• Published 7th Jun 2020
  • 1,227 Views, 62 Comments

Late Night Mangoes - Forgetful

Late Shift Is a radio personality in the human world, also a Bat Pony... Not that anyone believes that's true.

  • ...

Rawr, 1:30 A.M - 2:00 A.M

Author's Note:

A/N : Sorry for the delay in updates, car broke down so I've been dealing with that headache, but please I hope you enjoy tonight's show!

Tonight's Callers.

Caller. 1. Auburn Winter

Caller. 2. Nature Pastel

Caller. 3. Albus Nox

Caller. 4. Fetch

Late Shift grooved to the music while lost in her personal thoughts, she didn't quite see herself as a radio personality in the human's world as a filly. But here she was spending her nights in a claustrophobic room of her own design, part of her did miss the late nights of mischief and mayhem.

With Julie still out of her booth, Late Shift decided to pluck a menthol cigarette from her now empty pack. Flipping the cancer stick into her mouth, she crushed the cardboard package under the weight of her hoof.

Without a second to lose she leaned towards an apple scented candle burning on her workspace, an orange flicker of light soon birthed into this murky dark night. Orange eyes narrowed enjoying a silent moment of bliss, both ears folded back as she exhaled a creamy stream of smoke.

"No smoking inside!" Julie returned to her booth with a scoff.

"What are they going to do? Fire me!?" Late Shift rolled her eyes a hoof dismissively waving towards the human.

"You're not immune to the rules, anybody can be replaced." Julie shot back with a snarky remark.

"Need to hurry and replace you." Late Shift blew another long stream out into the air sarcastically.

"Next caller is another flying rat." Julie pursed her lips with dissatisfaction.

The bat pony replied by simply lifting her hoof into the air.

"Does that mean you're ready?" Julie looked confused.

"I'm sticking you the finger, asshole!" Late Shift flicked the cigarette onto the table with a thud.

The human woman never said a word, her finger pressed an orange button as the caller was allowed through.

"Good evening, Late Shift.

Auburn Winter here. If it isn't too personal, I was wondering what your cutie mark was and what inspired you to become a radio personality."

Late Shift lowered her slender hoof over the lit cigarette as she extinguished it with a satisfying crunch. She allowed her long silver tail to sway side to side to the fading beat of the music before she cleared her throat with a playful giggle.

"Nice question, Auburn." Late Shift flashed a quick glance towards her cutie mark.

A rustic clock surrounded by a half-moon and stars.

"Well curious one, it's a lovely little clock surrounded by the beauty of the night." Late Shift gave a playful growl under her breath.

"As for what inspired me, I'd say bits." She bit down on her lower lip with a sarcastic eye roll.

"Romantic I know!" Late Shift let a sly laugh escape her muzzle.

"You see in Equestria, I was part of a group of scavengers. We'd raid orchards and other easy targets under the protection of the night." She planted a single hoof on her cheek out of boredom.

"But after a while, that became sort of tiresome, so I said my goodbyes and decided to start over on Earth. Needless to say, not many humans were keen on hiring the equivalent of an ex-con."

Late Shift lowered her gaze towards the desk in front of her solemnly. "I tried Baskin Robbins, but they found out about my past like in a day… they always find out." She flashed a half fanged grin.

"Lucky for moi, this nice human Jill, had heard that this station was in search of a pony for a late-night slot." Late Shift popped her lips with pride.

"Once they heard this seductive little voice, I had them eating out of my hooves!"

"I personally think you don't sound special." Julie threw her two cents into the ring.

"You're just mad that people mistake you for the animal and me for the human." Late Shift winked towards her sassy companion.

"Grrr!" Julie grumbled.

"Thank you Auburn for calling in, may the night guide you brother!" Late Shift flicked to the next caller.

"Hey, Late Shift! You know, I once met a Bat Pony who works in an apple orchard. He doesn't like mangoes or bananas. What would you like to say to them?" The mysterious caller spoke in a bored monotonous voice.

"Well we each have our personal tastes, I for one enjoy a good pumpkin over all else." Late Shift traced her tongue softly over her lower lip.

"I don't think he enjoys pumpkins too?" The caller added with a chuckle.

"His loss, now if you find out he doesn't like any fruits at all." She narrowed her eyes with a soft smirk.

"You might be dealing with the rare blood drinker, in that case, watch out for late-night hunger pangs!" Late Shift mustered her most over the top evil laugh, playfully hitting the button for caller three.

"Feed me!" Late Shift blew a loud raspberry.

"Is there any other species you would like to meet?" The caller spoke with interest.

"Would a Kind Human count?" She gave a hiss filled snicker before flicking to caller four.

"What is your pleasure?" Late Shift questioned like a demented merchant.

"Night Shift, I think there must be some bat ponies in my family tree, as I am awake more often under the Moon than the Sun." A worried caller spoke in an uneasy tone of voice.

"Consider yourself lucky then, nothing wrong with a bit of bat heritage sprinkled amongst the branches!" Late Shift cooed cutely as she spoke with much reassurance.

"Insomnia, what an inheritance." The voice replied with a light-hearted laugh.

"You're only restless because you're bored. Tell you what, add me on Facebook and I'll totally show you how the night puts the day to shame." Late Shift replied with a hint of devilish intent to her soft soprano voice.

"Sounds..scary." The caller laughed.

"Fear just means you're alive." Late Shift hung up the call with her own mischievous giggle.

"Speaking of fear, I fear it's time for a break." She motioned for Julie to take over.

With a loud sigh, the pony slumped down onto her desk in defeat. She let her mind wander to the other ponies working an all-nighter this dark night, did they think of home as well while amongst the humans.

Or was she just being foalishly sentimental?

Comments ( 10 )

Caller: Windsinger

"greetings from the frozen hellhole that is Manitoba, Canada, Call me Windsinger, a semi-common alias i use, anyways, my query ... might be a built unique in format? anyways, Shadowrun, have you heard of it, of so what are your thoughts on that particular TTRPG system? if you have not, are there any TTRPG systems that you have heard of, what are they, do they interest you, and why so?"

One of these days Julie will snap.

I'm loving these interviews and Late Night's personality. Also pretty cool that Auburn was one of the callers here. Late Night's response to his questions was interesting and wasn't what I expected for the inspiration part, but makes sense. Look forward to reading more of these.

"Hi, Gargon here! How would you react to waking up to find that you've changed species? What species would that be? The reason I ask is that I went to bed as a human one evening and woke up as a Male Alicorn the next morning. It was, quite interesting having to relearn how to do everything. Enjoy your night, bye!"

Caller: Seth Sigler

Yo Late night shift,

What's your take on the Royal Sister's retirement? Me I'm all for it, except for the part where twilight takes over, she's sounds smarter than she actually is, but she's never had to suffer you know never really had to deal with the consequences of her actions.

Kinda reminds me of Homelander to be honest, well before Season 2 anyway.

On that note, do you ever compare the bearers to the seven? Cause I do. Like all the time.



Also if your Oc would like to be a full on guest at 3: 00 A.M. , sign up by sending a PM.

Was the AM/PM pun intentional? :rainbowwild:

Hello Night Shift, I'm Lieutenant Nova Moon of the Equestrian Armed Forces,

Are you bored with life? Would you like to trade it all for a job that's an adventure? Would you like yo travel to far away places, meet strange and exotic creatures, and kill them? Join the Equestrian Night Guard and you can do all that and even get paid for it. Work hard, train hard and you may even be chosen to be one of the best of the best, The Shadowbolts. We take out Princess Celestia's garbage because no pony else will.

Actual placement may not include adventure, travel to far away places, anything exotic, or killing outside of time and your sense of smell from taking out Princess Celestia's actual garbage.

Caller: Amber Night

"Greetings to the Lady of The Radio. I have to say that your show is simply delightful, despite the hardships you must have with those silly hoomans. What I want to know is, what sort of fun tricks and mischief have you done to those hoomans there? I hope that you have some delightful tales to share!

I am sure that they would have a difficult time replacing a playful and intelligent mare such as yourself! As one night lover to another, I hope that you have a lovely evening!"


Hey, it's Six String. after our last conversation, I got to thinking about something. Unfortunately, I've forgotten what it is. As The Rolling Stones once said, 'What a drag is is getting old!'. Speaking of that, I've heard that Batponies age slower than Earth Ponies, Pegasai & Unicorns & that their lifespans are longer by quite a bit, comparable only to the immortality of the Alicorn. Oh by the way, Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BATPONE!!"

Mother's Little Helper (Mono) - YouTube

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