• Published 11th Jan 2020
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Batman Restarts - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Dark Knight finds himself in a strange colorful world filled with magical ponies while in search of one of his enemies. He must also stand against a rising combined evil in Equestria.

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Chapter 11: Bonding Time

Early in the morning, Bruce arose from the bed Twilight gave to him within her library home. After brushing his teeth and bathing, he put his bat-suit back on and headed downstairs to have breakfast. In the kitchen, Twilight and Spike were having pancakes while talking with each other. Batman noticed a plate of pancakes reserved for him on the table.

“Good morning, Bruce!” Twilight greeted. Spike waved at him, smiling.

“Good morning, Twilight.” Batman greeted back before nodding to Spike. “Hey, Spike.”

“How was your rest? Did you sleep well?” Twilight asked before taking another bite.

“It wasn’t too bad. However, you might want to bring a more comfortable mattress in the guest room.” said Batman.

“Sorry about that. I’ll keep that in mind.” said Twilight.

Batman started to take a bite of the pancakes. To him, it had the same sweetness and flavor of the pancakes he had back at Wayne Manor. “Good. Thanks again.”

“Anytime, Bats!” Spike replied.

“By the way, I couldn’t stop thinking about your story you told us about last night at the farm.” Twilight recalled. “It really made me wonder about...the state of your own home. Was Gotham always like that? Was it always full of evil and crime 24/7?”

“Do you really need to know the specific state of Gotham’s citizens?” Batman hesitantly sighed.

“I’m just curious to know because...how in Celestia’s name were you able to survive its cruelty during all those years of suffering and emotional pain?!” Twilight shouted. “It’s just...UNTHINKABLE!”

“I get what you’re saying, Twilight. Yes, I faced plenty of challenges—dangerous challenges while growing up. Nonetheless, I did not give up any hope of trying to change Gotham for the greater good; though I can’t tell you how long Gotham has been corrupt, I will tell you how I emerged victorious over my enemies. It was this: never being afraid.” Batman said.

“Never being afraid?” Spike asked, puzzled. “Being afraid of what?”

“Being afraid of something which you don’t truly understand.” Batman somberly replied. The unicorn and dragon then pondered on what he just said.

“If you do not comprehend the threat which is in front of you and recognize its detrimental effects, you’ll have the natural tendency to run from it. That’s why it’s important to understand whom you’re facing against—knowing your enemy—so that instead of running from it, you’ll stand against that foe with the expedient resources to defeat it.” Batman lectured.

“Ohhhh.” both Twilight and Spike said in unison.

“When I learned that painful lesson, I realized the full truth: I never really understood the depth of the cruel reality I was living in...until after my parents died.” he grimly said.

“So it was at that moment that you became Batman?” Spike asked.

“Yes.” he said before resuming in eating his breakfast.

After two minutes of silence in eating, Twilight asked another question to continue the conversation, “Soooo...you’re just a hero? Is that really it?” Twilight again asked.

“I don’t see myself as a hero. I look upon myself as a symbol that everyone can look up to.” said Batman. “As a man, I can be corrupted; as a mortal, I can be destroyed. But as a symbol, I can be incorruptible and indestructible. I do not fight against crime for my sake; I fight for the sake of others so that they can learn from me and be inspired to stand against evil.”

“WOW. That’s so awesome! I wish I can be like you, Batman!” Spike said.

“Being yourself is a better way, Spike.” Batman advised.

“I agree, Batman.” Twilight concurred.

“Well, I spoke about myself quite enough. What about you guys? You haven’t told me about yourselves yet. What is this world all about?” the Dark Knight asked.

“Oh! Well, as you know, this is Equestria. We believe in the Magic of Friendship; it has saved us several times from our enemies that tried to take over Equestria. Friendship is the way to happiness and peace so long as we make friends and help those who struggle with friendship proplems! Within the Everfree Forest, there is a tree called the Tree of Harmony; it has six elements: magic, loyalty, kindness, honesty, generosity, and laughter. I represent the element of magic, Rainbow Dash represents loyalty, Fluttershy kindness, Applejack honesty, Rarity generosity, and Pinkie laughter.” Twilight explained.

“Hmmm, interesting.” Batman commented.

“Yep! With all these six elements, all of Equestria is in peaceful harmony. So what do you think?” she asked.

“Hmmm, so Friendship is what gives you ponies peace and joy in the whole world? I find that to be very arbitrary and unrealistic to be honest.” Batman replied.

“What do you mean?” Spike asked.

“In my world, none of that works at all, especially magic. It is called reality. Reality doesn’t sugarcoat the lives of people on earth because in that life, it is harsh and relentless. You may deny it all you want but in my world, that is a fact.” Batman stated.

“So you don’t think that friendship can work for you? If you were to just give it a try, it will do great wonders for you! I’m not lying when I say this!” Twilight argued.

“I have little hope that ‘friendship’ of yours would work for Gotham.” Batman clarified. “However, I am sure you will be kind enough to show me how this functions here. But don’t forget to help me find a way out of this world. You said the princess of this land can help us?”

“Yep! I’ll take you to her! She and Luna would be thrilled to see you!” Twilight squealed. “Follow me!”

Twilight and Spike led Batman from Ponyville to the train station. While they were waiting for the train to come, Batman ,except Twilight and Spike, noticed the medic ponies taking the unconscious engineer to the hospital at the far left of the road. He wondered as to what happened to that pony.

“Do you like to read books, Batman?” Twilight asked. Batman was snapped out of his thoughts once she spoke.

“I do...at least the books I’m interested in.” Batman replied.

“GREAT!! I’m sure we’ll be great study buddies!! We will have so much in common!!” Twilight excitedly squealed. Batman ignored her and resumed his previous thoughts.

Just then, he spotted a smoke grenade right next to his feet. He picked it up and examined it. Once he scrutinized the grenade, he noticed a very familiar small hand-writing on the top of the cylindrical grenade, Fear is here. Then he realized that Scarecrow was around here and that the ponies could be in danger as long as he was around. If he had to stop Crane from causing harm and damage in this innocent world, he had to do something immediately. Wasting no time, he put the grenade in his utility belt and turned to his friends, “You two, a threat is at large in this land. Scarecrow and his thugs are around here somewhere. You go to the princess to warn her while I search for clues.” he sternly alerted.

“Scarecrow? Who’s Scarecrow?” Twilight asked.

“He’s also known as Dr. Jonathan Crane, a psychologist and former professor in the same field also from Gotham. He’s known as the master of fears and the holder of the fear toxin which can bring your worse nightmares to life while you’re under the influence.” Batman explained.

“REALLY?! So Scarecrow is like King Sombra?!” Twilight shrieked.

“Who’s that?” Batman asked.

“Sombra was the former ruler of the Crystal Empire! He enslaved and terrorized the crystal ponies for many years until Celestia and Luna defeated him. Just recently, he came back to retake the empire while trying to destroy us with his dark crystals and using our fears to weaken us! Cadence defeated him at the end with the love and hope of the crystal ponies. I just hope he never comes back.” Twilight said.

“In that case, I hope so too.” Batman said.

“Look there’s the train!” Spike pointed. The train slowly approached the station and made a full stop before it opened the doors.

“Great! Come on, Bruce, let’s go to—huh?” Twilight said as she turned back to him, seeing him completely gone.

“Hey, where did he go?” Spike asked.

“I don’t know. He just disappeared while we weren’t looking.” Twilight said.

“All aboard!! Next stop is Canterlot City!” the conductor announced.

“Come on! I’m sure our friends will show him where Canterlot is!” Twilight said to Spike as they got on board the train. The train then took off to Canterlot. Batman looked down from the rooftop of the station.

“I need to find clues to Crane’s whereabouts. The sooner I find them, the better it will get. I hope Gotham is doing fine in my absence.” Batman said before using his grappling gun to take off.