• Member Since 13th Jun, 2018
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We shouldn’t blame others for things we do not like. There is no shame in just not liking something.


Humans were just myths made to teach young foals to behave. Who would have thought that they were real. Izzy Moonbow, was out on one of her unicycling misadventures she stumbled across something shiny. To bad it was already attached to someone. Now Izzy and her friends are on a mission to bring the poor human girl home.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 73 )

Yay! I’m happy you decided to write this story. I will need to give it a read before I share my thoughts, but this is exciting nonetheless.

I am glad you are excited. Looking forward to hear what you have to say.

“Oh you mean, that talk with the birds and the bees? Because Alphabittle -“

Wait, Izzy had to get "the Talk" from Alphabittle?! That poor pony!

Let’s just say that Izzy said something inappropriate and leave it at that. Wasn’t being mean, just trying to make a funny.

Okay, so I finally got some time to sit down and read the first chapter. I’m writing this comment, review, something or another, after just reading it. Now onto my thoughts!

First Impressions

The Good

It Started with an Insulin Pump so far reads like an episode script from the show’s writing room. It has the goofy flash backs, the introduction to new characters, and even friendship lessons thrown in the mix. We get a bit of catch up with the events of the movie and the special (hi Sparky!). It’s cute, very colorful, and sticks true to what MLP is all about since the very beginning; innocent adorable fun with a moral for young girls to latch onto.

I find that if someone is looking for a small break from the darker stories, or just needs a quick getaway from everyday life, this story would do wonders!

The Bad

Unfortunately, for a nearly 3k word chapter a lot is crammed in. The pacing is a bit too quick, and for an animated TV show with a 20 minute time limit this makes a lot of sense, but in the written form you can take all the time in the world to properly develop a narrative. I’d suggest slowing down a bit and maybe consider allowing each chapter (or series of chapters) to focus on one plot point. Maybe in chapter 1 we learn that Izzy has no boundaries and she seeks to fix that, hears the rumors about Minty, before coming across her. Maybe in chapter 2 we learn about Minty and her Human club as well as the new earth pony magic that allows a pony to be more aligned with their special talent, and it ends with Izzy and Minty heading out. Maybe in chapter 3 they come across Meagan, etc. etc.

Of course, this all depends on what you would like to do with the story. It can be as long or as short as you’d desire, but in terms of audience enjoyment, there is a deeper connection there when we are given time to get to know these characters. No need to rush.

The Ugly

Realistically, there is no way to judge a book on its first chapter alone. Therefore, until it’s completed, or a good chunk of the way at least, there isn’t much to say in regards to the ugly.

Closing thoughts; I found myself transported back to the times of old where everything was a little more simple, and I loved it! The sneaky villain in the castle watching from a crystal ball reminded me of the witches who used to plot and scheme against the little ponies, Meagan, and her siblings. It also has that A New Generation feel to it. A nice blend of both old and new.

Thanks you for your input. I’ll try my best to slow things down a little. I am even thinking about doing a tell your tale to fill in plot bunnies.

Exciting! I look forward to reading what you write next.

I’m glad you enjoyed it. Right now chapter 2 is in progress but in chapter 3 I’ll definitely take your request to dive deeper into Minty’s human club.

I like this.

This was a very adorable chapter. I like the slight symbolism of Posey transforming into a monster only to be returned to her former self through accepting change. It’s a wonderful moral to learn!

The chapter was more focused on one thing compared to the last, so good job! I’d even say the pacing is a bit better too, but there could be a bit more buildup. Posey returned to her former self, and even learned to accept others, in a blink of an eye which was slightly disorienting. The jokes were spot on and very cute, though, and the characterization was very believable especially in context of the upcoming show.

While I’m here I shall read chapter 3. Excited to see what happens next!

A Sprout chapter is always a treat!

So, I will say that I won’t give a full critique, breakdown, something or another, until the end of the book. I will say that a lot of my complaints about this chapter (very little) were already stated previously. The same with my praise, so I won’t keep echoing my thoughts, but I’m liking the direction the story is going.

Also! Clever making Sprout a diabetic as well. It gives him and Megan something they can relate to. Keep up the good work. :twilightsmile:

Thanks. Fun Fact about type 2 diabetes is that the diet of a type 2 is more restricted than type 1. I kind of head cannon that the reason why Sprouts like to steal food is mom is trying to get Sprout to eat more healthy foods and to me Sprout comes off as the type of pony who doesn’t care about his health. I kind of based his behavior inspired by the horror stories that other doctors tell me of other diabetic who claim that they want to be “normal.”

Wow I didn’t know that! I’m hoping that Sprout will be inspired to take his heath seriously if he properly befriends Megan.

“Yup that’s them, and since it now seems like a you problem now, I’ll be out of your mane.” Just as soon as Gloomy shut the door,

“So have any of you heard of the legend behind the Forbidden Forest?” Hitch asked. “Well it goes like this; many moons ago before MaretimeBay was founded, Earth Puny refugees were looking for a new place to live. One by one, they all disappeared never to be seen again.”

I was going to stop there... but...

“I am too young you die, but if I am going, I just want to say that I love you guys.” Cried Hitch.

Yeah. I gave up correcting myself a long time ago. Whenever I go back I always find more. As for the last one, it was supposed to say “I am too young to die, but if I am going to go, I just want to say, I love you guys.” Feel free to point out more errors. It is always apreaciated.

Thanks for feeling appreciated about that.

She was still pretty weak, but she is now allowed to go to places, but the catch was that she now needed to be in a wheelchair with an IV bag and come back to the hospital in order to check on her progress. A week earlier, Phylis came by since Megan needed a personalized wheelchair since the ones the hospital had were too small. Luckily by the time she was allowed to go outside, the wheelchair was ready. Unfortunately, there were still some ponies that were still afraid of her, so as a result, it damaged her self esteem and now she didn’t want to be seen.

Pipp and Zipp

“Then that is their problem and beside if I estexcan’t get you out of your room than Pip will drag you out herself.”

“Trust me the recorder is a great first instrument. It’s like the fundamentals for ..any instrument and someday, with practice, you’ll be able to perform like that.” Said Pip pointing towards another band who was already on stage entertaining the crowd.

“Pip then tried to gesture her to her onto the stage but Megan was nervous and held her phone tightly because she didn’t think that the ponies would like the music that she listened to. Luckily, the lead singer took initiative to make Megan feel welcome.

“Get out.” Said Pip. She was blunt about it and was a bit angry. Luckily Pip was still at the at counter and managed to hear the conversation. Being the gossip mare that she was, she had to know what was going on only to set her eyes on the horrifying display of behavior.

“Everypony stay calm. We need to evacuate in a calm and orderly fashion.” Sadly nopony listened to Hitch since the crowd was still in a panic. While the crowd was trying to get away, Hitch was worried for his safety and while Sparky was safe, Hitch, on the other hand was not as he was now covered in bruises. “You are enjoying this aren’t you?” The baby then giggled as if trying to answer. Back in the salon, Megan, Zip and Pip were worried about their friends once the tv screen turned blank.

“Let’s all be nice towards one another, let’s focus on the issue at hoof.” Said Sunny and the duo instantly calmed down. “I'll be the distraction while everypony else try to think of something.” Sunny then transformed into an alicorn and flew off.

(Aye captain!)

“Posey, it’s me Clover.” Posey then came to a complete stop. “Look, I know that you are scared. Change is difficult and scary. I was scared of change too until I met my band mates.

Once Clover calmed down, she was finally able to fully regain her senses. That was when a rainbow came out of Megan’s locket surprising everyone in the process. Minty and Clover stood back allowing the rainbow to do its' thing returning Posey to her former self.

“You know what maybe I have misjudged you. I When you are ready, maybe we can hang out sometime.”

“Sailor, Sailor, don’t be blue, Ra Ra’s marching too. Horseshoes that fit her hooves are sore, she wants rock and roll no more.” Hitch sang with Megan and Sparky following behind him with Zip leading the way.

“One, two, my shoes are torn, and I can’t take these blisters anymore.” Megan complained. This caused the entire group to stop. Hitch then turned around.

“Is your sugar down?”

However, her blood sugar will still be high for a few days so she recommended that she should exercise in order to maintain her blood sugar levels. Once released, Megan realized that she had no place to go, so when the Mane the Mane 5, now Mane 7, ever since Minty and Megan joined their group, offered to let her stay at the Rainbow Bright House. Not only that , but they even allowed Megan to sleep on the couch until a room could be prepared for her. As for why they were marching in the first place, Hitch tended to be a mother hen when it came to children, and since the stallion wanted her to have a healthy life style, he made her come along for his daily march.

“Hello, everypony. Today’s lesson will be understanding and greeting humans. Have everypony protect in their report.”

(Everypony used Protect on Report... somehow... It was ??? effective.)

The few ponies that attended the event, stomped their hooves as if they were clapping as they all began to find a comfy chair to sit on.

“Oh, I brought mine!” The overly excited pegasus was Star who helped herself onto the stage while at the same time was carrying a large stack of papers. The yellow pegasus then began her speech and said,
"In my research, I learned that humans greet each other differently depending on which part of part of the world that they live in. Some bow, shake hooves like we do, and sometimes they even kiss.”

Even Minty was giving Sprout a cold hard glare as she looked at him straight in the eye. “In fact, there is one living here now and she is even my patient!

“Minty is right, and I even met her not too long ago.” Said Posey defending Minty.

“Yeah, but weren’t you kind of a jerk to her before, and you turned into this rampaging beast?” The pink pegasus, Wendy asked. However, that was also when the pink mare noticed that Posey was a still embarrassed by the incident. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Meh, that is ok. I think I deserved that, and I think karma was going to get me, one way or another.”

“I still think that this is all stupid. Not only that, I think that I will still be a better leader than you, and instead of this stupid stuff, we should be doing more theatre!” Sprout demanded.

“Oh, and what makes you think that you would be a better leader than I? The last time I checked, you incited and angry mob!” Minty accused. Star, who was caught in between the argument walked away slowly not wanting to escalated the situation as she finally made it back to her seat.

“Hey, I am no longer that pony! In fact, not only do I think we need more members, but I think we need a tech and lighting crew, because those blinking lights up on the stage over there is driving me nuts, and I swear that this stage will fall apart any minute.” As if to prove his point the stage indeed began to fall apart almost immediately. As a result, this shocked the other members, and the rest of the group began to chatter amongst themselves.

“Well if you are so confident that you would be the better leader, then I wager a challenge.”

“I accept, and not only that, the winner gets to be the leader.”

“Ohhh, and let’s make the deal even sweeter. In fact, the whoever looses has to say that the other pony is the greatest pony to have to have ever resisted on stage at Mane Melody.” Minty challenged.

I think resisted is wrong, but I'm not completely sure.
I'm going to continue later...

This chapter was very sweet, though it felt a little rushed. The section when Mean Streak transformed could’ve been much longer and with more detail, but beyond that I think the lesson taught was very wholesome. Great job and I can’t wait for the next chapter! :twilightsmile:

“Yeah, that’s was pretty bad. I promise that next time I’ll respect everypony’s personal space. I know! I’ll even make an apology gift to show you all how really sorry I am. I even make one for Posey too! It’s an Izzy promise!” Without any hesitation, Izzy ran off while her friends only stared at each other and even wondered if they should be worried but shrugged it off. Meanwhile, Izzy was wondering around town with the racoonicorns looking for and idea on what to make for her apology gift.


Pinkie promise

“Hello new friend! My name is Minty Red Cross and I am a member of the Human Appreciation Society and it is so nice to find another open minded pony for a change. You know the whole crazy Minty thing is just an act. Not only am apart of the Human Appreciation Society, I am as you are already know, a nurse but not only that I am also an actor. I work part time in the community theatre.” Said Minty as she held up a fake skull while also wearing an artist’s hat.


“Yup that’s the and since it now seems like a you problem now, I’ll be out of your mane.” Just as soon as Gloomy shut the door, Hitch called all of his friends in a panic with Sunny following behind him along with Sparky who was now riding on Hitch’s back and was having the time of his life.

Is this now ponyville 2.0???

She can be her descendant.

Probably, I wasn’t thinking about it when I wrote it.

“Why is everyone scared all of a sudden?” Izzy asked unaware of the situation. All that she was aware of was that both Minty and Megan were both as pale as a ghost. It took Izzy a moment but when she turned around, she saw a large mutated rabbit. Once Izzy realized what was going on, Izzy screamed after the monster roared and sprayed saliva on her. The group then knew that they all had to run. While they were running they accidentally bumped into the rest of the Mane 5.

oh hi buddy!! Haven't seen you in a thousand years

“Aww, I love you guys too.” Said Pip while Zipp only shrugged and nodded in agreement. While assuming the worst, everyone closed their eyes and continued hugging. Little did they know was that Megan’s locket began to glow and as a result, a rainbow came out of her pocket and aimed itself towards the rabbit. After being engulfed by the magical rainbow, the rabbit returned to normal and hopped along its’ merry way. Once the danger passed, everyone opened their eyes and sighed in relief.


'THE' Megan from G1!?

“Sunny, is it true that humans eat brains?” Asked another.

Ewww!! We are not zombies
And i want to know where they got the stories of us.

“I should have known that using the rabbit was a bad idea. No matter, this is just a little setback. Crystal, keep an eye on the girl. Maybe she might be useful.” The unicorn now known as Crystal, tried to hide once she heard crazed laughter from the other mare.

hmm.... she is actually called Misty

Yeah, I wrote that before her name was revealed. Might change it later when I get the chance.

“I should have known that using the rabbit was a bad idea. No matter, this is just a little setback. Crystal, keep an eye on the girl. Maybe she might be useful.” The unicorn now known as Crystal, tried to hide once she heard crazed laughter from the other mare.




The only problem is, is that things are happening to fast.
And it needs to have scene transitions.

“You think that I am still into you? Fat chance! I still blame the Pegasi and unicorns. Maretime Bay was better when it was just us Earth Ponies. First it was a dragon and now that thing!” Posey said pointing her hoof at Megan who was a bit insulted.

you seriously haven't learned your lesson?

#You spreaded hatred and lies.

#Caused destruction.

#And nearly brought the windigos back

Yeah, I have always had trouble with that. If you have any suggestion on how to do the feel free to. I always appreciate feedback.

“Unfortunately, there are still those who are not happy about the whole unifying thing.” Said Clover who was now a bit annoyed.


Was the Maretime bay disaster not enough?

“Wow, they even have Karens in Pony Land.” Said Megan who was also horrified at the display of behavior.



It’s an AU of sorts. Make Your Mark ch 1 did not happen. The story is a mix of Gen 1 and 5 if that helps.

But Sparky is........👉

Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Sep 23rd, 2022

He hatched during the movie.

The egg appeared in a golden light after the crystals were brought together and magic came back after the three tribes united.


New clips for chapter 2 released.
Thx for the reminder.

So the egg was in the crystals


Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Sep 23rd, 2022

Yup. I have ideas for it when I write season 2.

For an interesting story

I believe Megan should personally know about the mane 6.

I will keep that in mind. Maybe I’ll use it in the future. As for Opaline, she kind of appeared out of nowhere. She and Misty are going to be like the witches from Gen 1.

Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Sep 23rd, 2022
Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Sep 23rd, 2022
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