• Member Since 1st Mar, 2016
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There is nothing as liberating, or terrifying, as a blank page.


Applejack is charged with several crimes and must go to Manehattan to stand trial.

Written for Shrink Laureate's Season 10 Bingo Writing Contest.

Applejack - Golden Harvest - Barrel Twins - Manehattan - Court of Law

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 14 )

Aaaaand tracking.

Seriously, this is already shaping up to be a fine comedy.

This all seems rather fishy. Throwing her in jail without either a lawyer or even telling her what she's charged with? While they're seemingly fast-tracking the trial to start early in the morning just after the arrest has been made? AJ isn't even going to have the time to talk to her lawyer, much less build up a defence, while the prosecution seems to have everything set up in advance long before.

Something very suspicious is going on here...

awesome chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Let's see how that develops!!

These ponies sound extremely corrupt. I wonder if any of them helped frame Applejack.

You'll just have to wait. :raritywink: I'm halfway through the next chapter. Let's just hope that I can free up some more time so I won't be publishing one chapter every year.

Okay, this is really looking everything like a kangaroo court. Tossing an inexperienced lawyer at Applejack mere minutes before the trial begins? This seems to be using American law as a base, and even a casual search tells me there very much is something as a right to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of a defence.

can't wait. must wait

Let's just say that the military is running me ragged at the moment. I had training in September, training in October/November, training in December, and now a long course starting in January. I haven't had time to write since August. *Sigh*

Where's Phoenix Wright when you need him?

Sadly, he's working another trial. So too are Saul Goodman, Matlock, Perry Mason, and Alan Dershowitz. But I did hear that President Trump fired a number of his lawyers today.

I wonder if Apollo Justice or Athena Cykes are available

Considering applejack spends 90% of her time in poynville and the rest she either with her friends or she making deliveries for her family I have a hard time believing that they got the right pony.

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