• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Jake The Army Guy

Be excellent to each other, and PARTY ON, DUDES! ~ Abraham Lincoln


Twilight Sparkle's life is about to become much more complicated. Days away from the culmination of the path she's been walking since she got her cutie mark, she's beginning to wonder what that may mean for her and her friends.

As they all try to enjoy what may be the last day they can all simply hang out together for a long time, a group of strange creatures appears out of nowhere after a magical mishap, further complicating her life. However, when the gravest threat she's ever faced rears its ugly head, Twilight learns that sometimes the only thing more useful than friends... is a party.

Alright, everyone please roll for initiative.

A love letter to the people from my Dungeons & Dragons: Curse of Strahd game which recently concluded: Captain Unstoppable, TheNumber25, Aquaman, and our lovely DM who wishes to remain anonymous. Thank you for over two years of adventure, heart, humor, and doing our best to drive the DM insane. You fucking mad lads.

Please see postmortem blog for a bit of backstory.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 15 )

You... probably have some questions about what the Hell the party members are talking about half the time. If you want clarification, ask away and I'll explain just what the shit is going on.

I just love this story. I might be a bit bias seeing as my character is in it and has some very awesome moments, but this story is 100% approved by The OC Doctor.

Jake, you introduced characters that are very powerful and many rights could easily beat many enemies the main six have faced, but you balanced that power perfectly and showed that the ponies were still very much needed to save the day. I love stories like this, that don't just throw the ponies to the side because they are too weak and these god like beings have to come save the day while the ponies look on in awe. This show character development all around and gives a good explanation of these new characters that the reader can very easily understand them.

Combining two different lores is extremely difficult (Trust me, Ghost Rider nearly killed me at times) but you do this in such a way that its easy to pick up. Again, I might be bias here as I played DnD and know the show, but this is done very well throughout the story. You combine elements of both worlds and combine them in a believable way.

Lastly you keep everyone in character. You have always done an amazing job with this and everyone was so spot on with the ponies, their reactions, how they would react to certain events, how they would fight, and so on! Not to mention you pretty much captured all of our D&D characters spot on! Keeping characters in character in a story is sometimes very hard, but you pull it off here like it was nothing. Very proud of you on this and you should be as well. This is some of your best work in this area. Again, you have done this very well all the time, but with the two different sets of characters it is just highlights your skills.

The only thing I don't like about this story is SugarMac... but that is a personal issue. Again, you have done an amazing job! Thanks for such an amazing story!

Dude, that was awesome. And holy SHIT was that one hell of a battle. :rainbowderp:
I WANT to guess that you were... Gamliel?

I see you’re into the Forgotten Realms world. I hope you’ve played Baldur’s Gate 2. If not, then I dare say it’s time to correct that anomaly.

For a couple of months, I was the official chronicler of an RPG I was in. A ton of work, but fun to remember.

As a long term D&D player (and gamer in general), it warmed my heart to read this. All the interactions, the references, the overall setting, it was all beautifully executed.

Magnificently executed and thank you for sharing!



Thank you so much! I did my best to work D&D mechanics into the story in a natural way, like Gamliel's divine sense and Selivar having the highest passive perception of the group. Same with the spells, but I had to tweak a few. In a live action fight, it's really hard to work in that a spell gives you a +2 to your AC.

You did a really great job with it!

Here's a fun game: Guess who played which character.

Well your blog provides some clues as to who was who here. You mentioned Arrin the Bard joined the party after Aquaman started playing; so Aquaman must be Arrin. You mentioned Captain Unstoppable stole the Paladin class before you could claim it; so he must be Gamliel.

I'm guessing you were Severax. The fact he quotes the Bible at times is reflective of your own Christian background. Being a Dragonborn and having a similar background to Spike is reflective of your undying love for Spike.

Well, I liked this story quite a bit even though I know next to nothing about Dungeons and Dragons. Though years ago I almost joined a roleplaying game with my sister's ex-boyfriend. (The fact that he's "ex" is why that never happened.) Anywho, it was fun to read something you wrote again. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:


Good on ya, my dude!

Okay, I am 100% serious when I say that I had no idea that Severax's backstory was so similar to Spike's when I wrote it. I chose dragonborn because I am filthy degenerate furry scum I thought having the breathe weapon would be useful... and then I used it like three times in the campaign. And him being an abandoned orphan was just good drama, man. A lone creature raised in a culture of other beings? Can't make that shit up, dude.

SO, I guess that if I did make it as a tribute to Spike, it was completely subconscious... which is somehow worse.

Why didn't you link to TheNumber25's profile?


Because back when I posted I couldn't find it for some reason, decided I'd do it later, completely forgot, and then a very cool and good-looking user left a comment reminding me to ad it. :twilightsheepish:


D’aww, thank you so much! I’m still quite proud of this story, so someone finding it this long after posting is really nifty. Thanks for adding it to your library, as well!:twilightsmile:

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