• Published 16th Apr 2021
  • 315 Views, 5 Comments

8 Realms of Magic - AzuraKeres

A world with 9 interconnected realms, 8 arbiters are chosen by the Cosmic Tree that connects them. They must unite to find harmony and prevent the coming of a prophecized tragedy.

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EP 2: Bearers of The Seed, part 1|CH 2

The world around Star changed so fast. A mere moment ago she found herself surrounded by the nebula of space and tendrils of roots. And through the layer of Nimbus, Star drowned within a sea of thick clouds.

The clouds hampered her sight, blinding her like a thick mist. Her flailing hooves were hidden by its mass.

“Ratty!” Star called. She hoped to hear her brother’s voice to assure his safety. However, the turbulence of her fall muffled her hearing. She could barely even make out her own voice.

She also felt her coat dampen. She could taste pure water from the cloud splash upon her tongue as she screamed louder for Ratty.

But then she finally broke out of the clouds and descended upon a majestic sight.

Around her, Star she could see islands composed of clouds floating amongst the sky. Each inhabited ponds, lakes, waterfalls and vegetation. Atop the trees grew wispy tops that looked more like a giant cotton candy.

Star knew the realm of Nimbus to be a world of eternal skies—numerous floating islands and constant litters of clouds drifting across its space. The way its nature functioned was far unlike her own in Sollothus, the realm of light.

Star felt dazzled by the wondrous skies, however, she did not have time to ponder upon its allure. She would have no time to explore the mysteries of this realm if she couldn’t save herself first. Star searched her surroundings and finally discovered Ratty falling meters away from herself.

“Hey!” Star called to him. “Ratty!” She could see Ratty’s lip smoke, but the cutting air muffled any sound he sent her way. Star sifted through her purse and withdrew a lasso. She enchanted

words of runes as its inscriptions lit an auric glow. Star then threw it towards Ratty, wounding tight on his stomach. Star yanked on the lasso hard, pulling Ratty fast within her grasp.

“Got you!” Star declared.

“Look out below!” Ratty shouted and pointed at a lake beneath them.

The two were fast approaching the lake. At this rate, they might not be able to save themselves out of the water if they hit it.

Star quickly erected a barrier around them. It splashed roughly into the river, scaring off small critters—tortoise, rabbits,and frogs—lounging near the lake.

Star hoped for the buoyancy of the river to eventually raise them back to the surface, but instead her barrier sank and pierced through the bottom. Star and her brother found themselves continuing their descension from the sky.

“Oh, come on!” Star shouted.

Large body of water sprinkled beside them, coming from the gaping hole they left from the island above.

“Hit another island,” Ratty suggested. “Maybe next time we’ll stick.”

Star discovered another island below with a lake to absorb her fall. Star kicked the barrier to adjust it towards the lake.

When it crashed into the lake, Star and Ratty hoped this would be the end of their fall. However, the barrier pierced through the island.

To make matters worse, Star noted a large piece of barrier had chipped off from above. That and Ratty had mysteriously disappeared from her side. Star looked up at the island above and found Ratty gaping down at her from the flushing lake.

“Well, at least he’s safe,” Star said. She knew her brother to be a good swimmer, confident he would swim up to the surface fast enough before the lake could drain completely.

Star harnessed her horn that elicited a black glow. The dark glow spread across her body, giving her an eerie black aura that slithered like incense smoke.

Star planned to cast a phantom spell that would temporarily convert her body to a mist of darkness. She figured she could ride the air for a bit until she could land safely on the nearest island the winds would carry her to.

However, her plan was put in a bind when she discovered a waterfall encroaching beneath her. Star had already invested an abundance of her time in the spell. She wondered if she could cast in time before would strike the water.

There was no way she would let her journey come to an abrupt end like this. She had so much to explore across the realm, and many to learn about herself.

She debated whether to cancel her spell or erect another barrier to absorb her collision. Her mind rattled between her choices until she felt the butterflies swarming her belly come to an abrupt halt.

She realized she was suddenly sitting motionless upon the air.

“A bit early to be air diving, don’t you think?” a voice spoke to Star. And apparently it had also cradled her within its grasp.

Star gawked surprisingly at a yellow mare who held Star in her grasp. The mare beamed a smug grin at her damsel.

Star immediately noted lighting sparking from the feathers of the mare's wing.

An Iphelonian, Star deduced.

The Iphelonians are natives of the Iphelon realm. A world of lighting where storms and thunder were commonplace upon its plains.

“Who are you?” Star asked.

“Glad you asked,” the mare responded. “Folks call me Storm Drift. You’re looking at one of the best adventurers to have ever lived.”

Storm descended upon a thick cloud below and dropped Star atop it. Star was nervous about walking on the clouds, scared she might fall through it. However, texts have told her that the clouds of Nimbus held a unique thickness that could lift the average pony.

She sighed relieved when she hesitantly confirmed the texts were accurate.

“Thanks for helping me,” Star said. “This wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when I planned on coming to Nimbus.”

“I’m surprised I didn’t find you freaking out when I found you,” Storm said. “You must be a pretty brave mare.”

“Hey, uh, there’s actually someone else I’d like you to help.”

“Is that someone falling above us right this moment?”

Star blinked at Storm’s response and looked above. Descending from the skies, Star found Ratty screaming his heart out.

Star gave a flat gaze at her brother. “Yeah, could you help him?”

Storm cradled Star and Ratty to the ground of Nimbus. Star awed at the meadow before her, seeing rainbows and bits of clouds floating across the field.

Storm dropped the two on the ground, atop a hill where Star could get stared at the stretches of the field. Star and Ratty joined her side.

“You know,” Storm said. “It’s not often that ponies from Sollothus come here. I heard most of you like to keep to yourselves at home.”

“Well, this one would like to experience the world,” Star responded. “I’m not the kind who like to haul themselves in bright lights.”

Star knew the common Sollothean to be elusive about visiting other realms. Though they were curious about the world, the idea of visiting a land far unlike their own felt unkempt to them.

“Well, I don’t know any Sollothean that likes to go diving miles above the air,” Storm chuckled. “You must be a rarity among the bunch.”

“You think we’re dumb enough to do that on purpose?” Ratty questioned. “We were being chased by a dark wyvern.”

Storm quirked a brow. “Are you sure it was a dark wyvern? They usually live in Mutebis. Why would there be one lurking all the way up here?”

“I’d like to know that myself,” Star said. “But honestly, I prefer to never see it again.”

“Wyverns tend to stick around the realm they come from,” Storm explained. “Kind of find it hard to believe one would be here.”

“We aren’t lying,” Ratty argued. “Why else would we be up falling down the sky without a parachute?”

“Let’s forget about it for now,” Star said. “It’s already over and done with.”

Besides, Star was not in the mood to explain her case. The last thing she would want is to attract unnecessary attention to herself. She did run away from home after all.

“So, where are the two of you headed?” Storm asked.

“Um, not sure actually,” Star admitted. “I wasn’t completely set on Nimbus to be honest.”

“I told you we should’ve planned ahead of time,” Ratty complained.

“You can’t blame me for wanting to enjoy the moment. It’s my first time outside of Sollothus.”

“Well, if you're looking for a place to rest up, I can bring you back to my town,” Storm offered.

Star nodded. “That’s probably for the best. All that falling has taken the wind out of me.”

“Don’t do puns,” Ratty cringed. “It’s so unlike you.”

Storm guided the two through the cloudy meadow. They made banters about the clouds and of Storm’s adventures across the realms. Star hoped to have stories of her own in her near future.

Hello There

Artwork by Doodle-Mark

Comments ( 2 )

Nice picture


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