• Member Since 12th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


-GM, master of... ( Discord | Patreon )


Today, I will tell you the story of the lost book of prophecies...

Overnight, the Void awoke, threatening to destroy all worlds. Once again, Twilight was chosen to be the savior, this time by traveling the multiverse to rescue it from an untimely demise. The journey will be long, come with many friends, several enemies, and test her like nothing else ever has. Each world has its own rules, its own ways—but all are in danger from the nihilistic desire of a cackling Count.

A reimagining of Super Paper Mario with ponies and a few twists. Every world Twilight visits will be a new crossover, and part of the way this story is structured is to encourage readers to guess what worlds are going to appear. No familiarity with any franchise is required to read the story, as is tradition with my crossovers.

Read this spoiler only if you want to know the surprise crossovers ahead of time. Updates whenever a new franchise is revealed:
Contains MLP, Super Paper Mario, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Sonic X, Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Chronicles of Narnia, Mario in general, Warhammer Fantasy, Numenera, and Final Fantasy

Cover by Hoodwinked MCShelster

Has nothing to do with Songs of the Spheres aside from opposing themes.

Edited by several people, most of which are part of my usual army: Pink Man, Mal Masque, Blaster Master, VoidTemplar2000, Guldringr, Shilic, Ponygood, and a few others helping out here and there.

-GM, master of Purity

Chapters (116)
Comments ( 919 )

ooh pog, will be following this in due time


This is a good birthday present.

Hey, the fic I helped edit! Fancy seeing you 'round these parts...

Will twilight learn new magic?

Hmm, I wonder if the count will try to marry cadence and discord?

See, now, that's what's called a spoiler.

-GM, master of old magic.

Hmm is one of the opposing themes involving fate or Ka?

Ya don't know when to stop askin', do ya? The reason I didn't say is because part of the fun is discovering it out yourself.

-GM, master of ka-tet.

I need evidence to say “I called it”

No. You are inconsequential.

Amazing how wrong someone can be in just four short words.

Heck of an opening. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this, especially the premise of being SotS's opposite.

I'll stick this on my Read Later so I don't forget about it. Once it's finished or closer to completion, I'll see about giving it a whirl. I'm a slow enough reader that if I started even at 3/4, it would probably be done before I finish it.

Instant favorite.
Super Paper Mario is my second favorite Paper Mario game

SSSOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to see what happens next
What will flipside look like?

I can't wait for the next chapter(s)

Every six days.

Also some drafts are available for anyone who wants them on the discord server.

-GM, master of ink.

It's time.

Count Bleck is the best antagonist.... SAYS COUNT BLECK! BLEH HEH HEH!

She was too weak to move. She wasn’t so weak that she couldn’t weep.

You could say she was... out for the count.

...I'm terrible.

Now this caught my interest so very easily. I'll be waiting for later chapters very soon........ :pinkiecrazy:

Wow that one hell of a start, gonna follow this so I won't get tired from trying to read as much as I can in one go like it happened a lot during my read of SotS, which I still haven't finished.

Yes, he will marry both to appease Ching Dai, the God of the East, and sacrifice one to satisfy the Emperor. :twilightsmile:

Oh hey, it's my second favorite Count.

Real talk, Super Paper Mario has one of my favorite video game stories of all time. I'm really excited to see what you do with it this time!

Is the lava spirit of Tisbik a reference to something?

Also, I like how this is the opposite of the beginning of SPM; this time, the protagonist is the only one who isn't teleported away.

While SotS completely lost me towards the end I'm still excited to see what you do with this one.

Oh hey, a wedding! ...Cadence seems to have poor luck with these, huh?

The Count ignored her. “Discord, Lord of Chaos, Spirit of Disharmony, do you take Cadence to be your unlawfully wedded wife until your days are over?”

Still really bothers me that it's not " until your games are over". It doesn't fit anymore, but everyone referring to death as game overs in Super Paper Mario is one of those little quirks I love so much.

Someone green jumped into the air and landed right on the heart.

I wonder who this green person could be. Eh, probably not important. It's probably just Spike. He's kinda green, right?

Bleck held out his hands, teleporting a large book into them. The massive tome’s dark pages flipped on their own to the appropriate page. Looking upon the Chaos Heart, the Count spoke with a booming voice. “Open your mouth, darkness! Consume everything and destroy all worlds, as told in the prophecy! BLECK!”

The Chaos Heart obeyed.

Hearts do not have mouths, Count Bleck. F- on your biology test, see me after class.

The “mouth” is the world consoming void

Hmm, since this is inspired from Super Paper Mario, will we expect to see Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser at some point, if so, then I think we all know Luigi's brainwashed alter ego, Mr. L, is gonna be appearing.

I hope we get some identification for whoever tackled the heart. Anonymous green beings have some unpleasant connotations...

In any case, yeah, this much was guaranteed. Though Nastasia's mind control is even more absurd when it's Discord at the altar. Still, hopefully Twilight will get the support she needs to start saving the day soon.

Can’t wait for next chapter

That doesn't have a mouth either, it's a hole in reality. You also fail your biology test, see me after I'm done with Bleck.

Really, who else would jump on the heart
Green Mario!

person of interest or farscape crossover please?
or even firefly?

10546145 10546175 Jokes aside, I’m guessing that the green being is Mimi... unless it’s a red herring and the ragtag group of villains are all characters from different franchises.

Not likely, they attacked the heart

What a worrisome wedding we witness warily.

... No idea why I did the impromptu alliteration, I just felt like it. Three cheers for the Count!

back down the stars

You probably mean stairs, but yea, there are stars in this game, aren't there? :-)


Bleck, you homewrecker!

Fashionably late for the wedding. :derpytongue2:

Rarity heard Fluttershy’s cry. Everyone heard Shining’s roar. He lit his horn, preparing a spell.

Welp. At least it's not Bride of Discord. Am I right? :rainbowwild:

Someone green jumped into the air and landed right on the heart.

Now that begs the question, Will we get to see the Mario characters take part in the story or are you going to do just the ponies but with the characters from Super Paper Mario? Either one is fine so long as you can make this fic interesting to read.
I'd make a Kingdom Hearts joke but uhhhh, the joke was already obvious on it's own. :twilightsheepish:

The dream ended rudely when she slammed face-first into hard, white ground. “Ow…”

The butterfly fluttered out of Twilight’s grasp. “You… certainly have the countenance of a legendary hero.”

She's not a plumber, but she'd do.

And we're in Flipside! It's... a little barren right now. I imagine it currently has no background music, giving it an eerie vibe. Only the sound of hoofsteps echoing throughout the empty city. But why is it empty? Did the NPC's fail to load in? Is this a bugged copy? Will I have to return it to the garage sale where I got it from a creepy old guy selling a box of used games? Is this just a setup for a creepypasta GM is too talented to write? Am I asking too many questions? (The answer to the last one is 'yes')

>> You are the hero of prophecy. << Merlon said simply. >> We ask for your assistance in saving all worlds. Will you aid us? <<

“Of course I will!” Twilight declared, beaming. “This may be the first time multiple worlds have been on the line, but me and my friends have saved my world a few times.” She extended a hoof. “I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, vow to end the destruction of everything ordained by Count Bleck!”

Twilight, no! You're supposed to say no three times, and then you get a funny Game Over and go back to the title screen! GM, you did it wrong, this playthrough isn't thorough enough.

“Hey, I’ve been to Earth…” Twilight noted.

Hey, me too! It's where I keep all of my stuff, so it would be a shame if you failed to save it. No pressure or anything, though.

“I’m coming!” Twilight bounded away from the portal and toward the red door. It didn’t look all that impressive, all things considered, aside from the fact that it was sitting at the edge of the platform and seemed to lead nowhere. Taking a deep breath, she placed a hoof on the doors and pushed.

Nothing happened.


“They’re pull doors.”

“Oh. Right.” Sheepishly, Twilight pulled the doors open with her magic and walked through to a new world.

Looks like Twilight needed a push in the right direction there. Or, should I say a pull in the righ- this joke is weak I'm sorry.

And so, the adventure begins! An adventure sure to be full of danger, puzzles, witty dialogue, and maybe walking to the right while jumping on and over things. Jury's still out on the last one. The Prologue is over, it's time for the curtain to rise...

...But not before some... ominous? Not really, but let's pretend it is anyway, banter between our antagonists and his minions. Including a new one. Who could that be, I wonder.... Seriously though, Bleck's minions are amazing, I love them every time I see them, even if a good 90% of this is ripped straight from the game don't worry I won't tell anyone. Anyway, now that that's out of the way, it's time for the curtain to rise...

Hmm... a vaguely Asian setting, images of Dragons, and tea? Clearly, this could only be the classic early 2000s animated masterpiece Jackie Chan Adventures! and I'm sure it's only taken this one comment for GM to realize what I'm doing and yes I am going to do it every time I'm not sorry

Even that one time it's painfully obvious?

You mad lad.

-GM, master of grills

Oh I get it is a reference how the chapter separated in parts how the game.

Thought of this while reading the chapter
Also, who is that mysterious woman?

Wood between worlds feels like a Narnia reference, but I could be wrong.

I like the idea of the Wood Between the Worlds. It's refreshing to see multiversal portals based on nature.

You’re not wrong.
It’s in the very first book in the series(by order of the Narnia timeline)

Lulu raises some interesting questions. And was Mimi always so reminiscent of Cozy Glow? Come to think of it, no one ever calls the shapeshifter by name, distinctive laugh or no...

In any case, fascinating touches with other means of traversing the multiverse... that don't work anymore. Also, looks like Sunset won't be joining in the adventure if they've already retrieved the Pure Heart of Earth. Still, the current locale is arguably close in certain respects. Hopefully Twilight can take a moment to enjoy a good cup of tea. Celestia would no doubt approve.

This actually raises an interesting question: Does movement between the four kingdoms and the Spirit World count as interdimensional transit? We may find out in time.

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