affirmed.

"Thank you, Sunset."

Sunset smiled. "Again, no worries. I'll talk to you soon, okay?"


"Tell Applejack I said hi," Sunset added.

"Sure. Bye."

Sunset hung up the phone. She shook her head with a giggle before heading back inside.

When she got back inside, her friends insisted that she finish the story. Just like Twilight, Sunset told them everything from coin-op, to the selfie. They all gave her cheeky smiles and happy comments for her new friendship. Afterwards, they ordered some pizza; half pepperoni, half vegetable for dinner.

Sunset took a slice when it arrived and went to her bedroom for some downtime before sleep. After taking the first bite of her pizza, a thought came to mind. She picked up her phone and went to her contacts.

Twilight had just finished brushing her teeth. She gargled with her bubblegum mouthwash before going back to her room. She took the recent book she was reading —some random fantasy— and her book light.

Every night before going to sleep, she would read. Not usually a nonfiction, but a fiction for fun. Thanks to her hang-out with Sunset, she knew that sometimes Sunset did the same thing.

With her book and light in hand, Twilight jumped onto her bed and got comfortable. Just as she attached the book light to her book, her phone went off. She reached over to her nightstand and took her phone off the top. She scanned the screen and smiled.

Goodnight, Twilight. Sweet dreams. -Sunset S

Author's Note:

Here's the newest chapter. Enjoy everyone!

I reviewed this chapter a few times before publishing. I wrote this chapter little by little, so I hope there aren't too many typo's. Tell me though!

Behind The Scenes: Who else thinks Fluttershy would be obsessed with Little House On a Prairie? I needed a TV show for her, and immediately thought of it.

Alternate Chapter Title: Texting Catastrophe

Please, don't hesitate to comment likes, dislikes, and helpful tips! You can also check out My Story Timeline, for more stories! Bye for now!