• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 448 Views, 23 Comments

The End of Time - Leondude

The last and most epic tale in The Captain Goodking Saga is here! In an effort to stop the maniacal Kronos, Doctor Whooves recruits many of Equestria's heroes (and Captain Goodking, of course) to help him.

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Chapter 1 - How Long?

It's been a year since Laeyoon and his apprentice Jaesa have landed on this forsaken planet. It was meant to be an easy routine assignment: Land on the planet, negotiate with the rulers of the planet, kill them if they refuse to cooperate, and enslave the inhabitants when he has killed the rulers. It was always when, because Laeyoon was not the most patient of Sith Lords. Easy kriffing peasy! But even the greatest plans of womp rats and Sith Lords go horribly wrong. He and Jaesa have been hiding out in a hut in some sort of forest. The forest looked like a location that would be best described as Dagobah meets Dromund Kaas, more specifically, the parts of Dromund Kaas where some Sith temples were placed. And in the forest were creatures that appear to be some sort of sithspawn, with canines that are made out of wood and a big furry creature that had yellow eyes and a star-like texture on it's fur. And that's not even getting into one creature that wouldn't be out of place on Korriban: A mostly feline creature with a red bushy mane and what appeared to be bat wings on it's back. Laeyoon then looked at the fire in the centre of the hut and sighed. While he won't deny two of his reasons for taking this assignment was because he liked killing things and he wanted to rub it in Malgus' face, he can't help but wonder why he agreed to the task Darth Malgus has given him. He then thought back to when he was on the Imperial Fleet station intercepting a holocall from Darth Malgus.

"Lord Oude" Darth Malgus said "I wasn't expecting you to be interested in the negotiations between The Sith Empire and an equine race in the Unknown Regions. While they are primitive, their sensitivity in the Force will make them a great asset."

"I'm guessing the negotiations in question will be aggressive in nature," Laeyoon said. "After all, do you honestly think that a bunch of savages, force-sensitive or not, will be willing to work with us?"

"Well, they might," a mysterious voice said in the background of Malgus' end of the holocall. "After all, not only did a force-sensitive race with an affinity for controlling people agree to be a part of this wonderful empire, but I happen to be a part of the race of 'savages' that you are referring to."

Laeyoon noticed a horned equine with a slicked-back mane, a goatee and a pair of serpent-like eyes walk up next to Malgus. The equine also had some sort of symbol on his flank and he spoke with an accent that implied he was from one of the Core Worlds of the galaxy. Then again, Laeyoon has yet to meet anyone in the Empire that didn't have an accent that originated from one of the Core Worlds. Rather ironic that most of the Imperials have Core World accents, especially Coruscanti ones, when, as far as Laeyoon wais aware, most of the Core Worlds are under the control of the Republic. While Laeyoon could have continued pondering what accent the equine had, a better question was on his mind.

"Who the hell are you?" Laeyoon asked in a somewhat insensitive tone. While Laeyoon can be good company, tact wasn't really the first thing that's on his mind when talking to people.

"I am Kronos," the equine said, "And you are just the Sith I'm looking for."

Both Laeyoon and Malgus gave Kronos an odd look. While Laeyoon had no doubt in his abilities, Malgus was the one that, in spite of the mask, looked the most surprised. Then again, if there was one thing that Laeyoon was good at, it's being persistent. Even if his fellow Sith and Imperials would have to wait a very long time until they saw the results from Laeyoon's conquests, and that's not even getting into how he would sometimes skip battles for the sake of a lunch break. Although that last one probably hurt Laeyoon a lot more than it hurt the Empire's chances of taking down their enemies. Laeyoon looked back at Malgus.

"A surprise to be sure," Laeyoon said while smirking at Malgus. "But a welcome one. Your faith in me will be rewarded, Kronos."

"Excellent," Kronos said, his tone still saying the same as before. "I'm not sure about Lord Malgus but I can assure you I will be watching your career with great interest."

"Did you hear that, Malgus?" Laeyoon asked smugly. "My career is interesting to him."

"Perhaps it's because both of us are wondering how you're still standing despite reports claiming you have been on more than one occasion riddled with blaster bolts from mere thugs," Malgus said dryly. "There had also been at least one report of you clumsily falling down an elevator shaft as well."

It would be wise to point out that Laeyoon doesn't really like Malgus that much. You'd think with their similarities in that they are both Sith Warriors who have (or had in Malgus' case) twi'lek girlfriends and they were both chosen to be The Emperor's Wrath at certain points in time that they would be the best of friends. Even more so considering how Laeyoon is what most Imperials refer to as an alien, much to his frustration, and Malgus is known for being extremely tolerant for a Sith. Problem is, while Laeyoon is very courteous to his fellow Sith, (sardonic remarks notwithstanding), he despised the fact that Malgus was more feared and respected than him, especially among alien Imperials. Although Laeyoon considers himself and Malgus to be rivals, Malgus thinks nothing of Laeyoon's hatred of him.

"If I may butt in," Kronos said to break the ice between Malgus and Laeyoon "My sectoid forces are waiting on this station to pick Lord Oude and his apprentice up so they can help out with the potential war effort."

While Laeyoon knew that the negotiations between him and the princesses of this "Equestria" as they call it were going to be short, he really should have guessed from prior experience that they were going to kick his arse. In hindsight, perhaps he should have brung Pierce with him instead of Jaesa. Then again, there is not a chance in hell that he would even consider cuddling up to Pierce for the sake of warmth. While he could have easily tried taking on the princesses again, the most unusual thing happened before he got the chance: A horned ape thing with cloven hooves for feet was dancing and apparently absorbing everyone's abilities to use the Force. Must be some sort of dark art used by the Nighsisters of Dathomir. He ought to know, he was born and raised on Dathomir. He and his sectoid forces laid low after that and, once the competition was eliminated were they finally able to strike. Unfortunately, they vastly underestimated the possibility that one of the princesses' allies knows some sort of Sith alchemy that can inflate the sectoids' heads to a gargantuan proportion and cause them to float away. Not only that, but his lightsaber turned into an inflatable as well. He had to spend at least two months healing because he broke his legs from letting go of his lightsaber.

After enough thinking about the past, which was enough to fuel his already burning desire to kill every inhabitant on this planet, he decided to rest and hope the fire he set within the forest didn't go out. Given how he imagined the fire staying lit because of his rage, he need not worry about it snuffing out. However, when he tried to rest, he heard all sorts of noises coming from the distance. And not just any noises, but noises that sounded technological in nature, and explosive-sounding too. Since that the noises were disturbing his rest, he went to investigate, Force-choking any creatures that got in his way for he was so not in the mood to be dealing with them right now. As he walked out of the forest, he noticed a house with smoke and flashing lights coming out of it. And then an equine with a brown coat and a messy mane that was a darker shade of brown busted open the front door coughing and spluttering before collapsing to the floor. Laeyoon then walked closer to the equine. While it would be so easy to kill it just for the hell of it, he decided to be pragmatic and consider him an ally for now. Whether this new alliance would be temporary or permanent depends entirely on this equine's priorities. And as the equine woke up, he was face-to-face with Laeyoon crouching down at his once unconscious form.

"Hello there," Laeyoon said. "I am new to this world, and since that I have nothing I can use to call my allies for help, I was wondering if you could be of assistance."

Author's Note:

Meet Laeyoon Oude, who is essentially Darth Maul if Darth Maul was kind of a loser.

I'm not kidding. You know when Malgus mentioned Laeyoon clumsily falling down an elevator shaft? That actually happened during one of my playthroughs of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Oh, did I mention Laeyoon is based on my player character from Star Wars: The Old Republic? I know it's a bit weird focusing on the Star Wars stuff now but if you knew anything from the previous entries in The Captain Goodking Saga (which you probably wouldn't unless you're familiar with me ever since I came onto this site) it's that it can be a bit random so a crossover with Star Wars and XCOM doesn't sound that far fetched.