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Azure Drache

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Comments ( 140 )

Intersting dream and a way to start a story.

Thank you:twilightsmile:

Normally I am not so fond of starting a story with a dream, it is very tricky and if the reader finds out too fast, it bores them. Though, it seemed the only natural way to let this story start with an adventure scene which fits for Fiery's POV.:derpytongue2:

You're welcome, fair enough.

A recurring dream... Hmmm, that is very interesting. And where does one get an army of Kirins? :trixieshiftleft:

The dragon family dynamics was interesting as well! Like that Fiery was having to protect her Bat Pony lover from her father and brother.

Looking forward to seeing how this pans out.

And the call has come... the dice are rolling. Does Fortune and Glory await our favorite Kirin? Or does disaster loom ahead? :rainbowdetermined2:

Stay tuned, same Kirin time, same Kirin channel!

On a more serious note, I did find it slightly hard to keep track of character during the dialogue there. Rushed in a lot of them entering? Otherwise, I very much enjoyed this chapter. Good stuff.

Not even the gods know how this will end:derpytongue2:


I am happy you enjoyed the chapter, though, can you point out which dialogs you found confusing maybe? I am sure my editor and I can fix that spots then:raritywink:

When Oma and Opa came in, just a whole of characters started talking at once and I had trouble keeping track of who was who until I remembered from the last story. Sorry I can't be more descriptive than that.

Updated the chapter, I hope the scene you found confusing is fine now:twilightsmile:

Also thanks again for your feedback! Only with it, I am able to improve my stories! :pinkiehappy:

Flowed a bit better from my perspective, a quick introduction of each character as they started speaking helped me keep track of who was who. Good stuff. :moustache:

Glad to hear that:twilightsmile: If you notice any other problem in the future, or think something can be improved, please let me know:twistnerd:

Well, this was a very interesting chapter... and raises some horrifying morality questions of how much power Fiery has over other Kirins. Geeze... Autumn was throwing herself at her to be a slave!

I enjoyed this chapter though, though the plot is a bit slow to advance at the moment. :moustache:

Thank you very much for your feedback again!:pinkiehappy:

Yeah, that is part of her story, how does she deal with this power? And how will this affect her interaction with other kirins in the future, exspecial, azure kirins? I hope to make that stuff interesting for you:twilightsmile:

And yes I am aware it develops a bit slow, thats one of the reasons it took me so long to write this, there is a loit fo lore and backgroud stuff to establish, not to mention that a lot of characters are involved right from the start. I never had planned to be 3 chapters alone in the lair:rainbowlaugh: I do my best to increase the speed the plot devlops with:eeyup:

Brilliant new chapter

The Adventure of Fiery

The adventures of fiery what?

Well well well, isn't this an interesting development? I always found the Greek Pantheon's habits of fucking with mortals very entertaining.

And this talk of rules they have to follow... Curious. And the picture, they are all Kirin themselves? Very interesting.

Plus what Ares said about the power of the Kirin Empire!

Very good chapter for developing the story and adding more intrigue.

Thank you very much again, I am glad you like it:pinkiehappy:

Also, as a little sneak peek, I was able to sneak a few informations about The Roof Of The World in the next chapter so far. :raritywink:

Fiery Leader
Fiery Doo

Hmmm, interesting chapter. More dragon/kirin dynamics. Also, Fiery has some CRAZY instincts going on. Very interesting to see her internal conflict.

Interesting... So Kirin can describe their instincts as originating from one side or the other. Fiery hasn't sorted out yet that she is in charge. Her dragon side is going to give her a lot of trouble I think.

Little Roary? Nah, he is such a cute dragon, he never would:scootangel: Calmly however... :derpytongue2:

Fiery is being pulled in so many directions at once... How long until she just snaps? :trixieshiftright:

On the other hoof, this is a good opportunity for her to mature and learn about her Azure Kirin nature.

Time will tell... But I think first we will get a fight between friends.

Wow, that's something. I still have so many questions and now even more. Will it get as bloody as the opening or is the point of the story to avoid that. It seems obvious but I'm counting on the god guy mostly wanting Fiery because of her connection to Fortuna. I feel sad I didn't't get to see the beginning of Fiery and Illuminated's relationship, I hope we can get a sidestory or a flashback chapter but it is always great to see how people do in a relationship then them just kissing at the end and that's all she wrote. One small thing i wanna see is Kindling's character. How would a Pegasus act if he had a Dragon father and exactly how draconic would he be?

For sidestories and deeper character devlopment besides my stories, you know where to go to:raritywink: *looks at Schattendrache*

More of kindlingsd behaviour with a dragon dad? *writes note down* Got on the list for later:twilightsmile:

I didn’t get to write this for the last chapter but it is always crazy reading about characters who you have read since their birth now doing the sex. On another note, why don’t you write out the sexing anymore?

I write what my readersv ask for:scootangel: Not so many people asked for a sex scene this time, neiter here or in my stories discord server, therefore it wasn't on the prio-list so far.
Now am already a few chapters further into this story than this chapter, but for future ones, there is always room for request by my readers:twilightsmile:

Sounds like a plan. I can't wait to catch up but I don't want to zoom through the story. Also how do I get to the Discord? I tried the link and it didn't work.

Ohh, thanks for bringin this to my attention:pinkiegasp: I fix it as soon as I am back home today! I send you the link then too!

The link below the prolouge seems to still work, you may use that one.

Ok so, I feel so many red flags. It was cute when Fiery used it to get her friends to sleep with her on her dad. It was interesting when it was used to paralyze others. Now I just see Azure blood as a force in general as just evil. Nothing that dominates minds can be argued as a great force of good. I thought Azure force was like Conqueror's Haki in One Piece. Something you're born with, a kind of pressure-like force that can incapacitate those weaker than you. Autumn is Night's Godmother so we can assume she has a connection to him that runs a bit deeper than one she has to anyone else in the family. She didn't even warn him, no "stop", "I have to do this" or even a "I'm sorry my beloved godson but if you continue to attack her I won't hold back against you". She just leaped at him. The amount of betrayal and anger Night must have experienced from not only having his Godmother almost stolen but from his own sister must have been heart breaking. I get its gonna be a whole "will Fiery succumb to this corrupting power or not". All I'm saying is that a leader shouldn't need an inarguably evil way to control their subjects. If I was any less than a Azure Dragon/Kirin, I would try to find some kind of combative (probably unknowingly just as if not eviler) power to get back at the ruling elite.

Wow. I really went off.

Well, dragons of azure blood use it all the time. You saw that already in TDATP2 with Perle coming to visit to see who her son choosed as mate:raritywink:

But, yes, a good question if Fiery will use it that way or not:scootangel: Maybe you remember TBD and Fluffy had different opinions about it in story 2. TBD is the opinion she should rule like his mother does, while Fluffy is more like lead, not dominate them. :derpytongue2:

About Nightflame, how he reacts to this and how he feels will be revealed in the following chapters that are already puplished so you will see soon enough:twilightsmile:

Isn't that the dilemma for great leaders. Either everyone who respects you has hidden or not hidden feelings of wanting to sex you or they just want to sex you for power. I'm rooting for Illuminated, the third option of genuine love. It seems like all he needs to do is put a ring on her (or whatever ritual dragon/kirin culture demands). Although there would still probably be kirins ready and willing to be concubines. I was also wondering how the gods worked as a whole. Previous parts gave me a "mormons were right" sort of feel seeing as how all the gods before now were dragon. This chapter at first had me thinking that we were just doing the Greek gods and maybe other cultures just knew them by different names and forms. With Anubis mentioned i'm glad there are other pantheons, don't get me wrong I love me some Greek pantheon, my sister even has a shrine to Dionysus. A little divine diversity does help especially when they are screwing with and screwing mortals. Makes me hope the patron god of the thestrals sees Illu as a free in to this conflict but a god backing him may ruin his "I can't believe this Goddess of a Kirin chose this loser as her mate" status.


all he needs to do is put a ring on her (or whatever ritual dragon/kirin culture demands).

Sure, that would keep them at bay, though, they are both barely adults now and surely marriage is not quite the thing they want to do just yet. Not to forget that Fluffy may take issue with that, as well as some dragons of Fiery's heritage. 🐲

sort of feel seeing as how all the gods before now were dragon

Someone doesn't pay attention here:trollestia: Think about this again, if you still need an answer, I tell you of course:raritywink:

With Anubis mentioned i'm glad there are other pantheons

The Greek mytologie has it say that the egyptian pantheon was their own gods in disguise:rainbowlaugh:

Lol, I know a marriage would be a little extra but.................. maybe a shotgun wedding????? Nah, we already had one surprise pregnancy.

Shoot! It may have been from the first story like when Fortuna first appeared. It was a while ago. When i picked up the Trilogy again i started from where i left off. If it doesn't particularly pertain to the story so far I'm fine. I'll probably reread the first story and the first half of the second for fun.

That's right, when subjugating or enduring yourselves to other cultures old civilizations did just say "well they are the same entity anyway so lets be friends"

When i finish writing these comments I look and think "Jesus, it looks like I wrote an essay to submit". Now it feels like my teacher handed it back to me with a "see me after class" on it. Thank you though for feedback feedback. I've been feeling like this is annoying to you. ;)


It may have been from the first story like when Fortuna first appeared.

You are right about that, though, the trick is !warning lore spoiler!
Each species sees the gods as one of their own. So when The Black Death told the story he say they are dragons, Fiery as Kirin says they are kirins:derpytongue2:

I've been feeling like this is annoying to you.

You have no idea!:rainbowlaugh: Not only dare people to read my story! They also discuss lore and characters with me! The horror, the horror!!!! :rainbowlaugh:

Well its good to see Night doesn't hold a grudge at least against family and Kindling just seems to be excited about anything dragon/kirin. It's good to know that the differences between dragons isn't as straight forwards as Red/Green are weaker than Black which are weaker than Azure. With that said, what are the Azure Dragon's special trait? Yes, I have been reading I know they have the Azure force (which is what I call it now) but that only seems to be useful against dragons and kirin. I thought maybe they had the powers of the others as well but believe working themselves is beneath them but this chapter says since TBD isn't fully Black dragon he isn't fully immune to magic which means that Azure dragons are susceptible. Is it just the Azure Force because that would be a little said. Plop an Azure dragon somewhere far from any Dragons or Kirin and they're just strong lizards.

This was where i thought not being immune to magic was gonna come up. Maybe Schimmernde would have been humbled a bit. With all his years and him being a kirin with unicorn heritage I thought he would have found or came up with a spell to combat dragons or at least subdue them. Something that wouldn't have worked on an Adult Azure Dragon but Schimmernde being young and cocky would have lost to, making her eat her words about him not being Fiery's equal. His knowledge outweighing all of the forces that Fiery has amassed. He wouldn't claim her because that wasn't what he wanted and the loss for both of them would make them both think a little more. Maybe even haunt them a little, had they learned this lesson from anykirin else their journey would have ended there. He could have also become a great asset not as a subject/slave but as a friend/advisor if he wasn't rushing away from conflict. It was funny to see protecc egg come up again but why didn't he mention it? All in all this guy sounds like a total chump who wasted 212 years of his life. Maybe he spent it learning to please a dragoness, it wouldn't had been a waste then.

TBD descripted his mother as more powerful and stronger than he or his dead, also a little bit taler. So Azure's do have physical strength to a degree that enable them to overpower any other dragon in 1:1 combat. Despite that however, there is no real ability that makes them special besides their dominance over other dragon, so if you plop them somewhere in the middle of nowhere, they indeed would only be powerful dragons and nothing more.

Interesting process, will every try be as amicable or will she have to invade someones mind by force at one point? Ha, it can be like a mental form of capture the flag or king of the hill. On a more petty not, HE DOESN'T KNOW ANY SHIELD SPELLS!!!!!! That could have been just for a joke but it paints him as even worse than I thought. It's one thing to not meet the (maybe a little high) expectations put on someone we just met in the story but it's another thing not to know something so basic. You can't convince me that a shield is something extremely complicated. The first thing anyone would want to learn when they have magic is how to shoot lasers then how to shield oneself. Even if such a spell is at least intermediate level HE HAD 212 YEARS!!!!!! Then he has the balls to pull rank on Fiery, if you were so wise maybe learn protecc and attacc. Until proven otherwise this guy is a chump to me.

That one line brought down all my expectations for this guy.........

:rainbowlaugh: What a good live that wouzld have been indeed:trollestia:

More serious, Nimble isn't using so much magic since Kirins, or better nowaday kirins don't use it like unicorns with even universities for them. If you look at common unicorns in mlp, they normally do levitation and not much more. Teleport, Laser beams, Sun/Moon rising are more advanced stuff, and so I handle common kirins so far too. When we get to see Shakrin-La kirins of the old days, they may be more like Shining Armour or Starlight Glimmer in matter of magic skill.

Like I just wrote, Compare him to the common unicorn in mlp, like in ponyville. What cool Shield spells do lyra know? Which laser beams do Vinyl shoot? And the teleports Rarity does are where?:raritywink:
Only common unicorn that has some skill i can think of quickly is Sweety with her shield spell, and, she and the girls had Twilight as teacher...

I'm just gonna reply to this one because both seem to be about the same thing. Sorry if i made you feel like you were repeating yourself.I was just thinking that he should have faced at least some danger in his 212 years of life where he would need at least shield. With how destructive niriks are he may have wanted to protect things from burning or even defense against the physical might of dragons. he would of had to deal with dragons at some point in his life (they have such a "might makes right" culture), even say when he meet Snowdrift. Dang speaking of them you can just probably keep making spinoffs telling of how xxxxx character meet xxxxx character.

I guess to sum it up, I felt him not having high magic to use against such threats especially at his age was like someone walking down seedy dark allies every night without self-defense lessons or a taser. But that is assuming he has seen a lot of battles. For all i know he gained his hoard through investing and meet Snowdrift at an art gallery.

If I write a sidestory for every couple I would be an old man before I am done:rainbowlaugh:

About Nimble, well, I stick to what we saw in the show about Kirins if I can. So if there is cannon info, I try to use it. The kirins at the Peaks of Peril doesn't seem to use any magic besides levitation and fire. So for me the standart Kirin is like the standart unicorn, they have the potential to cast powerful spells, but only if they study them. In case of fighting though, he is displayed as swifft and uses his levitation skills to throw stuff at his enemies. That isn't enough to fight a dragon obviously, but for a good old hoof to hoof fight more than enough:raritywink:

Well, rubber is hitting the road here. Azure Kirins are kinda nutty.

Also, see your future Empress fake cry to get her way to cuddle her batfriend! :rainbowlaugh:


Also, see your future Empress fake cry to get her way to cuddle her batfriend! :rainbowlaugh:

They will build a statue for that historic event :pinkiecrazy:

Fortuna can always throw down the Mendelevean Dice?:trixieshiftright:

What kind of dice is that? I googled it but didn't get any results:rainbowhuh:

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