• Published 12th Aug 2020
  • 4,429 Views, 569 Comments

Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 15-3: A princess on the run.

Author's Note:

Part 3 of the 4 part chapter. These chapters are a bit shorter than a normal chapter, but that's because I'm trying to make each chapter have their own POV.

“I want that one!” I pointed at the sweet smelling white and red treat in the case. Of all the treats that I could smell(they all smelled good), that one looked the most sour with its white and red swirl pattern.

I wanted that particular one because Topaz called it a mint before, and said they’re a favorite of hers, and if Topaz liked them then they can’t be that bad right? All of the candies behind the glass were in many different shapes and sizes, but I couldn’t tell any of the colors apart without alerting them to my defect. Topaz and Idol were still a flank about not telling another pony about my condition, and without Topaz here to signal what color was what, I had to stick with the colors I knew well.

“I’ll take it.” I looked up at Mr. Stoppable who peered into the case for a minute before shaking his head no.

“Your parents have provided me with a list of what is acceptable to give you, young princess.”

"Stopping me from having fun is more like it."

The ponies were surprised when he first used my title, mostly like having never seen royalty in the chitin before, and who could blame them? I would admire myself too if I could see myself. Yet, their surprise wore off pretty quickly to not give me any free samples! They all smelt so good!

“Oh come on! It's just one sour mint, and we don’t even have to tell Topaz or Idol.” The really tall unicorn took another look at the case and made some weird face before looking back at me.

He shook his head no again!

“ARGGGGGGGGH.” I groaned to make my point and hopefully change the uptight guard’s mind. I expectantly looked up to see if I could read his muzzle, but to my horror he didn’t seem phased by my distress! Aren’t adult ponies supposed to rush to a foal’s side, and give them what they want if they cry about it?

I looked around the store for help with my problem, but the other ponies milling about either ignored me or made a face I knew well enough.

‘Spoiled foal.’

I heard one whisper, and even though I’m really not supposed to stare, I did so anyway letting them know I knew what they said. The pegasus mare saw this and tried to act like she didn’t see it, but I nearly laughed when I gave her a smile to show off my fangs. She nearly stumbled over her own hooves trying to run out of the store, ha!

The rest of the store watched as she the mare ran out of the store, but before they could look my way, Mr. Stoppable had wandered next to me, curious about the strange mare. I offered him a shrug of my shoulders, and understood the meaning I had taught him over the past several months. He could learn really fast when he wasn’t being a complete sour puss about whatever it was that made him sad or angry.

“A very good attempt, young one, but the Colonel warned me of your tricks. Still, a very impressive demonstration of your developing skills. Your father will be proud to hear you’ve been practicing your ‘Argh’.”

“Why can’t you just buy me some candy mister guard!? I thought you were supposed to obey me?” He was really getting under my chitin, and starting to remind me of Idol with his bland feelings and neutral looking face. Stupid rule setting pony guards!

“Whatever…” I muttered to myself as I turned to leave the store when one of Mr. Stoppable’s… that’s way too long, so we’re going to call him Stops.

So when one of Stop’s hooves blocked my path, of course I looked up to see why he would do that when I was trying to leave the shop, but his features changed. Not like a changeling transforming, but his face and posture were more relaxed now.

“I might be persuaded if the words ‘Please and Thank You’ were used more in some fashion.”

“Argggh.. Pleeease can I have one of the delicious looking candies?” I hated begging, and he knew it..well not yet since I hadn’t told him yet, but still!

I almost acted like a foal when he smiled and approached the counter. It surprised me that even after we’ve been here for a whole 20 minutes the bitter stallion behind the counter still treated Stops like a dropped chocolate mealworm- not with delight, but disgust!

The rude pony was lucky we weren’t alone or else I’d give him the old 1,2,3!

It was almost enough to make me not want the candy anymore, but then it would have meant the nice guard had to stomach all of that rudeness for nothing, and that wouldn’t be right for the tall unicorn. I could only glare at the rude pony as he did his best to make a flank of himself, but being the crystal pony Stops is, he managed to remain calm as he finished the transaction.

“I’ll have to do something nice for him later.” I told myself as we departed the terrible store.

“Here you go little princess. He was difficult, but I managed to talk him down.”

I knew he was lying because I felt the bitterness the two were throwing at each other, but he didn’t need to know that. And not wanting to be rude I took the offered crystal looking candy, and popped one in the mouth…

“Tares no flawor!”

“That’s because it comes later once you reach the core.” He said while popping one in his mouth. “Just like the Night Mother’s blessings, you have to earn the reward.”

“Yoa main Wuna?” I asked, but the candy made talking difficult. He peered down, but not in the way Idol or Topaz would do if I didn’t something they didn’t approve of. This was more friendly and with less groundings.

“Indeed young princess. The Night Mother works in mysterious ways meant to test our minds, and sharpen our wits for the hidden dangers of our worlds. My test is my unknown heritage, and while I struggle, I also become stronger.”

“Whaaa? I finally managed to bite into the bland crystal candy…” It tastes like blueberries!”

“And mine has a hint of mint. A rare treat my mother used to make on special occasions when I was younger.”

The juicy flavor was gone and replaced with the blues as the friendly guard spoke. Idol may have more experience with the raw emotions, but I still have my infiltrator training and could detect the hidden love just under the surface of sadness. It was the kind that made one hurt, but the one that might leave a ling feeling a little distant.

“You miss your mother don’t you? I don’t have..well Topaz treats me nice, but we’re not related.”

“Yet, she still cares for you without question of your heritage, much the same you care for her, and the Colonel.”

I had to look away as my wings buzzed. It was true I liked Topaz and Idol a lot, and they did take really good care of me, but that was out of some job right? Thinky feely things made me more confused than I was before I thought about them, but when I thought about how the gang would leave me alone after one of our meetings, I always felt a bit angry.

Not at them, but how they got to go home and have someling there waiting for them. I mean, Topaz and Idol would wait for me at their home, but it was never the same. Even now we live in this really big and shiny castle, and it feels better than before, but it still doesn’t feel right.

“Your test is being yourself. One day you’ll discover your meaning, and the world will fall into place.”

“My meaning? Like how you’re a guard, or Topaz is a teacher?” he laughed and I might have nibbled on some of the positivity.

“Not quite like a cutie mark, but a revelation that’ll make everything around you less confusing. From my own experience, I dealt with this all of my life, and only now I’m finding a path worthy of treading.”

I narrowed my eyes at the now poet unicorn questioning his continued service.

“So, you’re saying I have to be an old pony to find myself? No thanks.”

“HA! Perish the thought little princess. All you lack is experience, and that comes with time.”

Well he’s not wrong. Training in the hive usually lasted several weeks, and most of that was repeating the same drills over and over until a ling could perform the drill without thinking about it. I guess he mea…wait a minute.

“So I have to be an old pony, is what you’re saying?”

HA! Got you!

This time Stops looked lost as he popped another crystal candy into his mouth, shifting it from one side to the other as he avoided my gaze. I didn’t even have to taste his emotions to know he was lost for words, and was clearing stalling for time. My training again proved its worth!

I didn’t even try to hide my smile as we both knew I was the right one here, and therefore he had to let me go where I wanted. Taking a few steps in front of my guard, I pointed in the general direction I knew it was in.

“To the toy store my loyal guard!”

When I noticed the lack of armor hooves following behind, I turned around to be further annoyed when I saw that big unicorn still standing in front of the candy store. He could be a really awesome pony sometimes, but he had this really bad habit of wanting to follow orders to the letter! It’s no wonder Idol seemed to tolerate him so much, and it seems I will have to be the one to show him the error of his ways, and guide him there myself.

“I said lets go to the toy store, so leeettsss ggoooooo.” I tried telling him as I grabbed one of his legs, and with all of my strength began pulling him toward the toy store.

“I am afraid that isn’t possible, young princess. I have my orders to escort you no further than the candy shop, and to return once you’re finished making your selection.”

“But they’ll be forever. We’ll be there and back before Idol and Topaz ever finish whatever it is grown ups do alone in an office.”

“It’s business.” Stops said quickly while taking back his hoof, and the look he gave me was enough to know we weren’t going to the toy store anymore.

“Alright…” I slunk my head low and was ready to admit defeat when the rushing of air around me, and distinct lack of ground made me cry o… I mean raise my hooves ready for a fight.

When I got my bearings, I realized I was on the big oaf’s back. He was turned to look at me with a smile, and eyes that I recognized from my own friends and the other foals we would often play with- fun!

“If I were to gallop to this store and back…”

“...we could be there and back with them none the wiser! I take back everything I just thought about you!”

“Then let me disappoint you no more! Hang on little princess.”

I did so by digging my hooves under the armor by his neck, and not a moment too soon! He stood up on his rear legs, and with the loudest war cry I’d ever heard dropped back to all fours and galloped like the wind! It was like I was flying with the Wonderbolts! We weaved our way down the street, and through the terrified ponies so fast I couldn’t even keep my eyes open.

“THIS IS SO COOL!” I didn’t even notice I was flapping my wings as I pictured myself wearing a blue suit with my cutie mark on it... “I don’t have a cutie mark.”




He did go really fast after that, and I almost threw up, but didn’t because I’m not a little foal.

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