• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 23,058 Views, 4,506 Comments

Sunset's Isekai - Wanderer D

Somewhere, out there, there's a bar with a familiar yin-yang sun on the door.

  • ...

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An Isekai's Isekai Hangout Pt 1. (Isekai 1 - Ascendance of a Bookworm)

Sunset's Isekai
An Isekai's Isekai Pt 1. (Ascendance of a Bookworm)
By Wanderer D

The clip-clop sound of the horses pulling the chariot down the cobbled streets had a certain cadence to it that put Sunset at ease. Maybe it brought back memories of a life, long, long ago where she was an equine herself, and that was just the sound that accompanied merry trots around Canterlot or other pony towns and cities.

Of course, learning that horses and ponies were generally not sapient for the vast majority of the multiverse (not to mention the first world she had ended up besides her own) had been a bit of a shock at first. Much, she imagined, like how a human might feel if they inadvertently were to visit one of those universes where humanity was little more than helpless ape-like creatures.

Now, she was used to all of that, but the familiar sounds had an effect on her still, and that was—in her opinion—a good thing. She was always afraid of learning that one day she'd forgotten where she came from. An immortal life such as hers had too many things going on, too many years, too many places, too many options, sounds, memories… the list went on. It was by no means a lonely existence. There were others out there, and well, Celestia was going to be around for a very long, long time.

Others might be a drop of water… but she liked to believe her unique circumstances would allow for the very valuable memories they brought with them to endure past eternity. She sighed and leaned her elbow on the window sill of the chariot, and rested her chin on her hand as she studied the city outside.

"So what is the point of buying these… "trombe" branches?" she asked Rarity, who sat across from her.

Currently they were slowly making their way through a busy market in what was by all appearances a traditional, Late-Middle Ages-style world. Rarity had donned a dress to blend in with royalty, with Sunset wearing a high quality suit worthy of a noble herself, sword included in a gold-and-red sheath that was decorated with her cutie mark.

Most people would gape, stammer, and even kneel when they walked by. It made Sunset feel kind of annoyed, but experience in other worlds had taught her that grabbing someone by the shoulders and telling them not to bow could end up in disaster. In some places it was simply considered uncouth to do so… in others, it could end up with someone dead.

Given the wide berth people gave them when they walked around, the bowing, and unwillingness to meet their eyes, Rarity had chosen what could only be the style of dressing that would get a commoner in a lot of trouble if they, Sunset, or Rarity weren't careful about their perceived status.

All it took, after all, was a guard standing around for trouble to brew.

"They're perfect for magic-draining potions, darling," Rarity said, bringing up the topic at hand, "and can fetch quite the prize in certain circles."

Magic draining. "Well, that's useful," Sunset said, tilting her head just slightly to look at her business partner. "I assume these circles are all legal."

"Of course." Rarity giggled just as the chariot slowed down, stopping at the door to a large building. The door opened and their driver, an extremely stern and solicitous man stepped to the side, having lowered the small golden ladder on the side so they could step down.

Sunset was the first to step out, and then to the side, allowing the people around them to see the sword comfortably resting against her hip.

Rarity daintily stepped down, helped both by Sunset and the driver. She then gestured with her hand at the storefront. "And here we are! The Gilberta Company."

"Rarity, this is not a shop I'd expect to have rare, magical ingredients."

"Isn't it, though?" Rarity wondered aloud. "Rudy, please be a dear and remain close by."

"Of course, miss Rarity."

Sunset watched their coach driver make his way with the chariot around the building, then followed Rarity into the store.

Immediately, the conversations inside ceased, as most of the wealthy patrons and staff stared at the two before bowing, or in the case of nobles, giving them calculating looks.

Rarity took it all in stride. "Oh my, how very nice of you, but please, continue with your shopping."

The shoppers hesitantly returned to browsing, but Sunset noticed their eyes drifted to them often enough. She sighed and glanced around while Rarity drew the attention of a young child who seemed to be part of staff. Huh. Medieval times allowed for children of very young ages to start working in different capacities. Something like that would have gotten the owners in trouble back in Canterlot City.

The kid ran off soon after, presumably to obtain whatever Rarity had requested, but Sunset's attention was already focused on some of their products. She picked up a bottle that had drawn her attention, and sniffed it. "It's shampoo." She glanced over in surprise at Rarity, who walked over to her. "Rarity, this is honest-to-goodness shampoo. How did it get here?"

"I have heard rumors," her partner said, "that there is a genius behind some of the Gilberta Company's new products."

Sunset shook her head. "It's a bit strange to find that here," she said, glancing around. While she would never imply the people here were not clean, it was clear that they didn't use products such as the shampoo often. Perhaps it was a trend that was just starting?

"Miss Rarity?" The pair turned around to face the young boy and another servant—this one in his mid-twenties—who were both bowing before them. "Master Benno will see you now."

"Isn't he precious, Sunset?" Rarity gushed. "Such manners! Now, if only you could learn—"

"Rarity?" Sunset interrupted, nodding with her head to the door.

"Oh, right, right."

A few minutes earlier...


"Only if I retain the rights to produce it after a year." Main studied Benno's face as he considered her counter-offer. He was about to break. She just knew it.

Normally he would not agree to return the copyright after a year, but she was still going to be technically his employee, and a new renegotiation could be brought up at a later date with more beneficial arrangements for both of them, depending on the popularity of her latest innovation.

And he knew well enough she always had improvements. After all, this world didn't have the knowhow to even begin making half of the things she had learned in school back in Japan, much less had been exposed to so much information and learning as a book nerd such as herself had.

Just as he was about to say something else—no doubt in a useless attempt to bring the prize down further—Lutz walked into the room. "Master Benno!"

"Lutz," he responded, eyes turning to study the youth sternly. His face was serious, but Main groaned internally when she noticed the glimmer of relief in his eyes. The interruption would give him time to consider his strategy. "We're in the middle of negotiations."

"But… there's two nobles in the store, and they want to speak to you about a business investment." He leaned forward, gulping as he whispered. "It's about trombe branches."

Benno and Main traded guarded looks. Trombe was very dangerous, and incidentally—and also accidentally—their source for very expensive, super-high quality paper products. Benno straightened up and rolled his shoulders, all traces of the previous bartering gone. "Main. We'll postpone this transaction for now. But before I send for the two nobles waiting outside, I must know…" He loomed across the table, eyes narrowing suspiciously. "What. Did. You. Do?"

Main leaned back, smiling uncertainly. "Um, nothing! I swear! I haven't spoken to any nobles or clergy about that at all, I promise!" she said, waving her small hands appeasingly. "I've been too busy taking care of the orphanage and recuperating from the ceremony I performed for the Head Priest!"

"Hm." He closed his eyes for a moment, then looked at Lutz. "Did you get a name or title?"

"Um… only that one is named Rarity…"

"No family name?" Benno frowned, rubbing his chin in thought before looking at Lutz straight in the eye. "She doesn't sound familiar. In the future, make sure to inquire for any noble's full title and name if possible. Remember: information is an essential skill for a merchant! Especially one I am training."

Lutz stood straighter, nodding vigorously. "Yes, sir!"

"Very well. Fetch Mark and bring them in."

Main watched her friend bow and leave, then turned to look at Benno, who was giving her a wary look.

It took a moment to click. "Seriously!" Main insisted, her small hands curling into frustrated fists, "I didn't do anything!"

"That remains to be seen."

"Announcing Lady Rarity Belle, and Lady Sunset Shimmer," Mark said as he and Lutz stepped to the side to let the pair of noble ladies in. The one with the indigo hair was dressed as Main would expect a high noble lady to dress, clearly made with high-quality materials and—to her trained eye as the daughter of a seamstress—excellent workmanship.

The other one… belonged more with the Knight's Order, although with how she acted around Lady Rarity, it was clear she was also a noble of at least the same rank. Her red hair, however, had highlights of gold—the first she had seen since she had arrived in this world—and either they were natural or dyed by a professional. Given the general lack of hair products, however, it was unlikely it was the latter. It was also shiny and well-kept, like she had been using one of her shampoos.

Lady Sunset turned to face her, and raised an eyebrow, while Lady Rarity blinked and looked down at her as well. "Oh, my! A tiny priestess. How precious!"

Benno cleared his throat, stepping up to them. "Ah, my apologies. Main here does some business with us on occasion. She was on her way to the church right now, in fact. Lutz, if you could please escort Main back to the entrance where Fran is waiting..."

"If you don't mind, I'll walk with them," Sunset said, surprising the group. "I'm sure that Rarity will have a lot to talk to you about, Master Benno, I like the charm of this city."

Rarity gave her a look. "Are you sure, Sunset? I'm sure we won't take too long."

"You know Kassandra's dear friend used to say," Sunset countered, "'The unexamined city is not worth visiting.'"

Main blinked. 'Did she just paraphrase...?!'

"He never said such a thing." Rarity pouted. "What if I'm attacked by dragons and miscreants?"

"I'd pity the lot of them." Sunset smirked and shrugged. "If I am to play the part of Oscar de Jarjayes to your Marie Antoinette, then I'll arrive back in the nick of time if you need me."

Main's brain went into overdrive. 'That's… The Rose of Versailles!'

Rarity sighed. "Fine, if miss Main doesn't mind," she conceded. "She is a priestess, after all, and her time is important."

"I don't!" Main said immediately.

"Main?" Lutz whispered just about loud enough for everyone to hear, although Benno himself had already stood up, a protest almost escaping his lips.

"I-I only know that I know nothing!" Main declared.

Benno groaned, smacking his forehead. "What does that even mean?"

"Well! It seems our good friend Socrates has a student all the way here in Ehrenfest," Rarity quipped, her lips sliding into a smile.

'I knew it!' Main immediately noticed Benno glancing at both nobles, his suspicions growing by the second. "Um…"

That turned his attention to her. "Is this Socrates an acquaintance of yours, Main?"

Main cringed. "In a way, yes. I'm very familiar with him, although he's passed away." She forced the most convincing smile she could muster. "It's unusual to find students of his at all outside the temple."

That seemed to relax him a bit, as he glanced back at the pair of nobles with a bit less hostility. The workings of the church were filled with mystery and outright secrecy for those not of noble birth or deeply involved with them, and Benno had a personal philosophy of not getting mixed in with them if at all possible, so the chances of him knowing that Socrates had never been a priest were very low.

"Don't worry," Sunset spoke up, "I can guarantee her safety." She smirked confidently, crossing her arms and nodding firmly. "I only want to have someone to talk to as I explore the city for a bit. Even if it's limited just to the temple, it's not too much of a problem either."

Benno glanced at Main, studying her begging eyes before he finally sighed. "Lutz, inform Fran, Gil, and Delia that Lady Sunset will go with you."

"Um… yes," Lutz said, bowing politely before running out.

"Main, if you're walking to the church, it might be best for you to get ready. We will finalize our discussions about the new product later."

"Um, yes," she said, echoing Lutz before heading to the back room.

"Mark, please bring some tea. Lady Belle and I will be discussing business," Benno ordered, his eyes steady on Rarity, who was simply waiting for them to finish.

"I'll wait outside," Sunset said, heading to the door. "It was nice to meet you, Master Benno."

It turned out that Gil and Delia were not around by the time Main came out of the Gilberta Company store. After a quick introduction of Lady Sunset to a very stiff and formal Fran, the group had started walking, with Fran initially insisting in carrying Main before politely, if a bit coldly asking Sunset to walk slowly for her benefit.

Sunset had merely shrugged with a public casualness that in this world was reserved only for the nobility and the trio had started making their way towards the church.

Main glanced at Sunset a bit warily, and from the way he walked, she could tell that Fran was tense as well. He didn't know why she was studying their walking companion as she was, but he knew enough to be afraid of whatever Main herself was probably planning.

'I guess it's survival instinct on some level…' she thought, wincing internally. She put the thought to the side as she glanced at the warrior noble. "So what brings you here, Lady Sunset?" she asked.

Sunset, who had been casually taking in the city blinked and turned to look at her. "Rarity. She needs those materials from your company to produce some sort of potion. I don't really know why she needs it other than sales and profit, but well, that's just what it's like for her." She shrugged.

Main grimaced. Trombe trees were very, very dangerous, and she couldn't imagine any potion made out of them to have a purpose that would benefit anyone. They were only good if they were dead, or turned into paper, as far as she was concerned. Still, that didn't give her much information to work with, so she'd need another approach. "So… Socrates, huh? I didn't think there would be that many people that would know of him."

"I supposed most people in this whole, wide world wouldn't, but that shouldn't be a surprise," Sunset said, then grinned. "He's one of the most annoying people you could ever talk to," she said, "but certainly entertaining. I imagine he would be ill-suited to be discussed by the church. I had heard of him before, but met him through a mutual acquaintance."

Main nodded. Then her forehead furrowed in thought and her eyes went wide. "Eeh?!" she exclaimed falling to a complete stop.

"Lady Main," Fran said, his voice low, but his tone firm. "Stop gawking. It's undignified."

Slowly Main turned to look at her eldest retainer, her mind still blown. "But she said she met Socrates!"

"I'm sure that is generally an amazing thing to do, but with Lady Sunset being a noble, it might—"

"No, you don't get it," Main insisted, "Socrates!"

"Ah, Main," Sunset spoke up. "You are drawing a bit of attention."

Main winced and forced herself to calm down, fighting the instict that told her just how impossible it really was for her current companion to have met an ancient, Greek Philosopher while being in another world where the Greeks had never existed. "Right. I'm sorry."

"No worries," Sunset said as they started walking again. "I think I can see the church at the end of the street."

Main looked up. It was the church indeed, and waiting at the gate were her missing retainers and...

"It's the Head Priest," Fran said, a tinge of relief seeping into his voice. Clearly he didn't trust the strange supposed-noble that had accompanied them all the way to the church, and honestly, Main couldn't blame him for being suspicious.

To Fran, it was probably something crazy that his charge had suddenly decided to bring into their lives, just like a great many things. Her own attitude at the… crazy revelations Sunset had implied in the conversation probably didn't help either. But still!

"Well, here we are," Main muttered sullenly. With the Head Priest here it would be almost impossible to talk with Sunset privately. Even if he knew about her previous life. Ferdinand was very suspicious of everyone.

"Main." He barely nodded her way before his eyes were firmly on Sunset, measuring her up. Given that he was the Knight Commander as well, Main supposed it was only natural he'd be wary of another noble walking around with a sword.

She curtsied. "Head Priest. May I present Lady Sunset Shimmer," she said.

Sunset simply nodded, which was a definite no-no in Main's book. The church was very picky about how others presented themselves, and any breach in protocol would result in harsh words at the very least.

"I see." Ferdinand bowed lightly. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said, surprising not only Main, but her retainers as well. Fran had almost gaped. Almost. Unperturbed by their reactions, the Head Priest continued. "May I ask what brings you to our doors with my apprentice Priestess?"

"The pleasure is mine, I am sure," Sunset replied with a smile. "And I apologize if I made you worry. I was just walking Main to the temple while my friend finished some business in town. I will take my leave."



She cursed under her breath at the look the Head Priest gave her. "I'm sorry."

"No offense taken," Sunset replied. "Anyway, I should get going. I have a lot of places to explore before Rarity is done."

"Are you staying in the city?" Main asked, ignoring Ferdinand's look and twitching eyebrow.

Sunset shook her head. "I'm afraid not, Main. We're leaving town as soon as Rarity is done. I think by tonight we'll be worlds apart," she smirked. "But maybe I will see you again another day."

And with that, she turned and left.

"Head Priest—" Fran started, but Gil beat him to it.

"Can you believe how she acted? I know she's a noble, but to be so callous towards the Head Priest—"

"Enough." Ferdinand shook his head. "Main, you will take steps to ensure your retainers do not act like this."

"Um… yes Head Priest."

"Now, come with me."

"Gil, Delia," Main turned to the other two children. "Please head back to my office. Fran?"

Nodding respectfully, her eldest retainer stepped behind them as they walked. Ferdinand was deep in thought, as they walked to his quarters. Once inside, he motioned for her to follow him into the secret chamber.

"Main, who was that woman?"

"She said her name was Sunset Shimmer, and she seemed like a noble…"

Ferdinand shook his head. "I did not recognize her insignia, but her clothes were top quality. That and…" he frowned. "She was dangerous. How did she end up walking with you to the church?"

Main gulped. "She… I think she is like me." When he didn't reply, she continued, "She mentioned a man… Socrates. He doesn't exist in this world."

She sighed when she saw him raise an eyebrow. This would take a while.

"I'm so tired," Main muttered, struggling to stay awake.

Fran smiled down as he carried her to her room. "You've been hard at work today, Lady Main, and then you had that meeting with the Head Priest. It's no surprise you're drained."

He paused and stepped to the side, allowing another priest to walk by. They both ignored the mutter of 'commoner scum' the blue-robed man delivered with practiced ease. At this stage, it was to be expected from the rest of the clergy, even if the knight order was turning to her side.

Once the priest was out of sight, they proceeded over to Main's room, where Delia waited for her to help her change. Usually Main would be able to head back downtown, but today she had needed to cover a lot of issues from the orphanage before (and after) going down to the Gilberta Company HQ, in addition to her long, long conversation about Greek Philosophy with the High Priest, so Lutz and her family knew she'd be spending the night at the temple.

As usual, utmost secrecy on everything discussed was demanded and agreed to, even if she had gone over so much that even the High Priest had felt light-headed (if the continuous massaging of his temples was any indication).

"Lady Main, let's get you changed…"

She nodded at Delia's words, lazily looking around her room before her eyes settled on the door across from her. "Um, Delia, thanks but I think I'll change my clothes on my own tonight."

The young red-head frowned, but sighed when she noticed the smile on Main's face. "You're going to be staying up, aren't you?"

Main shrugged apologetically.

"Fine. Stay like that then, but I'll check in on you in an hour and if you're not in bed, I'm getting everyone in the building to change you, tie you down and throw you in bed. We can't have you collapsing again."

"I promise I will be careful," Main said, touched by her retainer's disguised worry. She watched the slightly older girl mutter something under her breath before she bowed and walked out of her room, never turning to face the door that had caught Main's attention.

She knew it hadn't been there before. Or rather, that there had been a different door there. But there was no way that anyone here had suddenly decided to replace her closet door with a solid oak piece that had, of all things, Sunset Shimmer's crest on it.

And it was definitely the mysterious visitor's crest. There was absolutely no way Main would have ignored the clear yin-yang similarities, even if so many references to her own world hadn't been made in passing.

Carefully, she made her way to the door and considered the handle. It was just within reach. Would she be strong enough to open the heavy-looking door? Main bit her lip, thinking for a fraction of a second that it might not be a good idea… but before she could really think about it, her hand was on the handle itself and she was pulling the door open.

A silver bell rang a crystalline chime, and she found herself facing a tall, beautiful pale lady with long, straight white hair. She seemed to be slightly surprised by Main's appearance, even though her eyes were closed.

Silently, she leaned forward and picked up Main with no trouble at all, holding her like a teddy-bear before walking into the room beyond.

"W-wait!" Main whined, watching the door behind her close. She was too weak to fight, and even if she wasn't tired, as gentle as the woman was being, Main could tell she had incredible strength, so all she could do for the moment was wait and see what would happen.

"White?" a familiar voice asked. "I thought you were going home?"


The woman, White, then sat Main gently on a stool. It was then that her brain caught up with her and she stared around in awe at the place that had replaced her closet. It was a bar… something like out of an American-style kind of place, or what would be a fancy whiskey bar in Japan. What did they call those? Speakeasy?


She shook her head and turned to face the bartender... "Lady Shimmer?!" Main blinked, taking in how the other woman was dressed. "B-but I thought—"

Sunset simply grinned. "Well. Welcome to Sunset's Isekai, my little multiverse bar. I kinda suspected you'd end up here after our short talk the other day… so what can I offer you to drink? Tea? A soda?"

Before she could answer, a familiar pang of pain shot through her body. 'Oh no…'

"Main?" she heard Sunset call out, a worried tone to her voice.

The world around her turned black.

End Part 1

Author's Note:

A sort of multi-parter! Yay! Well... Yay-ish! Let's find out how this one goes for our guests!

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