• Member Since 29th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago


You can't give up your laughter, cause you're scared of a little pain~. Writing to relieve PTSD. Enjoy my misery <3 you all. Discord: dougtheloremaster



It's a time of crisis and everyone must evacuate Ponyville. Sadly all Twilight can do is watch helplessly as you see, Ponyville is politically correct.
Special Snowflake Discretion is advised.
"How dare you assume your readers are special snowflakes!"

Disclaimer: The author does not condone the use of Political Correctness, He does however, find it freaking hilarious. If you take this story as anything but a ridiculous joke to make you laugh, then you are even dumber than the idiot who posted this.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 78 )

Yeah. This sounds about right.

well i'm going to go bash my head against the wall.

I feel like Twilight will be joining you in this scenario

"Come for the comments stay for the wall bashing, later Derpy is serving muffins in the remains of-wait hold on! Hey what are you-"

"How dare you assume I want to hand out muffins even though I do!"

;( "sorry derpy. Do you want to hand out muffins?"


I feel like I’ve read this fic before. Only Starlight was the main character, and it took place in Our Town...

How dare you assume her name is Derpy! >:(

nope in that one they managed to convince other to be PC...in this one nothing productive happens. Enjoy~

yeah, that changeling was me... who was purposely adding to the chaos because it amuses me!

Only dumbass snowflakes call people snowflakes.... wait.

"How dare you assume I am not a dumbass- oh wait...."

Sank the ship to kill the captain.

I love that phrase. Had to actually look it up, hope you enjoyed the story~

Any thing that looks like an exaggeration it’s a part of reality your brain has chosen to ignore

That's deep! Hope you enjoyed it!

You, my man, deserve all the cookies! Love it!:rainbowlaugh:

Thank you! That really does mean a lot to me. Glad you enjoyed it!

Beautiful. And only barely an exaggeration at the end there.

If that's how you see it, congratulations you are the racist and sexist. Have a blessed day.

Glad you enjoyed it. Honestly I seriously want to see that brought to life...I mean what does the fire think about the situation? These are the real questions we need to...I can't keep a straight face writing this. Glad you enjoyed it. XD

Sorry about that. Hard to tell tone in a comment. I'll redact it

sorry about that. Until the edit wasn't able to gauge the tone right.

again no it isn't.
It's meant to trigger anyone who would take it seriously, as stated in the description

i'm sorry you feel that way. However, that's what you believe as this is a fictional story that in no way shape or form mentions America or any of its people. Take a step back look in the mirror and stop projecting. Your beliefs are your own and do not reflect mine, nor will I state mine.

That's cute. So let me clarify something. If you have read any of my works you would have an understanding my writing is meant to force psychological manipulation on my reader to skew the perspectives. There is no agenda. And like it says in the description in a clearly Troll-based text "MADE TO TRIGGER EVERYONE" in caps no less. It's an over the top and stupid story written by someone who simply has been through hell. You can assume and project all you desire but in reality you brought up political viewpoints not me.

I am a crisis councilor. Get off your high horse about triggers, the word has become little more than a buzz word for others to prevent humor. As Dave Chappelle said, "I don't give a -yay- you clicked on my face"

This was a collab with a friend on discord. Don't like it? I'm not sorry. Plain and simple. Your opinion is one of billions on this planet and I'm sorry you felt the need to involve current events in a world of marshmellow horses and magic spells to control harmony and friendship.

TL;DR :Read something else if you don't enjoy it.

This amused me just as much as I was hoping. Well done on the quips about the poor 🔥 :fluttercry:

I know! Fire lives matter spread the word! How dare we assume it's gender! That thing has children and a wife!

Fire isn't racist, sexist, or materialist by burning everything. Pegasus, unicorn, earth ponies, dragons, yaks, changelings, griffons, hippogriffs, dogs, cats, male, female, things made out of skin, scales, exoskeletons, wood, stone, or leafs, they don't discriminate any of them. All of them will be burned~

Be like fire~

I ---yay--- love you statz. Never change!

>That Thing
Such loaded terminology!

As someone who identifies as a fireproof material, are you saying that fire discriminates against me?! :pinkiegasp:

How dare you and fire! You should be ashamed!

<3 that is just beautiful. I love this fandom.

This reminds me so much of nigahiga's video on political correctness. :rainbowlaugh:

Disclaimer: Saracasm and humour abound. Not for "[sic] easily butthurt people."

I have always felt identity shouldn't be tied to skin color, or gender, or sex, or sexuality. Identity should be what we do with our time in life that makes us who we are. That said, "fireproof material being" have you told the fire how you feel about it's encroachment?

Seriously can someone animate that?....I would love to see it something akin to candles by piemations if possible.

Anyway, you got it. Just a ridiculous over the top story by an idiot who enjoys writing.
<3 glad you enjoyed it.

And so the crowd began fighting amongst themselves once more. What was the fire's purpose? Shouldn't we consider the rights of the fire? What was the fire's gender? And what right did they have to take the fire's life? The crowd continued to debate and argue about the pros and cons of all the implications of putting the fire out. Meanwhile, as Twilight grew angrier and angrier, trying to remain patient amidst the stupidity; after all the crowd had a right to state their opinions,the fire consumed building after building until all of Ponyville had been burned to ashes. Everycreature was reduced to smoldering cinders and nothing productive was gained in the now apocalyptic wasteland that was Ponyville; all in the name of political correctness.

the moral of this story is Political Correctness is a complete waste of time, created by people who are looking for any reason to get offended, so if you get the point of what im saying to you then shut up and put out the damn fire before we all burn to death

i dont know why so many people dislike this fanfic, this was amazing

You're welcome! :twilightsmile:

Anyway, I've tried telling Fire that I don't like it just passing by me, and that it should just leave me alone if all it does it discriminate against me, but it just won't listen! :fluttershysad:

P.S. If it isn't a bother, can I hear your thoughts on nigahiga's video?

<3 we have a winner.Glad you enjoyed it!

Absolutely perfect. That video is a good source of inspiration. Like I said, you got it.
It resonates with me trying to talk to literally anyone nowadays. Growing up my life was never sugar-coated. Brutally honest. Being PC to me has nothing to do with caring about others it just means someone is perceiving the simplest thing as offensive because...um...not sure actually also...

That fire invades your space again just remember : "No, fire your existence offends me and I have the right to be offended and we cannot co-exist in harmony so I will initiate self defense even though you did jack -yay- to deserve it."


Fuck you too faggot

Such a shame you feel the need to be so judgemental. Feel free to read some other stories by those who share your narrow mindedness. Have a blessed day and perhaps learn to talk in a civil manner.

Also a faggot is a bundle of sticks....perhaps a dictionary would help you as well.

(New Living Testament) Luke 6:37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Well, fire will still try to burn it nonetheless, it's the fireproof material that choose to be burned, or not be burned :twilightsheepish:

>Fuck you too faggot

> (New Living Testament) Luke 6:37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

This is a really good analogy for the situation at the moment.
Both sides are too focused on SJW and AntiSJW while the world is burning.

Neat quote isn’t it? It’s always nice see people using religion to justify their own hypocrisies.

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