• Published 19th Jul 2019
  • 2,006 Views, 332 Comments

Changelings in Silver Sunlight - Nameless Narrator

One little drone creatively survived the invasion of Canterlot by not being there. He gathered friends, and managed to save the world without anyone knowing. Now, he's the king of a new hive, and it's time for him and his family to walk in the light.

  • ...

13-1: Shadow over the north

“Interesting,” comments Contradiction as One leads the group through the side-alleys of Brauheim, but still takes the shortest way to the castle that would avoid exposing more dwarves to the visitors, “A city of tiny earthponies living entirely underground at about the technology level of the Griffon Empire. Can’t say I understand the need for secrecy,” she glances at the silent dwarves surrounding the group with some variant of a flamethrower, “Nor the hostility.”

Because you haven’t seen anything yet, and if I have a say in it you won’t.

Out loud, One just says:

“Underground is these guys’ way of life, and they pride themselves on being able to survive and thrive like this. If there’s a hundred ‘earthponies’ at all who understand common ponish, i’ll be surprised anyway. They avoid any contact with the outside world unless there’s something they desperately need. Most of the material things my king was bargaining for on the summit were for them, not us.”

“So it’s just about traditions,” Connie shrugs.

“Oh? No complaining about it being nonsense?” One is genuinely surprised.

“I am fully aware how pointless it is to waste time and breath on ponies stuck in objectively irrelevant traditions even if they might be harming them in the long run.”

Good, the more wrong she is, the better. If she thinks the dwarves are just a bunch of nutjob earthponies with nothing to offer, the less she’s going to report later.

“These guys are big on traditions, that’s definitely true,” nods One.

“What surprises me more is how accepting they are of you.”

“It’s a long story. Suffice to say, Two won the rulership of the city for my king in a drinking contest.”

That makes Connie freeze, Astray’s jaw drop, and Bubbles to begin giggling uncontrollably. One rolls her eyes, and adds:

“Yeah, you heard that right, and if you don’t ask me to go into detail I’ll be eternally grateful.”

“Awwww...” Bubbles manages to mutter before giggling again.

“So… let me get this straight,” Astray’s the first one to find words, “King Beard rules both your hive and these guys?”

“Not exactly. Technically, he is their king too, but he’s not an absolute ruler anymore. He has enough trouble with the hive as is. He’s presiding the dw- the ruling council,” One stops herself from saying dwarves just in case someone somewhere at some point got in contact with them and the name remains in some legend.

Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid the riskiest part of the trip, and One has to lead the group through the castle plaza.

“Oh my gosh, that’s so beautiful!” Bubbles’ eyes go wide and sparkle with the reflections of many lights scattered around the square filled with dwarves as well as the marvels of dwarf architecture. What One has never appreciated before is that unlike Canterlot, Vanhoover, or even Las Pegasus where the shops and anything that used technology put it on display to show the advancement to visiting ponies, for dwarves technology is so much part of their lives that it’s mostly hidden from plain view. That makes the system of pumps, vents, and anything related to the power grid significantly less prominent. As long as they don’t visit any kitchen or utility room, or holes forbid the mines, the Silver Sun guys might even be kept entirely in the dark regarding the full extent of dwarven technology.

“Digging this out must have taken ages,” says Connie, unable to hide the awe in her voice.

“No idea,” One shrugs, “Everything was here already when we arrived few years ago.”

“You know… is there a war going on or something? This can’t all be because of the shadows,” Astray points at two dwarves haggling over flame spider pet food, both in full plate armor.

“Oh no, platemails are their… you could call it native garb. These guys are excellent blacksmiths and tough as nails. Their platemails are about as comfortable as pony clothes while retaining the protection of a set of armor. I think some of Darkhorn’s bodyguards use chainmails forged here, but the trade between Rift and this place is limited for reasons mentioned before.”

“What’s the city called?” asks Astray.

“I think translated to ponish it means ‘the home of beer’. In their language it sounds as if you tried to cough up a hairball made of barbed wire. Speaking of which, there are like five ponies out of the whole city who might even remotely understand you.”

“And all your changelings understand them?” asks Connie.

“Yes, we all do,” nods One, “Knowledge shared through the hive mind is the best way to spread the understanding of a language.”

“That sounds super useful,” squeaks Bubbles, “Imagine if we were changelings and mister Cross couls just copy all his combat skills into us. No baddies would stand a chance!” she punches the air vigorously, making several of the dwarves watching them more obviously twitch.

“Hive mind isn’t that effective at copying things that rely so heavily on muscle habits and practice like combat skills, but it’s perfect for sharing stuff based on memory. If we could copy combat skills perfectly, Chrysalis would have had an unstoppable army and the whole world serving her already.”

“And what about your king?” Connie takes a cheap shot.

“Nah,” One waves her foreleg dismissively, not taking the bait, “He hates the paperwork.”

Let’s hope they don’t look under the drawbridge. That’s where the hydraulics can be seen the best.

However, to her surprise, the greatest threat to the secrecy of Brauheim technology doesn’t come from her changelings or herself screwing something up, but from Granite striding towards them across the bridge with two dwarf guards in power armors.

It could have been worse, he could have brought Stompy, and then we’d really have to kill the Silver Sun guys and make it look like an accident.

“Your Majesty, forgive me for asking, but what in Muradin’s eternally burning forge is this supposed to be?” Granite walks up to One, looking straight into her eyes. Connie can’t understand a word, but it’s apparent that the pony isn’t afraid of One whatsoever. Judging by her own experiences with One, the small pony must be insane.

“Granite,” One summons all her newfound diplomacy, “They’re here to help with the shadows. I will explain everything when we sit down to a table. Things aren’t as simple as they seem. Oh, and you would do really well to hide any serious tech along the way. I was really hoping to avoid those two canned dwarves.”

“Queen, I repeat what I told Six, and that’s that this is a breach of both our most sacred traditions and our treaty with the boss-”

One raises her hoof.

“I know, but you’ll have to wait for the boss to come back from the Canterlot summit. If he comes back...” she sighs.

“What do you mean?” to One’s relief, Granite’s shock completely wins over his anger. That means the boss might be important enough to smooth all this out afterwards.

Note to self - wait few decades before even mentioning the new mechs and weapons. Or maybe boss will use some of them to buy us leniency.

“Let’s find a room around which you can station some serious firepower, and don’t take the fire literally, because the small, grinning one is immune to it I’m sure.”

Granite takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and nods.

“Let’s see where the iron seam takes us, your Majesty.”

“Thank you, Granite. I mean it,” One gestures to Connie as Granite turns around and leads them back into the castle. Then she switches back to speaking in ponish, “Crisis averted for now, but if you do something stupid, it’s not just you in trouble but my whole hive. Don’t make me regret not leaving you to freeze.”

Connie opens her mouth, but Astray clears his throat, and gives One a quick but courteous bow.

“We will stick to our mission. We have no reason to go wandering around.”

That promise doesn’t last long, specifically only until the group reach the second floor of the castle, when Bubbles’ eyes suddenly go wide, and she bolts forward with speed that surprises Five and even One.

The demonette bounds past Granite and the dwarves who immediately raise their weapons. Within a second, she lands on a figure who’s just walked out of a meeting room into which Granite was leading them.

Six yelps in surprise as he finds himself tackled and rolled over the floor tangled in a ball with Bubbles. His surprise turns to giggling which grows louder and louder in the time it takes One and Five to approach and stop, heads tilted. To the surprise of any casual observer, it’s One who looks confused, but it’s Five who is baring her fangs, but not daring to do anything without a direct order.

Bubbles is licking Six everywhere. Any place she can reach she kisses and licks, not stopping for anything. Hooves, leg holes, ears, nothing is safe.

“One, I’m not going to kill her, I’m just going to twist her legs into a knot behind her back,” comments Five internally, “For her own safety.”

However, it’s neither Five nor One who acts first. Bubbles yelps as she’s yanked away by her big ear by white glimmer, and levitated over to Contradiction looking at her with narrowed eyes.

“What. The. Fuck,” is all Connie says.

Bubbles blinks, her dilated pupils return to a size normal for an abnormal pony, and she tries to shake her head. In her hanging position, all she manages is to wobble around. Her free ear flops down, and she gives everyone the most apologetic smile she can with that mouth of pure needle-y evil.

“Ummm, well...” she points at Six currently being protectively held against Five’s barrel with one foreleg, “That changeling is delicious!”

“He’s mine!” growls Five.

Bubbles crosses her forelegs on her chest. A pony in her position would be screaming in pain, but for her this is barely an inconvenience.

“I know, I’m sorry!” she looks down at the red carpet lining the floors of the whole castle, “But he just smelled do good! Like he’s full of fresh love and around someone who just wants to be with him so much- ohhhhhh. That’s you, isn’t it?” Bubbles offers a foreleg for Five to shake.

“You’re not a changeling. How can you tell?” asks Six, unsuccessful in his attempt to wiggle out of Five’s one-legged hug.

“I’m part demon,” replies Bubbles in a carefree tone.

“Which kind of demon?” he asks with his freshly acquired expertise on the matter.

All of them!” Bubbles beams from ear to ear, “I mean, there was a reeeeaalllyy big orgy, and my mom was a pretty good demonologist. Umm, until she got eaten, that was.”

“Can we get back to business?” One raises her voice, pointing into the meeting room.

Granite walks inside first, followed by Six, Astray, Connie dragging Bubbles along, and then everyone else. The guards stay outside, though.

“A-hem,” Granite clears his throat when everyone sits down, “I suppose I should welcome you, visitors, if you are here to help us with our shadow problem,” he says in ponish.

“You are very well informed, sir, considering you’ve just met us,” says Astray.

“Changeling hive links,” explains One, “I informed Six here about the situation, and he in turn briefed Granite here. And trust me when I say that he’s being significantly more civil than I would be if he was the one breaking such vital agreement as I am right now.”

“We will discuss that matter in private in due time, your Majesty,” Granite looks at the others. Due to some of the chairs being adapted to the size of bigger changelings, even Astay and Connie can sit at the table in reasonable comfort, “Now, how can you help us?”

A pop resonates through the room, heralding the appearance of Seven levitating a bunch of printed out maps to avoid showing anyone the holographic map devices as per instructions.

“I’m Seven. Sorry, did I miss anything?” he looks at Connie, and immediately clutches his head. In a similar way, a see-through tentacle grows from the floor, poking him.

“You’ve had contact with Harmony too,” says Contradiction with absolute certainty.

“Y-Yes, and I would appreciate someone explaining why my head is about to explode.”

“Cromach told me that divinity is an eternal force or material, or whatever, and that it carries with it the memories and personality imprint of the originator or the longest owner.”

“Mine gives me insight into theory of any magic even if I haven’t seen anything like that before,” Seven’s pained tone turns to boundless curiosity instantly.

“Harmony is the god of magic, and the creator of the original alicorn of Magic. That’s his affinity,“ Connie sighs, ”Ah, I wish I had that instead of the neighponese schoolfilly molesting devices. With all the dark magic nonsense we get into, we’re struggling to find a proper unicorn mage to add to the team. I can’t use any magic due to a certain birth defect that gives me strong telekinesis, something which Harmony’s touch turned up to eleven. Well, three thousand and twenty, more like. Anyway, us being touched by a god makes us ‘recognize’ one another in a way. I have similar thing with Cromach.”

“Remember that problem with the Twisted two years ago?” asks One, making Granite wince, “These guys supposedly fought a whole bunch of those Vigil guys, like the one who led the Twisted here.”

“I did,” Connie corrects her, “These two weren’t part of the Silver Sun at the time. We killed their grandmaster, and stopped the god they tried to summon from coming. Harmony, by the way.”

“Anyway,” Five clears her throat, “We already know that our visitors have proper credentials to help us. Let’s get to the part where we talk about what actually is going on.”

Everyone looks at Connie.

“Alright, I’m going to assume One here already shared what’s going on in Canterlot,” she continues after a quick series of nods, “In Manehattan, we were attacked by those shadows as well short time before receiving the invitation to the summit. Considering the circumstances, I can’t be sure those attacks were connected, but so far it seems that the targets were those possessing divinity of sorts, which means Cromach and me. Technically, Seven here as well.”

“Does it mean that I’m drawing the shadows here or something?” he asks, rubbing his temples. The headache seems to be going away on its own quickly.

“I can’t be sure, but I doubt that,” Connie shakes her head, “As far as we know, the small shadows aren’t intelligent. They’re being used by a lich to create distractions. Why they are here, beats me, but we followed a portal here which kicked us out on the surface. My working theory is that the lich has a lab between the Crystal Empire and here. However, it will be well hidden. A complex spell would fool me, but if we have someone with the degree of magic knowledge only a Harmony’s touch can bestow, I think we can find it.”

“I’ve got an idea,” Six speaks up, “We’ve got enough drones now to station them around in the tunnels to keep up hive mind communications all the way to the Crystal Empire. Plus, they can alert you to any shadow sightings around them before running away. I’ll need one of you guys,” he looks at Connie, “to stay here, though. Just to help Granite and myself with decisions and to avoid you having to mess with maps. We’ll have all the information laid out here in front of us.”

“As well as a hostage just in case,” he adds internally to One.

“You’re devious, Six. I like that,” One’s hive link image smiles at him.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I need. Another mare making Five jealous. I’m one flirty look away from being chained to that wall cross thing in the cellar already.”

One only chuckles in response.

“You can communicate over long distances like that?” Connie whistles, “We should really employ few more normal changelings at some point. Maybe a wizard one. Hey, Seven, are you interested?”

“Do you have a library in which I can read on my own pretty much forever?”

“We have some newspapers in the bathroom...”

“Then no, thank you.”

“Astray, you’re staying,” says Connie, not discouraged at all, and the satyr nods immediately, “I might need Bubbles’ nose. We’ll also avoid another changeling lollipop scenario like that.”

Bubbles grumbles something unrecognizable.

“So it’s settled,” says One, “Contradiction, Bubbles, me, Five, and Seven are the scouting party. Six, Granite, and Astray will manage the drone movement to keep us connected with the base.”

Granite coughs.

“And if you don’t mind, use the emergency exit tunnel from the castle and then a proper route around the city this time. It will take a bit longer, but I don’t think I can take any more guards buzzing at me.”


“In my defense, I was exhausted! Seven rolls his eyes, “I had just teleported a whole squad of changelings from the hive to the Crystal Empire.”

The group are standing in front of a section of wall indistinguishable from any other part of the direct connecting tunnel. This time, One led the group immediately to where she was attacked instead of wandering around endless dwarven corridors. To the surprise of no one and many biting remarks from Connie, it was around the same area where Seven recalled feeling a little off while returning back to the hive with the others. After identifying the oddity in the tunnel as some sort of extremely powerful and complex illusion, Connie called for Astray to come. The group have been camping at the same spot since with no shadow sightings.

Thanks to that, though, Seven had time to focus and listen to the foreign knowledge inside his head and do a proper examination of the spell far beyond anything he’s attempted before.

“Whoever made this could outmagic me in their sleep,” Seven shakes his head, “This is an actual physical illusion.”

“What’s that?” asks Five.

“It means that what the illusion looks like will affect how you react to it. What you see is what you get,” says Bubbles in a happy tone proud of herself, “Like if it looks like a fire, you’ll get burned. If it looks like a wall, you ain’t getting through. If it looks like Astray, you can lick it-”

“They get it,” Connie pats Bubbles’ head, “I’m glad you’re paying attention during Starlight’s lessons.”

Bubbles beams.

“She’s like a smarter and dangerous version of Three...” comments Five internally.

“She can’t be used as a flashlight, nor can she occasionally cure cancer. I’m pretty sure they both can cause diabetes, though,” replies One, rather bored of the whole situation. Fifteen hours of Seven poking a wall wasn’t her idea of time well spent.

“The voices echo here a long way,” calls out Astray from the distance, “What was that about licking me?”

Bubbles bolts towards him accompanied by two dwarves and two changeling warriors.

“Do you need any help, your Majesty?” asks the leading dwarf after they approach the campsite, “The loremaster told us we’re to stay if needed.”

One shakes her head.

“I doubt we’re going to have space no matter where this leads. We would just get into each other’s way, especially with the scatter of your weapons. I’m already not too keen on Astray’s pistol and Five’s shotgun.”

“Understood, your Majesty. Anything else?”

“No, you’re free to go.”

“And us?” asks Hundred-and-Four.

“Same,” replies One.

And just like that, the two dwarves and two changelings turn around to for the return trip to Brauheim.

“So, what did you find out?” asks Astray, standing still as Bubbles climbs on his back, wraps her forelegs around his shoulders, and just hangs on him like a backpack.

“Physical illusion,” repeats Seven, “But there is an alarm spell attached to it. As far as I can see, the spell is tied to dispelling the illusion, not just to hanging around or touching it,” he taps at the wall. It acts exactly like a mass of solid rock, “It’s a masterpiece. Shame to ruin it, really,” he frowns as he catches One’s irritated glance, “Okay, enough fawning. I can dispel it, but not without triggering the alarm. I’m just not skilled enough. I know exactly how it works and what the spell involves, I just don’t know the proper counterspells, and I’d need a looot of time to figure those out.”

“Any ideas from the evil-purging experts?” asks One.

“We just go in, really,” Connie shrugs, “As soon as Seven dispels it, Astray fires a quicksilver bullet to at least weaken anything magical in the way, I’m shielding everyone, and Bubbles charges forward to be bounced around by any spike, saw, or crushing traps.”

“Alright then. Crazy guys first, we go next,” One stands up from her sitting mediation, “Seven, do the honors.”

Seven’s horn gradually starts glowing, sending out tendrils of green magic against the wall where they leave angular symbols which look as if they’ve always been there, just somehow lost in the pattern of the smooth stone. As if reading a book, the runes light up from top left and go right, row after row. In less than a minute, they fill up a square the size of two internal house doors, which splits down in the center, opens inside, and shatters.

Seven screams as an arc of energy sends him against the opposite wall and then tosses him deeper into the normal tunnel. One and Five rush off to help him when they lose his hive link, but the Silver Sun group heads through the fresh entrance and down a set of stairs, knowing time is of the essence.

“Seven, Seven?” One puts her horn to Seven’s, trying to force some love into him. The charred and twitching changeling is still smoking and hot to the touch, but he’s full of love already.

“Ughhh...” he moans after a not entirely gentle poke from Five.

“Stay here with him,” orders One, “If he heals enough to move, have him return to Brauheim. If he’s in worse shape than he looks, take him there.”

“I can help, One,” Five looks at the glimmering entrance to the tunnel. She could swear the glow wasn’t there when the Silver Sun group went in, “He’ll be okay.”

Make sure he’s okay. I don’t want a random shadow to appear and eat him,” says One firmly, upon which Five salutes, “Good warrior.”

With that, One jumps straight into the barely visible shimmer and, unlike the others, disappears.

As her consciousness reassembles itself after the unexpected teleportation, she finds herself nowhere near the Silver Sun group but far from alone. A wide open, crystalline warehouse spreads around her. It’s freezing cold even for her in here, and there are dozens of workbenches lining the walls with a huge pony body on each. Acrid, chemical smells coupled with very faint necrotic decay despite the motionless bodies permeate the air. Straight ahead is a round table filled with books, drawing boards, and documents.

“I thought we still had time. I guess there’s more visitors then.”

Aaand a skeleton of a pony wearing a necklace with a red crystal around its neck who has just spoken. Next to him stands what at one point must have been Star Trail. Now, only the most basic semblance of the features of his muzzle remains. The rest of his body is One’s own size, the horn is just a red crystal set in a metal framework fastened to his forehead. He’s all grey, muscular, with a tail ending in a sharp blade. There’s nothing recognizable about him otherwise, since it’s obvious to One that this body has been stitched and fused out of the pile of corpses in the open containers in the back of the warehouse.

Oh, and the furious grimace as he recognizes One is familiar too.

“I didn’t care when you wanted to kill Celestia, but up here...” One’s eyes promise death, “You’re too close to home.”

Not waiting for anything, One zig-zags towards the lich.

“Get rid of her, I’m busy,” the lich says in a calm tone, and starts walking away as Star Trail simply charges straight at One, one flying sword joining him shortly.

They can’t have any understanding of One’s real reaction time. In less than the second she has before Star Trail reaches her, she notes several things. First, Star Trail is faster than ever before even despite his greater mass and presumably strength. Second, the lich genuinely moves away and doesn’t seem to want to fight her for whatever reason. Third, during no encounter has the lich had that necklace on him. And fourth, wherever the Silver Sun group went, it wasn’t here.

One jumps into the air, spins to kick the sword away with her hind leg while giving herself the momentum to land a downward hook against Star Trail’s muzzle. She immediately notes he’s even faster than she expected him to be, and by a lot. That punch was supposed to destroy his artificial horn, and he was quick enough to lean backwards. Now, that doesn’t mean he’s anywhere near as fast as he needs to avoid One’s attacks altogether, just that he can protect himself from instant death… or re-death.

If the lich decides to rejoin the battle, that advantage might not be enough for One.

The sheer force of the punch makes Star Trail lower his head, but at that instant, his horn flashes, the red glow solidifying into a sharp point. Even One’s rection speed doesn’t catch anything until she feels burning light spear her neck clean through. With a flick of his head, One slips off of the magically enhanced horn as Star Trail tosses her away in a shower of green blood.

When she looks up, he’s already glowing with magic, horn pointed at her again.

It’s a spell. Some kind of teleportation or burst speed enhancement like Three saw him use in the Canterlot dungeons. And he’s faster than I can react...

Fear, however, doesn’t exist in One’s world. At least not fear of herself dying in battle.

You might be fast, but not indestructible. Stoppable force, meet immovable object.

All she does is reinforce the front of her neck and chest chitin to maximum as well as pour strength to her hind legs to keep her steady. The middle of her body will have to hold up au naturale. Or whatever that posh expression is.

Star Trail’s charge hits, and One’s vision actually blurs.

“...okay, that fu- freaking hurt...” she coughs out blood, finding herself flung all the way to the workbenches by the walls.

Star Trail is already walking towards her. The obliterated crystal on his forehead is nothing but a small shard half rammed in his flesh and half fastened by twisted remains of the holding construction. Judging by his sword lying motionless on the floor, One is in the clear as far as magic goes at this point.

She grins, quickly getting back on all fours. The energy everywhere around is revitalizing her slowly but surely. They must be straight up in the Crystal Empire, not far from the castle actually. She basically has infinite amount of love at her disposal. Not at once, but quickly replenishing itself. Her internal bleeding stops, and torn organs heal themselves before Star Trail can get to her. Spreading energy all over her body again, she attacks.

To her surprise, her flurry of punches has next to no effect as Star Trail simply takes them and uppercuts her so hard she makes a flip in the air.

What the hole?

She lands on all fours, of course, facing Star Trail marching towards her like an unstoppable avalanche. He’s obviously strong enough to treat her weight as barely significant, and as far as it looks, blunt trauma isn’t a thing for him. It must be the rigid frozen and dead flesh as a baseline for him, with some added magical enhancements by the lich.

How stupid…

Growing her usual sharp blades, she attacks, landing several slashes until Star Trail finally manages to grab her head with his forelegs, swing her around, and slam her against the smooth floor with such strength that she slides away.

Redundant tendons for motion control in case of trouble, extremely tough flesh, and he doesn’t feel pain. It’s not just some silly enchantment, it’s actually some fused shi- stuff that’s pretty resilient. Alright, the only way is to actually destroy him at this point. Killing isn’t a thing anymore. I wish Comfort or Gem were here. Chemistry is the key here.

The lich has left, though. How and to where, One has no idea.

Transforming her forehooves into claws, she swipes at Star Trail. It’s going to take time, but she literally has to take him apart, strip of flesh after strip of dead flesh. Star Trail block the blows or downright ignores them, not swinging wildly anymore, instead of waiting for a chance to grab One or land a good hit. He has no clue that this close to the Crystal Heart he can’t win.

Suddenly, he smirks, which makes One reconsider her situation. A quick peek behind her shows the lich is back, this time without the necklace.

“All done,” he says, “Let’s do some spring cleaning.”

His horn flashes, and One has to narrowly avoid a dark beam of energy which sends chills through her chitin despite just passing by. Energy draining magic. One balances her love levels more into speed, awareness, and general reactions than durability. Crystal Heart or not, she can’t afford getting hit too much by that anymore.

The real fight for her life starts now, but unlike that time with the Vigil, this one is in her hooves.