• Published 29th Sep 2019
  • 24,743 Views, 2,057 Comments

To: Anon, From HRH Sunbutt. - Snow

Celestia responds to the friendship lessons penned on behalf of her faithful student by the newest ponyville weirdo.

  • ...

To the Readers (And Anon)

Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Yes, you!

I'm afraid I haven't been writing much lately and I haven't felt very 'Celestia'-ish so doing this last set of letters to catch up to a nice even 120 was surprisingly taxing. As such, I do not think I will be continuing this side of the story. I do encourage 2Merr to consider writing their own continuation (since they were originally going to anyway). If a continuation of Tia's side turns up, feel free to list it as a sequel to this and/or the original Dear Princess Sunbutt.

I will be marking this story 'Complete' since there's no major overarching plot to 'cancel'.

It's been a wonderful trip, and I'll still be around I'm sure.

Lots of love,

Dear Anon,

Thank you for the gift of the odd little 'tablet' device, it will save me a great deal of paper and ink in the future, and the metallic pen with which to operate it was very considerate. So was loading it with movies!

I look forward to learning to use this interesting piece of technology, and potentially reverse engineering it.

Your friend,

Comments ( 89 )

and lets not forget the zebra apothecary living in the forest

No worries, I get the lack of inspiration. Thanks for carrying on for as long as you did. It's been quite a ride.

Your Friend,

Illi #3 · Apr 12th, 2020 · · ·

Thank you for all the laughs Snow!

Hey man, it was wonderful to have you while you were here. Best of luck in your future endeavors!

These have been astonishingly fun to read. Thank you!

Thank you for all this enjoyable experience you did to us, I hope you have a great future in your next projects. XD

Thanks for the laughs!

Loved the ride, thanks for all the fun!:moustache:

It was fun while it lasted, you've done a great job!


Thank you all so much. It was a wonderful experience and I'm happy I bring so many smiles! This was a good experience. It came from a whim and ended up a fun project. There's tons of plot bunnies and story ideas from this too that anypony could jump on as well.

I imagine 2Merr will continue with Dear Princess Sunbutt so there'll be more laughs, I'm certain.

Tis the end of an era. You were great, and I hope your future endeavors are fruitful.

P.S.- So long and thanks for all the fish!

“Don’t cry because it’s gone, be happy that it happened”

I'm just wondering what was up with the Zambi...

Zombie Bambi. You'd have to ask 2Merr about where they're going with that.

I felt so sad moving this story from tracking to finished.


It was good a run.
With that I have only one thing to say.

Men, attention

Dear Snow,
Well, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed your or (Celestia's) answers to Anon's and Sparkles letters. I am sad that you've decided to end it, I had hoped you'd continue on as long as Anon did. But I do appreciate all the fun entertainment you've provided to the admittedly wacky and sometimes horrifying adventures of our duo. Thank you ever so much for the collaberation that happened with 2Merr. It was just like Reece's Peanut butter Cups. Two great tastes that taste great together.

Thanks for the enjoyment :D

While it's always sad to see such a funny fic go, it's been an absolute joy reading it.

Zambie is still out there. He may be dead on the outside, but he lives in our hearts.

... dangit, now I wanna see an ongoing about his/her/its insane adventures rampaging across the Everfree.

This has been wonderful, thank you.

Amazing work there friend, good luck in future endeavors!

I'm as happy to see this back as I'm sad to see this go. I hope 2Merr does end up picking up where you're leaving off. You did really great up to this point though and I'm sad to see you stop. Thanks for all the laughs!

Hey Snow... great story.

And you know, I'm pretty good at short little bits as far as stories go... need a successor?

This was a wild ride, I wish you good luck in your future tidings. You brought us plenty of laughs, and we thank you for that.

Aw... Oh well. It was great while it lasted.


So long, and thanks for all the fish!

Yours was a fantastic Celestia, and it will remain one of my favorites.

Rest now.
You've earned it.

Dear Snow,

I just want to say that yours has been my favorite Celestia on this site.
It was an honor and a privilege, to get to see you take a character I usually have very little regard for, and turn her into someone both funny and warm. I can honestly say that I wish your Celestia had been canon, and that I am sorry to see her go. Good luck, wishing you well, and hopefully I will still see you around.

Sincerely, Wild Stallion

Thanks for the laughs.

That's unfortunate. Especially after the wonderful surprise of sixteen new letters. Some of my favorite entries are the responses. But if you're not into it anymore then you're not into it. At least it was golden from start to finish.

Of course it's not like you can't just pick it back up for a letter here or there should inspiration strike or the mood return someday.

Hee. All I ask for anyone who picks up where I left off is they talk to 2Merr first before posting a fic, and to try and do Tia the kind of justice I tried to.

Genuinely captured Celestia so well that I can't see anyone else doing it. Sad to see you going.

Right. Up against the wall with you.

Thanks for going as long as you did, Snow. I know I always enjoyed your side of the story!

It was fun while it lasted, thanks for the good laugh.

Dear snow. We and I'm generalising for all readers who have read up to this point AND who have evolved an effective frontal cortex of they're brain. deeply appreciate your time as celestia your funny and eloquent even when slogging through autoidentified writers block and lack of confidence. You have a beautiful soul. Please keep in mind that writing should be first and foremost for your benefit. Write what u wanna right if it's super cursed sonic crossover yiff then that's fine we only 3njoyed your scribbles because you enjoyed writing them. :heart:

half of me wants to hug you.
half wants to cry a bit.

and the third half wants to hit you really hard for quitting on us, but he's kept busy with lots of Arkham City replay and some deathmatch.
.. and the fact that would be wrong.

Gonna miss seeing your Celestia's side of this continuity, but you did a great job while you were at it. Like it's been said, you should write if you enjoy it— if it's been taxing, then don't force it.
Good luck with all your future endeavors! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for all the laughs! I'll miss your writing, but I wish you the best wherever life takes you from here.

No!!! They already have magic. They don’t need modern technology. They have to choose one, they can’t have both.

I'm gonna miss this story but hey we all do what makes us happy. You did good.

I hate to see this go,but thanks for all the entertainment I got from it.

This was lovely. See you another time.

This is sad, indeed.... I do hope you return to the story from time to time anyway.

I really enjoyed your rendition of HRH

Great run, loved your rendition of Celestia. Good luck on your next endeavour.

Sorry to see this end, your Celestia was a delight to read, and provided a nice counter-balance to Twiggle's insanity.

Since this is ending, would you mind posting a summary of where the side plot with Sunset would have gone?

It's been a wonderful trip, and I'll still be around I'm sure.

It's been a blast. It's an experience, this story, and you never know what's going to surface next. I'm glad for having read it, and I shall bear the mental scars with pride! :D

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