• Published 9th Apr 2020
  • 1,027 Views, 11 Comments

Maybe Someday - CousinBraeburn00

Twilight meets Sunset Shimmer, and is thrown head first into the wildest ride of her young life.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Twilight decided to rein herself back in for the rest of the school week. Her perfect attendance record - which she had proudly held since the first day of freshman year - was now broken, and the last thing she wanted was Principal Celestia contacting her parents to question them about her absences. Absences that, in turn, her parents would question her about. She would prefer not to admit that she had been hanging out with a high school dropout who rode a motorcycle with no helmets and encouraged her to skip school. No doubt they would ask what this “hanging out” consisted of, and Twilight was less than stellar at lying under pressure.

She just wasn’t ready to come out to her parents yet. She didn’t doubt that they would wholly accept her and not make a big deal out of it, but she felt it wasn’t the right time. She would get around to it. Eventually. Someday.

The situation with her friends was still awkward. That was really the only word Twilight could use. She knew that they knew - they had to. Yet no one said a word from either side. Twilight wasn’t exactly content to keep it that way, but she didn’t know how to broach the subject without pissing someone off, somehow. So for the rest of the week, they all continued to tiptoe around each other, attempting to make things as normal as possible. Though Twilight knew they were far from normal. Why couldn’t she just muster up the courage to talk to them? They were her friends, after all. They would understand. Friends were supposed to understand!

But what could she say?

Oh, by the way, I’ve been seeing that girl that you warned me to stay away from because I didn’t believe a word you said about her. I’m too selfish to heed the advice you gave me, even though you did it because you care about me and my wellbeing. I’m paying you back by sneaking around and hiding things from you. Sor-ry!

That would be utterly ridiculous. A part of her wished someone else would initiate the conversation so she could just get it over with. She knew the longer this went on, the harder that conversation and the repercussions would be. She was on a road to self-sabotage, but she didn’t seem to be in control of the wheel.

As Saturday evening came around, Twilight was lounging on her bed, rifling through the schoolwork that she had missed, when a text came through.

[Rarity 6:20pm] Twi I know things are weird right now but please come hang out with us tonight? We’re ordering sushi!! :D

Twilight smiled wistfully. Usually she would reply with an instant agreement, but now she wasn’t sure if she should; she felt too ashamed. Perhaps this was an opportunity presenting itself for her to come clean to her friends.

Well… YOLO. Or whatever.

As she began typing out a reply, considering every word probably much too hard, her phone buzzed again and she nearly dropped it onto her face. She was expecting a follow-up text from Rarity.

[Sunset 6:23pm] Hey cutie

[Sunset 6:23pm] Tell me you aren’t busy so I can take you out.

The nerd halted her reply to Rarity mid-word as a delighted gasp escaped her. It had been a day since she had seen Sunset. Immediately, she blushed. Was she really so obsessed that she thought one twenty-four hour period was a long time to be away from the redhead?

I’m no better than a character in those gaudy romance novels Fluttershy likes.

Almost as if she had been possessed, Twilight’s thumbs were already flying across her phone, typing out the fastest reply she could manage. She barely stopped herself before hitting the send button.

She had already made plans with Rarity and the others.

But no, she actually hadn’t. She had yet to finish that message. So in actuality, she wasn’t busy. And her homework was not imperative, it could wait another day.

She chewed her lip, tearing at a piece of chapped skin with her teeth, the sharp pain grounding her for a moment. Right then she knew she was a bad friend, because deciding between these two options shouldn’t even be happening.

But her fling with Sunset was this new, exhilarating experience that she didn’t know how long would last.

But Rarity was her best friend in the whole world who she didn’t want to hurt.

But Sunset was someone she didn’t want to hurt either.

But Rarity would never do this to her if the situation was reversed.




Twilight hurriedly sent off her messages before her mind could change course again, the first to Sunset.

[Twilight 6:29pm] I’m not busy. Where are we going?

And the second to Rarity.

[Twilight 6:29pm] Sorry I’ve got a lot to catch up on tonight. You girls have fun without me!

Sunset’s near instantaneous reply filled Twilight with nervous energy and kept her from falling into a pit of guilt.

[Sunset 6:30pm] Be there in 15. Be ready to party ;)

Hopefully her friends would forgive her.


Half way through her descent of the staircase, Twilight caught sight of the living room and its single occupant and came crashing back down to reality. Her father was home for the night, as he usually was on Saturdays. Her mother may be home as well, or was tonight that event she was attending with her colleagues? Twilight couldn’t remember, as her mind had been too preoccupied with… other things.

Night Light sat on the sofa, studying a few papers. Typical of him to bring his work home with him, though Twilight didn’t have much room to talk. As she tiptoed into the room, rubbing her hands together uneasily, she wondered what she could say.

Night Light looked up when he noticed her presence and smiled. “Hey there. Oh! You look nice. Are you going somewhere?”

Twilight felt her cheeks heat up. Perhaps she had overdone it if even her father noticed. She was finally finding the courage to wear a dress that Rarity had pressured her (with the best intentions) into buying - a dark navy and white number with a high low hem that managed to just push her out of her comfort zone. The high part of the hem went above the knee, which was part of the reason Rarity had been so persistent on this one. She always said Twilight had great legs, much to the nerd’s embarrassment.

“Um, yes,” Twilight started, fiddling with her glasses. “Rarity invited me out and I thought I’d go. If that’s alright, of course.”

Even though Twilight was newly eighteen and considered an adult from a legal standpoint, she still lived under her parents’ roof and respected their authority.

Apparently you don’t respect him enough to not lie to him.

If her father wasn’t comfortable with her going out tonight, then she would stay home and face the disappointment. If Night Light knew the truth, who she was really going out with, he wouldn’t hesitate in putting his foot down. But her parents knew Rarity - loved Rarity, trusted Rarity - and wouldn’t bat an eye.

“Sure thing, sweetheart. Be back by two, unless you’re staying over. Fair?”


Twilight had trouble meeting her father’s eyes, but he had already gone back to perusing his papers. She was aware of the influence Sunset was having on her.

Sunset isn’t to blame. I’m perfectly in control of myself. She isn’t holding me at gunpoint, forcing me to lie like this.

Shaking her head to dismiss those thoughts, Twilight checked the time and found that it was ten minutes past the time Sunset had said to be ready. Worry began to worm its way into the nerdy girl’s mind. Perhaps this meant that Sunset wasn’t coming? Was this part of a cruel joke? Was Adagio right, was Sunset already bored? Was it because she hadn’t -

A sharp buzz from her phone startled her.

[Sunset 6:58pm] Finally here. Flash wouldn’t get his ass in gear.

With that, Twilight’s worry settled back into a far corner of her mind. She spared a quick glance at her father, who was still engrossed in his work. Hopefully he would stay that way until she was gone. If he were to look out the window and see the unfamiliar car - or, God forbid, a motorcycle - the jig would be up.

“Bye, Dad!”

“Mm-hmm. Sounds good.” He murmured.

Twilight sighed. He was wholly concentrated on those papers. At least she knew she wasn’t adopted. Her studious nature had very obviously come from her father.

As she stepped out onto the front porch, squinting against the last rays of the sun, she found Flash’s Camaro pulled up alongside the curb. She fought down the little wave of dislike that reared its head as she caught sight of the boy in the passenger seat. Flash was Sunset’s best friend, and despite his horrible blunder, the least she could do was be friendly with him.

Would she do the same for your best friend? Twilight grimaced. Shut up already!

Twilight’s self-consciousness flared as she neared the car. She was too overdressed, she knew it. She should have just wore what she had been wearing all day, she didn’t need to change, especially not into this dress. They hadn’t seen her yet, maybe she still had time to turn around and run upstairs quickly -

But then Flash was turning his head and looking right at her, blinking several times in surprise. His jaw dropped, and Twilight bit her lip, coming to an abrupt halt in the middle of the sidewalk. She didn’t much care for Flash’s opinion about her, but was gawking like that a good sign? The boy reached back blindly to slap his hand along Sunset’s arm and shoulder, and also her face accidentally. The redhead snatched his wrist with an annoyed scowl before looking out the window at what had grabbed his attention.

Sunset’s gawking was definitely a good sign. Granted, she didn’t gape as stupidly as Flash, but the widening of her eyes and parting of her lips had Twilight’s self-consciousness receding back to acceptable limits. She looked okay then. The dress was worth it, if it meant Sunset would continue to look at her like that.

Sexy!” Flash called, only to be immediately whacked upside the head by Sunset.

Twilight hugged her arms to herself and shuffled her feet. Sunset sprang from the car and hurried to her, an annoyed dip to her brow. Taking Twilight round the waist, she pulled her into a gentle embrace, and Twilight instantly relaxed.

“Ignore him.” Sunset whispered.

The redhead pulled back and let her eyes roam the other girl’s form appreciatively. Twilight giggled stupidly, twirling a lock of hair around her fingers. She couldn’t keep the bashful smile from overtaking her lips.

“This is… you look fucking amazing. Flash is right, but don’t tell him I said so.”

Turning back, Sunset offered her arm which Twilight easily took. Flash was still eyeing her as they approached the car, until Sunset shot him a glare. He blinked several more times and snapped his mouth shut with a wet smack. If he had been drooling, Twilight would be mortified beyond words.

“Backseat, dude.” Sunset said.

Flash frowned. “But this is my car.”

“I’m not making her sit in the back with Trixie,” She turned. “We’re picking up Trixie, by the way. If that’s cool.”

Twilight was surprised. She had no problem with Sunset picking up another of her friends, but she wondered what would happen if she were to say no. It was an interesting potential experiment, but she would save it for another time.

“Of course. You’re friends, after all.”

Flash, with an overly dramatic sigh, extracted himself from the front seat to the back, where he crossed his arms in, what Twilight thought, was a mock-pout.

When everyone was settled and they were pulling out onto the street, Sunset kept shooting Twilight furtive looks, making her blush even harder and want to squirm in her seat. When Sunset reached over and rested a hand on her bare knee, Twilight felt an electrical pulse rush through her body.

Over the past couple of days, Twilight had come to a realization about herself. When she was around Sunset, her brain seemed to split into two very different things that constantly warred with one another. She had categorized them, as she did. The logical part, which she had dubbed Sane Brain, fought tooth and nail to keep her grounded and sensible. It was the owner of the tough love voice in her mind that she often dismissed, even though she knew it to be right. Sane Brain drove her mad, but she knew heeding it would keep her head above water.

The other part was much easier to give in to and much harder to fight off. This was the impulsive, base part of her, the vile, primal part that she hadn’t even known existed before meeting Sunset. This was the beast known as Horny Brain. And Horny Brain was trying to take the reins now, with Sunset’s warm hand settled on her knee, fingers absently tapping against her skin. Twilight pulled in a shaky breath between her teeth, hoping the radio was loud enough that no one would hear it. She was so intently focused on the feel of Sunset’s hand that she hadn’t noticed they had come to a stop in front of another house.

Twilight blinked, the rest of the world coming back into focus. Sunset was shaking her head as she looked out the driver’s side window.

“Oh my God.” Flash mumbled from the back seat.

Twilight wasn’t sure what had them so flummoxed until the rear door flew open and an alarming amount of cleavage and thigh entered the backseat. Twilight attempted to keep her eyes on the newcomer’s face, which proved difficult, as Horny Brain was still at the helm.

“What’s up, bitches? Trixie has arrived!”

The car stayed silent as Trixie settled into her seat. After a moment, she noticed everyone’s eyes were still on her and she shook her head with a scowl.

“What?” She asked, growing defensive.

“What’s with the leather? Did your BDSM order arrive?” Flash asked.

Trixie swatted the blue-haired boy on his shoulder. “Don’t you try to slut shame me, Flash Sentry. It’s a bathing suit.”

That did little to clear things up. Flash and Sunset still stared at their friend skeptically.

“Hello, I’m hanging by the pool all night. I want to draw in some Crystal Prep hotties. They won’t be able to resist me.”

Sunset smirked. “Sure, until you open your mouth.”

Trixie scoffed as her other friends laughed. Twilight did as well, a small subdued laugh escaping her lips. It still managed to draw Trixie’s attention.

“Hey, don’t I know you?”

The nerdy girl didn’t have time to reply before Trixie was nodding her head and pointing at her, recognition crossing her features.

“That’s right, you’re Starlight Glimmer’s friend. Funny,” Trixie’s eyes darted doubtfully between Twilight and Sunset. “I didn’t peg you as the type to hang around with a loser like Sunset.”

The redhead rolled her eyes and turned back forward in order to put the car in drive.

“Really, Trixie? But you’re so good at pegging people.”

The magician looked indignant for a moment before a mischievous smile slipped across her face.

“Maybe. Just ask Flash.”

Flash spluttered, his face turning red. “Uh, no! Hell no! Don’t even joke like that or she’ll think you’re serious.”

The girls shared a laugh at Flash’s expense, even Twilight. She was glad to see that these three ragged on each other much like her own friends, though admittedly in much more vulgar terms. She began to relax as the others continued to poke fun at each other. She was definitely growing to like Sunset’s friends, even Flash.

Without her notice, Sunset’s hand had slipped higher up her leg, leaving her knee and beginning to encroach on dangerous territory - that is, the hemline of her dress. Twilight didn’t stop her, even as her hand slipped under the fabric an inch or two. This was the sort of thing her parents had warned her about boys trying to do and how she should not give in and be strong enough to resist the temptation. Of course, she had only been thirteen or fourteen during that awkward talk, and it hadn’t involved the possibility of a beautiful girl reaching under her skirt. If only her parents could see her now.

You’re so easy. What next, spreading your legs for her? There was Sane Brain, fighting back with a guilt trip.

She was suddenly finding it hard to breathe and swallow normally. Sunset’s fingers tickled her skin high up on her thigh, making her head swim. She couldn’t look in the redhead’s direction, or get out a word, or really move at all. She was paralyzed, not in fear but in anxious eagerness. She tried to focus on the conversation happening in the backseat.

“I’m up to three thousand views, not to brag or anything. Trixie is graciously humble, you know.” Trixie was saying.

“Is it the disappearing carrot trick? That one really disturbs me.”

But Twilight wasn’t really hearing the words. Her pulse pounded loudly in her ears as her blood rushed to her head… and other parts. Sunset’s hand felt almost unbearably hot as it slid tantalizingly slowly along her skin. Twilight wasn’t sure if the girl would try anything totally indecent with her friends in the car, but at the moment she wasn’t even bothered by the idea, which scared her. But the fear was beaten back quickly to be replaced by head-spinning delirium when Sunset’s finger brushed the apex of her thigh and a horrendously embarassing noise escaped her. She immediately slapped her hands to her mouth, almost knocking her glasses off her face. The car grew deathly silent for a moment.

“Oh my God, Sunset!” Trixie snapped. “I really don’t want to see the passenger princess get finger-fucked while I am right here. Not again.”

“Yeah, please don’t ruin the leather.” Flash added, a hint of laughter behind his words.

Sunset pulled back to Twilight’s knee and shot her a wicked smile that had the nerd’s heart racing all over again. She placed her own hand on top of Sunset’s, telling herself it was to keep it safely settled on her knee. Horny Brain immediately kicked back with indecent thoughts of guiding that hand right back to where it had been. She rolled her eyes; she wouldn’t have the courage to do that even if she wanted to.

“Check it out. These kids are even richer than me.” Flash said, leaning between the front seats to point out the windshield.

They were entering one of the most - if not the most - affluent neighborhoods in Canterlot City. Twilight recognized it because she had been through it before, many times. Crystal Prep Academy was several blocks down to the right. Her brother had attended, and Twilight nearly had too, but ultimately she chose Canterlot High instead. She hadn’t wanted to start over socially, attempting to make new friends and find her place. Her mother had been disappointed. After all, Crystal Prep was an exemplary school that would get her far very quickly due to her academic aptitude. Her mother couldn’t understand why she would choose friendships that might not last over an education that would last all of her life.

But Twilight wasn’t worried about her future. She had been scouted by universities since sophomore year. Though statistically speaking, she knew schools only scouted above average students for their own gain, in order to raise their likely-to-be-successful student body percentage, and Twilight on her own would make no substantial difference -

She stopped thinking along those lines. The point was that she wasn’t worried for her educational future as much as her mother was. Besides, if she had attended Crystal Prep, it was inevitable that students would have found out about her relationship with the principal, Cadance, who had been Shining Armor’s on-again, off-again girlfriend all throughout high school (they were currently on-again and it seemed longterm because she was his corndog soulmate after all). Surely people would have found that to be an unfair advantage, which was humorous coming from the type of people who attended CPA. Everyone had an unfair advantage of some caliber.

“Look at Sunny Flare still wearing her school uniform,” Trixie snickered. “She looks stupid.”

“As opposed to your outfit?” Sunset said under her breath.

So it was another house party. Twilight tried not to look unhappy as they approached a cul-de-sac filled with people and parked cars. From the looks of it, two side-by-side houses were both hosting one party. She couldn’t believe that the other neighbors weren’t complaining, especially in this neighborhood. The hosts must be exceptionally bougie.

“Oh no!” Flash exclaimed suddenly, startling Twilight because he was still leaning between the seats.

Sunset flashed him an annoyed frown as she pulled into an empty spot along the curb. He grabbed her shoulder and pulled at the fabric of her jacket frantically.

“Dude, what?” She asked, roughly shrugging him off, only for him to come right back.

“It’s Diamond Tiara! She bullied me at the mall today.”

He pointed out a small girl in a sparkly gold jacket. Twilight recognized her by the jacket alone, since Rarity had commented on it before. It was apparently a very expensive article of clothing. Diamond Tiara was a freshman at CHS, despite being the daughter of a well-known business magnate.

Sunset turned in her seat to look at the boy in total bewilderment, and Twilight caught sight of Trixie doing the same.

“That girl looks like she’s fourteen.”

“So? She’s vicious.”

Trixie burst out in unbridled laughter and Sunset quickly joined her. Flash pouted angrily, looking to Twilight for help. She could only smile at him pityingly.

“I think me and her would get along,” Trixie said, still giggling as she opened the door to step out. “I might introduce myself.”

“Really? No one is going to help me?”

They all filed out of the car, leaving Flash to linger in the backseat.

“Bulk Biceps is literally right there.” Sunset called back.

The muscular blonde boy that Twilight recognized from the Apples’ party was doing pushups on the grass while two pretty girls sat on his back giggling. Flash perked up at the sight.

“Bulk is soft,” Sunset whispered as she wrapped an arm around Twilight’s shoulders to pull her close. “He’ll get bullied right along with Flash.”

Twilight thought that was rather mean of Sunset, but then again, if those two nearly grown men allowed themselves to be hurt by a fourteen-year-old, she wasn’t sure if there was any help for them.

Oh please. Rarity has told me how awful Diamond has been to Sweetie Belle. I wouldn’t be able to take it either.

“Now you’ve done it. Flash will be hanging with that guy all night. Watch him push those fangirls out of the way.” Trixie quickened her pace to walk along the other side of Sunset.

Twilight briefly imagined the blue-haired boy sending the girls flying and climbing onto Bulk’s back instead, and laughed quietly to herself. Sunset heard it and tossed her a wink, turning her light laughter into a pathetically girlish giggle, which then turned into a squeal of delight when Sunset swooped in to nuzzle her cheek. Trixie scoffed in a loud, over-exaggerated manner.

“Alright, I’m off to the pool before you guys get so flirty I gag. Au revoir!” Trixie waggled her fingers in a wave before hurrying off in what Twilight assumed was the direction of the pool.

“I would never get so flirty.” Sunset mumbled. “It would tarnish my reputation as a badass.”

Twilight snorted despite herself. She wasn’t sure if that claim held up under scrutiny - after all, Sunset had done nothing but flirt since they had first met. The redhead narrowed her eyes in mock-challenge.

“Okay, enough out of you.”

She steered them towards the porch steps and the party waiting within the house. Twilight wasn’t really looking forward to this, it had been established already that unruly house parties were not her scene and that hadn’t changed in the last week, but being with Sunset might make things more bearable. It was the hypothesis she would be testing, anyhow. Already more people were looking her way than was normal, but she attributed that to being in the company of Sunset. They wouldn’t be looking otherwise.

Twilight frowned.

Then she looked again at the people glancing her way, seeing that some were giving her double and even triple looks. It was just because they couldn’t believe someone like Twilight was on the arm of someone like Sunset, right? Even though on the outside their faces seemed appreciative, deep down they were really scoffing in disbelief, weren’t they? What was she even doing here - who was she kidding, why and how had she ever believed Sunset Shimmer liked her? Adagio was right, Sunset felt bad for her and was sympathetic enough to take pity on her. She knew this already, but still she held on to a tiny sliver of hope.

Turn around, get out of here right now -

“Wow babe, looking good!”

Twilight came back to herself at the sudden voice. A girl she didn’t recognize was smiling brightly at her from her place between two others on the porch. The nerd blinked in surprise; the smile pointed her way seemed entirely genuine.

“Oh, um, thank you.” She offered awkwardly.

The girl laughed and nodded, and her friends flashed friendly smiles as well. Sunset’s arm tightened around her shoulders as she pulled her closer.

“Glad I’m with the hottest girl at the party.”

Twilight blushed as she slipped her own arm around the other girl’s waist.

“I-I wouldn’t say hottest.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “I would.”

Twilight was sure that was just a biased opinion. But then she saw the compliment girl nodding along in agreement and shooting her a wink. She blushed even harder and hurried along. Could Rarity actually be right? She always said something as simple as an outfit change could be the turning point in a person’s social life. Twilight thought that sounded absolutely ridiculous but she was beginning to see that her friend may have a point. She made a mental note to do a bit more research on the subject.

For now, she took a breath as she stepped through the door and the booming beat of the music made her flinch. It was already congested with people and they were only in the foyer. She and Sunset had to release each other in favor of linking hands. Twilight was appreciative when the redhead’s fingers threaded with hers and gripped down tightly.

At least she would be in her preferred company as she descended into this unlawful pit of teenage debauchery.

Good Lord, the unruliness!

Author's Note:

Hi, sorry, it's been awhile. This chapter is shorter than normal but I just wanted to get something out since it's been two friggin months.

Ooh, another party, and a ritzy party at that. It's about to go down, y'all.

Thank you for reading!

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