• Published 10th Jan 2020
  • 4,492 Views, 48 Comments

The Equestrian Spider - Kronos11111

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Chapter Four

The train ride to Canterlot was uneventful. I was stared at the entire time. Most looked slightly scared but I think it was because my tattoo was in plain view for all to see. The only thing of significance was me teaching Chrysalis a advanced technique. My hand was wrapped in a thick layer of aura while the rest of my body was not in any aura.

"Gyo is an advanced application of Ren by which a Nen user concentrates a larger than normal portion of their aura into one specific body part. It increases the strength of that one body part, but leaves the rest of the body more vulnerable. As such it's best used as a counter rather than a actual attack." I deactivated it and let my aura flow around my body. She tried to do it herself. Her hand was wrapped is a shaky aura for a few moments before returning to normal. She tried again to the same result.

"Here try this." I moved my aura to my hand but didn't use Ren to increase it's power, "An alternative version of this technique gathers only the aura naturally leaking from the body instead of the greater amount produced with Ren. This application of Gyo can still increase the amount of aura in one select body part and thus its power, but the output is much lower than what is obtained through the regular technique." She tried again, her aura moving to her hand. She managed to get her hand entirely covered but I could tell it wasn't very strong. Still, I'm impressed how far she's come along in such a short amount of time.

The train pulled into the station and we got off. I activated Zetsu and she took the hint. Canterlot was not something to scoff at. Almost every building looked like it was carved out of marble and lined with gold. Mansions bigger than any one would ever need or use. The castle looked not different. Gold covered nearly every part of it, causing it to shine in the sunlight.

We made it to the gate in no time at all. I walked off to the side where the wall was least guarded. The guards at the gate were out of sight and the patrol just passed by. I got a running start and jumped on the wall, grabbing the ledge. I pulled myself up, then leaned over with my hand outstretched. Chrysalis grabbed it and I pulled her up. We jumped down into the courtyard. We passed by every guard without much effort. A wrong turn caused us to end up in the garden. I was about to turn around when I saw a particular statue.

I walked over to it... Yep that's discord. He was trapped in stone with the sign do not release under it, "Wasn't Discord supposed to be reformed?" I asked Chrysalis.

"He was but after betraying the elements he was sealed away again."

'Is that so? While it does make it easier to find him I don't like how far Celestia is pushing things. She's locked away the literal spirit of chaos.' I switched over to Ten and Chrysalis did as well. I saw a guard walking in this direction, on a routine most likely.

I stopped him, "Excuse me. Can you please go tell Celestia someone is waiting for her next to the statue of Discord. If she asks who just say it's an old friend, she'll know what it means." He looked me over before nodding and walking off.

I turned to look at the statue of Discord, 'I can't wait, dear princess.'

(POV Luna)

My sister, the element bearers, and I were eating lunch. Now that morning court is over, she had cancelled the rest of the day so she could tell us why she hated humans so much. We were nearly finished when one of the solar guards entered. He walked over to my sister.

"Princess, there's a stallion in the garden by the statue of Discord who asked to see you."

"Were you expecting somepony sister?" I asked her, some anger in my voice.

"No, I wasn't dear sister. Did he say who he was or why he is here? I never got a letter from him." She folded her hands on the table.

"No princess, he didn't tell me why he was here. He just said to tell you the he was an old friend and that you would know what it meant." Both of our eyes went as wide as saucers.

"Sister, you don't think it can be him, could it?" I asked her.

"I don't know dear sister, but it is very possible. We must see him right away." The two of us stood up, the element bearers confused all the while.

Twilight was the first to speak out, "Who's this 'old friend' you two are talking about?"

We began walking to the garden as my sister answered, "He was a very powerful magic user during the time discord reined Equestria. It was thanks to his help we were able to find the elements."

I continued, "He disappeared not long after but said he will return when the world will be in danger. It seems today is that day." The eight of us made it to the garden in record time. We wasted no time, heading straight to Discord. When we got there we saw somepony different.

Instead of the pony we were looking for it was some other creature with a unicorn mare. What was odd however, was that they both were using Nen. He seemed to notice us and turn to look at us, as did his companion. He wore a white tee-shirt and jeans. His mane reached down to his shoulders. The most interesting part about him was a magical tattoo of a twelve legged spider with the number zero on his left forearm. His companion had one as well, though it was the number five and on her thigh.

My sister's face twisted into anger, "What are you doing here foul human."

He put his hand on his chest and put on a fake look of shock, "My my Celestia, that hurt my feelings. Is this how you treat all your guests?" He chuckled a little, "But in all seriousness, I do want to talk to you. You as well princess Luna since you're here."

Before my sister could say anything I answered, "What is it you need to know talk about Julian?"

Sister looked at me, "You know this human?" Her voice sounded like she was just betrayed.

"Yes, he was the human I met in the dream realm."

"It's nice you remember me. However I do need your help finding a missing mare. She very important to me and I need to find her."

My sister spat out, "I sure you're the one that took her and just trying to cover up your tracks."

He rolled his eyes and put on a sarcastic tone, "Yes, I clearly kidnapped someone important to me and immediately went straight to the Princesses to try and trick them into thinking that I didn't do it before the guards even know about it." He put on a blank face and flat tone, "Do you even think?"

Sister was about to attack him when I held out my arm, "Sister, your anger and preconceived thoughts of humans are clouding your judgment. He has done nothing wrong or we would've heard about it." She looked angry but back down. I looked over to him, "And you are no better. Insulting a princess while asking for their help."

He sighed, "You're right. my apologies, but we should get back on topic. The reason I came straight to you is because I believe you know her."

"We do?" I rose a brow.

'Who could it be that he's talking about'

"Yes, she's a alicorn with white fur. her mane and tail look like fire and she wares orange battle armour." We knew exactly who he was talking about. He must have noticed because he began to smirk, "She goes by the name Daybreaker."

Sister erupted into a pillar of fire. her screams of agony could be heard across Canorlot. The heat was so strong that all of us had to step back. the flame slowly died down. In my sisters place was somepony else. It was Daybreaker standing there in full armour.

(POV Julian)

"Ah, does it feel good to be free again. I must asked, who was it the freed me?"

I slightly raised my hand, "That would be me Daybreaker. I ask that we save the pleasantries for later. Right now I need to speak with them." I pointed to the others, "Until then, I ask that you wait for me. Chrysalis, Teliport her to the hideout and return for me in a few minutes."

She dropped her disguise and walked over to Daybreaker, "Are you sure you want to wait that long? You could die if I don't return."

I looked at her, "Have you forgotten or do you need to be reminded of what rule number one is."

"Rule number one, your orders are our top priority, but you are not our top priority. Even if it means sacrificing you we are to follow your orders."

"So you do remember. Then why are you still here?" I know I'm being rude but she needs to leave for the rest of the plan to work. her horn lit up and in a flash of green light the two of them were gone.

"Julian, Just what is it that you are planning? Why are you doing this?" Luna asked me.

I looked at her in the eyes, "Your sister, you, and the element bearers have created a unbalance in the world. Order and harmony has spread too far and created a rift between it and chaos. I am putting together a group known as the Phantom Troupe. We will bring balance back to the world with chaos." A small crack appeared on Discord, "The world will know that we are something to fear." Off in a icy tundra a black unicorn with a curved red horn looked south to Equestria, "A world where chaos and harmony are equal to each other." In a town near the outskirts of Equestria a lite purple unicorn looked to Canterlot, "With powers that can rival magic itself." On a airship In a far off land a red unicorn with a broken horn looked to Equestria, "No matter what race you are. Pony or not." In Ponyville and young dragon put down his book and looked out the window, "A group who accept all, no matter what they have done in the past." In Manehattan a unicorn street magician looks to Canterlot. "And a place where one can find themselves with the help of others." In Ponyville a pegasus filly looked up at the sky, "We will set the world back into motion. We will right the wrongs you have made. We are Equestria's Spider and our venom is the cure to the poison you call peace."

Chrysalis appeared and grabbed ahold of my arm. her horn lit up with magic again, "And we will be the ones left standing in the end." We teleported away and into the castle of the two sisters.