• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen 7 minutes ago


30 year old man from California who likes to fight with swords. Author of Successor, Love Mark, and Daybreaker at Canterlot Wedding Verses.


Done at the request of Shadowpony300.

An alternate ending to Daybreaker vs. Chrysalis in which the Mane 5 are too late to save Twilight from the poison in Chrysalis's bite.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

it was ok

Great story, Sam. And sad too. I think that if Twilight had died from Chrysalis's bite, this would have happened.

No idea what BBBFF stands for

Big brother best friend forever, did you ever watch Canterlot wedding?

I did about twice, but I like that part when Chrysalis appears.

Good job, even though it’s sad.

Sam, can you do a second chapter to this where as the grieving over Twilight's death continues, Nightmare Moon inside Luna (and the dormant Daybreaker in Celestia) learn about it from their current selves and become surprised. The two alter egos appear before the two princesses and console them for the loss of Twilight. Meanwhile, Twilight Velvet finds a resurrection spell and reports to Celestia; who calls Shining Armor, Spike and Twilight's friends. They become hopeful that the spell will revive Twilight.

You can continue from there, but the spell will be successful and revive Twilight in the end.

Afraid I'm not planning on continuing this one.

If you want you could make a story like that yourself.

I’m the most unawesome friend there could be.

Every word you just said is a lie, Rainbow.

"The Mane 5"

Almost form the first drop, this story hits like a train. Impressive work on a topic no normally well-established in s few words; the death of a main character. Almost reminds me of The Monster we Made in terms of brevity.

Nice job, Sam.

Thanks. I'll be checking out some of yours soon as well.

I wish there was a sequel to this.

well i have in idea for you ....
this could turn into a big story with the changlings somehow reviving Twilight as an changling queen

"Well, I don't think this will be my best work. Admittedly I wasn't too thrilled with the request for this story."

That's the beauty of requests. You don't have to do them, and are under no obligation at all to even think about it. If someone asks if you could, and you say no, they're just outta luck.

And I'm guilty of this too. But this feels way too short for what you tried to get across. Not sure how it could be longer. But it feels too quick. That's just me though.

Here's an ending song that would fit this story nicely:

This story cuts me deeply😢

I would be really sad by this if I didn't read to many stories on this site, what is this, the 200th time I seen or read Twilight die? Ya you can only feel empathy and sadness for so many times before you don't even feel any empathy at all.

Although gotta admit, whoever requested this story is just evil.

I'm gonna be honest, personally I don't care if you hate immortality or not, it's just the stories that involve death that I hate, which is the one and only reason why I actually don't read most of your stories, I just don't understand it, I can understand people don't like immortality, but to include death to the characters? That is something I just don't understand and will probably never understand no matter how hard someone explains it to me, not like anyone has explained it to me before.

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