• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,718 Views, 966 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

  • ...

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All Fired Up! Pt1

“Alright, remember the plan?” Janey inquired.

“Are we going to talk about what you did back there?” Twilight replied, tapping out her response on a board.

“What is there to talk about? It's not like you can help the fucker at this point,” Janey retorted.

Twilight sighed, and tried to come up with some avenue of argument only to swiftly give up on the entire thing. Now simply wasn't the time for such a concern, Twilight told herself. She was about to risk her life again, and just to complicate matters there was a potential hostage in the mix.

“Can you tell me again?” Twilight asked.

Janey bent down and used her finger to draw out a quick sketch of the bison steve’s interior before pointing at the entrance.

“From what I’ve been able to gather they’ve fortified the entrance here. This would be a problem, but they are also lazy and arrogant,” Janey began. “Which is why we haven't seen anyone coming out to check on their buddies and also why we likely won't initially run into much resistance.”

Twilight nodded slowly.

“Still. There should at least be one or two watching the entrance, which will need to be dealt with,” Janey continued.

“Non lethally, if possible,” Twilight interjected.

“You go ahead and do that. I’ll be busy making sure I don't get a switchblade buried in my liver,” Janey shot back.

Twilight merely sighed.

“Anyway. After they are dealt with we’ll check these two side rooms, then I’ll work my way around back where I assume they are keeping our man,” Janey explained, drawing out her root in the dirt. “After I secure him, I’ll hit the main bulk of their forces from the side while you go in the front.”

“Can we please try and reason with them?” Twilight asked, tapping out a response with one hand while jabbing a finger at the girl. “You must realize that is at least an option right?”

“I guess,” Janey muttered, rising back to her feet and stuffing her hands in her pockets. “But be ready to burst in the front door if you hear gunfire okay?”

Twilight frowned, already getting a feeling of deja vu from the last time Janey had made such an assertion. Eventually, the deathclaw realized that was about as good a promise as she was going to get, and nodded.

“Good. Now remember to be big and intimidating in order to draw fire away from me because unlike you, my skin isn't bulletproof,” Janey added.

Twilight grumbled, but ultimately said nothing, her logical side assuring her that this was the optimal solution. “Fine,” Twilight replied, each tap leaving a gouge on the board.

“Good,” Janey muttered, rising back up and dusting off her knees. “Now let's get moving. I still want to get a decent sleep tonight.”

“I agree,” Twilight added somewhat reluctantly, the deathclaw more than aware of how long it had been since she had slept in a real bed.

Janey said nothing as she pulled out her weapon, checked her ammo, and began to slowly walk towards the entrance. Behind her, Twilight stayed as quiet as she could manage, though her sheer bulk and unfamiliarity with her body made that difficult. Thankfully no one noticed their approach and together they slipped past the first set of grime encrusted glass doors.

Once Janey was inside, she held out a hand, prompting Twilight to awkwardly crouch there while her companion peered inside. The second layer of glass doors wasn't quite as encrusted with dirt and detritus, but it still wasn't clear either. This obscured Janey and Twilight, but also made it difficult to see inside without first cleaning a small patch to look through.

Which was exactly what Janey did.

The human held out her hand, made a fist, and then extended two fingers before retracting one, and then making a jabbing motion.

Two individuals, both with knives or other melee weapons. Twilight interpreted. She’ll probably want to take them quietly then.

Sure enough, Janey made a lowering motion with her hand, and then pointed from Twilight to somewhere to her right. The indication was obvious, Janey would take the one on the left while Twilight handled the other. Twilight nodded, and remained low, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice.

Janey grinned to herself, and flipped her gun around so she could use the butt like a club. A second later and she held up her hand once more, counting down from five.

Twilight steadied herself, doing her level best to push down the building wave of adrenaline that threatened to dull her senses. When all of the human’s fingers were withdrawn, Twilight had managed to calm her newest instincts and was as ready as she was going to get.

When the door opened Twilight had little time to study her surroundings, as the only thing she saw was a pair of raiders. One sat on a desk to Twilight’s right, a tire iron within easy reach. The other was pacing in front of a group of tables that had been piled into a makeshift barricade.

Two sets of heavy flood lamps illuminated the large room, casting the raiders in a harsh light. There were other details, but Twilight didn't pay attention to them at the moment, as her gaze was set firmly on her opponent.

Who was a slightly skinny, scarred female raider who was missing an ear, in addition to sporting a long jagged scar across her face. Her armor was minimal, and seemed to be primarily leather that had been reinforced with bits of tire she had likely scavenged. Her weapon didn't look much better either as the tire iron was coated in rust, and flecked with what looked like dried blood.

The human didn't look very old, but clearly they had experienced more than a few hardships. Even still, Twilight couldn't find her that intimidating, especially given the fact that the raider was reading what looked like a cheap paperback.

Janey had no such reservations, and was already charging at her foe, weapon raised above her head. Upon seeing her companion sprint past her, Twilight reminded herself that they were still raiders, and still needed to be dealt with.

Unfortunately she wouldn't be able to take advantage of the surprise quite as much as Janey, who had sprinted across the room in the time it took for her enemy to turn around. Twilight ignored her and ran at the female raider, claws outstretched in as menacing a fashion as she could muster.

“What the fuck?” muttered the raider before tossing aside her book and grabbing her weapon.

For a split second Twilight could tell that her opponent considered running, only to quickly realize that was impossible. She then turned on Twilight and with a frantic cry on her lips, leapt forward with her tire iron raised high.

Twilight appreciated the raider’s bravery, and decided to end the fight as gently as she could manage given the situation. She didn't appreciate getting hit in the face with a hunk of metal though, even if it barely felt like a slap to the deathclaw.

The raider raised her arm in order to strike again, but Twilight was faster still, and grabbed the girl’s wrist. She then used her other hand to swiftly grab the human’s neck, taking care not to accidentally hurt her in the process. Something made more difficult when the raider used all her strength to kick Twilight between the legs.

Resisting the urge to bite the human’s head off, Twilight refocused her grip, and threw the girl into the ground. The blow rattled her opponent, and gave Twilight more than enough time to place a firm hand against the girl’s back. Any attempt to rise was quickly quashed and it wasn't long before the human lay still, letting out a small sigh.

“Well fuck me,” she muttered.

Twilight snorted, and turned towards Janey, ready to jump in and help if needed.

Only to quickly realize that wasn't needed, as Janey had knocked her opponent to the ground and was about to stomp his head into the ground. Twilight winced, and closed her eyes, though she still heard the raider’s crunch under Janey’s boot heel.

Opening her eyes, Twilight looked over to her companion, who was now walking toward her and wiping the blood from her weapon. Twilight searched the human’s eyes for some sign of remorse, or guilt, but found only the grim satisfaction of a job well done.

“Did you have to do that?” Twilight asked, tapping out her response on the ground.

“He tried to stab me in the face,” Janey retorted, running a finger against the small cut that now adorned her cheek.

Twilight sighed and gestured towards her captured raider. “Would you mind telling this one the deal?”

“Fine, but their food is coming out of your share of the loot,” Janey exclaimed.

Twilight rolled her eyes.

Janey cleared her throat, and kicked the downed raider in the side. “You can stop trying to play dead. We know your alive.”

When no response came, Janey wound up and kicked the girl harder, drawing out a sharp groan of pain.

“Fuck what the hell you crazy bitch?” muttered the raider.

“Good. Now here is what's going to happen. Your going to stay quiet, and do everything I tell ya,” Janey exclaimed.

“I’d normally say or what? But I don't even wanna know,” murmured the captured girl.

“All you do need to know is that the one that spared ya is named princess, and she doesn't like killing people. I however, have no such qualms and will put a bullet between your eyes the second you look at me funny,” Janey continued.

“What, really? You tamed a deathclaw?” asked the raider.

“It's a long story. Now here's what's going to happen next. Princess here is going to toss you in a cell with the rest of your buddies, and after we’ve slaughtered the rest of your gang we’ll come back to deal with you,” Janey exclaimed.

“That's not-” Twilight tried to interrupted, only for janey to stomp her foot and glare at the deathclaw, silencing the former pony’s response.

“Got it?” Janey added.

For several seconds the girl was quiet, silently contemplating what to say before reluctantly nodding her head. “Yeah sure. It ain't like those assholes would come running to save my ass anyway,” she exclaimed somewhat bitterly.

Janey nodded to Twilight. “Dump her with the rest. I’ll check this place out while your gone.”

Twilight nodded back, and roughly lifted the raider back to her feet before pointing to the tire iron she was still holding.

“Oh right,” murmured the scarred girl, who dropped the weapon. “Guess it slipped my mind.”

Twilight snorted, and then pointed to the door, silently commanding her former opponent to start walking.

“Damn you are one smart animal,” murmured the raider.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed, and though she wanted desperately to point out that she knew morse code, thus proving she was more than an animal, the deathclaw resisted. Instead she pointed a second time, prompting the raider to begin walking away with Twilight right behind her.

Together the pair walked outside, making their way through the two sets of grimy glass doors and out into the wasteland once more. Upon slipping through the narrow opening again, Twilight noticed the moon was rather bright tonight. That and her captive was trying to run away, and was sprinting towards to the left with all the speed she could muster.

Twilight sighed before breaking out into a run and catching the girl within only a few enormous bounding steps. Using her newfound strength Twilight hoisted the girl off the ground with a single hand clutched around her midsection, stopping her dead in her tracks.

“Fuck,” she muttered.

Twilight snorted into the human’s face and rustled the tattered remnants of the girl’s hair.

“I guess you are smart,” the human exclaimed.

Twilight gave her captive a look she hoped would convey the disappointment and irritation she felt.

“Please don't eat me?” the raider asked meekly.

Twilight made a show of considering it for a few seconds before releasing a sigh and walking back towards the sheriff's house.

“So uh can you let me down now?” asked the human.

Twilight snorted again, this time more forcefully.

“I’ll take that as a no,” muttered Twilight’s captive.

Twilight rolled her eyes once more.

Arriving at the small shack, Twilight roughly entered the building before realizing a problem, namely that there was still a dead raider in here. Inhaling the scent of death and blood made Twilight’s mouth water, though through force of will she stowed her instincts.

“Aha our queen has saved another!” Shouted the evangelical raider.

“Godamnit. He just shut up too!” whined one of his cohorts.

“Queen? I thought her name was princess?” muttered the new arrival.

“Who cares what she calls herself,” remarked another.

Twilight ignored them, and reached for the jail cell door, key in hand.

“Wait a second. I got a deal for you,” exclaimed the smarter of the bunch.

Twilight snorted and raised an open palmed hand at him.

“Why don't you take us back to the correctional facility up north? It's where we escaped from anyway,” he continued.

Twilight cocked her head, asking him to elaborate without speaking a word.

“Wait isn't it…” the female raider smiled. “Oh uh yeah. That sounds like a really good idea. Way better than hoping that psycho friend of yours doesn't change her mind and ice us.”

“Don't believe them my que-mf,” The preacher was quickly tackled by another raider who covered his mouth.

Twilight growled, and jabbed a claw at the offending raider.

“Don't worry about them. Worry about that crazy friend of yours,” encouraged the smooth talking raider. “She seems like she's liable to shoot us like fish in a barrel if given the opportunity.”

The deathclaw reluctantly agreed with the assertion, but not his proposed solution. Something about his tone was off, and though he didn't sound like he was lying, he also wasn't telling the whole truth either. Looking at the other raiders revealed that they were all behind it as well, which only made Twilight even more suspicious.

Twilight shook her head, resisting the urge to growl irritably while she pointed to the back of the small cell.

“No deal? Oh come on man don't be so cruel. We may have been raiders but even we deserve to live,” he complained.

“Yeah I don't want to get my head blown off for looking at your crazy friend the wrong way,” added another.

Now more than a little annoyed, Twilight roared so powerfully that the sound shook the very foundations of the shack. A coffee maker rumbled off a desk and raiders clamped their hands over their ears as Twilight continued to release all of her anger. Until the gathered raiders were either cowering in terror, had passed out, or were busy trying to get as far away as possible.

Thankfully for her, the female raider had curled into a ball, allowing the deathclaw to open the gate and toss her in without a fight. Slamming the cell shut behind them, Twilight took a brief look at the humans before nodding once and departing.

Once outside Twilight let out a long sigh and stuck her tongue out in disgust. The smell of fear was rank, and she was quickly growing to hate the scent with a passion. Shaking off the unpleasant aroma, Twilight breathed deep of the strange wasteland air and began the short walk back to the Bison Steve.

Twilight expected to find some more raiders at the door, but was surprised when she found none, nor were there additional corpses either. Only a smiling Janey who was walking out of a small side room Twilight hadn't initially noticed earlier. Before she questioned her companion, the deathclaw looked around, taking her time to inspect her surroundings now that there wasn't someone trying to bash her skull in.

The first thing Twilight noted was just how unpleasant the smell was inside the ancient hotel. It was clearly falling apart at the seams, with rotten plaster hanging from the ceiling and broken drywall littering the ground. Dust and grime covered nearly every surface, adding to the nasty feeling Twilight got from just being in the place.

Sticking out her tongue in disgust, Twilight did her best to ignore her surroundings and instead focus on Janey. Who had just wiped the grin off her face, and was now standing next to Twilight.

“Did ya kill her?” Janey asked.

Twilight shook her head.

“Shame. She looked like a real psycho too,” Janey remarked.

Twilight sighed irritably and gestured to the security door behind the right desk.

“There wasn't much back there. A couple caps, some ammo, and a few drugs,” Janey shrugged. “I’ll give you your cut once were done here.”

Twilight wanted to argue because she felt like Janey was underselling her find, but the deathclaw simply didn't have the desire to push. In the end it was probably for the best anyway as Twilight had no idea what anything was worth, and wouldn't know where to begin. So with a sigh, Twilight settled back into a slight crouch so she wouldn't bang her horns on the ceiling and pointed to the hallway behind the barricade.

“Ready to go I assume?” Janey inquired.

Twilight nodded.

“Good. Now I took a peek down the hall while you were gone and found out why they hadn't noticed us,” Janey began with a smirk. “Turns out those dip shits are partying and don't even have a guard rotation or anything set up.”

Twilight couldn't help but smile. “That's good,” she tapped out on the nearby desk.

“That's more than good, that's great,” Janey exclaimed. “There is also a small former gift shop on the way over that I want to check out but other than that there isn't much. Only a busted elevator and some stairs which are to our right.”

Nodding slowly, Twilight hoped that Janey’s assumption would prove correct as she really didn't want to get attacked from behind.

“Remember. Lets try and stay quiet until I grab our man. I don't want my one shot at tracking down that checkered asshole’s associates to slip through my grasp,” Janey muttered.

Twilight blinked. “I thought you wanted to save the town and the innocent deputy.”

“That too. Now are you ready to go or what?” Janey barked.

Twilight reluctantly nodded.

“Good, then let's go,” Janey exclaimed before setting out.

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: John, MestreJ, Starless, Gear Change, DioKyo, Tacocat598, Canary in The Coal Mine, Ceepert, Doomgoey, Tiwake, Vigilant Watch, Joshua, Nfreak, Facinus, M, John, Rhys, Corey, Blade Tech, Mephia, Peter, Apollyon, Nightwing, 浩民 簡, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheperd, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos, Nathan, Octavia and Lowbar, Lich lord krosis, Prysm, Mike, Astor, Travis, Soundtea, Menthol Qtip, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Steven, Fiamgoku, free, GruB, Todd, Megatyrant.

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